The Evolving Hero and the Rul...

By adamabyss12

205K 2.4K 1.6K

"I had thought...I had believed...I had hoped that...because you are would care more about the l... More

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Returning home to Snowdin
Someone Very Unknown
Regretfully Lamenting
Group Hunt
Attack on the Cargo Ship
The Red Eyed Killer
Night Raid
A Devil's Hunger for Power
Uncertain Trust
The Hunt is On
The Mutated Kid
Battle against the False Heroes
The Apocalyptic Monster
Dunking Taurus
Another Black Cat
Fight the White Dragon Emperor
Flames of Blue Hate
Against Gremory Again/Freeing White Kitten
Meeting with the Dragon God
Another Blue Guy
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Yue's Time with the Others
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Another Powerful DEAD CELL
Hanging Out
New Aid
Dead Cell Problems
Having One Last Fun
The Leviathan
Mirror of Vos
One Last Target
Going After Cerebellum
Ebott's Dead City
The Cerebellum
Gaia's Vengeance
Alpha Timeline
Past Reveals
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2 TransVoid Rulers
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Healing the Sickened

7K 82 17
By adamabyss12

Sans was now outside of Mount Ebott, as he overlooked the horizon that is before his eyes. The sun rising from the forest that is before Mount Ebott, like it is awakening from it's slumber, while the moon looks as though it is lowering itself into the Earth, so that it can finally have its turn to rest, after being up in the sky. Sans' friends and his half-brother are also with him, as they are seeing Sans leave to try and look for something. Velvet than walked forward towards Sans, as she spoke out.

"You're leaving already, Sans?"

Sans turns around and spoke out.

"I am. I need to continue what I need to find. This is very important to me. And it is also important for you all as well. You may not understand first...but when you see me have it...then you'll know."

Coco than stepped forward, and spoke out.

"You...will come back to us, right?"

Sans smiled.

"I do. I might even make some new friends when I keep trying to find what I need."

Asia than crouched down and hugged Sans.

"Please take care of yourself, Sans. please?"

"I will, Asia. Don't worry."

Asia smiled, as Jaune and Papeys fist bumped Sans.

"Be safe, dude."

"Same thing, brother."

Sans smiled and nodded his head.

"I will. Don't worry."

He than hugs the both of them tightly, and his 3 lovers, Cinder, Velvet, and Coco, all 3 of them kissed his lips, before Sans walks forward, unfurls his wings by forming them from his scarves, and he flies up into the sky, before he rockets forward, as he goes out to find an Elemental Orb.

Sans refuses to talk about where the Elemental Orbs had originally landed to, as no one would understand. All that he can say is that they landed in places where no normal human can find them. And Sans, with his ability to make portals, can access them. But the third Elemental Orb is now somewhere on the Earth, and he is now working very hard to try and find them.

Sans is looking forward, as he tries to find the Elemental Orb that he is looking for. He had always vowed that he would get the Elemental Orbs, so that he can know the secret to his own power. But there is another reason that he is deciding to go out in the open. After seeing just how corrupted Union is on the inside...he made a vow that he would help those that are unable to help themselves. Union Academy had only taught people to be strong and treat the powerless like they are nothing but cannon fodder, as well as gnats that they can step on, with the only good thing being to defeat the bad guys, even though Union themselves are the worst type of guys. Sans is now doubtful of the existence of actual heroes, and because of this, decides that he is going to try and help the powerless people that he can come across, and actually start to life them into his arms, when no one else can lift them into their arms. He'll continue to lift them as much as he can, until they find a way for them to help themselves. At which point...they won't need his help anymore. Though, this will not stop him from protecting them. But...this is only with his Crystal powers, which he inherited from his father.

When the Turquoise powers are used...this actually made Sans a little bit terrified of using it in front of other people. As he has no idea what to think if they ever saw him using that magic. Even though he accepted it to some extent...he did not fully embrace its power just yet, and he has no idea if he ever will. He has not shown this to his friends...because he is scared of what they will think of him if he ever did show it to them, as to him, this power has made him a freak in his eyes, a monster. It makes him very ashamed that he had this inside of his body, when no one else has this thing inside of their own bodies. For now...he is going to stay in his usual, normal form.

"No one else deserves to know my other half. They all should mot know of it. Maybe it is best they never discover its existence."

He than held his hand to his chest, and clenched his hand over the Abyss Crystal that he has on his coat.

