Chapter 10

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Melany's pov

My body felt like it was slammed against a wall, I threw up all the alcohol in my body while I waited for Blake to arrive, tears still streamed down my face and sobs racked through my body as I tried to comprehend what just happened.

My head rested on my knees while my arms were wrapped around my legs, it was the only thing that I could hold on to, the only thing that I could trust to keep me steady at the moment.

The loud up tempo music that was deafening loud when you were inside the house was a muffled noise that surrounded me while I was hanging on by a thread. I tried to distract myself from my thought by trying to understand the lyrics but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

I could hear a speeding car approaching and before I knew it I heard a door slam shut and heavy, fast footsteps approached me.

I slowly lifted my head from my knees and looked at the large built frame approaching me that belonged to the one and only Blake King, the guy that rejected me, hurt me but was still the only one that I trusted enough to take care of me in this very situation.

He crouched down beside me and cupped my face with his large hand, as soon as his skin touched my face I felt a sense of warmth and safety. Even my drunk ass realized that I was in deep but I pushed that thought aside.

I watched him through my still blurry eyes, I looked at his emerald eyes that scanned my mascara stained face, his thumb caressed my cheek and wiped the tears away.

"What happened" his voice was demanding yet soft and filled with worry,

I opened my mouth but not came out, I tried to use my voice but my emotions got the best of me and my eyes overflowed again.

I looked down to hide my face with me hair but he forced my face back up, "don't hide from me," his eyes held mine and I bit my lower lip to stop it from quivering "what happened."

I closed my eyes and and release a heavy breath, "J-Jake," I opened my eyes again and I witnessed the change of emotion in Blake's eyes, his worry was taken over by pure rage "h-he uhm, t-tried to.." I couldn't control my breathing.

Blake pulled my head into his chest and massaged the back of my head "it's okay" he whispered in my hair as I cried into him,

He gently moved my head away from his chest after comforting me for a few minutes and he pushed my hair behind my shoulder.

"Did he do this?" He said as he examined my neck I guess that Jake left some hickeys on there, I tried to cover it with my hand out of embarrassment but Blake catched my wrist mid action "what did I just say about hiding."

I looked away from Blake to see Reggy walking out with Allison, Blake helped me up my feet and held his hand on my back to keep me from falling over while Allison ran towards me.

"I'm never leaving you alone at a party ever again," she held me in a tight hug and I held onto her for dear life, I cried with my head buried in her shoulder "I'm so so sorry, Mel."

"It's not your fault" I reassured her, I know that she will blame herself for this, she will tell herself that she shouldn't have left me alone and that she should've been there for me instead of partying. But she couldn't have known and I didn't want this to bug her.

"I'm going to kill him," I let go of Allison when I heard Blake growl those words, I saw him taking steps in the direction of the entrance, I looked at the stairs and saw Jake staring at Blake.

I ran over to Blake trying to push the dizziness away, I was still drunk so it was hard to run in a straight line but I managed to do it anyway.

"Blake don't, please" I stood in front of him to stop him from walking any further, his eyes never left Jake, Blake's face turned red and his hands balled into fists, his knuckles turned white from the pressure.

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