🎄love my forced husband🎄 🎄...

By koalabunny13

86.8K 5.3K 1.6K

🍒though it started from forced vows but when i saw my heart he already engraved his name over there🍇 tharn... More

📒chap 1📒
🍩chap 2🍩
🍰chap 3🍰
🍭chap 4🍭
🍅chap 5🍅
😇attention please😇
🦋chap 62🦋
🌻🍀chap 72🍀🌻
attention please


328 29 20
By koalabunny13

🔥🔥amnesiac beat🔥🔥
   🔥🔥love my  forced husband🔥🔥


song was in gaze after listening all from Bruno so hard for him to
expect that gulf can be so heartless “the reason is me only”song
mumbled .with cold sigh , he turned to go inside the house bit then
turned as remember something “Bruno, get my and gulf outfit from my
designer”. with  confused  thoughts , went inside to make breakfast .
with cheese omlet, pancakes with chocoberry sauce  and steamy mugs of
coffee in tray he walked to gulf room. made knock and then entered in
room . gulf was still in bed .on seeing song , he pulled the duvet on
him as trying to hide himself from song. song placed tray on table and
went towards the window dragged the curtains so that sunlight enter
the room . then walked towards gulf grab the duvet and push it away
from gulf. “song leave I don’t want to talk to you with anyone”. gulf
yelled while hiding his face from song . without any second thought ,
song climbed on bed and forcefully removed the arms from gulf face ,
swollen eyes . the eyes which once sparkle with smiles of life were
now full of tears . the epiphany of  guilt pierce song, he wanted to
comfort him but he was at loss of that right . he wanted to embrace
him kissed him but was unable to ensure him that all will be fine in
blink of any eye . burying all inside him he climbed down from bed
took try and sat on space on bed. “ have some breakfast, in mean while
your dress will be here wear it check it if any change then it will
made” said to gulf who now sat with back of  bed . “dress for what”.
gulf asked .” for wearing In evening at wedding of mew seojong” gulf
who was about to hold the coffee mug from tray , withdrew his hand . “
listen gulf , your grandfather mr tangyi watson came in morning.” song
informed so that gulf may change mind and eat something . “what he was
saying” gulf asked like child  with all hope in his eyes . “eat I will
tell you” song lured him .gulf followed his words and started to stuff
his mouth with omelet and pancakes like a baby who afterward will get
his favorite toy or chocolate . “he came in morning . he isn’t angry
with you . he believes that whatever happen we cant control it because
it has to happen sooner or later. he accept as a married couple and he
wants us attend wedding vows of mew seojong in evening” . gulf pushed
the tray . “ I am done, want to sleep for while.” gulf said as holding
back himself from crying . “gulf” song tried to comfort him “ see I am
fine please can you allow me to sleep”. he requested while hiding
bitterness of tone. song nodded took the tray and left gulf room.


