
By dawnoffcl

5.9K 699 403

❝Why do you not reject me?❞ She demanded. His dark gaze drunk in the sight of her. He licked his lips and me... More

🌕 lunar 🌕
• character aesthetics •
• playlist •
00 | preface
🌔 part one : the chase 🌖
01 | Cassian
02 | Rhea
03 | Cassian
04 | Rhea
05 | Cassian
06 | Rhea
07 || Legend
08 | Cassian
09 | Rhea
10 | Cassian
11 | Rhea
12 | Cassian
13 | Rhea
14 | Cassian
15 || Legend
16 | Rhea
17 | Cassian
🌓 part two : the hunt 🌗
18 | Rhea
19 | Cassian
21 | Cassian
22 | Rhea
23 | Cassian
24 | Rhea
25 | Cassian
26 | Rhea
27 | Cassian
🌒 part three : the truth 🌘
28 | Rhea
29 || Legend
30 | Cassian
31 | Rhea
32 | Rowan
33 | Rowan
34 | Cassian
35 | Aurelia
36 | Aurelia
37 | Rhea
38 | Rhea
39 | Cassian

20 | Rhea

79 12 0
By dawnoffcl

Rhea twitched and shuddered. She mumbled incoherent words that were too soft for Kai to hear. He dipped a towel in hot water, strung it out and placed it carefully on her forehead. She was cold. Really cold. An hour ago Rhea's skin had been scalding to touch.

" that you?" Rhea peered at him through narrow unfocused eyes.

"Sleep some more Willow." Kai said softly.

It took everything inside Kai to control himself against the strong scent of her heat. Rhea blinked, her vision slowly adjusting to the dark of the room. She slapped Kai's hand away when he reached for her.

"Don't touch me." Rhea hissed. She winced as she scrambled away from him. The pain in her legs had not reduced, if anything the throbbing had only increased.

"You're sick because of your heat. I need to be able to touch you to make you feel better." Kai said.

Rhea felt bile rise up her throat. "I'd rather die from the pain than let you touch me."

"Don't be difficult. I'm doing this for your own good." He replied sounding the slightest bit annoyed.

Rhea scoffed. "Is that what you keep telling yourself? That you are doing all of this for me? Does that make you feel better?"

A spark of discomfort sparked in her abdomen making Rhea keel over. Kai reached for Rhea at once. Despite her squirming he pulled her closer to his body. The warmth of his skin seeped into her bones like icicles.

"It will get better soon. I got you." He whispered rocking them back and forth.

"I said don't-" Rhea pushed Kai with every ounce of her brute strength. "-touch me." She yelled.

Kai groaned as he fell in a heap by the door. His back hit the thick wall with a loud thump. Kai's expression clouded over in a mixture of hurt and irritation. He pushed himself up and opened his mouth to say something but was interuppted by loud knocks on the main door. Both Rhea and Kai became very still.

"Do not move." Kai warned her.

Rhea rolled her eyes. It wasn't like she could bolt to the door with her useless legs. Rhea crawled to the edge of the bed, focusing on the voices.

"The Mistress ordered us to collect her if you didn't bring her to the spot on time." One of the voices, a male, said. He sounded hoarse like his throat needed to be cleared.

"She's still unconscious. You know I gave her the wrong dose." Kai spoke the half truth.

"We will check for ourselves. Move." Another voice ordered. This time it sounded like a female.

Rhea wondered if it was Clyde and Jen. Her guards in the cell she had been before. She wanted to take the chance to flee but her body wouldn't cooperate. Rhea muffled a sharp of agony as her body fought against her, yearning for her mate. Tears blurred her vision. She bit her lip hard, trying in vain to divert her attention.

"You cannot enter. The place is barred with spells to keep strangers away." Kai said firmly.

Rhea heard furious voices in the peripheral until the door slammed shut. The action was so harsh that Rhea second guessed if it was her shaking or the bed moving. She stumbled off the mattress and limped to the door. Kai bumped into her as he entered.

"Fuck. It's too strong." Kai growled. He pressed his forearm below his nose.

"Who were those people?" Rhea demanded.

"Nobody you should concern yourself with." Kai said. "I told you to stay in bed."

"You do not order me around." Rhea spat. "They came to take me to Ursula, didn't they? I remember her mention an auction of sorts. Is she going to sell me to seal my sister's future at the palace?"

