
By ddddd303

692K 14.2K 1.1K

Love. Something he never believed in until he met her. Trust. Something she never believed in until she met... More

Thank you
Muffled tears
Normal life
Pure anger
Anger to love
No promises
The store
Deals with the devil
Breathless moments
Mascarade ball
Mascarade ball part two
The end to a perfect night
Meet the parents
Meet the parents 2
Listen to me
Unwanted attention
Back where i belong
Leaving me
Figure part 2
Dried blood
Memories of you
Horror and joy
Author's note
It will only ever be you
make her proud
alternative ending

Bitch please..

6K 153 11
By ddddd303

Pregnancy - 28 weeks.


Many weeks have passed since we found out the genders, and I couldn't be happier.
Today, Alessandro and I are going to the store to look for furniture for the nursery.

I'd just woke up, from one of the longest sleeps in my life. I've been so tired lately because of the pregnancy, I've been mainly sleeping. The doctors explained too that because I'm only young it will have a harder effect on my body but I should recover quickly.

Lately it's been hard getting out of bed. My stomachs too big that I  can't even see my feet. Alessandro's been helping me out of bed but because he's not upstairs I'm going to have to do it on my own.
I rocked backwards and forwards to gather some momentum, and finally I did it. Once I was up, I had a shower and got dressed into my jogging bottoms and black bralette as I couldn't bend down to reach my shirt of the floor.
I slowly went down the stairs, holding onto the rail as I went.
Bacon. All I could think about was bacon. It's a food I've been craving a lot of recently.
I walked into the kitchen hoping that there would be some bacon left in the fridge.
" morning " I said to everyone sat down at the kitchen table.
" afternoon more like " Leo said with a laugh.
" don't make fun of my girl " Alessandro warned Leo
I made a stupid face at Leo being my immature self as I made my way to the fridge.
To my horror the bacon was gone.
" Who's eaten my bacon " I shouted to all of them with a stern face on.
I wasn't playing around.
When someone eats my food they have crossed the line.
" baby, it's here. " Alessandro said with a chuckle.
I looked down to see, that somebody had cooked my bacon for me with egg.
Now the tears started flowing down my cheeks.
" who did this for me ?" I asked while my eyes flowed rivers.
Everybody looked at me so confused.
Alessandro smiled.
" I love you " I said to him as I ran up to him and smothered him in kisses.
" why are you crying?" Rodrigo asked
" I thought someone ate my bacon " I say while smiling.
" hormones " Alessandro explains.
I'd spent the last hour with the boys, laughing with them. Lately we have become a big family.

" you ready to go ?" Alessandro asked as I walked down the stairs to see him waiting by the door.
" yeah" I told him as he picked up my trainers for me and put them on me as he knows I can't manage.
We walked out the front door hand in hand as he guided me to his car. He opened the door for me as I tried to get into the car carefully.
Alessandro leaned over me to put my seatbelt on for me. Instantly I was hit by the smell of his aftershave. He smelt so good.
" mhhh" I said accidentally.
Alessandro looked at me with need one his eyes. He leaned over me again and rested his hand on my thigh and he slowly moved his hand around. He used his free hand to caress my cheek as he ran his lips across my face without giving me what I needed.
He then walked off and shut the car door leaving me frustrated.

Once we arrived at the store, Alessandro helped me out of the car again, as he planted a kiss on my cheek.
We eloped our hands and made our way to the store.
I grabbed a trolly as I pushed it around the store with Alessandro standing by my side. I'm glad he stuck with me. I don't think I would of been able to do this alone.

" we need a pram " I told him as I excitedly speed walked to the pram isle. There were so many to choose from.
" this would be good. " I said as I pointed to a baby pink double pram.
He lifted the box into the trolly.
" or no maybe this one "  I said with a giggle.
" we can get both. Get as many as you want " he told me as he put the other one in.

" they need to have good fashion sense " I told him as he pushed the trolly down the clothes isle.
" oooo, some days they should wear matching " I told him as I picked up so many outfits.
" I like this one." He told me as he placed it into the trolly.
" it's perfect " I told him as I kissed him on the lips. It felt like everybody else faded away just leaving me and him standing alone sharing a perfect moment.
We both picked out a lot of clothes for both the girls and all the essentials such as bottles, wipes, nappies.
Today had been absolutely perfect.

We made our way to the checkouts giggling at each other. It's safe to say we have enough to have 6 babies.
Whenever I said I liked anything Alessandro insisted we get it.
I told him that I can't afford all of it and he told me I was being stupid, and never in a million years would he let me buy all this.
Alessandro started loading up the checkouts with all our stuff as I stood excitedly.
The woman at the checkouts looked at me disapprovingly as she shot daggers at me from her eyes.
" hello" the women said to Alessandro in her sexiest voice she could manage.
Pffff sounded more like a cat was dying.
I was holding in my laughter.
Alessandro just ignored her as we both walked down to the end to start putting everything back into the trolley once she scanned it.
" pfff" she said as she looked at my stomach and then back up to my face.
" have you got a problem" I asked her.
No way was I taking shit from this bitch.
" bit young aren't you ?" She said with a sarcastic smile.
I smiled back politely, trying to hold my temper with her.
" doesn't concern you " I told her as I looked over at Alessandro and he smiled proudly at me.
The woman unbuttoned three bottoms of her top so her cleavage was showing for Alessandro.
Thankfully he didn't even look. Seemed like he couldn't be bothered with her shit either.
" what's your name, handsome?" She asked as she bit her lip.
Alessandro just didn't say anything. I had to bite my tongue  to stop me from fighting this bitch right here and now.
She stood up, and leaned over as she went to bend down something in order to give Alessandro a little bit of a show.
Not going to lie, it wasn't even impressive.
" right, I don't know what you're doing, but you can clearly see this is my heavily pregnant girlfriend so if you wouldn't mind being respectful otherwise I will have you killed " he told her as he stayed calm and Carried on packing things Into the trolley.
She gulped as she was suddenly not the confident girl she was a moment ago.
" that will be 12000, please " she said as she muttered " sugar daddy " as Alessandro pulled out his credit card.
Once we paid, Alessandro walked off first leaving me to be a little immature. I turned round to her to see her looking so I stuck my middle finger up as I walked of swaying my hips.
She's not taking my man.

End of chapter!
Sorry I've been on holiday for 2 weeks and I'm still on holiday now so that's why I haven't been updating. I will be updating a lot more. Once I stop I always find it hard, to carry on writing as I forget what I was planning to do. But I promise I will update you again, either tomorrow or the day after. Maybe even a double update today?

I didn't realise how many people are interested and are reading my book so that will motivate me to carry on updating. Love you all and thank you for reading 💓

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