Jelsa One Shots

By lovetowrite12340

48.6K 1K 653

It's just a bunch of one shots of my favorite couple! *I don't own any pictures or characters I use in this b... More

I'm sorry
Could I?
You're HOW OLD?
Mr. Steal Your Girl
Die Hard
Madly in Love
Valentine's Day
Batting Lashes
Puppy Love
Things I want to do with You
Ice Cream Monster
Please... Don't Go
Please... Don't Go- Part 2
Happy Birthday
Hard Day
I want a baby
That One Faithful Day
Goodbye- Part 2
Ferris Wheel
Happy Halloween
Sisters- Part 2
Sisters- Part 3
Happy Thanksgiving
New Years
Sweet Boy
Mother's Day
Happy Father's Day
Kiss the Air
First Look
The Cookies
My Love

Heartbreak- Part 2

455 11 6
By lovetowrite12340

Third POV:

~One Year Later~

The two were still apart. They always thought about each other. They wondered how they were doing. What they were thinking about. If they were doing okay. If they still thought about each other. What they would do if they ever saw each other again.

Word got out about the break up. They were the talk of every talk show. It came as a surprise to everyone. These two were a couple nobody thought would ever separate.

Even fans were upset. They had their ship name already figured out and everything. When both stars would post something on social media their fans would always say something like "Jelsa forever" or "they are the cutest couple on the planet" however that goes.

The songs that were released gave the world a sliver of what made them break up. But sometimes people don't understand lyrics very well. They end up making rumors like "Elsa was so abusive to Jack if you've heard his song." Or "Jack must have cheated on Elsa to make her think they can't be together anymore." The list goes on.

Only the two knew what happened because it's them. They haven't talked to the media about anything either. If they ever were on talk shows they both would divert the conversation to something else like their singing/acting careers or flat out leave the stage. Since after a while of asking the same questions it can sometimes be considered as harassing them for the information they wish to not share.

The two didn't really date anyone. Well, that's up until Toothiana had to grab Jack's hand when there was paparazzi around. So the media just assumed they were dating. Jack wasn't all that interested. Even when they took the pictures of them, people could tell he wasn't all there or wanting to be there.


"Jack let's go to the mall!" Toothiana grinned.

"Uh... Yea... sure," he said mind elsewhere.

Toothiana still had that grin on her face and she grabbed his hand when she saw the paparazzi coming.

Jack didn't see them coming at all. Toothiana just dragged them towards the mall but not without being questioned by the paparazzi.

"Are you guys together?"

"Jack? You're already getting a new woman to be with?"

"What all exactly happened between you and Elsa Jack?"

And so many more questions. Jack didn't pay them any attention. He just went with the flow really.

But those pictures that were snapped that day were posted the next day saying, "Jack Frost is in a relationship with costar Toothiana Fairy."

When Elsa saw it she couldn't help but think, "He's already over us?" She couldn't see that he didn't want to be there. To her, she just saw him with another woman and assumed he's happy now.

She knew she shouldn't be so upset. It had been six months since their breakup and she was the one to bring it up but she still loved him. She thought she would be over it by now. But a love like this one is hard to get over.

"It's time to get over him," Elsa whispered to herself wiping her tears.

~End of Flashback~

After that night, Elsa tried her best to get over him. She ended up dating her drummer her last month on tour. They weren't really official or anything. They just went on a few dates.

Elsa couldn't help but miss Jack even more. Because whenever she went on a date with Hans, he never made her laugh as much as Jack did. She had to force her laughter with Hans.

Anyway, tonight the two were invited to a party. It was a party thrown by a mutual friend they both had. The catch on this party was that everyone had to have a date. People are weird sometimes. Needing to have a date to a party? What is this high school?

Elsa went with Hans. She wore a dark blue, floor length, open back dress. Her hair was curled and down but pulled to her left side. She wore black heels.

Hans wore a tux with a red tie. He wasn't into the color blue. It really didn't suit him is what he claims. So he didn't match his date.

Jack went with Toothiana. Them going together just increased the suspicion of them dating. Jack wasn't really aware of it though.

Jack wore a tux and a dark blue tie. It was his favorite color and he couldn't find a colorful tie or one that would match any color on Toothiana's dress.

Toothiana wore a high low dress with tons of different colors in different patterns. She had a small part with dark blue other than that it was super colorful.