"It is best for no one to know of this. one...should know of this."

Sans than looks down, and he sees that he is over a forest of some kind. would be rather fitting of an elemental orb is somewhere around here. So Sans decide to look around the forest to see if it is somewhere around here. But it turns out...that was a big mistake to do. When he began to look around...all of a sudden, a shot nearly hits Sans, and it whizzed past him, landing somewhere on the forest grounds.

"Huh?! What did that?!"

Sans turned around, and saw that Atlas Ships are present with Sans, and they are aiming towards Sans. Than, more Atlas Ships become present, and they are all surrounding Sans. They raised their weapons and aim it at Sans, as he snarled with rage that he had been spotted by the Atls Military. Than,  a voice erupted from one if the ship's loudspeakers

"Sans Gaster!! We have you surrounded. Come quietly, or we will be forced to fire!!"

"That is quiet hypocritical, considering the fact that you had just fired your weapon at me a couple of second ago."

Sans snarled out, as he clenched his fist at what they had just did. He than looks up, and than, flies upwards as fast as he can. While he could attack the Atlas Ships and kill the people inside if he wanted to, he doesn't want to risk getting himself a target for execution for killing one of the Atlas People. And more importantly, he surely does not want to face James Ironwood himself, which would literally be disastrous for him. So the best option in this situation is to flee from the Atlas Military that is trying take him away.

As soon as Sans began to fly away, the Atlas Ships that are trying to take Sans away, immediately began to fire on Sans, but not to kill him. It is to incapacitate him. But Sans is very fast, and he was able to dodge a bunch of the bullets that are being fired towards him. One of the bullets did manage to grade him on the shoulder, but it only stung. It did not hurt Sans that much. And the grazed wound began to heal, and disappeared as if it was not there. Although the coat still has the grazed cut.

The Atlas Ships than made a different tactic and chased Sans as fast as they could, in hopes that the could contain Sans and bring him to the headmasters of Union Academy.

"Damnit. It's obvious that James Ironwood and Atlas aren't gonna stop until they capture me and take me to Atlas. I need to find a way for me to cloud their vision long enoug for me to hide. But where can I..."

Sans than remembered something, and he looked up...seeing the clouds in the sky. Sans smiled, a he spoke out to himself.

"Maybe these should be thick enough for me to hide from the others, until I can make a beeline for the forest and be hidden from the Atlas Ships. I just need to time this perfectly."

He than looks down to see all the Atlas Ships rushing up towards him. He than looks up and sighed.

" it goes."

He than flies upwards into the air fast, and before anyone knew it, Sans now vanished into the clouds, and they cannot see which area of the clouds he is at right now, due to how thick the clouds are.

"After him!!"

One of the soldiers, presumably the captain, spoke out, and all of the other Atlas Ships began to chase Sans into the clouds.  As soon as they went in, though, Sans shoots down out of the clouds, and rushes down towards the forest, while the Atlas Soldiers are busy trying to find him above the clouds.

The trees got closer and closer and an alarmingly fast rate, and Sans knows that he needs to stop soon, otherwise...he is gonna get pierced by the trees themselves.


Sans than spread his wings, and he was able to stop himself, as one of his feet nearly touched the top of the trees, that would have pierced him. Sans sighed at how much of a close call this is, as he than lowered himself into the thick forest, like it is a blanket covering him. Except that this blanket isn't going to last forever, and the Atlas Soldiers are going to find him into the woods soon. All that he can hope is that they are bust in the sky long enough for Sans to find a place to hide, or...until they give up on his search for him, and they just leave back to the Kingdom of Atlas.

"Well...better get moving. I can't just stand around and wait for them to find me, now, can I?"

Sans spoke to himself, before beginning to run and look for a place to hide in. The runs past the trees that are surrounding him, and looks around for something that can act as a perfect hiding spot for Sans.

"I'm just hoping that luck is on my side this time."

Sans shook his head, as he hates using luck, since he knows that it will not be really enough. But he has to hope that he can get away from them just long enough for them to not be seen by them. So...with that thought in mind, Sans takes the time to run around and search for the place that will help him stay out of sight from the Atlas Military.

Timeskip...half an hour later...

"ghhhhhhhh...It is so not working. There is not a single place that can allow me to hides rom the Atlas Military perfectly."