Kai caught Rhea by the shoulders with a ferocity she had never witnessed in him. His fingers dug into her flesh. "No one takes you away from me. I will protect you."

"I don't need your protection. Not now. Not ever." Rhea said, pushing him off her.

"Your fight is not with me, Willow. I am not your enemy." Kai sighed. He shut his eyes in resignation.

"But you work for her." Rhea said. "You are keeping me captive."

Kai's eyes blazed when he reopened them. "I am keeping you safe."

"Don't do this. Please." Rhea said. Her tone softened as she reached for Kai. His cheek rested heavily on her palm. "You have a mate out there somewhere who will give you all the love you deserve. I promise. Whatever you feel right now is only the lust urged on by my heat."

"Whatever I feel for you isn't as shallow as you think. The Princeling is not your mate. You will realize that soon enough." Kai spoke. His dark brown gaze blistered on her skin.

Rhea took a step back at the familiar nickname. She sucked in a sharp breath and pulled back her arm, cradling it to her breasts. A dull ache formed in her chest, coiling it's roots around her beat of her heart.

In her daze, Rhea did not pay attention to the boy before her who stood soaking in the scent of her recurring heat waves. She gasped as her back hit the wall. Kai growled low when Rhea struggled in his arms. His canines grazed her neck.

"Why are you doing this to me? What have I ever done to you?" Rhea cried out.

"You chose him. After every measure I took to keep you away from danger, to patch you up when your body bled, to hold you when you cried after a particularly traumatic nightmare, to love you until it physically hurt. You still picked that royal mutt over me." Kai yelled.

Rhea stared at him like she saw him for the first time in her life. This undiscovered, impulsive, emotional side of her best friend. Atleast Rhea had considered Kai as such. It seems neither had their feelings reciprocated in the same way.

"Cassian is my mate. I am born to love him. And only him." Rhea said loudly. "You will address him with respect."

Kai's eyes were so dark that she could barely see any brown in them. Even as close as Rhea stood. She mustered her strength to listen to her. Her legs screamed in pain. Rhea kicked Kai off her, nearly doubling over in the shock of pure agony that coursed through her legs. Kai grunted when his back hit the bed.

"Respect." Kai spat. "He's using you to keep himself alive. Your precious mate will shred you to pieces once your role is complete."

Rhea didn't stop to listen. She limped past the door and almost reached the middle of the living room when Kai's arms wrapped around her midriff. He lifted her off the floor. Rhea screamed and slashed her claws against his arms.

"Stop it Willow!" Kai yelled. "He will kill you. I will not allow it to happen. You're mine."

"You did not wish to see me dead so you somehow managed to send my sister in my place?" Rhea growled.

"She volunteered to go on her own. In fact do you know who told me the plans of your mate? About his curse. Adelpha." Kai said.

Rhea went still in his arms. "What?"

Kai flashed her a cold smile. "That's right. For every ounce you hold Adelpha above you, she pushes you down. She loathes you."

Rhea shrunk back under the weight of his words. "I know Addy. Do not poison her with your vicious assumptions."

Suddenly Kai released her. Rhea stumbled on her feet before regaining her balance against a chair. His composure slackened and he stared at Rhea like she was a fool. And perhaps she was.

'How did Addy know about the Cassian's curse?' Rhea thought.

"Will you believe me if I show you the true face of your sister ?" Kai asked.

Rhea perked up. "You are letting me go?" She asked, hating the hope in her voice.

Kai scoffed. "And let them kill you? Don't be stupid Willow. I will escort you to the palace and back. If this is the only way I can regain your trust. So be it."

Rhea's mind raced will all the possibilities. She morphed her expression to neutral and straightened her back.

"How can I know you're not taking me away to Ursula?" Rhea asked. She kept her eyes on Kai the entire time. If Rhea needed answers, she would get them herself from the people involved.

"I would rather kill both of us right here than give you up to that witch." Kai growled darkly. His eyes drifted to her legs. "Come. I will dress your wounds before we leave. You need better clothes as well. The Winter ball is happening tonight."

'Fuck. Then tonight is my last chance to save Addy and buy my freedom from that wretched brothel.' Rhea's heart jolted in its cage.

Rhea held up a hand to stop him. "There's no time for that. I need to see for myself before Ursula's men come back for me."

Kai considered her words. "Atleast change your clothes. You resemble a rag cloth."

Rhea felt a familiar twinge at his remark. Kai would always tease her and Addy this way. Like an older sibling. A best friend. When had he stopped seeing her that way? Why pretend to be her sister's mate instead?