It kinda freaked Jack out. The dress was overwhelming with color and he was just surprised by it.

Jack and Toothiana arrived at the party before Elsa and Hans. Jack couldn't believe the two were together when he found out.


"Elsa Arens and Hans South seem to be dating don't you think Tina?" A woman on a talk show asked.

"You're right, Marge. They were seen together after one of her concerts at a nice restaurant. Do you think they are official?" Tina asked.

"I'm not so sure Tina. By they do seem cute together don't they?" Tina asked.

"You're very right but-," Marge was cut off because Jack turned off he tv.

"She moved on," Jack whispered.

"And Tina, doesn't know what she's talking about," he growled.

He wasn't happy. He knew that he himself was better than, in his words, "that sorry excuse for a human."

~End of Flashback~

"I'm going to go get some punch," Toothiana said. Jack just nodded his head.

He took a second to really take in his surroundings. They were in a grand hall. Everyone was nicely dressed and some people were dancing. Others sat at their tables and others were standing and talking.

As he was looking around, he looked up at the staircase where he saw the most beautiful person he's ever seen. Her dress was so beautiful. Her hair flowed so nicely. She didn't wear too much makeup ever. It's not like she needed it anyway in his opinion.

Elsa looked out at the crowd. She smiled to see everyone having such a great time. Everyone dancing, talking, or getting food from the buffet table. It was a nice sight to see.

As she was looking around, she saw one person in particular staring at her. She held eye contact and gave him a shy smile. He returned it.

Both thinking, "I've missed you."

"Shall we go find our seats?" Someone asked.

Elsa had to break her gaze from Jack to the voice. She looked to her right to see Hans. Her smile slowly faded.

"Uh, Yes. Let's go," she said.

With that the two went to go find their seats.

Jack was disappointed that they had to look away from each other because of Hans. He was really jealous of him at this point.

"I'm back and I brought you some punch too," Toothiana said.

"What are you looking at?" She asked.

"Oh nothing. Let's go take a seat," Jack said.

They found their seats. Just a couple tables away from Elsa and Hans.

As the night went on, there were couples dancing on the dance floor. It was odd and funny because the couples would dance together then switch partners. Odd that a lot of people knew how to dance that way but people would just assume it's because of all the movies they've been in where they would have to learn this type of dance.

"Shall we dance?" Hans asked Elsa standing up from his seat. He held his hand out to her.

"Uh... sure," she said and took his hand.

They walked to the dance floor and joined the rest of the couples.

Jack saw this happening and he got even more jealous. After a while of watching them dance, he saw that they were all switching partners here and there. So Elsa wasn't just dancing with Hans but with other people too.

That's when Jack got the brightest idea.

"Tooth, let's go dance," Jack said.

"Oh, cool. Let's go," she said not really sure at first.

The two danced together for a while then switched. It took five switches before Jack and Elsa got to dance together.

When they first saw each other, they blushed.

Jack held her right hand in his left and his right hand was around her waist. Elsa's left hand was resting on his shoulder.

They didn't say much at first. They only gazed into each other's eyes. They both had small smiles creep up their faces. They were so happy to see each other. Finally after the break up and one year later.

The music ended. That didn't tear their gaze apart though. They were still holding each other because to them it seemed like it was the only time they'd be able to.

"Elsa," Hans called feeling slightly protective because she's the person he's been seeing for a month. And that's her ex.

Elsa broke apart from Jack with a half smile on her face now.

"Yes?" She asked, looking at him.

"The dance ended. Let's go get some food," he said sending a glare towards Jack then looked back at Elsa with a smile.

"Oh, uh, right," she sighed.

"It was nice seeing you again Jack," she smiled lightly to him.

"You too Els," Jack smiled back.

With that she walked to the buffet table with Hans.

When Jack was about to follow them Toothiana stepped in front of him.

"You're still not over her are you?" She asked.

"What?" He asked.

"You're not over her," she said.

"No... I never have been," he said.

"Well, that would have been nice to know rather than the flirting you've been doing with me," she said.

"What?" Jack asked again. Remember he's been really clueless to everything because he doesn't see himself with anybody else.

"You've been flirting with me these past few months. I thought tonight you were going to finally ask me to be your girlfriend," she said.