Sans snarled in immense frustration, as he did not find the perfect hiding spot that he was looking for. The hiding spots he ended up finding only ended up showing that it is now effective. Some of them are simply to small for Sans, some already have an animal occupant inside of them. And some...just are a bit to dangerous for even him to go inside. Clearly, luck is not on his side, and instead...luck is clearly against him. Sans sighed, as he pinched his nose.

"I clearly hate myself for choosing this."

As soon as Sans spoke out those words, he than hears a familiar sound of jets roaring. He looks up...and sensed that they are going down into the forest.

"Ahhhh, great. Of course they would finally go down, after seeing that I am not in the sky this time."

Sans than sees them about to enter, knocking some of the forest trees with the sheer size of the vehicles, which are too large for them to enter, and yet, strong enough to know the trees down with the sheer weight. Sans, nit wasting time, decides to immediately get away from the, as fast as possible. He spreads his wings, and flies in the air, before rushing away from them as fast as he could.

"I see him. After Sans Gaster!"

One of the Soliders spotted Sans, and they wasted no time to try and chase Sans Gaster, while also firing their guns at the trees to clear the way for them to catch Sans, and hopefully, get the trees to pin Sans to the ground. But Sans was able to avoid the trees from falling down right on top of him, as he than turns around, and spotted a large log. So, Sans decide to duck down, and curl up into a ball, with the scarves wrapped around his form. Normally, he would use the scarves in this manner to defend against attacks that are coming his way. But how, he is going to use them for hiding. The Atlas Ships passed above him, and Sans quickly stands up, and flies away. He than looks around for a place that can hide him as fast as he could, but he didn't see any yet. Still...he is not going to give up easily.

"come on, work for!!"

Sans shouted out, as he still makes his attempt to try and find the place he needs to try and find. He can sense that they are coming to his direction, and are likely going to see him soon. But as Sans looks around...he than spotted what seem to be a cave.


He than stops himself, and than rushed towards the cave, and landed right in front of it. The was mostly sealed off, due to the large rocks that block it...but there is one opening that, while tight, is large enough to go through. Sans sighed, as he spoke out.

"Well...guess there is not time to waste."

Sans spoke out, before running to the cave's small opening,and began to squeeze inside. It was tough to get through, due to his there is little space...but...he is starting to go the other side. And knows that Atlas Soldiers aren't there to Sans' location just yet. Sans is now almost through.

"Come on...ghhhhhhhh...almost there."

Finally, after a minute, he went through to the others side, and fell down to the cold, right ground.and the ground was hurt...which hurt him a bit.


Sans spoke out, before he scrambled up onto his feet, and look through the small opening, and see the Atlas Ships land on the ground, and began to search for him, meaning they decided not to damage the forest any further.

"Haaaaaaa...thank god. They didn't see me."

Sans sighed, as he than slid on the wall of the blockage, and sat down, holding his head in relief of having gotten away from the Atlas Military.  

Sans looked he is unsure what to do. But than...


Sans noticed some off. He sensed 2 souls. One of them, dying slowly. Sans stood up, and spoke out.

"What are people doing in a cave of all place?"

Sans than began to walk to the source of the souls. The cave was dark, at first, but than...crystals illuminated the cave...and they are as bright as lightbulb. But as soon as he stepped forward...he than sensed one of the souls rushing towards him. Without thinking...he jumped back...and a punch landed on the ground, cracking the ground and making a crater. Sans was caught off-guard, and looked to see who it was the made the crater on the ground. When he looked...he was very confused at who it is that had punched the ground and suddenly attacked him the way that they did.

This a white tiger Faunus. And does not look very friendly. Sans sidestepped out of the way, as the Faunus kid is using physical combat to try and severely hurt Sans.

"You're here to take us back!! I won't let you!!"

The Faunus then attempted to punch him, but Sans got out of the way.

"Take you back? What are you talking about?! I don't even know who you are!!"

But the Faunus does not seem to believe him, as he spoke this out.

"You're lying!! You're gonna take us back to be enslaved!!!"

The kid than attempted to punch Sans again, but he raised his hand out, and levitated the kid in the air, before speaking out.

"Kid. I don't know what nonsense you are talking about, but I am guy that is against slavery. I'm not with it."

The kid snarled, clearly not believing it...until a female voice is heard.

"Wait...Fohl. I can (cough) sense he's...telling the truth."