Rhea looked down at herself. Dirt, blood and whatnot covered her body. She cringed wondering if she smelled bad as she felt.

"You're still beautiful to me, Willow." Kai said stepping toward her.

Rhea felt a retort form on the tip of her tongue. In a blink she had almost fallen back into their old ways. "Give me the clothes. We need to make haste."

Rhea smoothed the pastel blue coloured dress and accepted the ballet flats from Kai. The dress ended just above her knees. 

"We will not spend too much time there. You will witness everything you need to believe my words and you will come back with me before anybody notices that we've been gone from this place." Kai told her.

Rhea raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said nobody would find us here and yet it seems as though this cottage is familiar with your friends."

Kai ignored her jab. "I made a mistake while bringing back supplies to treat your wounds. Rest assured once you are capable to move on your own, we will move to a safe place."

"Is that what my life with you will look like? Cowering and moving at the first sight of danger?" Rhea asked.

"I will shift and you can sit on me. Keep my clothes safe with you." Kai said ignoring her words again.

"Yes of course, My Lord. Will you hold my hand and guide me to the outside as well?" Rhea replied sarcastically.

Kai came to stand before so quickly that even her trained eyes took a second to notice the movement. Rhea's fingers twitched for the missing dagger on her thigh. Kai noticed and caught her hand.

"Do not talk to anybody while we're there. And definitely do not think of straying away. Your mate will not recognise you and will consider you a threat. Stay close to my side." He said.

"I need my weapons." Rhea said simply. "If I am to agree to this, I need my blades on me. I am an assassin, Kai. I do not need you to protect me even if my limbs are slayed off my body."

Kai sighed. "Just one. Choose."

"My dagger." Rhea answered immediately. If Cassian did not recognise her like Kai made it to be, then Rhea would make her mate recognise her. Even if its with the very same weapon he had given her.

It didn't take long for Kai and her to zip through the trees. Wind rushed against her skin and for the first time in a very long time, Rhea felt life drip inside her. Her fingers clasped the fur on Kai's wide shoulders tightly as he maneuvered through the forest. Rhea made sure to memorise the path in case she had need of it later.

Kai came to sudden halt just yards away from the edge of the forest. Rhea scented wolven around them. She slowly slid off Kai. His light grey wolf head glanced at her. He snarled at the action.

"You can't race past them. There are too many." Rhea said.

Growls and snarls closed in on them and Rhea counted six wolves in total. She allowed her claws and canines to descend. Rhea threw the bundle of clothes to Kai.

"Go further and change. I'll take care of these mutts." Rhea told him.

"You just said there were too many." Kai mindlinked her.

"For you to handle." Rhea said cracking her neck. "This is what I do for a living."

"You're hurt-"

Rhea dodged sliding under as the first wolven lunged at her. Her claws ripped the underside of its belly open. Blood sprayed on her. The wolven howled in pain. Rhea had taken on far worse and survived. Six wolven haunted by the scent of her heat wouldn't take her too much time.


Rhea snarled as another slammed her against a tree. The pain in her legs numbed to stiffness. Rhea grunted as she pushed the wolven away and slammed her fist on a pressure point at the side of its head. The wolven slumped to the ground.

Two more wolven quickly took its place. Rhea cried out in pain when one bit her ankle, dragging her forward. Her back hit the ground forcefully. Rhea's teeth plunged into the flesh of one and tore. She kicked the other and sunk her claws into its chest. When Rhea pulled her hands back, the wolven's heart beat on her fingers.

Rhea ripped her dagger from its sheath and plunged it into the stomach of another wolven. She stood, blood coating her like a second skin. The last remaining wolven took a step back as she tossed it a feral grin.

"How do you want it?" She asked twirling the dagger in her hand.

The wolven snarled at her but took steps back until it disappeared into the shadows. Rhea let out a breath as her body gave in. Her knees hit the forest floor. Adrenaline seeped out of her system. Rhea retracted her claws and examined her ruined dress.

"You didn't happen to pack a spare dress, did you?" She called to Kai who stood a few meters away.

He gaped at the unconscious and - Rhea suspected - dead wolven. Kai had never been the violent one among the three of them. Always the one who cleaned it up.

'So much for protecting me.' Rhea scoffed.

"There's a stream nearby where you can wash the blood away. I'll buy you a dress from the town market." He said. "And some Dami as well."