as the knock appeared on door, mew awaked spend whole night on floor
though not in mood to see anyone even if he had any power he will make
himself visible as well. stretching as trying to get rid of some
burden from shoulders , opened the door saint zee standing outside.
saint came forward and hugged him tightly . Zee came in and door was
closed . the oceans of  water was springing out from eyes. mew step
back and made saint  sat on couch and sat on carpet placed his head in
his lap. he touched his head with love . “ I made a decision in haste
and ruined your life . I should realize that its not right for parents
to enforce their every wish  on their kids . they should have their
plans some enchanting dreams but we parents always thought of
ourselves ; just worry ab out about so called status, so called
empires , power , we become selfish in reality we are just thinking
about  ourselves we have fear that perhaps they mayn’t drown in their
love life and forget us but today I realize that we are wrong from
beginning we are wrong .when we sow a cactus then why we think and
wait anxiously that roses will fascinate us. I thought that even I
die, my kids will be safe . never ever think that being brought up
together doesn’t mean that kids will think each other as their mates.”
saint paused mew lifted his head from lap to see saint who suddenly
folded hands in front of mew, mew quickly hold the hands “ if possible
forgive me mew for ruining your life for making such decision which
hurt you so much.” tears shed on palms , mew saw towards saint “
infact its all fault , he was trying hard to pursue me to live
peacefully with each other but I didn’t give him chance no one is
worthy of blame but just me ; I should give him and I the time to
become US. but my attitude snatch all from him today ; toady I am I
home with family but he is away from all this . Forgive gulf, he is
not at fault but only me”. Mew tried to make soft space for gulf in
saint zee anger. “Even we forgive him then the person who came and
said he is his husband they got married a long before how will he
testify this testimony .at least as parents we deserve a little to
know about his life decisions. and in night we are leaving for long
time handing over yibo the business . I hope you will stay on side of
yibo ignoring what ever gulf did because yibo is not criminal in all
this” zee spoke first time . “leaving where” mew asked . “ never being
out since get married so you can say going on our honeymoon don’t
worry after you wedding  vows we ‘ll leave .” zee said trying best to
beam his face with fake smile. “ have rest we ‘ll go now”. saint said
. the three hugged and the senior couple left the room leaving mew all
alone with venomous spears of  guilt . though every day sun allocate
positive hope to struggle again but when what to do when we burn all
hopes or built thick wall to stop all hopes approach us , same was
case of mew. burned all in anger . took out can of beer and stood in
the balcony of his room drank the bitterness when two arms snaked
around his chest touching seductively while leaving kisses on
shoulders . mew knew who was . he wanted to yell on him wanted to
throw him so far that he wont approach him ever but what the use to do such because he was innocent .”good morning hubby” whispered disturbed
the silence of ears . forcefully decorating his face with smile , hold
the hands and replied “ goodmorning my wifey”. “enjoying the morning
alone” person seojong whispered . “nope , admiring last moments of
bachelor life”. mew replied . “ bachelor life so mean , are not you
indirectly you are saying that” seojong was cut by quick brush of lips
“ I am just saying that I am telling the sun that don’t dare to
disturb me after today because my personal sun will be enough to
brighten my life”. mew said while softly touching the well built
skeleton of  face . “ I saw  uncle saint zee leaving your room all
good with the” seojong asked reluctantly. “ finally come to original
point” mew thought . “ they came to wish me and you blessing for our
new life . they thought that we are sleeping together . when they knew
that we were not together they scolded me that I shouldn’t leave you
alone but what I told them that I want to control my all desires
before wedding night”. colors of shyness spread on face of seojong
clearing his throat and said “ I am hungry”. “ go In your room freshen
up then we ll have breakfast together .” mew said and kissed his
forehead . seo jong walked towards door to leave the room but turned
fidgeting with thoughts , said “ mew would all accept me as your wife
member of family”. mew walked to seojong hold his hands “ silly , why
you care who accept you or  not just remember you are marrying me , we
two have to stay together so don’t think any thing else . they all
have accepted you don’t worry. don’t wrinkle this beautiful face with
unnecessary worries.” mew said . seojong nodded and left the room .
mew closed the door . “ lies ,lies and lies going  to line up with
burning beauty of lies going to bath in acid of regret, burying your
heart with all feelings”. the brain hissed . “ I deserve this I
deserve this self punishment because I throw him away” mew mumbled .