This finally made Fohl stop, and Sans looked to see who it is that spoke out. When Sans looked...he really wished he did not see where it had came from now. The source of the voice appears to be wrapped in bandages. But he can see through some of them...that the person is very...very painful looking sores.

"Oh god..."

Sans spoke out to he looked horrified. He lets Fohl down, and Sans decided to walk towards her, slowly, and in a none-threatening manner. is more in a frightened, yet worried looking walk.

He than got closer, but than, the Faunus calling himself, Fohl, gripped Sans by the shoulder, and tightened if to tell him to back off. But the girl in the bandages than spoke.

"It's okay, Fohl. I do not sense any malicious intent from him."


Fohl whispered out, and Sans heard it. That must be the name of the bandages person. Fohl was a little hesitant...but than let's go of Sans, and Sans walked towards the girl, and he crouched down, while looking at her face. But the face isn't shown, because the bandages covered her body. Maybe it's best that it is not shown.

" are with me?"

The girl said, as Sans nodded his head.

"Yes. I am. My name is Sans Gaster."


The girl if choosing her words carefully. Sans had no idea what it is that she is too going say. Than...the girl spoke out to Sans...and Sans was not expecting the words that the girl had spoken out to Sans.

"Sans...please take gentle care of my brother."

"Atla...please, don't say that!"

Fohl than came to touch Atla's hand in a comforting way. But as he did, he than looks at Sans...and he jolts in fright at what he is seeing.

Sans' sclera turned black, and his irises turned turquoise, with vein-like patterns growing off the irises. His pupils turned slitted, as he looks at Atla. This is really freaking Fohl out, as he has never seen this happen before. Unbeknownst to Fohl, Sans is looking at Atla's body, and he is scanning what the sickness is doing to her body. And unfortunately, the sickness is very, very serious for her, which Sans began to see.

'This is doing so much serious damage to her. It is attacking all of her organs, her muscles, her lungs, eyes, throat, is attacking every single body part within herself.'

Sans looked down at his hand, and clenched his fist. Green mist came out of his hands, as he thought to himself.

'Thankfully...I have something that can help, due to being taught by someone with the soul trait of kindness...'ll take a long time for me to heal this girl. I'm just hoping that it pays for for me in the end."

Sans than crouched and spoke out.

"I have something that can help you, Atla."

This made Fohl look up, and spoke out.

"What are you planning on doing? I swear, if you plan on-"

But Sans raised his hand, signaling him to stop, before he spoke out.

"I have some magic that can heal her of her sickness, and even get rid of the illness that is killing her."

Fohl's eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"You...can do that."

Sans nodded.

"I can. However...I need to fully concentrate on healing her. Even that it will take me 2 days for me to complete the process."

That was all that Fohl needed to her, as he grabs Sans by the shoulders, and spoke out, as well as having a stem flare in his eyes.

"If you can heal her, please do it. I don't want to lose my sister! I don't care how long it takes! If she's healed...that it will make me happy!!"

Sans looked at Fohl's eyes, and he sees that he is fearing for her sister's life. Sans nodded. He than looks at his phone, and sees the time. 2:30 P.M.

"Okay...but I need to touch her physically if I am going to heal her. So please, stand back."

Sans than walked forward, and grabbed Atla's head with both of his hands.

"What are you doing?"

Atla spoke out. Sans looked at her, and spoke out.

"Getting rid of the illness and healing you. That is what I am going to do."

Atla was silent, as Sans' hands began to glow green, and so did Atla's body.

"Why are you doing this? (Cough)"

Atla spoke out, as Sans spoke to her.

"I made a vow to help the people that cannot help for themselves. To life those into my arms so they can love to see another day. And I'll make sure that you and your brother get to still be with each other for another day, and the day beyond another one."


Atla whispered a bit, as she tilted her head in awe and utter relief. It was as if she was destined to meet this person that is now trying to everything to save her life, even though no one else is willing to do it. It was almost as if she was fated to meet this one person called...Sans Gaster. Than... Atla noticed something unusual about Sans' soul, and it was unlike any other soul she has seen in her life...which she spoke out to Sans on.

"Your soul...I can..sense it. One as bright and as beautiful as crystal...and growing, changing...evolving. And's so pure, divine, and very kind. And yet...I sense so much disgust towards yourself, so much sadness and torment that you had to feel a very, very long time. And yet...I can feel so much braver coming from you."

