Dull Eyes || SakuAtsu

De koi_coffee_

247K 8.5K 6.2K

Dull eyes filled the world, grey and colourless. Only those who had met their soulmate could see eyes of colo... Mais

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2.4K 95 62
De koi_coffee_

"Can ya pass me the eggs?" Atsumu questioned, looking to Osamu who of which was grabbing a few things from his brother's fridge.

"Mhm." The brunette nodded and took them out along with a few other things. He slid the eggs over to Atsumu before he busied himself with another task.

It was nearing nine in the morning and the two twins were surprisingly, without a fight, cooking breakfast together.

It seemed to be a pretty good start to the day, with music filling the kitchen and the twins working together in peace — all seemed well. Everything had gone on undisturbed until a faint knock was heard from the front door.

"I'll get it, keep yer eye on those eggs." Osamu called in a slightly tired tone as he glanced to Atsumu, who of which simply nodded.

The brunette took his leave at that and headed for the front door, assuming his brother had a package or anything along those lines being delivered.

Nowhere in his right mind did he expect to see Sakusa standing there.

Osamu's small smile had dropped and complete silence, besides faint noises from inside, fell around the two.

"What the hell do ya think yer doin' here?" He questioned, the brunette now holding a harsh glare as he looked at a slightly tended Sakusa.

"Seeing your brother, like we'd planned." Sakusa mumbled out plainly, with the same dull tone he usually held.

The answer alone led to more silence and Osamu was left to eye Sakusa rather harshly before shutting the door in his face. Well that's one way to handle it.

Satisfied with his actions, Osamu walked back inside with a small smile. Eventually earning an odd look from Atsumu as he walked back into the kitchen.

"Who was it?" The blonde questioned. "And why're ya smilin' like that, it's creepy."

"Sakusa." Osamu commented rather quickly, yet Atsumu still caught it.

"Did ya let him in?" Atsumu looked back to his brother, yet the now small smirk on his face was an obvious no.

With a bitter sigh, the faux blonde gave his brother a light smack to the back of the head and told him to watch the food. Then made his way to the front door to greet Sakusa and properly.

Opening the door, said ravenette was still standing there — this time however, very confused.

"'M sorry 'bout that," Atsumu chuckled softly. "C'mon in, an' before ya ask, I cleaned when I got up."

Sakusa simply nodded at this, a small smile taking place under his mask as he made his way inside — following behind Atsumu.

"We were just 'bout done makin' breakfast when ya first knocked." The blonde commented and took a turn for the kitchen.

Once again, Sakusa simply responded with a nod and took the turn as well. Both walked into the kitchen to see Osamu plating breakfast, seemingly unaware of anyone besides his brother.

"Have ya had anythin' t' eat?" Atsumu questioned, looking to Sakusa. Who of which easily responded with a yes, but considering the time, Atsumu knew caught the lie.

Sakusa, like others out there, had a preferred time to eat in the morning. And that was no time before 9am.

Knowing this, Atsumu simply shook his head. "No ya didn't, ya only eat before nine when we have practice, nice try."

Sakusa could only sigh at this, it wasn't always a good thing that the two had one another's habits remembered.

"'Samu," Atsumu called as he looked over to his brother, who spared him a glance in return. "Can ya make three plates?"

"How 'bout no." Osamu replied with a dry tone, earning a hard flick to the head.

"One: 'm jokin, two, ya do that again an' 'm kickin' yer ass right here." The brunette muttered, sending a deadly glare Atsumu's way. Though, considering the blonde was used to this, he simply shrugged it off.

"Yeah, sure ya are." Atsumu let a laugh slip as he took a seat, sitting direct middle at his island counter. Sakusa of course followed suit after the blonde had patted the seat to his right.

Not long after they took their seats, Osamu handed everyone's plates out and took a seat as well. Sitting on Atsumu's left, which was definitely a good idea considering Osamu still wasn't on the best of terms with Sakusa.

That fact didn't at all go unnoticed as there was a suffocating silence that filled the room, the tension was heavy and eventually — Atsumu had enough of it.

"Could ya two loosen up?" The blonde piped up, sighing softly. "One, 'Samua ya act like he's gonna pull a knife on me, chill the fuck out."

Atsumu then turned to Sakusa. "Two, Sakusa, yer stiff as a board, calm down. He's not gonna kill ya."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." Both Osamu and Sakusa replied at once, giving one another a look. The look however didn't last long as Atsumu had gotten his brother's attention.