extending arm to hold the person but there was no warmth just bitter
coldness, glaring the empty side , type sat with back of bed with
cross arms . the patches of light even due to heavy curtains was
telling that day is calling to challenge oneself  . meanwhile , the
door of bath  opened , wearing bath robe rubbing hairs softly tharn
appeared . seeing type awake , type walked toward him and kissed his
forehead. walked to wardrobe seeing tharn deep thoughts who was busy
in checking hs wardrobe , type cleared hus throat to gain attention of
tharn . "jealous". tharn asked while finally choosing a dark brown
suit to wear. "why don’t you wake me up and why you are thinking so
much to get dress ". type asked.  "seems like you are getting married
today" type mumble in angry tone while seeing tharn choosing
with great attention. "yeah its wedding but
of our elder son mew watson pruk in evening and there is lot to do we
have short of time." tharn replied while sitting on side of type.
"marriage of mew with whom".type asked angrily. “with seojong, the boy
arrived yesterday " tharn replied calmly. "so, " type silent himself.
"so my wifey, I accept decision of mew and if it is his wish then why
I stop him tell me. you forced your brother son gulf on him, threaten
me to separate if I support him instead of you but what result you get
they apart their ways. you were so confident about your decision about
your brother brought up but what happen nothing but your decision ruin
my son. I am worried about zhan dont know what yibo will do with him
oneday. times are gone when parents enforced their decision on kids
today time is different and i tharn will support my kids no matter
even one night stand please them i will support them. I don’t allow
anyone to force them from now on. and i am thinking to shift from
here, buying three mansions for  us mew zhan. we ll move out soon.get
ready and prepare yourself mentally." tharn gave full lifeline. "so
finally you blurt out that i was forced decision on you still
cherishing memories of Suho" type hissed.  tharn remained calm. "lets
get divorce because i wont leave my home nor let zhan mew run on
debris. ". type added. tharn stood close the distance between him and
type grab the hairs of type "if i was good with you in all these years
then it doesnt mean that i solely accept your all idiotic decisions.
divorce is out of question. i dont want that my sons support their
mother in any case. dont ask my rashness don’t want to squeeze your
old bones. Think of your parents. they will die on seeing scratch on
your beautiful face. be my good wife and follow my instructions escape
from me not easy babe”. tharn gave a deep kiss and dressed up in
casual and walked out of room leaving type dumbfounded. the nest was
scattered in no time  “I was fool and you made me fool successfully
for so long . I always thought that i am only one in your life. but
you were living in your past . how I didn’t know that you buried
yourself with your past love and I was living with dead body my
married life was fake . how I didn’t see your hatred” for the first
time in life type realized that he was alone and deceived In aesthetic
manner. seeing the lines on palm type mumbled “ whom I blame”. as
tharn left the room he looked back to door and mumbled “ idiot going
to guardian star forget to see his ugliness in mirror”. as reached
near the dinning room , he knew that almost all family are sitting and
having breakfast . with smile on face , he entered in dining room and
greeted  seniors then walked towards seojong and mew who were sitting
next to each other hugged them and blessed them. back to seat , he had
bird eye view of all while filling his plate when tangyi asked ‘where
is type still sleeping” . he saw to tangyi who was powerful enough to
dismember whatever wants “ dad, he remain awake all night planning the
wedding of mew but due to this he has headache so he take pills and
sleeping . after rest he will get better”. then turned towards seojong
mew and said “ seo your mom in law is very excited for today but
unfortunately he isn’t well but give me message for you both that
interior decorator are in suite  visit and make changes if you want
and go to designer check your costumes for your event”. tharn conveyed
message while seeing the expression of all. korn wiped his hand and
called tharn to join him in his library. as korn entered in library
followed by tharn asked him to close door. sitting on his seat ,  korn
saw his son “ how type accept seojong how he give priority over gulf
knowing Zhan is married to yibo and:” tharn shook his head while
seeing the book on international relation “ I will ask someone to
collect more books of international relations for you”. steps halted
when korn said “ not answer of my question. “dad, you decided whatever
you feel better for your son and now they are mine”. tharn  left his
father alone . after breakfast as instructed mew took seojong to suite
build behind mansion and then to designer to pick wedding dress.
finally the evening arrived the mansion  was decorated in extravagant
way with long list of guests and media . all this was not digestible
by zhan . though yibo tried to stop  him but zhan rushed to mew room
he was almost ready . zhan entered and about to yell when shut himself
