I see you - complete

By mbenjmil

86.7K 2.2K 3.6K

"I found you once, if the universe allows it I'll find you again." ------------ Melany Marshall, if people ha... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Authors note
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 29

1.4K 44 95
By mbenjmil

This one hurt to write.

Melany's pov

Everyone has something they work for, it doesn't matter if it's to graduate or to save up enough money to travel the world. 

What matters is that you never give up, despite the lack of motivation on some days. That's how we train our mind the be disciplined. 

I have worked my ass off since middle school, teachers always liked me, I was on top of my class and I did after school activities.

I did everything that was necessary to achieve my goal.

I needed to get into law school, not only because I wanted to kick ass and be a bad ass lawyer but also because I needed to prove myself and the people around me that I am capable of achieving something big.

I just needed something that I have control over to go right. 

I wanted to be the one who was in control and I wanted to do the best job ever.

And I did it. 

I'm sitting here in my empty apartment, on my bed with my acceptance letter in my hand.

I got into Harvard Law. 

I reread the letter for the tenth time and the biggest smile brushed over my face, "I did it" I whispered to myself. 

I jumped off my bed and pressed the letter against my chest as I jumped around, the euphoric high that rushed through my veins was better than any kind of joy I have experienced in my live. 

Once I saw the letter in my mail box when I got back from work I snatched it and ran up to my apartment to read it.

"I fucking did it!" I yelled as I let my eyes sweep over the paper in my hands.

'Congratulations, we are happy to announce you got accepted into Harvard Law.' 

I folded the paper and put it back in the envelope it came in before I took off to the living room, I danced through the hall and carefully put the envelope down on the dinner table before I grabbed my phone.

All the hard work and sleepless nights have payed off, I'm going to my dream college. 

I scrolled through my contacts and to my surprise I ended up with my thumb hovering above Blake's name, he is the one I want to break the news to first. He knew how badly I wanted to get in and he was the one who reassured me that I would make it, even when I doubted myself. 

I scrolled back up and clicked on Allison's name, not wanting to destroy my good mood by thinking about my ex.

I looked in the mirror as I put the phone to my ear and waited for Allison to pick up. 

My hair fell straight down to the top off my boobs, my face was bare, my cheeks were rosy off all the smiling and the shorts, high socks and hoodie didn't really flatter me. 

I don't look as good as I could, but I have never seen a happier reflection of myself and honestly? I like this version of me better than the old me. 

I was knocked down and picked myself back up and now as I got into Harvard Law, nothing can bring me down anymore.

Allison finally picked up and before I could overwhelm her with my good news I heard uncontrollable sobbing on the other end of the phone, "Al, what's wrong?"

She couldn't get full words out and I started panicking. I could hear people around her, she was definitely outside and I could swear I just heard someone in the background say something about a hospital. 

What the fuck is going on?

Please don't tell me this is what I think it is.

"Al, talk to me" I said wanting to know what happened, she can't confirm my thoughts. I don't even want to think about the possibility of him being- 

No, that's not happening.

"Reggy just," she choked on a sob before she continued and my heart dropped, "he didn't wake up" she whispered before her crying got the best of her again.

Everything around me became hazy. 

No, this can't be happening.

This day should've never came.

"Where are you?" I said as I ran to my room to grab a pair of shoes, the phone balanced between my shoulder and ear as I struggled to get my sneakers on with my uncontrollably shaking hands. 

"Ma'am, we need to go now!" I heard a man on the other side and I panicked. 

"Al, get in the ambulance with him and send me your live location right now."

She cried and said something inaudible before she hung up. 

I grabbed my keys and my purse. I ran around the apartment trying to grab all the important stuff, I grabbed our ID's just in case we needed them. I have no clue how this thing works.

What do you have to take with you to the hospital when someone-

No, he's not dead. 

He. Is. Not. Dead.

I angrily wiped my tears away to stop them from blurring my vision.

I can't let myself believe he's dead, because if I do then I won't be able to hold myself together and I have to hold myself together for Allison.

I stuffed my phone charger, keys and ID's in my purse before I ran to the front door, I swung the door open and I stopped in my tracks.

My heart dropped.

Blake slowly let his hand drop to his side, "I was just about to knock" he mumbled as he looked down to the ground.

My chest grew heavy at the sight of him and the state he was in. His eyes were red, his cheeks stained with tears and his head hung low. 

My breath hitched when my eyes landed on his hands, both of his palms were bandaged.

"Allison," he said out of nowhere, "she uhm, she screamed and Reggy-" he gulped and I saw everything breaking behind those emerald eyes of his. 

I took a slow step forward as he continued, "he was white when I got to his room," he said and his eyes were pleading, I didn't know what he was asking from me but I continued to listen, "he wasn't breathing" and that was it. He collapsed and I closed the distance between us. 

He fell down to his knees and I dropped down to catched his face in my arms and laid it on my shoulder, "I didn't know where to go, I'm sorry" he cried and held onto to me as if I was the only thing reminding him of reality. 

"I'm here," I reassured him as my own tears continued to stream down my face, "I'm always here, I got you" I whispered and ran my hand through his hair "it's okay." 

"He can't die," he sobbed "he's all I have left" I couldn't help the sobs that escaped from my throat.