The blonde had given his brother a nudge, followed by a rather threatening look. They'd already talked about this yesterday and Atsumu wasn't going to let Osamu go back on his word.

Noticing this, Osamu let out a heavy sigh. He hated every part of this but, he had agreed so for Atsumu's sake, he decided to speak up.

"Oi, Sakusa."

The dark-haired simply hummed in response, a silent way of telling him to go on. All while Atsumu relaxed back into his seat.

"Be lucky 'Tsumu's on yer side or I'd be beatin' yer ass right now."

"'Samu!" Atsumu shouted once the words settled in, and he gave Osamu a hit to the side. Yes he'd said something, but it wasn't what he was supposed to say.

"Fine, fine." The brunette sighed bitterly, sitting straight up as to face Sakusa better. "'M serious on the first part, be lucky 'Tsumu talked me in t' this, but — 'm not gonna kill ya."

This earned a slightly relieved look from Sakusa as he knew damn well since he walked through the door Osamu looked ready to tear him apart.

"I know shit hit the fan with the two of ya a few years back, but 'm not gonna stop ya's from talkin' again." The brunette then fell silent, all while Atsumu smiled.

And Sakusa, well he spared a nod. It's not that he preferred his silence, it's just that — it'd always been known to watch your words around Osamu.

"My only condition, however." He started once again, this time earning a slightly confused look from both Sakusa and Atsumu.

"Ya don't slip up, 'cause then I got the right t' kick yer ass." Osamu ended the comment off with a small chuckle, he may have been serious but it was an in the moment thing to show he meant no harm.

And if that wasn't surprising enough, Sakusa surely put the cherry on top. Said dark-haired let out a playful scoff, alongside the small smile that Atsumu knew was visible underneath his mask.

"I can agree to that."

•°•°•° ~—~•—•~—~ °•°•°•





°•°•°• ~—~•—•~—~ •°•°•°

"Where to Miya."

Sakusa and Atsumu were currently driving through the streets of Higashiōsaka, not necessarily with a destination in mind though.

"Honestly, 'm not actually sure." The blonde shrugged as he looked to Sakusa. "I thought we could just stop anywhere that looks interestin' — like a bunch of surprise mini-adventures!"

There came that smile again, that bright sunshine kinda smile. Something Sakusa missed, not that he'd admit that however. Alongside that, was the radiating joy that seemed to always lace Atsumu's voice, something Sakusa could never seem to get tired of.

"Hm," Sakusa let out a hum, pondering the suggestion. "Sure."

This of course earned an excited, yet hushed 'yes' from Atsumu, like as if the blonde had just gotten a perfect serve.

Sakusa chuckled seeing this, yet turned his attention back to the road as — as much as he enjoyed seeing Atsumu, he'd rather not crash the car.

That was the start to the two's day.

Sakusa and Atsumu simply cruised the streets of Higashiōsaka, windows down and music semi-blasted. With the sun sitting high in a clear sky, it set the perfect atmosphere for what was bound to be an even better day.

As the two drove, either in a comfortable silence, laughter, or Atsumu's rather obnoxious singing — they eventually came across their first stop. A small collectables shop, the kind of place a certain blonde absolutely loved.

"Wait, wait, pull over!" Atsumu called, his voice very well overpowering the music that was being played.

Now if that wasn't enough to get Sakusa's attention, the fact the blonde had literally grabbed onto the others arm for dear life did — like as if all hell would break loose if they missed it.

"Okay, okay, calm down." Sakusa rolled his eyes playfully as he slowed down, and eventually made a turn into the parking lot.

As he pulled in to a parking spot and finally stopped the car, he felt the grip on his arm disappear. On instinct, he'd glanced over to Atsumu who seemed almost hesitant for a split second.

"It might be better if I have gloves on next time, I know, ya don't have t' tell me." He chuckled. "An' don't tell me ya weren't gonna say it, the look on yer face sold ya out."

"Half of the face you can't see?" Sakusa questioned, considering he'd had a mask on.

This caused Atsumu to pause, then let out a small huff as he rolled his eyes. No, he didn't notice the mask at all. Was he going to admit that? Absolutely not.

"And I will tell you I wasn't going to mention gloves, because I wasn't." Sakusa, ever so ironically had pulled out a pair of gloves for himself.

"I was however going to say, next time, sanitize first, dumbass." Sakusa rolled his eyes.

This without doubt caught Atsumu off guard, leaving the blonde at a loss for words. He'd naturally assumed over the years Sakusa would've ended up more.. disgusted per say, by his touch. Especially with what happened.

