The Evolving Hero and the Rul...

By adamabyss12

205K 2.4K 1.6K

"I had thought...I had believed...I had hoped that...because you are would care more about the l... More

Abandoning Hell
Returning home to Snowdin
Healing the Sickened
Someone Very Unknown
Regretfully Lamenting
Group Hunt
Attack on the Cargo Ship
The Red Eyed Killer
Night Raid
A Devil's Hunger for Power
Uncertain Trust
The Hunt is On
The Mutated Kid
Battle against the False Heroes
The Apocalyptic Monster
Dunking Taurus
Another Black Cat
Fight the White Dragon Emperor
Flames of Blue Hate
Against Gremory Again/Freeing White Kitten
Meeting with the Dragon God
Another Blue Guy
A Blue Friendship
Rescuing Cream and Cheese
Winter's Warning
Fight Against Knuckles
Fighting Eggman's E-47 Pumpty
Mechanical Hedgehogs
Mechanical Hedgehogs 2
Unexpected Confession
Surprise attack on Ebott
Fight against James Ironwood
Fight against Evil
The Underverse
Error vs Devils
Ink and Abyss
Recreation Before Battle
Recruiting the King of the Multiverse
Ready for Battle
Good vs Evil Part 1
Good vs Evil Part 2
Good vs Evil Part 3
Good vs Evil Part 4
Good vs Evil Part 5
Good vs Evil Part 6
Good vs Evil part 7
Good vs Evil Part 8
Good vs Evil part 9
Good vs Evil Part 10
Good vs Evil Part 11
Abyss' Internal Problem
The First Protector's Return
Alpha meets Everybody
Abyss Time Trio
Abyss Murder Time Trio
A Mysterious Man
Meeting an Old Interest
Catching up on lost time
Confronting Error404/ William
Reunited at last
New Trouble
Similar Help
New Recruits
A Diabolical Reunion
Revenge part 1
Revenge part 2
Revenge Part 3
Revenge Part 4
Revenge Part 5
Revenge Part 6
The Omega Timeline
Alphatale Crew
Ares' Brother
Evolving Infection
Delios' Freedom
The Meeting
Taking a Massive Risk
The Battle of the 404s
The War of the 404s
Abyss' Time
The Gift of Life
Fight Against Another Friend
Another Opponent
Robot Fight
Ready for war
War Part 1
War Part 2
War Part 3
War Part 4
War Part 5
War Part 6
War Part 7
War Part 8
War Part 9
Biased Agony
Unearthed Purgatory
Nowhere to Live in a Dead World
Alternate Universe
Fighting Against the Destroyer
Fighting Against the Nightmare
A Hidden, Unknown Power
New Friends and a Reunion
Gotta Catch 'Em All
An Injured Fiery Fox
White Foxes
Double Fox Evolution
A Non-Undertale AU
Meeting a Horned Lady
Clearing Them Up
The Truth
Undead City
The Mutated Truth
Helping Kyoto's Leader
Retrieving CELL
Reuniting with Old Faces
Aiding Dream
Vampire within a Labyrinth
Yue's Time with the Others
Dream's Newfound Power
Another Powerful DEAD CELL
Hanging Out
New Aid
Dead Cell Problems
Having One Last Fun
The Leviathan
Mirror of Vos
One Last Target
Going After Cerebellum
Ebott's Dead City
The Cerebellum
Gaia's Vengeance
Alpha Timeline
Past Reveals
Hidden Power...Awoken
Free Time
Warming Reunion
2 TransVoid Rulers
Another Reunion
Concern in Wattpad


3.2K 39 22
By adamabyss12

Sans, Team RWBY, JNPR, Akame, Leone, and Sheele, are now doing all that they can to help Night Raid with what they have. Team NPR were able to prove that they are Daly sorry to Jaune, and the team has now recently reconciled. This made Nora she hugged Jaune, who has grown strong enough to withstand Nora's hug. And than, Nora hugged Sans. The unfortunate thing about that he did not grow that strong enough to withstand the strength of Nora's incredibly strong hug.

"O-Okay. Calm down, Nora. Calm down."

But Nora doesn't calm down, and she than hugs Sans' head tightly into her, 'cushions', making Sans embarrassed by how he positioned in.

"Nonononononononono!!! I am not letting lunch buddy go!!"

