Forever With Love

By iamtinasnow

22.6K 1.3K 160

Y/N is a well-known Realtor in Louisiana. Always working her sister convinces her to take some time off for... More

FWL BOOK 2 Preview 1.0 (REWRITTEN)

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262 16 6
By iamtinasnow

Warning: This chapter will mention abuse. Please read at your own risk.-T💕


"How did it go?" asked Chris. "It was okay it wasn't like before,  I'm hoping I can change that tonight. How are things going with you and Alayah?" I asked walking out of the kitchen to the living room. "Everything is going well. We text here and there. Nothing too major." He said. By the tone of his voice, I know that he's smile. "So y'all texted every day." I stated putting on my shoes.

"I wouldn't say every day." Chris laughed. "When are you going to ask her out man?" I asked while spraying on cologne. "When we're both back in LA. Her favorite spot is EightTwo. So I'll probably take her there." He said. "Damn y'all that close you know her favorite spots?" I asked putting on cologne. "It came up once or twice." replied Chris laughing.

"I gotta go man I have to pick Y/N up for 7." I said, laughing. "Let me know how it goes. Good luck." said Chris. "I will and thank you." I thanked then hung up. I grabbed my keys from the key rack and walked outside to the truck. I started it waiting for the phone to connect to the radio.
Y/N's place was just a quick drive from my house. So I didn't run into any traffic or any traffic jams. I pulled into her driveway. Getting out leaving the truck running I went up to the door knocking on it. Waiting patiently I pushed my hands in my pocket.

I heard footsteps coming to the door and it opened. "Hey come in, Y/N will be right down." said Amari said opening the door so I could walk in. "Thanks." I thanked standing in the foyer. "Djay's in the living room if you like to join him." Amari offered. I nodded thanking her again before walking to the living room.

"What's going on man?" I spoke walking through the door. "Nothing much. Beer?" He asked motioning towards the beer on the table. "Yeah, thanks." I thanked taking a beer and sitting down waiting for Y/N.

"Anthony's downstairs." Mari said walking into the room closing the door. "Okay, I'm just finishing up." I said closing the lip gloss and standing up walking over to the bed getting my purse. "We left you something in there." said Alayah winking. Shaking my head opening my purse.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not giving it up on the first date." I laughed taking the condoms out. "You never know, I mean with a man that looks like that we wouldn't even make it to the date." said Missie laughing.

"Damn, this many?" I asked flipping my purse emptying everything out. "I mean you never know." Amari said jumping her shoulders. I smiled knowing exactly what she is hinting at. "Y'all don't have to worry about that yet." I said putting my wallet, lip gloss, and phone back in the zipping it. "How do I look?" I asked spinning.

"You look good. Now come on you can't keep the man waiting." Layah said taking the purse from the bed giving it to me while we all walked out of the room.  "How long are y'all gonna be gone?" Amari asked as we walked in the foyer. "I'm not sure, I'll text the group chat when I coming." I said, making our way to the living room entrance.

"Remember to have her home before the street lights come on." Djay said as we walked into the entrance of the living room. "Not you giving them a curfew."  said Missie. "I'm just saying." Djay said jumping his shoulders. "Streets lights are on now stupid." Layah said slapping the back of his head.

"Good, that means she don't gotta go." Djay stated with his arms across his chest. "Anyways, hi Mack." I said smiling. "Hey, you look beautiful." He said coming over pulling me in a hug. When I tell this man smells so good.  "Aww,"  "Don't aww that shit." Djay said kissing his teeth.  "Man, leave them alone." Amari said, I pulled back smiling at him. "Thank you, we should go before the idiots start fighting." I said laughing.

"Bye, y'all have fun." Layah said as they followed us to the front door. "See y'all later and don't tear down the house while I'm gone." I said walking out of the door and to his truck.

He opened the door for me,  "Thank you," I thanked him and got in.  "No problem." He said closing the door walking around to the driver's side. I put my seatbelt on, then unzipping my purse to get my phone.

I rolled my eyes laughing moving the condoms from the screen, taking my phone out. "So where are you taking me?" I asked as Mackie pulled out of the driveway. "It's a surprise. So just enjoy the ride." He smirked focusing on the road. Lord this man might be the death of me.


I'm trying my best to stay focused on the road, but Y/N looks amazing. She looks good, her skin looks so soft, her hair is in its natural state, and she smells amazing. 'Okay Mack, man focus you can't just sit here. Make small talk.' I thought. "Can I play music?" Y/N asked. "Yeah, go ahead." I nodded disconnecting my phone.

"Thanks," She thanked connecting her phone. I nodded and waited for the music to start. Y/N turned the radio up then sat back in the seat. I shook my head hitting the mute button as the intro to Candy Girl started. "Hey," Y/N said looking at me.

"My car my rules, Candy girl is not allowed." I said glancing over at her. I disconnected her phone and connected mine back to the radio, "What's wrong with candy girl?" Y/N asked pouting. "Nothing, it's just Candy girl. I hate it." I laughed, once my phone connected to the radio I went to Apple Music.

"Really, you play the same song. She said laughing. "Yeah, why not I love this song." I said turning up the music singing along to it. I focused back on the road, Bayona was just a couple more minutes away. I hope that she likes what I have planned for later after the dinner.

After about five minutes of driving, we finally pulled into a restaurant.  It's right in the Quater, a little cottage-type place. "This is cute." Y/N said as I helped her out of the car. "I try." I said closing the door, then taking her hand walking into the restaurant.