Sans flinched. He didn't know she can see his soul. Clearly...he is very he has not shown her his transformation yet. And clearly...he refuses to let her see it. But Sans is not going to let that get in the way of helping her. He is going to make sure that she gets to live another day.

The process with healing her was painful for everyone. For Sans...he is having trouble concentrating, due to the fact that he can sense Atlas Soldiers walking around, still patrolling the area, trying to find they have never seen him left the forest. For Atla...while the sickness is starting to go away, and it is making her feel better, it is also making her body feel sore all over the place, as she can still feel the illness affecting and trying to kill off her body. For Fohl...even though he is still in good condition to do something...there is literally nothing that he can do, as he does not have the power to heal people, and knows how to fight. So...there is literally nothing that he can do...other than to just sit here and Atla writhed a bit in a small bit of agony. And yet...Fohl can see it. The sores are beginning to disappear off of his younger sister's body. Replacing the sores...are flawless skin.

Timeskip....2:26 P.M.

Fohl gets up from the ground, after using Sans' scarf as a pillow. Normally, he would not trust anyone other than his sister, due to the fact that he believed that he believed that he was the only that would help her...but this time...he is gonna have to swallow his pride, and let someone else help him. And besides...the scarf was actually soft for him to finally sleep comfortably on, as the rocky walls did not help much.

" done yet?"

Fohl spoke out, as he scrambled up to look at her.

"Not yet. Almost there. I still need to cure a few more spots, than I'll be done."

Sans spoke out, his concentration never faltering. His eyes are closed this whole time, as he continued to heal Atla. Sans is getting tired, because of how much he had to waste his magic on Atla. But he cannot his up now. Atla still needs help, he is not going to stop...until he finally accomplishes his goal.

It took only a few more minutes...until...Sans finally let's go.

"What...what are you doing?"

Sans spoke out.

"She's done. I've got rid of the illness that has been trying to kill her. She's now finally cured."

Fohl's eyes he than looks down at Atla...who than began to sit up. She's moving...and she's not hurting.

"I...I feel...strong. Light. I'm finally free."

Fohl's eyes watered in relief, as Atla than began to take her bandages, and they fell down to the ground. When Sans' looked...he was completely caught off guard by what he is seeing now.

Sans was simply shocked beyond belief. While he knows that this is straight-up wrong for him to say or even think about it, he cannot deny that the girl before him...Atla...she is just beautiful beyond any words that can be said aloud. Her skin is as perfect as a porcelain doll. Her eyes, which are closed, only add to the incredible beauty, and it helps with her white silver hair and tail, as well as her ears. Only Cinder, in his opinion, could match a beauty that is as powerful as this. Even Fohl was completely caught off guard by Atla's appearance. But the sight of her being all that it took to make Fohl extremely happy for his sister.

"Atla...I'm so happy!!!"

Fohl hugs Atla, who than hugs back. Sans than looks at Atla...and spoke out.

"Unfortunately...her eyes...they are still blind. I found not fix that. I'm very sorry, Atla."

Atla separates from Fohl, before she shook her head, and smiled, as she than spoke out.

"It's okay, Sans. I don't need them. I can still see much better, even without them. Besides..."

She than hugged Sans, much to Fohl and Sans' shock.

"I should be thanking you...for saving my life."

Sans was hesitant...but he hugged back.


A loud explosion happened, right at the cave's entrance. Everyone jumped at the sudden loud noises. Sans teleported in front of the cave entrance...and took a peak through the crack...and sees what is happening. The Atlas Soliders are now trying to get in the cave and break off the blockage, as they believe Sans to be inside of the cave somewhere.

"Oh no...that is so not good. We need to flee, now!!"

Fohl spoke out.

Flee?! Flee where?! This is the only entrance!!"

Sans than point his finger at the ground, as a blue portal opened.

"In here. I'm gonna take us back to our hometown. Jump!!!"

Sans than went down, and Atla follows him.

"Atla!! Wait!! Ghhhh..."

Fohl than follows Atla, and the portal closed...just as the entrance was finally reopened. The Atlas Soldiers went inside of the cave...but they found nothing but bandages. One of the soldiers picks up a scroll, and spoke out.

"They aren't in the cave either, General."

"Just keep on looking."

"Rodger that."

The Atlas Soldier spoke out, before he and the other soldiers than went out of the cave, unaware with who was inside of the cave before they entered.

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