Chapter 33

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Allison's pov

"Keep your guard up" Reggy ordered as he watched Blake from his seat just a few meters from the ring.

The doctor agreed to let him go home for his rehabilitation but only under one circumstance: he had to keep bed rest. I have been assigned the job of babysitter since I'm his girlfriend and our best friends are busy with their own important stuff.  

Even though I have many, many great qualities. I'm not ashamed to admit I'm not that good of a babysitter. Reggy usually listens to me but he swore on everything that he would be spending every possible second he could spare in the gym with Blake before his match.

Melany has been packing for Harvard ever since Reggy was allowed to go home. My heart aches for her, she has worked so hard for this and I have all seen it from up close. The sleepless nights, the hard work, the tears, the self hatred and self doubt.

She finally achieved what she worked for so hard all these years and we didn't even get to celebrate it properly because of all the crazy things going on in our life right now. I did buy her a dozen of cinnamon rolls and put some candles in them, she seemed genuinely happy with it but I have never felt like a worse friend.

I should've done something bigger but Reggy has been taking up all my time and energy.

 Also, Blake has been training like a mad man these past couple of days, but according to Reggy he is doing a terrible job.

Reggy and Blake are annoying the hell out of me, specifically Reggy.

He is being way to hard on Blake, he almost lost his best friend, he broke up with the girl of his dreams and he is nervous as hell because he's fighting against a way older and dangerous guy.

"Watch his body language Blake, he's literally giving all his moves away" he roared from beside me and I suppressed a sigh. 

My eyes were focused on the ring where Blake and Jeffery were sparring, they were fighting pretty rough and I have seen these two spar before but it was nothing compared to those times. I must admit Blake has gotten worse, his guard has been down the whole time, his punches are weak and he's slow on his feet.

Jeffery turned his body and blew a punch to the side of Blake's head, Blake turned his body to avoid his fist but Jeffery's other arm came out of no where and gave him a liver punch at the other side of his body and Blake stumbled back at the impact of the blow. 

Blake regained his composure and tried to power punch Jeffery in his face but he was to far away and just like that he wasted all his body strength into a punch that only hit the air, Jeffery took the opportunity to blow a punch to his side and I could feel the anger radiate from Reggy beside me.

I turned to him and put my hand on his shoulder, his eyes closed and his jaw clenched.

"He had a rough couple of months, cut him some slack."

"He knows better," he said running a annoyed hand over his stubble "he has been fighting with me for years now, he knows better than to fight like this."

I looked back at the ring and payed some close attention to Blake's posture, it's like he's holding himself together with the least amount of energy.

"He's just tired, can't you see that?"

He sighed deeply and tipped his chin to look up at me, "baby look around, every fighter in this gym is tired. It's no excuse."

I ran a hand through my hair and looked away, "he's been through a lot and you know it."

"I'll cut him some slack after the match, he has four days until he's fighting against a beast of a man and he fights like it's his first time in the ring." His voice was as cold as steel "don't tell me how to teach Sparks, I don't tell you how to do your school things."

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