I Need You

By OlpheliaLouise

4.2K 92 18

Beth and Daryl are reunited after she escapes from Grady with Noah. Now that they are back together with the... More



122 3 0
By OlpheliaLouise

Author's Note: Hello loves. This chapter is a little shorter but I felt it was important to end the chapter where I did otherwise it would be a really long one. I hope you enjoy being that this is a fluff chapter. The next chapter will probably take some time to write, so I do not know when my next update will be. I am toying with an idea for this story and I am unsure whether I should do it or not. If I do, then it will completely derail this story from the show. I may not do it and make that idea it's own story all together being that it would be a huge twist for this story. I'm not sure yet, we will see. Thank you everyone for the reviews and kind words. Let me know what you think of this chapter and whether you think I should incorporate my idea or not.

"I didn't hate it." His chest rises as he takes another deep breath. "And I don't wanna be jus' friends."

His eyes search mine for some kind of a reaction. It takes me a second to process what just happened and what he just said. I didn't hate it. The kiss. Well that is a relief. His thumb gazes my cheek and I realize he is still waiting for me to say something. I finish replaying his words in my head. And I don't wanna be jus' friends. "Then what is stopping you?"

He takes his hands off me and takes a tiny step back. He looks down at the floor like he is almost ashamed. He doesn't say anything for a long moment. "I'm scared." It is barely a whisper but I hear it all the same.

"Of what?"

"Of this." He replies with his head still down as he takes my hand in his. Then he brings his gaze up to meet mine. "Of you."

I'm taken aback. "Of me?" I say with a chuckle. Why on earth would he be scared of me? The thought is so preposterous. "I thought you weren't afraid of nothin'."

"Everyone's afraid of somethin'." He says sincerely.

"I get why you are scared of this," I rub my thumb on the back of his hand, "but why are you scared of me?"

"Well I ain't exactly scared of you... I- You-" He shakes his head and starts over. "Beth, you mean... everything... to me. And that... that scares the shit out of me. I ain't never done nothing like this 'fore. The closet thing I've ever had to a relationship is when I hooked up with the same girl two nights in a row outside some bar Merle drug me to." He lets go of my hand and I instantly miss it. "I ain't never wanted to try with someone b'fore. There wasn't no one I ever cared to try with. So... I don't know what the hell I'm doin' or where we go from here."

"I don't know either. It ain't like I got tons of experience with relationships either. I've had two boyfriends my entire life and one of them barely even counts. Zach and I were together for... what... a month, before he died? And Jimmy... he was my high school boyfriend, but he never took me on an actual date. Any 'dates' we had were chaperoned 'cause Daddy never would let us be alone together. It wasn't until after everything, Daddy was distracted with the walkers thinking that they were sick, that Jimmy and I were actually able to be like a real couple. And that only lasted for a couple of months. But what I felt for him is nothing like what I feel for you. I'm scared too. And that's okay... we can figure it out together."

He looks at me beneath his hair and nods. I give him a smile and take a step closer to him. He's kissed me twice already. It's probably time I return the favor. I stand up on my toes and press my lips to his. The kiss is slow and easy. No heat. No passion. Just a shy simple kiss but it is nice all the same. He pulls away with a confused look on his face. "So, that's it? You're- you're my girl, just like that?"

"Yeah. Just like that." I smile at him again. "And you're my man for as long as you want to be."

He blushes a little and his lips twitch upward for a split second. "So... uh, should we tell the others?"

"I don't see a reason to. It's not like we would be telling them something they didn't already know or suspect." He hums in agreement. "But I should probably tell Maggie."

"A'right. Just so you know, I ain't into all that PDA shit like Maggie and Glenn."

"I figured and I don't care. As long as you show me a little affection when we are alone, I will be happy."

He frowns at that. "I'll try."

I laugh softly. "Daryl, you don't have to try. You may not realize it, but you are pretty affectionate all on your own. Just do what feels natural and we will be fine." Suddenly, we hear a loud, abrupt noise in the distance. We whip our heads in the direction of the sound and watch as the walkers in front of the two-way mirror lose interest in us and meander towards the noise. "Sounds like the calvary just arrived." I look back at him watching the walkers. Before I can help myself, I lean up and kiss his cheek. "Come on, let's go."

We exit quietly out the the office and into the hallway. Daryl leds us out into the store which is nearly empty of walkers now. The pathway to door we originally entered in is most clear and we swiftly and silently take out the three walkers in our way. Daryl shoots them and I follow behind him collecting the bolts. The sun is bright when we exit the store making my eyes squint. Immediately, I see the van pull up a few feet away right in front of us. Glenn is in the driver's seat and I don't see Maggie which worries me. Before I can become too concerned, the back-door swings open revealing Maggie. "Come on." Daryl hops in first with me right behind him. As soon as we are inside, Glenn speeds away as I shut the door.

"Took ya long 'nough." Daryl huffs.

"Careful Dixon. Next time I'll leave your sorry ass." Glenn retorts.

"Nah, you'd miss me t'much."

Maggie turns around in the passenger's seat, "Well you're in a better mood."

Daryl's face hardens and I can see a blush creeping up on the tips of his ears. Quickly, I distract them with more pressing matters. "So where is the car? I noticed it was no longer parked in front of the store."

"We used it to get away. It is parked serval streets over. I'll drop y'all off and you can follow us back." Glenn looks in the rearview at us. "Unless... you guys want to make a pit stop." Maggie hands Daryl and pamphlet. I can't read what it says from my seat. "We found this in the glove box and wanted to see what you guys thought?"

"It's on the way. What do you think?" Daryl says as passes it to me. The Vine Food Bank: Grand Opening.

"It is local and was new which means many people may not had known about it. I'd say it is worth a look."

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