my best friends girlfriend

De yuhxgrande

147K 6.8K 4.5K

Y/n Russo and Dalton Gomez have been best friends since pre school. They're basically family at this point. Y... Mais

I guess you never know
Check who's live
Hot real estate agent
First showing
We're just so busy
Classic Gomez dinner
Go without me
Im sorry
Until she's not
How nasty of you
Called in
Celebrate with me
We're not telling anyone yet
We're fighting
Ill make it up to you
We've already met
We just clicked
He said he isnt ready
To one month
Hes my best friend
Isnt this moving a little fast
Be bold
Slightly public
If she makes you happy
I promise youll have a good time
I can't, im sorry
Are you like a thing now?
Oh my Grande
Double date
They saw my face
Knew better
Leave me alone
Stupid reasons
Its pretty important
Lucky man
Before you know it
I shouldn't have called
Third wheel
Playing house
Tag along
Was it a mistake?
Im just saying shes cute
You just keep blowing me off
Better Off
I don't know what the f im doing
Are you really that busy?
Sun is good for you
We need to work something out here
I decided against it
So it was true this whole time
We're working on it
I knew we'd meet again
I find myself getting jealous
For you
I'll call more
You're lucky
Might as well
Let me take care of you
I like you
Can I be honest
Drake cake
I really want to
As much as we say no
Can you come home
We can work this out
Come over now
Open your eyes
We're just having fun
About that...
You can trust me
I understand
Happy for you

Friendly date

2.3K 109 139
De yuhxgrande


Ariana got up early to go to the studio because she felt inspired. As for me, I decided to come into the office for a few hours while she was there since I would be home alone. I know I don't have to come into work since half of the office had gone on business trips, but I decided to make a little extra money. Key word little. I'm not staying long, in fact, I'm leaving here in ten minutes so I begun to shut down my computer and put my pens back in my drawer. As I finish, my phone pings


I'm at your house. I've called your name 5 times

I'm not home

You're not? Where did you go?

I went to work for a little


I'm coming back now
I should be there in like fifteen minutes

Okay, can I let Rocky outside with the other dogs?

Of course

Okay, see you soon

I sighed as I put my phone in my pocket and began walking down the stairs. I didn't say bye to Kelly because.. well, she wasn't here, obviously.

I texted Aaron and told him that I was leaving the building and he just told me to lock it up, so I did. Once I was sure the door was secure, I made my way to my car and started the engine, soon making my way home

It didn't take long for me to pull into my driveway right next to Ariana'a car. I gathered all of my things and locked my car before I made my way inside

"Honey I'm home" I joked

"Babyyyy!" She joked back

It didn't take long for us to erupt in a fit of laughter

"How was the studio?" I asked once I calmed down

"It was good. I almost finished writing a song" she said

"That's good" I smiled

She nodded and swallowed whatever she was eating before she spoke

"How was work?" She asked me

"It was good, no one was there so I felt lonely" I replied

"You poor thing" she pouted

"I know huh" I pouted back

Just then all of the dogs came up to us and wagged their tails

"Wanna go outside?" I asked them

Their tail wagging increased

"I think that means yes" Ariana giggled

I watched as she walked over to the patio door and opened it

"Be freeeee" she sang

That caused me to laugh

"Something funny?" She asked

"Yea... you" I said

"Shut up" she slightly pushed me

"Where's piggy?" I asked

"Probably sleeping. You know how she is" she shrugged

She had a point. That pig sure does sleep a lot

"Shall we go sit by the pool?" She asked

"We shall" I said

"Let me go change first" she said as she ran up the stairs

"Me too" I said also running right behind her

We went into our separate rooms and began changing our clothes... well I did at least, who knows what she's doing

"Are you ready?" She asked knocking on my door

"Yea one second" I said

"Okay" she said

I quickly finished putting my swim suit on and opened the door to see Ariana standing right there in a black bikini

