Little Princess (An Avengers...

By millb321

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"The only way out is death, all I can do now is make sure that I'm not the one who dies." Meet Savannah, a gi... More

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4K 123 22
By millb321

I found peace in your violence.

Ten minutes later, Savannah was walking into the pool room with a random bikini she had found in her closet. It was cute, baby blue with darker blue stripes that matched the color of her eyes. Savannah wasn't going to lie, she looked good. All the training and missions definitely gave her a body with pure muscle.

"Savannah, hey" Wanda stood from her poolside chair to walk over to Savannah. Peter and Pietro were already in the pool, Savannah didn't know exactly what they were doing but it looked like they were trying to drown each other.

"I can't breathe!" Savannah heard Peter yelling at Pietro pushed his head under the water.

"That swimsuit looks amazing on you" Wanda complimented, seemingly unbothered by the two boys behind her.

"You can't run from me Spiderboy!"
"Thanks, I just found it in the closet, not really sure if I'm even supposed to be wearing it"

"Stop trying to kill me!"

"Oh my God, I totally forgot, Natasha, put those there when you first moved in here. She wasn't sure what would fit and what wouldn't so we should definitely take you shopping to get something in your own style"

"Did you seriously just splash me?!" 

"Yeah, that sounds like fun," Savannah agreed.

"Savannah help me!"

Savannah looked behind Wanda to see Peter who was hurriedly swimming away from Pietro who looked very amused.

Before Savannah could respond Wanda was pulling her away from the fight happening in the water and toward the table where there were four cups and a pitcher of what looked like pink water.

"Strawberry lemonade" Wanda explained as she filled up two cups and handed one to Savannah.

Savannah brought the cup to her lips and took a small sip. It was sweet, extremely sweet, but it was good. Savannah took another sip while Wanda scolded the boys for accidentally splashing her.

"Peter- Peter now the floor is wet" Wanda rolled her eyes when Peter ignored her and continued to walk toward Savannah. He was slightly shivering from the cold water. Pietro followed after him with a proud grin on his face.

"I won," He bragged.

"Wow, you beat the fourteen-year-old in a who can drown last competition, how fun" Wanda sassed as she handed Peter a towel.

Pietro rolled his eyes while grabbing a towel from the chair. He wrapped it around his middle covering his swimming shorts but leaving his chest exposed.

Savannah didn't care, her muscles were better anyways.

"Pass me the lemonade," said Pietro as he grabbed a cup off the table.

Savannah raised her eyebrows,

"Please?" Pietro added.

Savannah rolled her eyes and handed him the pitcher. That wasn't exactly what she wanted, she hadn't really wanted to get up but whatever.

"Hasn't that healed already?" asked Peter, Savannah noticed he was looking down at her hand which was wrapped.

Savannah shrugged, "must've cut it again or something" she shrugged off.

After a small break for lemonade, the boys got back in the water. Even Wanda was in the water, chilling in the shallow end of the pool not wanting to get her hair wet. Savannah was sitting at the edge of the pool with her feet in the water. She had decided that this was a reasonable distance from the water so that she wouldn't accidentally drown because God that would be embarrassing.

"-And then he carried me to the roof where we watched the sunset." Wanda had been telling Savannah about a date she had gone on with a Robot? Named Vision? Savannah decided not to ask any questions and just listen to the story.

"That's cute,"

Wanda nodded enthusiastically.

"Are you guys going to talk all day or are you actually going to swim?" Called Pietro from the deep end of the pool where he and Peter had been racing.

"Talk," Wanda called back.

After a few seconds, Pietro was walking towards them in the shallow end of the pool. He shook his head out and water droplets went flying in every direction from his hair.

"Смотрите! (watch it!)" scolded Wanda as she covered her eyes to keep water from getting there.

"What about you?" Pietro ignored Wanda and turned to Savannah, "are you going to swim?"

Savannah shook her head and Pietro frowned.

"You guys are boring" he swam away leaving Wanda to splash water at his retreating figure.

"It's nice you know?" said Wanda

Savannah looked at her curiously, silently asking her to explain.

"Us, here, all together. Most of the time it's just me and Pietro" Savannah understood, it must be hard only talking to Pietro. 

She couldn't even imagine it.

"But ever since you got here, I don't know, it's been different." 

Savannah wasn't sure what that was supposed to mean, she also wasn't sure what she had done to make things different, "Glad I could help" she grinned.

Wanda grinned back at her, "and it's nice having a girl to talk to that's my age"

Again, Savannah wasn't sure how she had helped because she never really had anything interesting to say. She had never dated anyone, of course, being part of Hydra and everything. She had her missions but she preferred not to talk about them. It was usually Wanda talking about her and Vision and Savannah just listening. Maybe Pietro didn't like listening? She didn't know.

The only problem was, now Savannah felt something in her chest.

A small weight, almost guilt.

She was here to get information out of them and they were really trying to accept her here.

Shame it was all going to come to an end sooner or later.

"Peter, give me that!"

"No, I don't think I will"

Savannah looked over to see Peter holding a water gun, she wasn't sure where the hell it had come from but Pietro was dodging Peter's attacks.

"We should get out of here before things get messy" Said Wanda. Savannah agreed with her, she really wasn't in the mood to get splashed by the water gun.

Wanda and Savannah got out of the pool and wrapped towels around their waists. They bid the boys goodbye and walked down the hallways toward their rooms. They stopped outside Wanda's room, Savannah waited for her to enter so that she could be polite and say goodbye like a nice normal human being who was getting the Avengers to trust her.