"What? No. Tooth we are just friends. I'm sorry if I ever made you think we would be something more. I really didn't mean for that to happen. I wasn't even trying to flirt with you either," he said. He was thinking that she misinterpreted everything he's said to her as flirting.

"Oh... well this is embarrassing..." she said nervously.

"I'm sorry. I guess I should have been more aware of your feelings. I hope you can forgive me for all of this," he said.

"You must really love her," she said.

"I do," he sighed.

"So, are you just going to let her go?" She asked.

Jack looked at her surprised. "What?"

"You aren't just going to let her go be with that Hans guy are you?" She asked.

Jack shook his head.

"Then go after her dude," she chuckled and pushed him. Jack chuckled.

He looked toward the buffet table and saw that she wasn't there anymore. He looked towards her table and saw she wasn't there either. Neither was her date.

He walked around and finally found them both outside sitting at a table. They didn't notice him yet. Before Jack decided to make his presence known he listened to what they were talking about.

"It's such a beautiful night," Elsa sighed staring at the starry night sky. It made Jack grin because he knew how much she loved the stars.

"It really is but not as beautiful as the ocean look at how blue it is. It's like your eyes," Hans said grinning.

"Right," Elsa said looking at the ocean briefly.

What Hans did next completely took Jack off guard but he quickly recovered and was about to storm over.

Hans had gotten down on one knee in front of Elsa.

"Elsa," Hans called. Elsa looked at him and gasped.

"Will you marry me?" He asked.

"No she will not!" Jack exclaimed and finally made his presence known.

Elsa looked to the new comer and was surprised to see him too.

"I asked for her answer not yours grandpa," Hans said smirking.

"So what? She would have said no anyway," Jack said.

"Yeah, right. Have you seen me? I'm better looking than you are and I don't look like a grandpa," Hans said.

"You know what?" Jack said and was about to do something when Elsa quickly interfered.

Jack looked at her then his gaze softened. With the rage that he had towards Hans quickly disappeared once he looked into Elsa's eyes.

"What is wrong with you two?" Elsa asked looking back and forth between the boys.

"He started it," they both exclaimed.

"I don't care who started it! That's no excuse to act like children! Jack, please go wait by that pole where I can see you," Elsa said. Jack stood by the pole.

Elsa looked back at Hans.

"You have no right to sit there and call him names. He did nothing to you," Elsa said.

"Okay I'm sorry but can we go back to what was happening before? Can you answer my question?" He asked.

Elsa rubbed her temples. "Hans, we aren't even official. We've only been on four dates. My answer is no because I don't know you at all. For someone who's going to go out of his way to call someone names. You are not someone I want to be with," Elsa said.

"Well, I thought we were going in a good direction. I mean we kept on going on dates. You seemed to have fun. So I thought I would ask you to marry me. How could I not be someone you want to be with?" he said.

"The dates were fun but I don't have the same feelings for you at all. And after only four dates you ask me to marry you? We don't know each other. And another thing, your ego is awful! Please just leave me alone after this. You're out of the band," Elsa said.

"What? You can't kick me out of the band! You're out of the band if anything!" He exclaimed.

"Fortunately, I can't be kicked out of the band because it is my band. And you can get kicked out because it says it in our contract. If you act out or show any form of harassment you can get kicked out. There are more reasons but those are just a couple," Elsa said.

"That's bullshit! I'll call my lawyers!" He exclaimed.

"Go ahead. I'll just tell them all you've done during tour. You could have been kicked out long ago. We only kept you because we were on tour and finding a replacement on such short notice wouldn't have been fair to us or them," Elsa said.

Hans stood there shocked then stormed out.

Jack watching this from afar and was trying hard not to laugh. They both watched him leave. Then Elsa looked at him. Still by the pole like she instructed him. She walked towards him.

"Jack," She said. Jack stopped watching at the door and stopped his urge to laugh.


She flicked his forehead then asked, "What on earth were you thinking? Trying to throw a fist? Violence is never the answer!"

"I know I'm sorry," Jack said. Elsa rolled her eyes.

"Why did you even come outside in the first place?" She sighed.

"I-I was looking for y-you," he said nervously.


"Because I want to talk to you," He said.

"About what?"


"What about us?"

"Can... can we try us again?" He asked feeling his palms get sweaty.

"I thought you were with Toothiana?" Elsa asked.

"Why does everybody think that?" Jack asked. Elsa looked at him as if he were stupid. Seeing the look on her face he asked, "What?"

