Forever With Love

By iamtinasnow

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Y/N is a well-known Realtor in Louisiana. Always working her sister convinces her to take some time off for... More

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FWL BOOK 2 Preview 1.0 (REWRITTEN)


271 15 0
By iamtinasnow


I jumped up from my sleep from a nightmare, that is the first one I've had in years, and it's always about what happened between me and Myles. I groaned looking over at the clock, 9 a.m. I might as well get up and get dressed. I have to go pick Layah, Kai, and Missie from the airport in the next hour or so,  then I have to come back and pack and get ready to drive to New Orleans. I walked over to the dresser getting something comfortable to put on.

I just know it's gonna be hot out so I don't want to put on anything that's gonna have me hot all day.  I called Djay in the process of me finding something. "What do you want?" He answered. "Damn, no hello or how are you." I said putting the phone on top of the dresser. "My bad. Hello, my loving sister. How are you? " He asked being sarcastic.

Asshole. "Look stupid, I wanted to know if you and Amari wanted to go to New Orleans with me and the girls?" I asked finally finding something, I got a black underwear set and laid everything in the bed. Going back to the dresser to get my phone. "What girls?" He asked smacking on something.  "Alayah and Miriam," I said walking into the closet to get a pair of shoes and my robe.

"Yeah, we'll go. How long are we gonna be down there?" asked Djay. "Just for two days, nothing major. We leave today." I said as I walked into the bathroom.  "Okay, let me go tell Mari so we can get packed." He said. "Okay, I have to pick them up from the airport in the next hour or so, then we'll leave out around one." I said turning on the water letting it fill up the tub.

"Okay, let me go to tell Mari so we can start packing. " He said. "Okay, see you later." I said before hanging.   I throw my phone on the bed, then starting taking off my clothes putting them in the hamper. "Hey Alexa, shuffle my old school playlist," I said turning off the water getting in, relaxing in the bubbles.

After I was done relaxing, I washed my body then did a body scrub. Once I was done I got out, letting the water drain I tried off and put on my robe as I went over to the sink. I turned on the water getting my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth. Once I was done I did mouthwash then started my skincare routine.

While I let it set I walked into the room to get my prime from the vanity. I walked back in the bathroom and washed the mask off.  Once I was done I patted my face dry then added a moisturizer and primer. Once I was done I walked back into the main room to put on my clothes and shoes.

I put on lotion after I had got out of the tub. I put on a tan T-shirt dress and paired it with silver jewelry, white sandals, and a brown Louis Vuitton bag. Once I was done I walked back in the bathroom taking off my bonnet and did my hair, I put it  in a high puff because the heat we've been having ain't it.

Once I was done I made sure everything was good, then sprayed on some perfume and walked out of the bathroom grabbing my phone and purse from the bed, going downstairs getting my key fob, and walking out of the door, locking everything up. Layah's flight didn't land until 11, I still have time to stop by Starbucks to get the three of us coffee and Kai orange juice. 

I walked out to the car and got in. Once I press the start button I immediately turned on the air full blast. This heat feels like hell opened the gates and having a parade, 88 degrees my ass. While I waited for it to cool down, I placed my orders on the Starbucks app. Once I was done I put my phone on the holder and playing music.

I pulled out of the driveway and started to Starbucks. Once I picked up the order I drove to the airport which is a fifteen-minute drive from this Starbucks. By the time I make it there and get a parking spot they should be landed. I turned the music up and started towards the airport.


I finally pulled into a parking space. Everybody and they Momma's is here. I text Alayah to let her know what parking lot I was in. While I waited I checked the schedule for any house showing while I was down in New Orleans. Thank God there are none. I can just relax while I'm there, but knowing the people I'm going with they gonna make these two days feel like forever.


We walking over to the car.

I pressed the sleep/wake button and took off my seatbelt and opened the car door. I got out fixing my dress and walked around to the back to met them. "Mommy!" Kai yelled running over to me. Meeting him halfway I picked him up and hugged him. "Aww ain't that cute." Layah said as I kissed his cheek. "I missed you so much." I said putting him back down, then speaking to the girls.

"Hey Girls." I said pulling them into a hug then letting go. I opened the hatchback so they could put their luggage in. I helped Kai put his things in even though he insisted he does it on his own. Once everything was in we all got in and I pulled out of the parking spot going to the exit of the airport.

"Kai do you want to come to New Orleans?" I asked looking at him through the review mirror, then quickly focusing my attention back to the road. "No ma'am I told Nana that I would stay with her once I came back." He said sweetly. "So just the four of us." I said. "The four of us?" Layah asked putting her feet on the dash.

Okay since when did the G-wagon become a footstool. "Yeah, I invited Amari and Djay." I said hitting her legs so she can talk them down. "Ohh, we may have to change these two days to three." Missie from the back seat. "Mari is still not feeling too well so we might have to do everything at home." I said stepping on the gas.

"I'm starting to think she's pregnant." Layah said with her feet still on my damn dash. "I hope so 'cause I'm ready for some nephews and nieces." I said. "You can stop dropping hints, 'cause i ain't having none." Layah said rolling her eyes. "And my baby-making days are over." said Missie. "Y'all don't even have kids." I said laughing.

"We don't need to, we got Kai and if Mari pregnant, or you can have another." said Alayah elbowing me. "Give it up. This been closed down for some years now." I said. "Kai do you want a brother or a sister?" Layah said turning to look at Kai. "Yes, I want a brother and sister." replied Kai. "The child as spoken. Give him what he wants." laughed Layah.

I shook my head as I pulled in at Ma's house. Djay and Amari are already here so we might leave out from here. "Y'all get out of my car." I said as turning the car off and the four of us got out. "Don't be mad at us 'cause you the one that gotta have a baby." Layah said laughing as we walked up to the front door and walked inside.

We didn't stay at Ma's for long. We talked for a minute then we left, but not before Ma told us not to tear down the house while we there. Miriam, Layah, and Mari got in with me and Djay trailed us to my house so I could get my stuff. Once I had everything I need we started towards New Orleans

I turned up the music a little as the three of them went to sleep. When I came to the read little I took a quick picture of them. Leave it to them to sleep while have gotta do all the driving.



I took the boys to the boys out for breakfast and Zoo, we spent a little more time together before I took them back to their Mom, after telling them bye I got back in the car, starting it I drove to met some friends to go fishing. 'I still have to get Seb and Chris out here.' I thought as I sat back in the chair with a cigar.

I still haven't talked to Y/N and Chris and Sebastian as been bugging me about it. Can't talk to her, I still don't know what I want to say. She hasn't texted me since after the interview she might be mad. Shaking my head I put the cigar out and stood up from the chair. After putting on my shirt I told the guys I was leaving I loaded everything up in the truck and started home.

The drive from the Lake to my house wasn't that far. Once I pulled into the yard I turned the truck off and unload everything in the garage and went inside. I walked upstairs grabbing some clothes then took a shower.

Once I was done I got out dried off and put on my clothes. I walked back in the bathroom to brush my teeth and my hair. After I put on my shoes and cologne. I grabbed my phone and keys and walked to the door. Once I locked the door, I went out to the truck and got it.

I'm heading over to my sister's place maybe one of them can help me with this "Problem.' Eventually, I'm going to have to talk to her either if I do it on my own or I'm forced to.

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