The palace was more welcoming than Rhea thought it would be. Although not many commoners attended sofisticated parties thrown by the royal family, a few hoping to make a name and place for themselves did join the Winter Ball which was generously open to all. Even visiting immigrants from other kingdoms.

"Don't wander." Kai murmured close to her ear.

Rhea flinched away. "I know my way around."

Kai nevertheless still grabbed her hand and tugged her into the crowd. A slow tune played by the orchestra filled the magnificent ballroom. Even though Rhea had already seen it all, it still left her in awe.

The crystal chandeliers. Golden candelabras decked with sparkling gems. Tiles on the floor so clean that they shone like a mirror. And amidst it all, nobles and commoners alike with gowns and dresses, suits and uniforms in the richest of hues and aesthetic of pastels. Click-clack of shoes and tip-tap of heels as partners danced to the fluidity of music.

"There. It's your mate and your sister. Look at them." Kai nudged Rhea. He pointed a meters away where the couple greeted and spoke to people. "Do they seem unhappy to you?"

Rhea's heart soared at the sight of her mate. Normally she would have hated the effect Cassian left on her but now Rhea welcomed the feeling. She snatched her hand away from Kai and walked in the direction of her mate. And her sister.

"Willow!" Kai called after her gaining the attention of bystanders. "Damnit."

Rhea was so close to them when she saw Cassian tugging Adelpha away. She cursed and willed for her legs to move faster. They protested back by throttling pain through her calf and down her ankles. Rhea grit her teeth and pushed herself to move faster.

Rhea noticed Cassian and Adelpha entering the balcony. Onlookers glanced at her in confusion. Rhea realised that they recognized her face as their future Luna Queen. She let her hair curtain her face and kept her head down. The Dami pouch stitched in the hem of her dress hid her scent.

"I have to go another way." She mumbled noticing the guards by the doors that her mate just went through. "He must have asked for them to be left alone."

"I told you not to stray!" Kai hissed coming back from behind her. He caught her hand and turned her around roughly.

"And?" Rhea snarled. Her eyes darkened with anger. So much that Kai dropped her hand and took a faltering step back.

"Little Luna?"

Rhea swiveled around at the familiar voice. Rowan stared at her in confusion. His eyes darted to her attire and then to Kai.

"What are doing alone? Where is His Highness?" Rowan questioned carefully.

"Rowan I-" Rhea started.

"This is not Rhea. It is her sister Adelpha." Kai said stepping in front of Rhea.

"What?" Rowan furrowed his eyebrows.

"Rowan don't listen to him. You have to get Cass-" Rhea said pushing past Kai. But before she could finish, the air in her lungs tightened. Rhea coughed unable to breathe.

"You truly cannot speak of it." Kai mumbled in wonder. Rhea stared at him in horror through blurry eyes.

"I'll fetch you some water." Rowan said alarmed.

"No-" Rhea wheezed clutching her chest. "What did you do to me?" She growled looking at Kai.

"Ursula had a mage put a spell on you so you cannot talk about this exchange to anybody. If you keep trying, you will eventually die due to asphyxiation." Kai said rather calmly. "Come on we have to leave before that bootlicking mutt gets back."

Rhea's hand slipped through the slit she had carved in her gown earlier by the stream. Her fingers curled around the hilt of the dagger and she pulled it out. Rhea brandished it front of Kai's eyes.

"Either you stay and help me or leave and never look for me again." Rhea said.

"Don't be stupid. People are starting to pay attention." Kai said. "We have-"

Kai paused mid sentence. Rhea noticed his eyes turn unfocused for a few seconds. She took the chance to escape but stopped short at the scene that unraveled past the balcony glass doors. Cassian whispered something to her sister as he leaned in as if to kiss her.

Rhea felt her stomach twist when she realised that Adelpha wasn't stopping him. It happened too fast after that. Rhea's lips parted in horror as she saw a dagger come from somewhere in the trees and stab Adelpha dangerously close to her heart. The glint of silver was unmistakable.

"Addy no!" Rhea half yelled as her sister collapsed in Cassian's arms.

Kai yanked her back by the shoulder. He seemed alarmed. "Ursula's guards found out that we've been missing from the cottage. They tracked our scent to the palace. We-"

"I was supposed to be in Addy's place." Rhea whispered realization dawning on her face.