"Have you not seen the media lately?" Elsa asked.

"Uh... no actually. I've been keeping myself off of the media..." Jack trailed off.

"Everyone thinks you two are together because of you and Toothiana holding hands one day," Elsa said.

"That's so dumb! The last time that happened we were just going to the mall that she literally dragged me to. We were hanging out as friends. I haven't hung out with her since then," Jack said.

"What about tonight?" Elsa asked.

"Tonight? She asked me to come with her as a friend. I didn't think anything of it until tonight when she asked me if we were dating soon. I let her down gently though," Jack said.

The were silent for a moment. They both were looking everywhere but each other.

"Since when did you and Hans get together?" Jack asked.

"Oh, um... it was just to give it a try and get over you... but that didn't work," she whispered the last part.

"So... can we try us again?" Jack asked.

"I don't know Jack. What if our schedules collide again? I can't go through another breakup with you," she said.

"But haven't you missed us? Missed me?" He asked.

"Of course I've missed us and you. I'm just not so sure if we can try again. You'd get an acting job coming soon I'm sure. And who knows when my next tour is," Elsa said.

"Then we can figure it out together. This time without a break up. All I know is that I've missed you all year long and I don't want us to be apart anymore. Please think about it," Jack said with a faint smile. He walked away. He didn't get very far when...

"Jack!" Someone shouted.

Jack looked behind him to see Elsa running to him.

"Elsa? Wha-," he was cut off when she hugged him tightly. Arms around his torso. Jack hugged back instantly.

"Wh-," He was cut off again because Elsa kissed his lips. It was a passionate kiss. One long overdue. When they finally pulled apart, it was Elsa who spoke first.

"I've missed you too," she whispered. Jack grinned and kissed her again.

When they pulled apart, they rested their foreheads against each other. Just being there together because they have missed each other.

Right above them was a balcony. It was the two hosts of the party watching the entire scene.


"Anna! They don't know it was us who threw the party remember so we have to be quiet," Kristoff said.

"Oh, oops. My bad," she laughed nervously.

But the two lovebirds paid them no attention. They only focused on each other.

"They are cute together though aren't they?" Kristoff asked.

"They sure are," Anna grinned looking awestruck at the two lovebirds.

Even after this night, they kept them dating a secret for a while before they went public again. But when they shared that they were together again the world roared with heart eyes.

It was so nice for them...

~Time skip~

Elsa and Jack lived together again. Elsa was just placing her things in their room and finding the empty drawers Jack left for her.

She came across one of his drawers but there was a journal in there. She knew she shouldn't look at it but the pages were already open to a certain page.

She picked up the journal and read what it said, "Amnesia? I drove by all the places we used to hangout getting wasted. I thought about out last kiss, how it felt the way you tasted. And even though your friends tell me you're doing fine. Are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you? When he says those words that hurt you do you read the ones I wrote you? Sometimes I start to wonder, was it just a lie? If what we had was real, how could you be fine? 'Cause I'm not fine at all," she whispered out the last part. She continued reading.

Jack was at the doorframe seeing her read it. He wasn't upset just kinda nervous to see what she'd say.

When it seemed like she finished reading Jack made himself known.

"I see you've found my journal?" Jack asked.

Elsa turned around with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah..." she whispered.

Neither said anything yet.

"Do you still wish you woke up with Amnesia?" She asked.

"No. I wrote that when I found out about you and Hans being together or that stupid "Marge and Tina Show" talking about the rumors..." he trailed off.

"Jack... I never knew you felt this way... nor that you could write so many songs but not perform them," she whispered.

"We were both going through it back then... we were two souls who couldn't be together... up until now..." he whispered then added, "I rather just write the songs than perform them."

"You are an amazing writer though Jack," Elsa said.

He shook his head with a slight smile, "Let's get the rest of your stuff moved in. We can talk more about this later."

"Okay," She said but pecked his lips.

"I love you, don't you ever forget that," Elsa said poking at his chest. It made him chuckle.

"I love you too," He said.


~Three Years Later~

"Elsa and Jack Frost are now expecting their second baby any day now!! What exciting news!!" Marge exclaimed.

"I know! I'm so happy they are back together!" Tina said.

"Me too! That was a weird year or so of them not being together. It's nice to see them back to norm-," Marge was cut off because Jack turned off the tv.