on seeing the artists. when satisfied with his looks he nodded them to
leave . mew brushed the unseen wrinkly dust form his suit and walked
towards zhan cupped his face and asked “why my baby bro is grumpy
where is yibo”. holding hands zhan said “ just come to see you how are
you looking . more  handsome and dashing above then my expectations .
guests are arrived . why not you take seojong to wedding stage by
yourself .” Zhan hold his brother hand and drag him to room where
seojong was . knocked on door and entered. he was ready . zhan walked
towards him gave him wedding bouquet and said “ I already told gege
that seo is going to defeat you today because he will look more
beautiful than you but gege was not accepting it. hold hand of your
wife and take him for vow don’t try to lose control” zhan said while
placing hand of seojong into hands of mew. the family and guests
welcomed the going to married couple with claps followed by shower of
petals . as reached near the stage mew was surprised on seeing type
who welcomed both , hugged them blessed  them . after giving his
blessing he stood where tharn and family was standing with smile on
face . “so finally , you are my obedient wife”. tharn whispered with
smile on face . “not buying your cheap threats mr tharn. I am type
Watson , come here to declare my war against you . pack up and leave
from here .” but before tharn replied , the priest voice attracted
attention towards himself . “Welcome to all of you the most beautiful
moments of life. mr mew and mr seojong today are going to tie knots .
bless them with your blessing . knots are easy to tie bit their
strength depends on both . mr seojong are you going to share all
moments   no matter what type they have with mew”. priest asked . “ I
do with all my heart and soul.” seojong replied . then priest turned
to mew “Mr. mew are you going to stand by your partner throughout
thick and thin of life” mew look towards the guests then took step
towards seojong , hold his hand gave him smile and said “ I do I do”.
before priests announced their knot  finality, mew cupped seojong face
and gave him kiss and deepened it . finally broke the kiss when need
to oxygen . took rings place on the table and slipped in the fingers
of each other . the event finally ended . zhan and yibo drove mew to
suite . took him to room which was decorated with flowers candles and
champagne bucket . “ freshen up yourself have little rest let me tease
gege a little before letting him to meet you.” both left the suite .
hoping that mew will come but they were wrong . after waiting the
rushed inside the mansion passing through bar room they heard the
smashes . when entered whole room was dirt with broken bottles and
wine . on seeing Zhan yibo , mew smirked disgustedly “come enjoy my
wedding with me. I am so happy.” “ seojong wait for you” yibo said
while heading to him “ stay away I don’t want my brother live a
widower life . leave me” Zhan  dragged yibo away from bar to their
room. on entering , Zhan locked the room “ let him do what he wants.”
yibo smiled on listening Zahn words “so means I a m free to do what I
want” but before Zhan process yibo words, he was on bed and yibo was
hovering on him . with swollen eyes and staggering steps , he walked
towards the suite decorated for his wedding where seojong was waiting
for him. the door swung open . scent entered in  his system which was
already disgusted by smell of alcohol. the person saw him with
alluring smile . bottle dropped .mew smiled back and hurried to him .
sat next to him, slowly touch as touching the clouds .giggled like
babies .suddenly laid him on his back and caged him in his arms , bend
near the ear, mew whispered  “promise me, you wont leave me whatever
happen” the person circled the neck of  mew pulled towards oneself to
close all distances “ how can I , I love you mew” and peck mew lips .
the triumph was obvious on mew face. “ I love you my gulf”, the word
gulf ruined all thoughts of his wedding night . after love making mew
slept and seojong was in his arms . seo was fuming with anger . he
spend his night with person who vowed to be his for whole life but he
was already drunk in thoughts of gulf .and seo acted as he is gulf .
“ you ruined my beginning I promise I will ruin your life if mew isn’t
mine then he has no right to love anyone” seo swore.


being in USA , didn’t mean that song joonki left all his businesses
alone . after dinner he was in his study checking some  documents with
bottle of wine on side . though checking documents but anyone can tell
that his mind is somewhere else . meanwhile one of security member
rushed inside and said “ mr gulf fell down from his balcony”. song
rushed outside . gulf was in blood. song picked him and rushed to
ambulance which was already called by his team he hardly allow to laid
gulf on stature in ambulance. holding his hand song was crying . as
his cries will bring gulf in senses.
gulf hurriedly shifted to OT for surgery  . outside OT , song was
crying mess blaming himself for all loss of gulf  . finally the door opened and head surgeon came out .on seeing him song rushed to him but doctor only informed him "sorry mr president, mr gulf is no more now. sorry for your loss".


Thank you for reading following
Happy to meet YOU
To be continued
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