This made the others, minus Weiss, laugh at Nora's reaction, and clearly, Sans is not amused by the slightest of what type of position that he is in right now. Weiss shook her head, as she than turns to see the others.

Weiss than crossed her arms right, as she looks up at the progress that they are all making right now.

"Well,me are almost done, we just need a few more stuff, and than we'll be leaving."

Weiss than looks at Bols, and his wife and daughter are also there. Thankfully, Night Raid manage to keep a pretty large ship on this island, which is enoug for the whole group to be inside of. But when seeing Bols being so loving towards his wife and daughter, it made her very sad, yet happy, as she looks at his great and stable their relationship is, in comparison to her father, Jacque, who is an immensely terrible father. She than looks down and shook her head, as she has no time to think about it.

As she than looks at the others, Sans was able to free himself, and stand up from the ground, and he scrambled back up to try and catch his breath. He held his hand over his heart, as he breaths rapidly.

"Okay, that almost killed me."

Everyone laughs at that, as Sans looked embarrassed by what had just happened. But as he than stood up, Sans than sensed something.

"Hold on...I'm  sensing some people coming."

He than stood up, as he than spoke out to the others."

"Everyone, stay here. I'm gonna take care of who is coming."

He than flies away fast to the direction of where it is coming from, before he lands onto an open forest area. He began to look around the area that he is in, before he than sensed that something is about to attack. As he turns around, a three-bladed star nearly struck him, before hitting a tree. Suddenly, gunshots were heard, and Sans has to move out of the way, before jumping out of the way to avoid being hit by some rockets. Sans than stood up, and turned to the direction of the attacker. He than saw them coming and he prepared to fight. But when he saw who it is as they came out of the forest, he was in complete disbelief.

"You've gotta be kidding me."

He looks at his attackers, and he cannot believe who it is that had decided to attack him.

Sans snarled, as he was afraid of this happening. How in the world did the Ace-Ops from Atlas figure out his location? Winter Schnee than spoke out to Sans.

"Sans Gaster, surrender yourself immediately to the headmasters of Union Academy."

Sans jumped back, and prepares to use his powers, as he spoke out.

"How did you find me?"

The large girl with the hammer, Elm Ederne, spoke out to him.

"One of the Cargo Ships that you had taken had a tracker on it, which is how we were able to find you before it had exploded."

Sans' eyes widened, realized that he had made a mistake. Sans' left eye glows, as he spoke out.

"I won't ever surrender. I have gotten too far to stop. I won't let you both take me back to that academy of false heroes."

The moment he said, this made Harriet enraged, as she spoke out.

"You do not call that Academy a place for False Heroes!!"

Sans than shouted back.

"Only because you have never seen what they have done!"

Harriet, however, still does not like the answer that Sans spoke out, as she than began to make her move towards Sans.

Harriet began to walk to Sans, as Sans gets ready to make his move against her. Sans looks at Harriet, as she than spoke out to Sans.

"This will be your only warning, Sans. Surrender, now."

Sans spoke back.

"Or else what? You'll kill me? Try your luck. It won't help."

Harriet's body began to spark, as she than shouts back.

"You are going to wish you hadn't said that!"

Harriet Bree than began to run around Sans fast, as Sans than spread his wings, and began to fly, in order to match the speed of Harriet Bree's Speed. Using Hard Knuckles, she attempts to punch and strike at Sans with increased strength. But Sans former gauntlets made of crystal, and used it in order to match the striking power of Hard Knuckles. He than landed on the ground, and began to dodge Harriet's punches, as she tried to strike Sans and knock him out.

"Hold still!"

Harriet screamed out, as Sans spoke back.

"No, you hold still."

He than extended his hand, as the gauntlets broke apart on its own, and he uses Gravity Magic to hold Harriet up in the air, before he than flings her to a tree, causing immense pain.

Harriet than stood up, and began to rush again, as he than began to dodge her punches and speed strikes, before using his left scarf for defense, blocking the punch, and making the ground  crack a bit. Sans than used his Gravit manipulation again, as he than slammed her onto the ground, before sending her flying away to the left, making her slam into a boulder. This is way more painful than getting slammed into the tree, before she stood up, and she shrieked in a violent rage.

Sans looks to see that Harriet is immensely furious now. She snarled, and Sans could now tell, she is immensely furious. Thanks to his telepathy, Sans could tell that she is not as merciful.