"Reservation for Mackie." I said. "Right this way." The receptionist said.  I  nodded taking Y/N hand following her to an empty dining room. "A waiter will be here soon." She said before walking out. "It's just us?" Y/N asked walking over to the table. "Yeah, I rented it out for just us." I said, pulling out her chair. "Thank you," She thanked putting her purse on the floor.

"No problem." I  said sitting down across from her. "How's everything with filming?"  asked Y/N. "Good, we just finished wrapping up about three days ago." I  said smiling. "Congratulations," She said smiling. "Thank you," I thanked, while the waiter came over with our drinks and started to take our order.



"Do you want me to pay this time?" I asked taking my wallet from my purse laughing. "No, everything is already taken care of." Anthony laughed taking my hand again walking out of the private dining area and into the public. "Excuse me, we're huge fans. I was wondering could we get a picture?" A girl asked motioning to a group of teenagers at a table.

Anthony gave me a questioning look and I nodded. Why would I stop him from talking with his fans? "Sure." He said walking over to the table and followed behind them taking the phone from her hands waiting for them to pose. I took three pictures then gave her phone back to her.

"Thank you, enjoy the rest of y'alls night." She said, "Thank you."  Anthony thanked taking my hand once again. "I want to take to one place before I have to take you home." He said holding the door for me to walk out. "Are you going to tell me what it is, or is it a surprise too?" I asked.

"It's a surprise, but I think you might like this one more." said Mackie smiling, opening the truck door for me again. At the rate, this man is going he gonna have my panties off in no time. I got in putting on the seatbelt. I grabbed my phone from my purse, unlocking it I went to the group chat without Djay.


Would it be wrong if I gave up on the first date? Askin for a friend 😩

I put my phone on silent waiting for them to text me back. Meanwhile, Anthony is pulling out of the restaurant parking lot. "This going to take us a minute to get there ," Anthony said pulling out onto the highway. "That's fine." I said as my phone vibrated. I picked it up looking at who texted. Of course, Layah replies first.


When has a first date stopped anything?

Missie😘: No Fr, why she acting like its something new😒 that's why the condoms are there😂


So Lay you to telling me you would give up to Chris on the first date🤔

Missie😘: Who is Chris🤨

Mari❤️: She means Chris Jamal Evans😏

💕Layah💕: And I would, but it's not about me right now. Y/N/N if you gonna give up coochie give it to him.

Mari❤️: I agree, throw it back on him🤪

Missie😘: It's not my business, but let us know how it goes 😘

They ain't no help at all. Bad motherfucking influences. I hate them so much.


Bye I hate y'all😂😂

"Ya boyfriend's making you smile pretty hard over here." Anthony said gripping the wheel tighter.  "My boyfriend?" I asked looking upside his head. "Yeah, boyfriend." He said pulling into the parking lot. "It's not my boyfriend, It's my sister, best friend, and in law." I said. "I said while he looked for a parking spot. 

"So you do have one?" He asked pulling into a spot. Clearly, he's a little jealous.  I took off my seatbelt.  "Maybe, maybe not." I said jumping my shoulders looking at him. "You think I'm joking." He said opening the door walking around the car.

I shook my head grabbing my purse from the back seat as Mackie opened the door. "Get out," He said motioning for me to get out. I rolled my eyes stepping out of the car. Once I did he closed the door. "Who is he?"He asked taking my hand.

"I don't have a boyfriend, if I did you wouldn't seem to care." I laughed. "Why do you say that?" He asked. "Because you haven't let go of my hand since we left Bayona." I said as we walked out to the water.  "Fine, I'll let you use that against me, but do you still like boat rides?" He asked looking at me.

"Yeah, how do you still remember that?" I asked surprised. "You always talked about, back in high school." He said before walking over to talk to the guy over the boat rides. How does he remember something like that? Especially when we were in high school. Dad used to bring us here all the time before we moved and I haven't been boating since.

I took out my phone unlocking it letting the girls know that I might lose signal on the water.


Y'all fucking on a yacht?


Damn fucking in luxury 😩

Mari❤️: Take Pictures before y'all fuck them people shit up😏


Y'all hoes ain't shit. We not doing nothing😒 I was just letting y'all know😂

Rolling my eyes I locked my phone putting it in my pocket. "The ride is ready we have it to ourselves." Anthony said coming back over to me. "Okay, let  me take off these heels real quick before getting in the sand." I said sitting down on the bench taking my shoes.

It's cute how he remembers I like boating. Something I haven't done in years well since Ma and daddy got a divorce. Once I took my shoes off I put them in my purse because it doesn't have anything in there, but condoms. Mackie held his hand out for me to take, "Thank you." I thanked as we walked through the sand going out to the boat.

I sat down on the seats and Anthony did the same wrapping his arm around me. The sun was just beginning to set at almost 8:30. Believe me, it's weird, but it is beautiful. I took out my phone for the last time taking a picture posting it on Instagram. I press the sleep/wake button.

"This is nice," I said snuggling closer to him. "I'm glad you like it." He said taking off his jacket putting it over my arms.  "Thank you," I thanked blushing. "Mmh," He mumbled pulling me back into his side.  And to think just yesterday I was mad at him over something so stupid. He really made up for it. The whole date is beautiful.  I thought with my head on his shoulder.

I smiled to myself, maybe I can give this a chance after a couple more dates of course. Nothing could take the smile from my face. For a moment I felt a little peace. I continued to enjoy the boat ride as my phone vibrates in my pocket.

It's probably the girls, taking out the phone and looking at the screen. I should have just ignored it.


Remember when you got choked until you almost died and was told if you said anything anyone you would be killed. Have you told anyone yet?"

"You good, you look a little sick?" question Mackie looking at me. I nodded locking my phone,

"Yeah, couldn't be better."

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