Kai looked ahead to see what Rhea had been staring at. His eyes widened. "Come on. It's not too late. We can sneak away while they're focus is on Adelpha."

"Absolutely not." Rhea answered. "I am going after them. Addy is out there dying because of me and you want us to elope like cowards."

"Willow, now is not the time for bravado. You don't know what they're capable of." Kai said.

"They don't know what I am capable of either." Rhea said, frost evident on her tone.

Rhea maneuvered through the gardens. She knew the little winding pathways by memory. Rhea had studied them on her initial attempt to breach the palace security. She had spot about three rogues on the way. They didn't survive of course but Rhea hadn't recognised any either. She tugged the makeshift mask - a piece of fabric Rhea had ripped from her dress - further up her nose.

An assassin never gives their identity away without necessity.

Her body ached with cuts and bruises. She healed but new wounds replaced them quick enough. Now that it was getting darker, the effects of her heat began to increase as well. It left Rhea easily breathless and nauseous at the smell of blood.

She would have healed faster in her wolf form but it also meant her scent would be stronger. Rhea didn't have any Dami left on her to hide her heat from every male in the vicinity. The hems had been ripped messily in the fights on her way.

It wasn't long before the gardens gave away to solid stone pathways that led to the Crescent Palace - the smaller version of the main palace where the Luna Queen rested when she wished to be alone. Rhea paused when she heard a loud growl behind her. The scent of vanilla, fir and cinnamon tickled the hair on her neck.

Cassian appeared in her line of vision mere seconds later. His hands were streaked with blood. He unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Rhea.

"Identify yourself." Cassian growled.

Rhea didn't linger. She ripped the cloth covering her face. Cassian paled, expression clouding over. He stared at her as if seeing her for the very first time. Rhea noticed him sniff the air lightly. The sword in his hand clattered to the ground.

Rhea moved then. Cassian froze as if expecting her to attack him. It reminded her of the first night they had met. Rhea paused a breath away from her mate. Cassian reached for her and tears burned in Rhea's eyes.

Cassian hugged her then. Warmth spread through her like scorching wildfire. Nothing about it was gentle. His hands trembled as if he were afraid. He clutched her tightly and buried his face in the crook of her neck. Cassian breathed in a lung full of her scent. His nose nuzzled her skin. Rhea thread her fingers through his hair.

"Took you long enough to find clothes, Princeling." She chuckled.

Cassian straightened as Rhea immediately missed the warmth of his body. He lifted her shaking hands to his lips and pressed soft kisses on her knuckles. His calloused thumbs wiped away the tears on her face. Rhea's legs buckled but Cassian held on to her tightly.

His eyes darted over the bandages covering her legs. Cassian's jaw clenched but he didn't question Rhea. His thumb brushed over her lips.

"I don't know what it is but there's something very wrong going on, Buttercup." Cassian said quietly. "I swear the blood on my hands belonged to you moments ago."

"I know. It's okay, I'll explain everything later. I'm here now. The real me." Rhea promised. "I need your help. Addy's medicine is with Ursula and I have to go retrieve it from her. But there are all these rogues after me and I cannot take them all on in my current state."

"I'll get it for you." Cassian said at once. "Rowan and my Knights should already be on the hunt for these rogues you mentioned. You need a healer. Plus your scent..."

"No, Cass." Rhea shook her head. Cassian smiled. His fingers rubbed soothing circles on her back. "I have unfinished business with Ursula that I have to deal alone. I just need you to hold the wolven off my trail."

"I am not leaving you out of my sight again. I learnt my lesson once the hard way." Cassian said. The intensity in his gaze lit a torch inside her body.

"I thought I lost you forever." Rhea said.

Cassian cupped her face in his hand. "I did too, Buttercup. When we get back, I have to tell you something."

Rhea nod her head. "Me too."

"Willow! Where are you? Willow!"

"We have to go." Rhea said urgently upon hearing Kai in the distance.

Cassian frowned in the direction of Kai's voice. "Can you run?"

Rhea bit her lip but nod her head. Cassian didn't look convinced. He intertwined their fingers and Rhea grew surprised when she realised that her mate wore no gloves. Cassian gave her a shy smile when he noticed her line of attention.

"I'm trying my best for you." He admitted. "But you make it easy for me too."

Rhea blushed. "Thank you." She said with a warm smile.

"Tell me if you hurt anywhere okay?" Cassian told her. He gripped her hand firmly in his. "Let's go. I know a shortcut."

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