Chapter 22

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Melany's pov

Hate is a strong word, I never use the word because it's to harsh for my liking. 

What even is hate, right? It's a word we use when we strongly dislike something or someone and it almost defines them to be someone who isn't worth loving in any way shape or form in our eyes. 

Maybe we all have different ways of describing hate, one could use it to describe how they feel about their worst rival while the other uses the word hate to describe their parent after a fight.

I'm in no position to decide whether I hate Maddison or if I just strongly dislike her, even though they have the same meaning but like I said, the word 'hate' is to harsh for my liking. 

I basically know nothing about this girl, I know she has lost her best friend and her best friends brother in a matter of weeks but is that enough reason for her to behave like this towards me? 

The answer is no. No it isn't reason enough because this is the first time I have have ever met her. 

Yes, I am Blake's girlfriend and yes she has slept with him and yes she has had a crush on him for years, but that also isn't reason enough for her to behave like this. 

She has awakened an emotion in a matter of minutes that no one else has been able to awaken in the past couple of years. Now that's talent, she has a gift.

I wouldn't be very proud of that gift, though.

It all started when I put down dinner on the table, Blake sat down on the couch and I quickly went to grab drinks for all of us out of the fridge because Blake forgot to grab all of them, idiot. 

When I came back I saw that Maddison switched places with me apparently because she wasn't sitting in the comfortable big chair anymore but she was sitting beside Blake on the couch. 

I decided to just let it go and sit on the chair, I was not about to start a scene this early already. I didn't want to start a scene regardless because Allison told me to be classy, but I don't know if I can stay miss goody two shoes if she keeps on doing these kind of things.

We talked throughout dinner, well Allison and Maddison talked and I just ate my food and watched TV. 

They talked about modelling and school, now I know Allison better than anyone else in this world does and I knew she wasn't having a conversation with her for her own enjoyment. She was keeping her from saying some dumb things to trigger me. 

Every once in a while I would look away from the television to look at her and Blake.

Blake was just eating his dinner unbothered by Maddison's presence, Reggy was just sitting on the couch watching the boring documentary he put on, he already finished his dinner a while ago, it's like he just swallows his food without chewing. 

Allison was keeping Maddison busy and Maddison was slowly inching closer to Blake. 

I swallowed my last bite and stood up, I didn't want to ruin the mood or anything so I just kept my mouth shut but I was almost one hundred percent sure my face says more than my words could in this situation. 

I gathered the empty plates on the table and walked to the kitchen without looking at anyone, I placed the stack of plates on the counter top and pulled open the dishwasher to fill it up. 

I might as well make myself useful instead of overthinking Maddison's behavior, she isn't even doing anything in particular it's just the small things like sitting next to him and wearing his hoodie that annoy me.

Oh and she totally called me Melody on purpose, she knows damn well my name's Melany. 

"Keep it together Mel," I said to myself "just a few more hours" I sighed and put the last two plates in before I closed the dish washer. 

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