The Billionaire Summer

By AidinWhite

77.6K 1.8K 78

{Book #2 of The Winters Series} A week after leaving New York Adrian Winters once plagued by blame of the kid... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Twenty

1.1K 29 0
By AidinWhite

Adrian Winters

After swapping out of the riding boots and back into my shoes, same as Olivia, we pushed open the barn door only to see that it was pouring rain.

How can it be dense fog and change to rain in three hours?

"Well we either walk and get soaked, or run and get soaked" I muse.

"You're probably going to walk" Olivia says.

"Yes I am" I say stepping out into the rain followed by Olivia before I shut the barn and locked it.

I then walked away from it catching up to Olivia who had her hair pulled down flat from the water in her hair, though I doubted I look any different.

Stepping inside after a moment, I removed my soaked shoes and dumped the water outside before putting them over a heat vent. I also took off my socks before walking to the laundry room and taking my clothes off and putting them in the dryer.

Walking out of the laundry room I went to my bedroom, and changed into duplicate of what I wore this morning.

After an few minutes Olivia walks into the bedroom likely to do exactly what I just did.

I then walked into the bathroom, to redo my hair as it had been flattened by the rain which pounded against the windows and skylights.

"Adrian I have a question" Olivia says walking into the bathroom to get a brush.

"Yes Olivia".

"What did you look like when you were younger?".

I smirk and look over at her.

"Exactly how long ago?" I muse.

"From a year or two ago".

Walking out of the bathroom and over to my phone I opened my gallery, and found a picture from when I appeared in a private photoshoot for future second generation billionaire CEO's.

"Here's what I looked like Livi, I was fifteen" I say handing her my phone.

"Damn Adrian, if only I got my scholarship a year earlier".

"You would have dealt with me when I was sad and miserable which was at least once a day" I say remembering how I had taken my parents deaths.

"When did you move to Brooklyn Heights?".

"After Winter Break, I stayed there for four months, then I had to testify in court, because of what I did" I say.

"I mean at least you were good looking, I wore shit tons of fountain because I had bruises and things on my body from Demetri".

"What about you, what did you look like two years ago bellissima?".

Olivia let out a sigh, before pulling out her phone.

"Alright here you go" she says handing me her phone and looking down I simply go wide eyed.

I can tell it's her, same heart shaped face and grey green eyes, she just looks younger but its definitively her.

"You still look beautiful Olivia" I say handing her phone back.

"Of course I do, Adrian", smirking I just shake my head and walk out over to her.

"Except how confident are you really?" I pry with a sly smirk.

"Adrian" she warns, and I can see her eyes dilating.

"Bellissima" I reply making my voice slightly deeper letting my British accent come out.

"Why does your British accent have to be attractive" Olivia mutters and I just smirk.

"You tell me" I muse lifting her chin so I can look into her eyes, before moving both of my hands to her waist.

"I can't explain it" she says, "it just is".

"It's called being deeply and infallibly love" I say, "something I'll admit I am with you".

"I thought you were called the devil" Olivia teases.

"I am, that sliver of angel in me that's reserved for you, and a few other people I care about".

"I know, I've seen the sides of you".

"Yes you have. You've accepted them all and I really couldn't ask for much more then that".

"I'm sure you could think of a few more things" Olivia says smiling up at me.

"Oh I'm sure I could given enough time" I reply with a smirk.

"No doubts on that" Olivia says.

Laughing lightly, an idea comes to mind.

"Do you want chai tea?".

"You drink chai tea?".

"Its probably healthier for me then coffee".

"That doesn't answer my question".

"Would I ask if I didn't?".

Olivia then bites her lip tilting her head side to side.

"Exactly" I say before picking her up, "wrap your legs around my waist" I say which she does as I carry her out to the kitchen.

Getting to the living room I lay her down on the couch before I go to stand but she doesn't let me.

"You didn't say let go" she says pressing her lips together to suppress a smile.

"Okay then" I say lying over her observing the slate grey and emerald colour of her eyes, along with the fluctuating dilation of her pupils.

"Your breathing changed, along with your complexion your flushed, I can also feel your heart rate increasing. Want to tell me why that might be" I muse.

"Nervous" she says.

"No you bite your lip when your nervous, your adrenaline rose, your body's preparing you for physical activity" I say, I'm the top student in Human Anatomy, and Physiology.

"I don't know how to reply to that" Olivia says.

Nodding slowly I look between her lips and her eyes.

"Tell me if this helps" I say leaning down to press my lips to hers, before her hands grip my hair.

Me and Olivia are like fire and gasoline the more of the other only increases the inferno between us.

At some point my shirt begins to rise before the main door begins to opens and Kate walks in with a strawberry milkshake with Nico carrying in several books.

I then push myself up, and finger comb my hair before walking into the kitchen to fill the kettle.

"Hi Kate hi Nico" Olivia says.

"Hey Olivia, what happened to your hair, its a little out of shape" Kate says.

"We got rained on before having to dry and recomb our hair, her hair also does that when she lies down" I say getting out two tea bags, "do either of you want chai tea?".

"Sure" Nico says setting the books on the counter.

"Yes please" Kate replies.

I then pull out four mugs, and tie the tea bags to the handles.

"Where did you two go riding?" Kate asks sitting down in one of the counter stools.

"We went through the trail before heading to the lake, we started to come back when it was about to start raining" I reply, as the kettle nears boiling, and I begin to pour an even amount in each mug.

"Damn you two went far, the Lake is on the edge of your property" she comments.

"I know, I just thought it would be a nice place to take her".

"It was fun, I enjoyed it" Olivia says running her hand through her hair making several strands of hair fall over her face.

"That's good to know" I say, "I'm glad".

Everyone then takes a mug, and we all stand leaning on the counter.

"What's the plan for the rest of the day" Olivia asks.

"I don't know quite yet" I muse though I do have an idea, that I planned on the ride back to the stable earlier.

"That would be a first" Nico comments and from the expression on his face I can tell he knows I just lied.

"It would" Kate says, and right now I'm glad I can control every reaction possible by my body.

Don't expose me.

"There's firsts for everything" I say, "now I've been needing to reply to an important call, so I will be in my office".

I then walk away from the kitchen, with my phone, and mug of tea before heading into the office of my house.

I hope this goes well.
So what do you think the call is about comment below, also vote and share, I always appreciate the support you all give. Anyways


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