my best friends girlfriend

By yuhxgrande

162K 7.4K 4.8K

Y/n Russo and Dalton Gomez have been best friends since pre school. They're basically family at this point. Y... More

I guess you never know
Check who's live
Hot real estate agent
First showing
We're just so busy
Classic Gomez dinner
Go without me
Im sorry
Until she's not
How nasty of you
Called in
Celebrate with me
We're not telling anyone yet
We're fighting
Ill make it up to you
We've already met
We just clicked
He said he isnt ready
To one month
Hes my best friend
Isnt this moving a little fast
Be bold
Slightly public
If she makes you happy
I promise youll have a good time
I can't, im sorry
Are you like a thing now?
Oh my Grande
Double date
They saw my face
Knew better
Leave me alone
Stupid reasons
Its pretty important
Lucky man
Before you know it
I shouldn't have called
Third wheel
Friendly date
Playing house
Tag along
Was it a mistake?
Im just saying shes cute
You just keep blowing me off
Better Off
I don't know what the f im doing
Are you really that busy?
Sun is good for you
We need to work something out here
I decided against it
So it was true this whole time
We're working on it
I knew we'd meet again
I find myself getting jealous
For you
I'll call more
You're lucky
Might as well
Let me take care of you
I like you
Can I be honest
Drake cake
I really want to
As much as we say no
Can you come home
We can work this out
Come over now
Open your eyes
We're just having fun
About that...
You can trust me
I understand
Happy for you
Movie premier
I don't know how much longer you can go
Do you not want to be seen with me?
I'm seeing someone
Is everything alright?


2K 84 89
By yuhxgrande


"Are you sleeping?" I heard the softest voice ask

I slowly peer open my eyes to see Ariana sitting up and looking down at me as I lay on my back

"I was" I laughed

"Oop- sorry" she giggled

I shook my head in a way of telling her it's okay

"Did I bring extra clothes?" She asked referring to the sweatpants she was wearing

I shook my head no

"So then how did I-" she started, but I cut her off

"I let you borrow them" I said

"And how did I get in them... and the shirt?" She asked sounding genuinely curious

"Well, you insisted on stripping in front of Victoria, Liz, and me" I started

She slapped her hand over her mouth

"Did I really?" She asked

I nodded

Her cheeks flushed bright red

"You were standing on my counter while you did so too, but don't worry, you felt bad for stepping on my counter, so you wiped it down" I made sure to add the extra last detail

"Oh god" she laughed

"Personally, I wouldn't wear underwear that didn't match my bra, but you do you" I said just to embarrass her a little more

"Okay, okay, please stop" she said covering her face with her hands

I just had to laugh at how embarrassed she was getting

"I hope I didn't hog the bed.. or snore" she said

"I slept on the floor" I smiled

"Oh.. you didn't have to" she said

"It's fine, i wanted to. Also, you didn't snore" I smiled once again to wash her guilt away

There was a short pause as she sent me an apologetic smile

"Anyways, should I make breakfast?" I asked

"Oh no, let me, it's the least I can do" she said

I shook my head no before I spoke

"You're my guest" I said

I didn't even give her time to protest

"If you want, you can take a shower in my bathroom right there" I said pointing to the closed door in my bedroom

"You can also borrow some clothes" I added

"Thank you" she smiled


"I didn't even know I got that drunk last night" Liz said as she ate her pancake

"You and Ariana were absolutely wasted by the end of the night" Victoria added

I nodded agreeing with her

"And I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you guys baby sit me" Ariana said

I waved her off telling her it was okay

"I'm not sorry, I had a good ass time" Liz laughed

"That's my Liz" I laughed

That caused everyone else to laugh, including Liz

Right as we were calming down from our laughter, my doorbell rang

"I can get it" Liz said as she took notice I was still making some pancakes

"Thank you" I smiled

She nodded as she walked out of the kitchen and to the front door

"Oh, hey Dakota" I heard her say

I thought for a moment. Did I make plans with him today?

I saw Ariana from the corner of my eye looking at me. Just then, Liz walked in the kitchen with Dakota closely behind

"It's Dakota" she whispered

"I can see" I whispered with a laugh

"Oh wow" he said

"Hm?" I hummed, curious about why he was "oh wowing"

He shrugged it off

"How are you, ladies?" He asked making sure to pay attention to everyone

"Good" they all replied in unison

"Im Dakota, I don't think we've met" he held his hand out for Victoria to shake

"Victoria" she smiled shaking his hand

"Good to see you Ariana" he directed his attention to her

"Same for you" she smiled back

"Liz, always makes my day worse to see you" he joked

"Feeling is mutual" she laughed

He shot her a playful wink as he walked over to me. The second he was next to me, he pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek

"How are you?" he asked

"Good, and you?" I smiled into to hug

"Good" he nodded pulling away

"Not that I don't love you here... but why are you here?" I asked

"Well, I wanted to ask you something, but I didn't expect to do it with an audience" he said

"Oh we can go outside if you want" I started

"No it's fine, the more the merrier" he smiled genuinely

"So what's up?" I asked turning the stove off

I watched as he looked at each of the girls. They all had curious looks on their faces as I was confused

"Dont laugh at me, okay guys?" He asked the girls

They all nodded respectfully, well except Liz

"No promises" she teased as she put her hands up in surrender

He rolled his eyes at her playfully as he took a deep breath

"Okay" he said

"Are you okay?" I asked with a light laugh

"Just a little nervous" he replied

I nodded

"Take your time" I smiled

"Okay" he said taking one final deep breath

"Obviously we've known each other since well, forever. I'm glad I've gotten the chance to not only be friends with you, but help you through the hard times. I love how we can always depend on each other" he started

I saw Victoria grip Ariana's arm with a smile on her face, eagerly watching and nodding

"It's always just been you, me, Dalton, your brother and Tori and that's all we ever needed... each other. Over the years I realized how much my feeling were developing for you, but I finally realized them in high school. You care about others, you always put them first before you, which in my opinion, is not good, but that's just who you are. You're kind like that" he added

"Oh my god" Liz whispered in shock

I was in shock. I think everyone was in shock. I didn't even know what to say. I knew what was happening, but my brain couldn't process it

"This is getting cheesy and stupid so I'm just gonna say it like a man rather than a middle school boy. I wanna give us a real try, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked

I just stared at him in shock. His words were not processing yet. I looked over to see Ariana giving me a gentle smile. I then looked at Victoria to see her smiling. Liz was just nodding her head eagerly. I took my last glance at Ariana and her smile slightly faded

"Yes" I smiled as I turned back to look Dakota

I watched this huge smile form on his face as he walked to me for a hug, but I declined his hug and went for a kiss instead.

"Damn" Vic said in a disappointed voice as we pulled away

My arms were wrapped around Dakotas neck as his hands rested on my hips and we turned to look at the three girls

"What?" Liz asked

"She's off the market now" she frowned

"You're literally pregnant from your boyfriend" Ariana laughed

"A girl can dream" she said

There was a short pause

"Oh my god" Victoria piped up

Ariana raised an eyebrow in confusion

"Court is going to be devastated" Vic added

Ariana playfully rolled her eyes

"She'll manage" Ariana said

Dakota smiled as he kissed me one last time before speaking

"Well, I'll let you four continue your girls day, sorry for interrupting" Dakota said pulling away

"It was a cute interruption, so its okay" Ariana smiled gently

He nodded before I walked him to my front door and said our final goodbyes


Did you expect it?

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