"Okay I'm ready" I said

"Oh my god, this bikini is cuteee" she said

"Why thank you" I smiled

"What about mine" she posed

"Eh, it's basic" I shrugged

She lightly hit me once again

"Ow I was kidding" she said rubbing my arm

"Let's go. You better hope there's a good amount of sun out today" she asked

"I'm sure there is" I replied 

"Good because if there isn't, I'll kidnap your dog" she joked

"Oh no, please don't do that" I said

"We'll see how much I like you" she replied

I visibly gulped in a joking way

"Last one outside has to give the dogs bath!" She said as she started running

"That's not fair, you had a head start" I pointed out

She shrugged

She continued to race me outside. Once we reached by the lawn chairs, Ariana did a little victory dance

"Yea, yea, dance it up you cheater" I pouted

"Oh don't be mad" she patted my cheek

"You're a cheater" I crossed my arms

"It'll be fine. We'll both give the doggies a bath" she said

"Okay" I perked up

That caused her laugh

"Where the fuck are the stairs into the pool?" She asked looking around

"On the other side" I laughed

"All the way over there?" She asked

I nodded

"Fuck me" she said

"It's not that far" I laughed

"Are you coming?" She asked

"Nope" I said

"What? Why?" She asked

"I don't want to get wet" I said

"Are you serious?" She asked

I nodded

"Fine, be lame I guess" she replied

I shrugged and watched as the dogs soon joined Ariana in the water

"This is fine right?" She asked referring to the dogs being in the pool

"Of course" I replied

"They can swim right?" I asked

"Of course" she said I just nodded


"Your water pressure is so good" Ariana said coming down the stairs with her hair wet

"Thank you" I smiled

"Like really good" she smirked

I took a second to look at her. It didn't click for me yet, but once it did

"Oh god. Gross" I said

"Kidding" she laughed

"Are you though?" I asked

"Of course I am. Nasty" she said with a smile

I tried my best to get that image out of my head

"Or am I?" She asked

"You're so nasty" I said

"Haven't you heard my song?" She asked

I shook my head no

"Really? It's literally called 'Nasty'" she replied

"Ah much like your song thirty four plus thirty five?" I questioned

"Something like that" she playfully winked

Again, I shook my head to get that image out

"Hmmm. What should we eat?" I asked changing the subject

"Y/n?" She asked

"Hm?" I hummed

"This day has already been really fun. Almost like a date. A friendly date of course" she started

"Whoa Ariana, I'm flattered, but I'm with Dakota and you're with Dalton" I joked

"Oh shut up" she lightly hit my shoulder

"You're being very mean today" I said

"Be quiet and listen to my idea" she said

"Go on" I replied

"Let's have a friendly dinner date. Let's make a pizza together or something" she said

"A pizza?" I asked

She nodded

"Do I even have anything to make a pizza?" I asked looking on my pantry

"Lucky you" I said grabbing gluten free pizza crust

"Perfect" she said

"I don't think I have vegan cheese though" I said

"I just dashed some, along with pizza sauce and a bunch of other stuff" she said

I just smiled

"What should we do while we wait for it then?" I asked

"How about I go drown you in the pool since you didn't want to swim with me?" She asked

"Ha ha, you're just full of jokes today, aren't you?" I asked sarcastically

"Yes. Yes I am" she replied

"Let's just watch YouTube tutorials on making pizzas" I said

"Good idea" she replied

I quickly turned the tv on and went to YouTube to look up some tutorials

"That one looks promising" Ariana said pointing to the fifth one

I nodded and clicked on it

"Let's skip this part. We're not making homemade dough" I said

Ariana nodded in agreement

"Okay here" I said

I watched carefully as the lady with a cool chef hat starting pitting sauce in the pizza and cheese. It honestly doesn't seem hard, but with us, you never know

