Chapter 16

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Blake's pov

I didn't know how fast I clicked on the submit button, school has been harassing us with a shitload of assignments. They say that they are preparing us for our finals.

Preparing us my ass. They aren't preparing us for shit they are trying to put as much subject matter in our heads as possible because they didn't have enough teachers at the beginning of our school year.

I closed my laptop and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl, I took a big bite and leaned back on the couch before I closed my eyes.

Finally, a little silence.

I have been training like a mad man for my upcoming fight and I haven't had much rest.

Now that my mind is empty and I don't have anything to focus on I can feel the impact in my whole body.

My shoulders hurt, my arms and chest are sore and my calves are burning.

Fucking hell I need a bath, a warm bath to be exact and I need Melany in there with me.

I have missed her, we've both been busy with school and lord knows how she gets when she has anything to do for school. She stays up late, she functions on coffee and she doesn't talk to anyone until every assignment is submitted.

But even before all the assignment I failed to give her the attention that she deserves, I have been to busy with training. She tries to call me whenever she gets off work or when she's done working out but I never have my phone with me when I train in the ring and that's all I've been doing lately.

She has been patient with me and she never complains about how much I train or about how little time we actually spend together.

I took another bite of my apple and walked to the kitchen to throw the core away, when I sat back down I heard my phone ring, I grabbed it and reread the name on the screen 5 times.

I picked up the Face-time call and there she was, dark blonde hair, dark blue eyes that lit up with her bright smile when she noticed me.

"Hello stranger" she smiled and put the phone down in front of her, she was wearing a light blue sweater and her hair fell over her shoulders.

"Hello to you too Maddie, Reggy told me that you were going to call me months ago, you took your sweet time didn't you."

"I know, I know. I've been really busy with school and modeling," she said before she grabbed a cup of iced coffee "so how have you been, how's Boston? I need updates."

Her bubbly personality brought a familiar feeling of safety and home to my body.

"Boston's good, you know me I adjust pretty easily" I said as I pulled my hood over my head and laid down on the couch.

"Mhmm" she hummed and gave me a knowing look, "and how are you actually holding up? I know about Reggy's situation and I know that you have a girlfriend so we can skip that awkward conversation."

I didn't know that she knew but I'm glad that she is so cool about it, she still means a lot to me and I left her in a fucked up position so she didn't had to be this understanding at all.

But I didn't need her approval for anything, it just makes my life a lot easier this way.

"I'm coping," I sighed "I'm praying that he gets a transplant and Melany and I are good."

"Melany," she repeated slowly and narrowed her eyes as if she was thinking, "I think I saw her on your snap, was she the blond or the brunette one?"

"Brunette" I smiled slightly at the thought of her, I can't wait for her to come over later tonight.

"Really? I thought she was with Reggy" she laughed a little "I thought you were more into blondes" I could hear a double meaning under her words and I don't really know how to react.

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