Wanda turned, "You can come in if you want" she suggested, motioning to the inside of her bedroom.

Before Savannah could respond, her ears picked up on a scratching sound from her bedroom.


Savannah turned back to Wanda. She couldn't refuse a chance to get closer to an Avenger but she felt bad leaving Jasper there by himself when she could hear him whining.

"Can I show you something? You have to promise not to tell the others"

Wanda raised an eyebrow but nodded.

Savannah led Wanda to her room and opened the door. Wanda raised her eyebrows when her gaze fell on Jasper who was running around excitedly.


"His name's Jasper" Savannah scratched behind his ears. Wanda seemed to freeze for a moment before crouching down and petting him.

"How did you-" 

"Peter," Savannah said. 

Wanda made an "ah" sound in understanding. Apparently, it was obvious that Peter would do something like this.

Wanda picked Jasper up and began to walk out of her room. Savannah was confused as to what she was doing until Wanda turned around.

"I have some dog treats in my room, the Avengers used to have a prank war and I traded Clint's cookies for dog treats" With that Wanda walked out of the room.

Savannah followed behind, keeping a mental note never to get on Wanda's bad side.


Pietro and Peter were walking down the hallways, shoving each other every once in a while. They had gotten bored of the pool and had decided to go find Savannah and Wanda. They had first checked the kitchen, then the library, then Savannah's room, finally Pietro suggested they check Wanda's room. He didn't expect them to be there since Wanda hardly ever let anyone in her room other than Pietro and occasionally Clint and Natasha.

Peter put his hand out to knock but Pietor just pushed the door open.

The sight inside the room completely shocked the two of them.

Savannah and Wanda were both lying on Wanda's queen-sized bed. Both of them were wearing silk pajamas with matching silk sippers. Their hair was curled, Peter noticed the curler on the floor. There was a tray in the center of the bed carrying a different assortment of chocolates and candies. Savannah had never had most candy so Wanda convinced her to try all of them.

The TV was on, playing some random romance film. There were two wine glasses filled with what Peter thought was grape juice but Pietro knew it was something else. The fairy lights in Wanda's room were on and so was the diffuser in the corner of the room sending the smell of lavender and flowers throughout the room.

Wanna know the best part? 

Jasper was laying at the end of the bed in a set of matching dog-sized silk pajamas with a matching eye cover on his head. He was sleeping peacefully, the plate of dog treats placed in front of him.

"Uhh, Savannah?" Peter asked, both girls hadn't realized that the boys were standing at the entrance of the room.

"Yeah, Peter?" Savannah asked without even turning around.

"What happened to not telling anyone about Jasper?"

"Relax Peter, I won't tell anyone" Wanda assured him. Pietro didn't seem at all surprised that there was a dog in the room. He had quite literally caught Peter taking Jasper out of Savannah's room just this morning to take him on a walk.

"What are you guys doing?" asked Peter as he sat down on the bed and bit into one of the gummies on the tray.

"Watching a movie, want to join?" Asked Wanda, offering him a pair of slippers. Peter nodded excitedly and slipped on the slippers. He got more comfortable on the bed, laying on his stomach next to Savannah who was leaning against the headboard. Savannah turned to Pietro who was still standing in the doorway, she threw him a bright pink silk eye cover and a velvet pink scrunchie.

"I don't want-" Pietro started but Wanda cut him off.

"Get your ass over here Pietro there's enough for everyone"

She scooted aside to give him room, Pietro rolled his eyes but sat down on the bed anyways.

It was a very crowded bed, with four people on it. But they were comfortable nonetheless.


Savannah didn't remember falling asleep.

She wouldn't have expected to since she didn't like the way the bed sunk so much. All she remembered was watching movie after movie after movie, all four of them laying on one queen-sized bed watching whatever romance movie Wanda decided to play. They painted nails, Peter let Savannah attempt to paint his fingernails, it was surprising how good they turned out seeing as before that day Savannah had never touched nail polish. Wanda had braided Savannah's hair, ignoring Savannah's attempts to convince her not to.

Wanda had brought out more blankets and they had each taken their own spot around the room. Savannah and Wanda stayed on the bed, Peter moved to the small couch in the corner with his fuzzy blanket and he took Jasper with him. Pietro had seated himself on the bean bag chair and covered himself in multiple fuzzy blankets.

Savannah turned to the small alarm clock on the bedside table.

The time was currently ten in the morning. She had never woken up so late, but it was understandable since she had only fallen asleep around six in the morning.

Savannah rubbed her eyes and looked around. Wanda, Peter, Jasper, and Pietro were all fast asleep. She was still wearing the silk pajamas Wanda had given her, apparently, she had gotten them for her birthday but never used them. She also still had the long french braid going down her back.

She had to admit to herself though, that was probably the first time in a long time that she had actually slept well. Sure, she hadn't slept that much but it was better than usual, usually, she would sleep an hour or two, sometimes she wouldn't even sleep at all.

Savannah yawned. She wasn't sure why she was feeling so weird. It was like she was actually tired. She had probably had too much of the "grape juice" last night or something.

She laid her head back on the comfortable pillows and pulled the fizzy blanket back up to her chin. She decided that she liked Wanda's bed, even though it was probably the same as hers. It felt less like quicksand when there was somebody else there.

She let her eyes close, feeling sleep coming back.

Maybe she would let herself sleep in, just this once.

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