"I think I have one of those hats" I spoke up

Ariana looked at me seriously before she burst into a fit of laughter

"That was so random" she said

"What?" I'm pretty sure I do" I said

"Go find it" she said

I nodded as I got up from my seat and walked to the top of the stairs

"I have no idea where it could be though" I called

"Look in your room" she said

I nodded even though she couldn't see. Once I made it to my room, I looked through my drawers, closet, and shoe boxes in my closet

"Nope" I said

"It's fine if you can't find it" she said

"Let me look in here" I said referring to my closet in the hallway that is usually filled with games

I quickly scanned the closet and saw it on the very top shelf. Sitting there all lonely

"I found it, but I can't reach it" I said

"You're pretty tall though" she said

"Come look how high it is" I said

Right as I said that, Ariana walked up the stairs and stood in front of the closet with me

"Damn, who put it up there?" She asked

"I probably just threw it up there" I shrugged

"You would" she giggled

"Yea I know" I laughed

"Here, I have an idea" she said

"And what might the idea be?" I asked

"I sit on top of your shoulders" she said

"Good thinking" I said

"Right!" She replied

"Here" I said bending down

"Don't drop me though" she said

"I'll try" I said

"Please" she added

"I won't drop you" I said

"Okay good" she said as she began to sit on my shoulders

"Okay, try and stand up" she said once she was settled

I did as she told me to. It was a little wobbly at first, but as soon as I straightened out, it was fine

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Whoa" she said grabbing my head

"Ariana I can't see. You're literally covering my eyes" I said

"Oh sorry" she said moving her hands

"Okay, ready?" I asked

"Yea" she said

I walked forward to bring her closer to the closet

"Can you reach?" I asked

"Oh I'm not even trying" she said

"Are you serious?" I asked with a laugh

"Okay, yea I can reach it" she said

I held on to her knees so she didn't fall as she reached a little higher to get it

"Okay, I got it!" She said

"Perfect" I said

I slowly and carefully backed away from the closet and put Ariana down gently. When I straightened back up, I saw she was wearing the hat

"All that for a hat" I laughed

"It's a cool hat" she said taking it off and handing it to me

"No, you wear it" I said

"We got it for you though" she said

"But it suits you" I said as I put it back on her

She smiled cutely at me

"There you go" I said adjusting the hat

We held eye contact for a while. It felt like hours, but deep down I knew it wasn't. The tension in the air was so thick, you would need a knife to cut it. I slowly began to feel Ariana lean in and I did the same, but we were moving so slow.

Our moment was soon interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I cleared my throat and quickly pulled away

"I'll- I'll get it" I said

She just nodded

I walked down the stairs and made my way to the front door. When I opened the door, there were two grocery bags filled with our pizza ingredients

"Here let me help" Ariana said from behind me

"It's okay, I got it" I replied

But she still took one of the bags from me

"I thought all you got was some pizza sauce?" I asked

"I got another crust, vegan cheese, some veggies, and some snacks too" she said

Before I can even ask about the crust, she began to speak

"I don't know how long your crust has been in there, what if it's stale?" She asked

She had a point. I can't remember when I bought the crust

"Very fair point" I replied

She pursed her lips

"Okay, ready chef Grande?" I asked

"I am if you are Chef Russo" she replied

I smiled as I began to walk to the kitchen and she followed closely behind

"Im gonna be honest" I started

I watched as her cheeks flushed red

"I didn't pay attention to the YouTube video one bit" I admitted

The redness from her cheeks disappeared and she gathered an "are you serious" face which caused me to laugh

"It's literally not that hard" she laughed back

I watched as she began to lightly butter the crust, which caused me to make a weird face