"Jack! I was watching that!" Elsa exclaimed.

"It's just a gossipy talk show. Why listen to them talk about us when we can spend time together on our own," he grinned sitting down next to her. She giggled at him.

"You are too much sometimes you know?" She said.

"Hey, I'd rather not watch tv when my attention could be on you, our son, and our baby," he said and kissed her forehead. She hummed.

"And where is our son now?" She asked.

"He is napping. Or at least he was an hour ago. I might need to check on him," Jack said.

"I can check on him," Elsa said about to get up.

"No ma'am you are not. You need to relax. Like Marge said our baby will be here any day now. Which means you need to stay rested," he said getting up.

"That doesn't mean I can't get up to go check on my son," Elsa said.

"I got him," Jack said and ran as quick as he could so she couldn't check on him.

"Your daddy is such a child sometimes little one," Elsa said rubbing her tummy and giggling to herself.

Jack came back out with a slightly sleepy boy.

"Look who just woke up from his nap," Jack said.

"My little Christian did," Elsa cooed at her son.

"Mwommy," He said reaching towards her.

Jack walked over to the couch and handed Elsa their son.

"How was your nap?" Elsa asked.

"Gwood," He said rubbing his eye.

"Good," Elsa said then kissed his head.

Elsa put the tv back on but put it on Christian's favorite show. They watched a few episodes together. Until Elsa felt the need to use the restroom. Elsa placed Christian on the couch and stood up.

Only... she made it halfway to the restroom when her water broke...

"Uh... Jack?" Elsa called.

"Yes?" He asked and instantly got up and walked towards her.

"My water just broke," she said.

"WHAT?!" Jack exclaimed.

"Please calm down," Elsa said.

"CALM DOWN? The baby is coming early!!" Jack exclaimed again.

"Please Jack? Go call Anna and tell her that she will have to watch Christian for us," Elsa said.

"Right, uh... shit... why now baby? You couldn't have waited until the due date?" Jack started rambling as he was looking for everything that they needed. Like both diaper bags, car keys, shoes (since he almost forgot them last time), and his phone.

Once Jack finally got himself and everyone else situated he called Anna. Elsa was having contractions here and there. So far they were forty minutes apart.

Good thing Anna was home and not far from where they lived. Jack dropped off Christian and ran back to the car to get Elsa to the hospital.

~15 hours later~

"How is momma doing?" The nurse came in and asked.

"I'm doing fine. When can I see my baby?" Elsa asked.

"Soon sweetie. They are just finishing up some tests," the nurse said.

"Is everything okay?" Jack asked.

"Yes, everything's going alright. Nothing abnormal happening. I will be back soon," the nurse said.

"So... what's the name?" Jack asked.

"I love both names Jack, you choose," Elsa smiled.

Just then the baby was brought in.

"Here she is," the nurse said and handed her over to Elsa.

Elsa grinned even more if that was even possible.

The little baby cuddled up to her mothers chest, feeling the warmth.

Elsa looked up at Jack with tears in her eyes like the last time when she had Christian.

"She looks like an Emilia," Jack smiled seeing his precious little girl.

"Her middle name though is Iduna," Jack said earning a tear coming out of Elsa's eye. He wiped it away and kissed her forehead.

"I love you both so much," Elsa said.

"We love you too," Jack said.

The next day, Christian got to come in and visit. When he got to see his little sister, his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Shwe's swo prwetty mwommy," Christian said smiling at his sister in his mothers arms.

Elsa smiled down at her two year old.

"She is, isn't she?" Elsa asked with some tears falling down her cheeks. She was in such a happy place at the moment it brought tears to her eyes.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

A/n: Yay! I updated like I promised! And it's the part 2 like I promised!! I hope you guys like this one shot or two shot really lol. I know it took me forever to post and this one shot feels soooo long. So sorry for the extra long reading but hey it's a happy ending! I'm gonna try and update a little more before school starts again. I know I should have been updating all summer it's just that my mental health has been... not that great so I've been taking my time and reading. The song in today's chapter is "Amnesia" by 5 Seconds of Summer. They used to be my favorite band in 2014 then my life took over and I stopped listening to music for a while which was a big mistake. I don't own any of the rights to those songs. I just had the idea to also include this song because I feel like it really enhanced on how both were feeling during this story. Anyway, don't forget to:


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