The Billionaire Summer

By AidinWhite

77.6K 1.8K 78

{Book #2 of The Winters Series} A week after leaving New York Adrian Winters once plagued by blame of the kid... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Thirty

1.1K 28 2
By AidinWhite

As the plane landed in slightly overcast Milan, I had just finished making myself look presentable again from my sleep.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" Olivia teases with one of her beautiful smiles.

"I'm not a princess bellissima".

"You're right, too dominant to be a princess".

"Dominant" I muse with a smirk as I walk towards her.

"Yes" she says, before I pin her between a wall and me as her breath hitches.

"Why are your eyes so dilated Livi?" I ask mere inches away from her face.

I'm aware of how I affect her, just like how she affects me and knows it just as well.

"Because I'm in love with you".

"I'll take it", and with that I press my lips to hers pulling her body to mine. "Because I'm in love with you as well".

"Good to know" Olivia says as she pulls away.

"Now we have a city to explore" I say walking to the steps by the door of the plane.

"But how, you don't have a car here" Olivia says.

"No need" I say picking up our bags and walking out of the jet, and down the steps where a grey Lamborghini Aventador SVJ is parked.

"Adrian how?".

"I borrowed it from a friend" I say as I put the bags behind the seats.

I then got into the car, and started the vehicle.

"Which friend?".

"Roman Kaplinavic" I reply.


"He was one of my friends from Rosenberg, he's from Ukraine, his family has been wealthy since the early nineties" I reply.

"Oh damn, it's nice"

"It is isn't it" I say driving away and looking around the city as I drove through Milan.

Italy was one of the places I wanted to go to my whole life, and though I've been here a few other times it's still as impressive as usual, as some point today I intended on taking Olivia to the Milano Duomo, but we will see as it is starting to get really grey, threatening all of us with the chance of rain.

"Where is our hotel again Adrian".

"It's the Excelsior Gallia, we have a bit of a drive so I'll let you enjoy the sight of Milan".

Twenty minutes later we arrived at the Hotel, and parked, before getting out of the car and grabbing our bags.

"This should be fun watching people damn near fall over when you tell them your name" Olivia muses.

"Trust me you find it as funny as I do" I say walking up the steps and entering the expensive hotel.

I look around the marble tiled lobby and then over at the desk which has several clocks along the back wall.

"Good morning, I am here to check into my suite" I say pushing my sleeve up to check the Lange and Söhne watch I'm wearing to see it's six thirty in the morning.

"Name" the hotelier asks.

"Adrian Winters" I reply, and the usual wide eyed shock follows.

"Here is the key to your suite, we hope you enjoy your stay".

"I will I've been here before" I say walking towards the elevators and pushing the up button as I check the suite number.

"I will never get used to people reacting like that" Olivia says.

"It took me years to I was pretty much living in a bubble most of my life" I say as the elevator stopped and we walked out of the elevator towards the suite.

"I will probably be the same I am new to the world of wealth anyway".

"My parents didn't even tell me how powerful they were until they shipped me off to Switzerland".

"What was it like".

"It scared me, only until I got there when I had the boys, I actually enjoyed being in Switzerland, and though I sort of pushed people away my circle was always smaller some people stuck around, only for me to get my shit together the year before I went home to New York".

"I wonder why your parents were distant from you, like they sent you across the world and rarely spent time with you" Olivia says.

"I will justify it and say they did it to help me find who I was, what a fucking shitstorm that was" I say using the card to unlock the door, and walked inside to see a large beautiful suite with a large bed, walk in closet, wooden desk, small living room area, and a bathroom.

"It's cozy" Olivia remarks.

"That's the point" I say setting our bags down in the closet area.

"When was the last time you came to Milan?".

"When my design team was making your vanity" I reply.

"No I mean just casually".

"The first time was a family vacation when I was twelve, the second time was to get away from Sav".

"After the incident outside you're house".

"Yeah, I wanted to get away from everyone I came to Milan to sort of reset how I felt, I face everything head on for so long I eventually need to not be near anyone".

"I'm never going to understand why you had to have so much happen to you your life is just filled with sadness and dark times yet here you are coming out of everything stronger".

"Something I learnt over time, it's how I stand tall, now I want to take you to the Duomo Milano".

"The Milan cathedral" Olivia muses.

"Yes, every time I've come to Milan I've prayed for something" I explain.

"Have any of the things I assume you wished for happened?".

"Every time".

"Oh wow" Olivia says.

"I find it just as impressive, anyways it's a two mile walk" I say taking my black pea coat out right as it begins to rain over Milan.

"I don't have one of those Adrian".

"Check your bag", and with that I walk to the front door to wait.

When Olivia emerges she has on her own white pea coat that went to her knees, same as mine.

"You're welcome" I say before stepping out of the room, and walking away towards the elevator.

"It fits me perfectly".

"That's because it's been custom made, though the only difference you will find is that it's higher quality material, and it's been slightly altered to fit your frame better".

"What do you mean by my frame".

"You're an hourglass there's no way you haven't noticed" I muse.

"I haven't actually I didn't really wear clothing like I do now until I was in the last few weeks of my sophomore year" Olivia says.

"That would explain why, and in all honesty I would love you no matter what you look like" I say putting my arm around her waist.

"Same applies to you".

"Good to know".

We both then got into the elevator, and were carried down to the ground level, before walking out of the hotel passed the car.

I liked travelling with just Olivia, I enjoyed it more and I also knew that everyone else would be fine in LA for the next week.

An hour later we got to the Milan Cathedral, and walked inside to see the high vaulted ceiling, with large windows and gothic architecture everywhere along with dozens of benches.

Walking to the front of stopped at the bowl of holy water and place a drop on my forehead, chest, each shoulder, before touching my lips. I was aware of how catholic procedures were for churches as my grandma was part of a catholic church.

I then walked over to a bench and sat looking up at the cross, before setting my hands in steeple.

"Adrian what should I ask".

"That is for you to choose, also you're supposed to offer your service in favour for what you ask" I say before closing my eyes and beginning my prayer.

All I ask is for all of the people who aren't supposed to be around me be relinquished from my company.

Opening my eyes I look over at Olivia who seems to be whispering hers.

Eventually she looks over at me, and smiled lightly.


"I didn't expect you to actually be a part of my religious tradition".

"I see no reason why I shouldn't, besides there's no reason why you shouldn't be religious to a degree".

"What do you want to do now?" I ask.

"Coffee" Olivia suggests.

Why is this girl perfect.

"I like this idea of yours" I admit before walking towards the exit of the cathedral, but I also wonder what could she have possibly asked?
What do you all think Olivia asked comment below, also I know that there are varying religions so don't start a religious war the crusades already happened, also vote and share it would be appreciated. Anyways


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