"Ghhhhhhhh!! Damn you!!! Raaaaghh!!!!"

She than began to move fast, as she sped past towards him a bunch if times, before she tries to hit his back. But Sans dodged out of the way, and kicks her right on the back. Harriet than turns around and tries to punch Sans. But Sans smiled, as he caught her fists, and it shocked Harriet, as he is holding her back, due to his strength being enhanced much more further, even though her Hard Knuckles were upgraded to match his strength. As Harriet looked in shock, Sansnlofts her up into the air, as she than gets launched into another tree, with Sans speaking out in a mocking tone.

"Your predictable when you are angry."


Elm shouted out, before getting mad herself and looking at Sans with enraged eyes. But Sans kept in smiling, and Elm snarled out.

"You like to smile at what you've done to Harriet, huh?"

She than grips Timber, and turns it into its rocket launcher mode, and activated her semblance, Aura Roots.

"Than smile at this."

She spoke out, as she pulled the trigger.

Using her Semblance, Aura Roots, she than held herself in place, while she fired Timber when in rocket launcher form. The rockets hit, and an explosion came.

Elm smiled a little awkwardly, as she made an ok sign with her free fingers.

"Got him good."

Elm spoke out. But Elm spoke out to her comrades way to soon.

"Oh yeah? Well you need to think again of where you're shooting."

Sans suddenly spoke out. This caught Elm by surprise, and she looks to see a ball of white fur, which than rises up and reveals that Sans had curled himself into a ball, and he looks a little bit madder than he was ever before. Elm's eyes widened in shock, clearly not expecting for that to happen. But this also made Elm a little bit pissed off, as she than changed Timber into its hammer firm, and began to rush forward and swing it at Sans. But Sans jumped back from the swings and even duck from them, as Elm than tried to speed her swings at Sans. But Sans continues to dodge, making Elm more madder. So, deciding to finish it off, Sans uses his gravity magic to lift Elm in the air, and slams her into a bunch of trees.

Sans than looks at the other Ace-Ops, as Marrow took a step back. They had seen how power he had become, due to the video tape of what he had done to Union, in the battle with Issei. But now, they can tell that he is more powerful than before, as his Gravity Magic is much more powerful than before. And oddly, he is not using his Gaster Abyss Blaster on them. Why is he not doing any of that? Well, regardless, Sans still needs to be taken to custody, no matter what it takes.

Marrow than tries to attack Sans by throwing Fetch at him in boomerang form. But Sans simply ducked and got out of the way, and attempted to black Marrow with an attempt summon at a Gaster Abyss Blaster. But he puts his hands on a bad position, by putting them together with his hands extended, and Clover than used Kingfisher to ensnare one of Sans' hands, preventing him from moving.

Looking back, he smirked, as he ducked down, held his retrained hand out, letting Fetch cut the hook, line and, sinker. Clover looks shocked, as he spoke out.

"Good Fortune can only get you so far, Clover."

Marrow looks frustrated and angry that Sans had basically ruined Clover's weapon, by using his own weapon, Fetch.

Marrow than charges forward, and used Fetch as a sword to try and hit Sans on the back after he jumps over him. But Sans rolled out of the way, as he avoided the strikes. But Marrow got him where he wanted Sans to be. He than snapped his fingers to use his Semblance, in an effort to making Sans' arrest easier.


Marrow now tries to use his Semblance, Freeze, in order to hold him Sans place, so that they can arrest him and bring him to the headmasters of Union Academy. And it worked. Sans immediately stood in place, and is unable to move another muscle as soon as Freeze's effects took hold of his body. Sans tried to move, but he is unable to bend a muscle. Even though Sans is trying his hardest, he is still unable to move much more further than before.

"Nice work, Marrow."

Elm spoke out, as she patted his back. Marrow nodded. Harriet than went forward and spoke out.

"All we need now is to carry him back to base. Elm, can you do it?"

Elm nodded, but as everyone didn't look, Sans' right eye began to glow Turquoise, and his face began to move, turning into a glare. Elm than began to step forward, and attempted to grab him, when suddenly...Sans' hand suddenly grabbed Elm's arm, hard, and Sans has a very, very tight grip, catching Elm by surprise.

"Wait!! What the..."