He was wrong.

"Do I even want to know why you're smiling like that?" Sakusa questioned, as he'd just watch Atsumu fall silent before a father genuine smile came to his face.

"I have no clue what yer talkin' 'bout," The blonde rolled his eyes before finally unbuckling himself. "Now c'mon!"

And with that, Atsumu was out the door, leaving Sakusa to follow him.

As they walked into the small collectables shop, it was realized rather quickly this place was definitely well-known. The place was crowded, very crowded. Naturally, this didn't sit well with Sakusa. At all.

And Atsumu, well he wasn't an idiot. He knew damn well the second they'd seen all the people walking around and through isles this may not be the best. So before Sakusa could get his attention, he got Sakusa's.

The blonde turned to Sakusa and quickly used his sanitizer clip before tugging the others sleeve. This made Sakusa lose focus on the crowd and instead focus on Atsumu, just about the only thing to keep him grounded at the moment.

"Did ya want anythin' from in here?" Atsumu questioned, yet his voice stayed relatively quiet as he knew Sakusa wouldn't have been to big on attention being on the two.

Said ravenette thought for a moment before shaking his head, he would've spoke but assumed his words would fail him as the place was already starting to unnerve him.

"Then go wait outside, it's too crowded in here for ya, I can see it." The blonde directed, earning a, for once, hesitant look from Sakusa.

"I don't mind, I just gotta few things I need t' grab an' I'll be out, maybe a few minutes time. M'kay?" With that stated, Sakusa once again only nodded. Yet this time he managed to slip out a thank you as he, not so kindly, got the hell out of there.

After he left, Atsumu had the decency to slip on the mask he'd grabbed before he left and then go looking around.

Of course, considering he knew his way around the store — it really did only take a few minutes to grab the two things he had previously been looking for. And within another few minutes, Atsumu was leaving just as soon as he'd walked in.

He'd met Sakusa outside as that's where the ravenette was waiting.

"'M back, I didn't take too long in there, did I?" Atsumu questioned as he looked to Sakusa.

"No." Was all the answer he gave, the dark-haired shaking his head before heading back to his car.

The two stayed in silence after that, getting into the car and getting settled. As the car was started, the previous semi-blasted music was now playing faintly.

"Are ya okay?" Atsumu questioned, finally breaking the silence.

The blonde was momentarily left without an answer, not even being spared a glance until Sakusa had gotten onto an actual road again.

"Mhm." He nodded. "Just a little caught off guard, I didn't know it'd be that crowded." Sakusa's brows furrowed, evident he'd recoiled a bit just at the thought.

Atsumu chuckled seeing this, it was the usual kind of behaviour he was used to — the kinda thing he'd missed.

"Oh! Right!" The blonde piped up, nearly startling Sakusa as he reached for the small bag he had his two items in.

Out of curiosity, Sakusa had glanced over — yet Atsumu quickly caught him on it.

"Oi, eyes on the road! Ya don't get t' see yet anyways!" The blonde ushered, making Sakusa chuckle lightly as he rolled his eyes and focused back on the road.

A little bit more shuffling could be heard to Sakusa's right before something was placed in the middle of his dashboard, that something being a small, black fox.

"Miya," Sakusa immediately called, earning some giggles from the other. "You seriously stopped me from seeing a fox?"

"Mhm, so what? Ya got a problem with that, Omi-kun?" The blonde held a slight smirk, yet Sakusa seemed unfazed. If anything, he was prepared.

"Atsumu." Sakusa smirked ever so softly, almost going unnoticed.

"I'd watch that tone of yours, yeah?"

This left Atsumu dead silent, if anything, all thanks to the simple tone Sakusa used — left him a light pink as well. Fuck.

His silence had gone on long enough to definitely be noticed, which earned a snarky chuckle from Sakusa who'd glanced over for a second.

"Not so confident now, are you Miya?" The ravenette teased, he knew damn well what he was doing.

"Shut up.." The blonde mumbled, rolling his eyes as he sunk back into his seat, once again making Sakusa chuckle.

So far, both were having a great time.

It really was refreshing being able to spend time with one another.


Higashiōsaka - MSBY's home city, being the east city of Osaka

also,, can we all agree weasels are absolutely adorable?? i won't listen to anything different on the matter, they're the cutest and i stand by that

and on one last note — originally this was all going to be one part but that would've been on its way to 4000+ words and it was bugging me

part 44 will be out soon though!

~koi ☕︎︎

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