The idea of him losing the last person that he sees as family makes me sick, I held him a little closer and tighter and his hands wrapped around me, his hands clutched my hoodie.

My world collapsed, even though I have tried my best to get over the break up I can't deny that I'm still deeply and unconditionally in love with the guy I'm holding right this second, seeing him like this is breaking my heart.

His body trembled beneath my palms and every tear of his that fell onto my hoodie sucked out a little of my strength. I can feel his pain and it's killing me.

"I don't wanna be alone" he cried into the crook of my neck. 

"You're not" I shook my head and lifted his head from my shoulder, I held his face in both hands as I looked him in the eyes, "you'll never be alone, I wont allow it."

The sad look in his eyes shattered my heart into pieces, I have never seen him cry. 

This is the first time I have ever seen him cry and it's destroying me.

The pain in his eyes says more than his words could ever express.

"Do you understand me," I raised my brows and ran my hand over his jaw, "you're never going to be alone."

He searched my eyes and slightly shook his head, he didn't believe me.

Why would he? He has been left alone his whole life whether people left him on purpose or because they didn't have a choice.

He was all he got until Reggy took him under his wing and now he's at the point of losing him too. 

I don't want him to be alone.

He's a good person, he doesn't deserve this.

"You promise?" His voice cracked and all I could see was a broken orphan who never learned how to properly love. 

"I promise."

We sat there crying on our knees in the door opening until his phone started ringing, he reached into his pocket and wiped his eyes before he put the phone in front of his eyes. 

I looked at the screen and recognized the phone number, I grabbed the phone out of his hand and put it on speaker. 

"Good afternoon, I'm Rachel from Boston West Hospital am I speaking with Blake King?"

"You're speaking with his," I looked up at him and he looked away, "he's not able to speak at the moment but he's listening" I recover myself. 

I would be lying if I said he was the only one hurting that I couldn't say I was his girlfriend but that should be the last thing on our minds right now. 

"Okay, I'm calling because he was written down as Reggy Sparks emergency contact and I sadly have to inform you that he is in the OR right at this moment."

Sincerity laced her words, I watched Blake the whole time as she spoke and his head bent down at the mention of the operating room. 

"Is he still alive?"

"They were able to restart his heart in the ambulance, they are hooking him up to an L-vad since his heart wall thickened and disrupted the blood flow towards his organs."

"Okay, thank you we will be on our way." I replied and stood up from the ground. 

"You can come to the second floor and walk up to the front desk, I'll let you know in which room his girlfriend is waiting, Dr. Jackson will inform you on the details after your arrival  and the operation."

"Thank you" I answered and hung up. 

I put the phone with mine in my purse and grabbed the car keys from it holder next to the door, I quickly put my hair up in a clip and looked down at Blake who was still sitting on the ground with his back against the door frame. 

He looked so vulnerable, I was afraid to touch him. 

I hunched down and grabbed his hand, he looked up at the skin on skin contact "come on we have to go, Allison is waiting for us."

He nodded and got up, we quickly walked to my car and I slipped into the drivers seat as he got into the passengers seat, I'm glad he understood I'm not letting him drive right now. 

I looked around the parking lot in search of his car but I couldn't find it.

"How did you get here?" I asked him as I put the keys in the car.

"I ran" he mumbled quietly.

I turned to look at him and wanted to say something but the look on his face made me shut up, we're not in the right state of mind to have discussions right now.

I started the car and drove off, it was a 30 minute drive and the first 10 minutes have been awfully quiet. It physically hurt me.

"I'm sorry" Blake mumbled which caught me off guard.

 I swiftly looked at him before returning my gaze to the road, it's raining and the roads are packed, "why are you apologizing?"

He waited a beat before he answered me, "for showing up," he said softly "I would've fucking slammed the door in my face."

"I would never do that" I frowned.

"Why? I fucking broke your heart."

I bit the inside of my cheek as I fought the tears building in the back of my eyes, "I know that, you don't have to repeat it."

"Then why do you fucking treat me like you did before?"

"Like what?" 

"You treat me good, why?" he looked at me like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

"Because I still love you" I said and stepped on the gas a little harder, Allison was sitting there alone crying here eyes out because the love of her life might be dying right at this second and I'm here sitting next to mine, saying that I love him while were broken up. 

how did we come to this?

He looked at me and I could see a sliver of relief in his eyes, but the words that came out of his mouth didn't match the look in his eyes.

"You shouldn't" he said, his voice steady. 

His words stung like a bitch.

"You do not decide that for me" I said coldly as a set of fresh tears rolled down my cheeks, I turned left and pulled into the parking lot of the hospital.

I looked at him as I killed the engine and got out off the car. 

Now I just need to get to my best friend. 

I just need to comfort Allison and pray to god that he wont let Reggy die. 

He needs that transplant.

All the joy I felt an hour ago when I opened my letter vanished, it washed down onto the ground with the rain and slid into the sewer. 

I don't even dare to think about the happiness, I'll hold it in until Reggy is fine.

He will be fine, he has to be.



Don't hate me please.

I bawled like 5 times writing this, believe me I suffered more than you guys did.

I try to write as fast as I can so I can update earlier but my school work has me by my throat so bear with me.

And I might be working on my second book as well.... 

Don't forget to vote and let me know what you think.

Xxx Mbenjmil

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