Forever With Love

By iamtinasnow

22.6K 1.3K 160

Y/N is a well-known Realtor in Louisiana. Always working her sister convinces her to take some time off for... More

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FWL BOOK 2 Preview 1.0 (REWRITTEN)


254 16 1
By iamtinasnow


"Where do you boys want to eat?" I asked putting on a seatbelt. We just finished the aquarium and now it's time to eat before I have to take them back home for school tomorrow. "Can we go to Auntie's for gumbo?" My youngest asked.

"She probably hasn't cooked, but let me call her and see." I said going through my contacts, pressing the call icon under her name.

I connect the phone to the radio as I pulled out of the aquarium's parking lot. It ringed a few times before she picked. "You on speaker and the boys are in here." I said before she could speak. "Hey, auntie." They spoke at the same time.

"Hey, my babies. What do you want Dwane?" She asked. I rolled my eyes before answering. "Your nephews wanted to know if you made any gumbo," I said stopping at the four-way stop sign.

"Lucky for y'all I'm just about to start some." She said. "Great will be there in ten." I said putting my foot on the gas. It's about a thirty-minute drive from Jackson Square to her house.

Thirty minutes later I pulled up at her house. I parked and turned the truck off. Taking off my seatbelt I opened the door, getting out and helping the boys.

Once the four of them were out we all walked up to the door and I knocked. "Hey, y'all." She said once she opened the door. "Hey," I spoke hugging her then letting go so the boys can hug her.

After we had walked inside I joined in the kitchen while the boys went to play with their cousins.  "Cal called me yesterday," My sister said while getting a cold drink from the refrigerator giving it to me.

"What did he say," I asked while opening the bottle. "We're just talking about you and Y/N and how it's about time y'all started dating." She said smiling. "Well, we're not dating yet, but it's gonna happen eventually," I smiled, jumping my shoulders. "Well, I'm happy for you both. Go get the boys ready for dinner everything just about ready." I nodded walking to the back yard calling them all in.

Once I called them and I help them wash up and set the dinner table.

After dinner and hanging around with my sister. I took the boys home for a bath then put them to bed because they have school tomorrow. "Good Night dad." They said as I walked to the door.

"Good Night boys."'I said turning off the light and walking into their room.  I walked down to my room to shower. I went to the dresser get boxers and basketball shorts and going into the bathroom to take a shower.

Once I was done I got. I dried then putting on my clothes. Once I was done I brushed my teeth and went to the bedroom and got in bed turning on the tv watching reruns of Martin.


We've all been at Ana's house all day. She called us over to let us know that she'll be taking the case again. We are all told here that we will be there to support no matter the outcome. Now I'm in Ma's  office Mari finishing up everything. I had already order everything now we're just trying to find a catering service.

"What about Firehouse?" I asked. She didn't want anything too extravagant until the gender reveal and baby shower.  "Yeah, that's perfect. All we need is a time and date."  Amari said."I'll have to check my schedule then I'll let you know tomorrow. Now let's get out of here before they start thinking we act suspicious." I said laughing.

We walked out of the office going back into the living. "Y'all just in time the pizzas are here." Ma said going into the kitchen. We followed behind here. I went and sat between Kai and Layah at the dinner table. "Ma I booked you and Granny a hair and nail appointment with ours tomorrow," said Layah putting pizza on her plate alongside pasta.

"Okay for what time?" Ma asked sitting down at the table. "Y/N/N as to be at the in the seat at eight." She said. "I have to go to the school board tomorrow for Kai."'I stated pouring him some juice in his cup. "What time?" Layah asked. "I'm not sure, but I know it's early that morning." I said. "Can we go shopping afterward?" Miriam asked and I nodded, "Yeah, I have to get Kai's school clothes." I said taking a bite of pizza.

After dinner and cleaning, we bided goodbye to Ma and headed home. Once we made it found Kai's clothes as he took a bath. I laid it on his bed for when he gets out. I walked down to my room find myself some clothes then I walked to the bathroom to get in the shower.

I did my skincare routine and pulled my hair into a bun until Layah got ready to braid it later. After my shower I put on nightclothes and walked back down to Kai's room.

When I walked in he was already in bed asleep. I walked over to his bed and kiss his forehead. "Good night bubba. Sweet dreams." I said, I turned off his lap leaving his night light on, and walked out of his room.

I walked down to Alayah's room. I could smell the hair products the closer I got to her door. Once I made it to her room she had just finished oiling Miriam's hair and now starting on Mari's. I laid across her bed and turned her tv off. "Why the hell did you turn my tv off?" Layah asked.

"Umm actually this is my tv and I wanna hear some music. Hey Alexa. " I said waiting for it to pick up. "Play walk it how I talk it," I said. "Girl really? That old ass song?" asked Miriam laughing. "Guah wanna fuck Quavo so bad." laughed Layah.

"And is." I said as the music started. Several songs and twerk off later Alayah had finished braiding Mari's hair. And started on mine, "Hey Alexa turn up the volume." Alayah said as My boo started to play. "Ohh so you in love, love?" I asked laughing. "Girl, now y'all know Chris has always been my boo even if he didn't know it." She said, making us all laugh.

After singing the lyrics Layah finished my hair and we just sat up talking and listening to music until we all went to bed. I crawled in bed snuggling under the covers as the tv playing with no sound. I watched it for a minute before my eyes started to get heavy. Eventually falling asleep.

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