Everyone looked, and they saw Sans glowing turquoise, and he is starting to move once again. He is somehow breaking through!

"He's escaping!! Vine, stop him!!"

Winter shouted out, as Vine made his move, and tries to grab him by using his semblance, called Aura Vine.

Vine than attempted to grab Sans using his Aura Vines, but Sans than did something that they were not prepared to face.

Sans suddenly transforms into his second form, and grabbed onto the aura vines that Vine attempted to carry him in. His scarves grew in size, and became much larger than the aura vine arms themselves. Than than crushed the Aura Vines with all of their might, as Sans finally began it move again, after he burnt through Marrow Amin's Semblance. He than looks at the Ace-Ops, as he spoke out.

"Well...that was annoying."

He than attacked with the pale tendrils that is coming right off his back. He than grabbed all members of the Ace-Ops, and paralyzed them, before he summoned 5 Gaster Abyss Blasters right above them, and fired them over the Ace-Ops' heads. Thanks to the power of Karma, this rapidly drained the aura, until Sans reduced their aura to one percent. They are not dead, but they are unconscious by the by the immense power that Sans had done to them. Sans than changed back to his normal form, as he than looks at Winter. Sans is sad, as he spoke out.

" don't need to fight. Just please, stand down."

Winter looks down, as she knows that Sans does not want to fight her, due to her being friends with Papyrus. But she than grips her weapon, and spoke out.

"I'm sorry, Sans. But I need to do this. I know how much mine and Papyrus's friendship meant for us...but I must complete the order of General Ironwood."

Sans looked down, his expression much more sadder than before, but than looks up, as he spoke out.

"I'm sorry too, Winter. But you need to understand...what I am is more important than you can imagine right here."

Winter nodded, as Sans took a stance, and spoke, somberly.

"I'll try my best not to hurt you too much."

Though...truth be told...Sans does not want to hurt her. Winter is friends with Papyrus for a long time, ever since they met a year ago, and Sans had became her friend at the same day. So the fact that he has to fight a friend of is very, very heartbreaking for Sans to do. He closed his eyes, a tear leaks out, as he spoke out quietly.

"Please...forgive me, Winter."

He than looks up with a glare, charges at Winter, who than does the same, and they both clashed. Sans made a sword of crystal, while Winter used her sword to counter Sans' new crystal sword. Sans and Winter both looked at each other, both with saddened and hurtful eyes. But Sans shows just how hurtful he is, while Winter is only partially showing the pain of having to fight her own friend on her face. Sans closed his eyes, knowing that this is not a dream, before he opened it, and pushes her back. Sans looks at her, before he closes his eyes again, and spoke out for Winter to hear.

"I'm just relived that paps does not have to see this."

His left eye than glows, as he than lifts her up and flings her to the side. But Winter uses her Glyph to land on it, and launched herself back at Sans, before Sans got out of the way, and she made another Glyph to stop herself. Sans than made Abyss Chains and launched them at Winter, who than does something that Sans knew she would have.

Winter than pressed a switch, and pulled out a second sword inside of the one that she's using. She than uses her 2 swords to deflect the the Abyss Chains that are coming at her. Sans looked, as she than uses her Glyphs again, but this time, for something else.

Winter than began to use her Glyph to summon small birds to attack Sans. But Sans simply fired Abyss Shards at the birds, as he disintegrated upon impact with the Abyss Shards. Sans than made more of the Abyss Shards to counter against Winter's bird summonings. Sans than looked, and saw that she summoned a manticore, as it began to breath white fire. It than blows the flames on Sans, who responded with a Gaster Abyss Blaster in order to counter against it. The Gaster Abyss Blaster ended up improving in strength, as it overpowered the Manticore, before destroying its form. Sans than charges at Winter, and this time, he used his scarves as the weapons. The scarves than changed into a new form, which are claws, and both Winter and Sans began to clash in a fight against each other with them, before one of the strikes pushed Sans back, as he skidded in the ground, still standing up.

Sans looks at Winter, who than looks back. He than took a stance, as he prepares to attack again. Winter does the same, as Sans looks down...clearly wanting to back out. He does not have what it takes to fight his own friend, and in fact, he cared way to much for Winter to even try and hurt her, even though he said that, even would not hurt her too much. Winter could see the look on his face, and knows what he is thinking.