"Have you never buttered your crust?" She asked

I shook my head no

"Your pizza must be dry then" she made a yikes face

"Oh shut up" I laughed

She put her hands up in a surrender as she smiled like a dork

"Do you have a big spoon?" She asked

"Yea" I said walking to the utensil drawer and getting it

"Okay perfect. Spread some pizza sauce on it" she said handing me the jar

"Sure thing mom" I said because of how demanding she was being

She gasped before she spoke

"How rude. I am far from a mom" she defended

"You act like one" I said under my breath

"What was that?" She asked

"Nothing" I smiled

"That's what I thought" she said

"Now spread" she said

I did as told and began to spread the pizza sauce all other the center of the crust

"Oh wow, look at that. You actually can cook" she joked

"Okay you're being so mean right now" I pouted

Her face softened

"Awe my poor baby. Mommy's sorry" she said as she hugged me

My eyes went wide. I knew it was because I had just said she acts like a mom, but my brain made me think of the other way

"There do you feel better now?" She asked

I made the puppy dog face and nodded

"Good, now shall we get back to work?" She asked

"Yea" I replied

Once Ariana took notice that I was done doing the sauce, she grabbed the cheese and began sprinkling it all over the pizza. Soon, veggies such as spinach followed after before we put it in the oven

Ariana then thought it would be funny to fling some cheese at me

"Oh wow, really?" I asked

"Oops" she giggled

"I think we need a little more" I said

"Where?" She asked

"Here" I said taking the bag from her and flinging some at her as well

"Asshole" she laughed

"Want more?" I asked doing it again

She aggressively grabbed the bag from me and started throwing cheese at me

"Oh it's on!" I said as I began to chase her

She set the bag of cheese onto he counter and ran to the living room

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry" she said running still

We were now on opposite sides of the couch

"Wait until I catch you" I said

"Please, I give up, I'm getting nervous now"she said

"No, you started it" I said

"Y/n I apologize" she said

"You should have thought about that sooner" I said swiftly making my way to the side she was on and gently grabbing her wrist

"Ahhh, help!!!" She screamed

Soon, all of the dogs came rushing into the living room to see what was going on, they didn't show any concern though, they knew we were just playing. Once they were sure everything was fine, they all strutted away

"Wow, remember that Toulouse" Ariana told him

I laughed as I picked Ariana up

"Put me down" she squirmed

"Nope" I said

I set her on the couch and hovered above her

"I wonder if you're ticklish?" I questioned

"No, don't!" She exclaimed

"Are you ticklish here?" I asked as I pointed to her sides

"Or here?" I asked placing my finger on her stomach

"I think it's here" I said as I began tickling her sides

"No! Stop!" She erupted into the laughter

"Stop! I can't breathe!" She exclaimed

"I'm gonna pee, I'm gonna pee!" She said through laughter

That was the last thing I wanted, so I stopped tickling her

"HA! Works every time" she smirked

"I just didn't want to risk it" I said honestly with a shrug

"Yea right" she said cockily as I smiled at her

We began to hold eye contact again. The tension felt even thicker this time though. I watched Ariana lick her lips which caused me to do the same out of instinct

"Just do it" she whispered so incredibly soft that I almost didn't hear it

I didn't move though. I was too in shock

"Kiss me" she spoke again

I was at loss for words and I was frozen. I didn't know what to do, but I felt Ariana begin to lift her head off of the couch and lean in, so I did the same

There was only a small gap between us and the slightest movement would close it. I could feel Ariana's breath on my lips and I'm assuming she could feel mine on hers. She moved a centimeter closer which is what closed the gap. Our lips gently touched against each other. It wasn't in a hungry or desperate manner. It was just a gentle kiss.

I was the first one to pull away and when I did we didn't break eye contact. Something took over me so I leaned in again and reconnected our lips. It didn't take long for Ariana to kiss back. This continued for the next few seconds... or at least until the oven beeped to tell us the pizza was done

"We should probably go take it out" Ariana whispered out of breath

"Yea" I whispered back as I got up and waited for her to do the same


April fools guys, I'm not actually discontinuing the books so please stop dming me that I was a shitty writer anyways lol. Love you dearly... also The moment you've all been waiting for!!!

Continue lendo

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