Winter whispered, as he sees the downtroddened look on his face. Sans body shook, as he looks up, but he shook his head and hardened himself, and glares at Winter, with his left eye glowing. Winter sighed, as she took her own stance...when suddenly...a powerful scream came out of complete nowhere, and attacked Winter Schnee, sending her flying and knocking her out on the ground.

Sans was surprised at the fact that attack came out of nowhere. When he turned to the direction of the attack...he was met with a suprise.

"Who...who are you?"

The pink-haired girl smiled, as she spoke out in a sing-song voice.

"I'm Cosmina of Night Raid. Yours the the ones called Sans."

Sans smiled, and Sans blushed at the sight of her smile. Cosmina steps forward, as she spoke out.

"Wow, they weren't kidding when the said they thought are cute for being short little guy."

Sans turned his head to the side, very embarrassed that he is called cute and little at the same time. He realized some big, and looks back, before speaking out.

"Well, how come I didn't see you with the other Members of Night Raid?"

Cosmina stuck her tongue out, as she than spoke out.

"I had a pretty busy mission, and it was supposed to take me about a few days to complete. ended up taking a bit more longer than ever, due to some complications that got in the way~."

Sans sighed, as he facepalms his head, and shook it. He than looks up.

"Let just get out now here with the others, okay?"

Cosmina smiled, as she spoke out.


Sans nodded, but not before taking out  amp a to the cargo ship, writing a letter of where it is, and placed it next to the unconscious body of Winter, before he walks away from the unconscious Ace-Ops. Sans sighed, as he spoke out to himself.

"I'm so, so sorry, Winter."

Back at Atlas...

"Well...what happened?"

James Ironwood said with a displeased expression present on his face, at seeing his injured Ace-Ops before him. He could not believe that his effective unit got defeated by the one target that they were supposed to areest. What went wrong with trying to arrest? Clover than took the turn to speak up.

"Sans...he...he became more stronger than ever. Way more stronger than all of us had every imagined. I don't know how...but...he is now able to cause way more damage to us than before."

Marrow than took his turn to speak up to the Atlas General.

"He no longer had 4 of his flying skulls that shoot out these lasers. Now he has 6 of them. And he...he manage to break out of my Semblance."

This caught Ironwood's attention, as he spoke out.

"He broke out of your semblance? How?"

Elm than spoke out.

"We don't know...but...when I saw Sans as he grabbed me...his right eye and body...they began glowing turquoise, as he began to break out of the Semblance that Marrow had put him in.

Vine than took the turn to speak.

"And...he also has the power to transform."

Winter than showed Ironwood the picture of Sans' transformation, and needless to say, Ironwood could not believe what he is seeing.

"This...this is something else. How's he doing that?"

Winter than spoke out.

"Sans had only one answer to that question. He called it: Evolution."

This caught Ironwood's attention. While Semblances and Magic do Evolve in away, there has never been a power that is based on the concept of Evolution itself. Ironwood looked through the Database to see if there are similar powers, or at least...powers related to Sans' turquoise magic. But...he found nothing.

"Sans' Evolution is an unknown power. It's not related to anything on Remnant, nor in the Underworld and Heaven. It is something else. Maybe it's not from Remnant?"

James looks down, as he spoke out.

"Maybe he isn't working for Salem...but he is something unknown that not even Remannt or the supernatural has ever seen before. Just what is he? And more importantly...if Salem doesn't actually know of him...and actually finds about Sans'll be a catastrophe. But...just how powerful is this Evolution Magic that Sans has with him?"

As James ironwood continue to speak to himself, Winter, when no one else is paying attention to her, and only focusing their attention on James Ironwood, who is beginning to research about Sans' magic, snuck out of the area, and went to her room in order to have some alone time. Even though minutes had past, it felt like hours past, due to the fact that she just had to fight her own friend, Sans. She than sat down onto her bed, as she looks at the photo that is onto her counter. The picture was of her, earring causal clothing, 

and Sans with his bro, Papyurs, on Mantle, happy. Winter was even picking Sans up from the ground, hugging him, and a blush is present on both of Sans and Winter's face, as Sans was blushing as being picked up by Winter. Winter than grabs the picture, and looked at it, and has a blush on her face...because truth be told...Winter doesn't like Sans...

...she loves Sans.

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