Desire (Bakugou X Reader)

By shadow1dark2night

163K 4.7K 2.6K

Y/N is 20 years old. She lives in secrecy and doesn't let much of her past slip out to the world. She works u... More

Kapter 1
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Kapter 96
Kapter 97 [THE END]
Read me bitch

Kapter 12

3.1K 79 65
By shadow1dark2night

In the next few days they both continued to act as heroes and regular partners in the day but turned to lovers in the night.

_____ was currently telling the team of the new mission and that they were called in for an attack inside a company.

They were outside the building as she told them their tasks.

"River we'll need your quirk to get in and to set the fires off. Fang you scout out the civilians and get them out of here, K- Dynamight you're with me stopping the Villains." ______ ordered as they nod and all run off.

They run into the building that was on fire as River started to make a clear path for them.

There were screams and cries going all through the building.

Katsuki separates heading in one side while _____ and Soren did the same.

______ started up her lightening quirk just blasting the broken debris away so she can walk through.

"This was not apart of the plan! How can you loose it you idiot!"

She heard a voice and froze hiding.

"How was I suppose to know i grabbed the wrong one!!!" Another voice said.

"Dammit..she's going to kill us! We need to find it now."

_____ glared and sneaked a look seeing one female and one male talking to eachother.

They were searching in the room through a bunch of folders and files.

She activated her nails and used her lightening to run at them slicing the females back getting deep into her skin and doing the same with the males arm.

Both fall suddenly.


"I CANT MOVE- NOVA! Shit..!"

"What were you looking for? Who's your boss?" _____ asked while stepping on the females back.

"..." the male and female laying next to eachother looked at eachother scared.

"I'm sorry did you not hear me?" _____ repeated adding more pressure on her back as she bled.


"YOU CANT DO THAT! SHUT UP!" The male yelled.

"Why can't she tell me hm?" ____ asked bending down stepping on his head.

He groaned in pain.

"Who. Is. Your. Boss?" _____ repeated

They both were crying in pain.

"It's y-"

There was a blast and Katsuki flew into the room smashing a different villain in the face.

He smirked before dropping the guy to the ground then looked up seeing _____ on top of two people.



"Oh god don't tell me it's Dynamight!" The male yelled.

_____ smirked hearing that.

"Come on dont think I forgot. Who's your damn boss?" _____ asked again.

They look at eachother again.

Both hesitating.

"We're dead either way.." the female said.

But before another word could be spoke the guy Katsuki beat up started to shine and within that moment ______'s eyes widen.

"KATSUKI MOVE!" She yelled getting up and using her lightening to block him as the guy exploded causing an enormous blast knocking them all back destroying that floor of the building as it started to creak.

Their ears were ringing.

Katsuki was the one who got the debris off his body so he could stand, he coughed up blood just shaking his head.

He then opened his eyes to the massacre of debris and blood everywhere.

It took him a moment to realize that the entire floor was destroyed..but..

His eyes widen. "_-______!? _______!? WHERE ARE YOU!?" He yelled getting up fast but the building creaked more as destructive parts fall from the ceiling.

He started to panic and looked around.

He saw a hand in the mess and started to take the pieces of bricks off but he just saw the female Villain dead having a rod through her body.

That only made him panic trying to find _____ in the mess.

Soren ran over.

"DYNAMIGHT GET OUT OF HERE! THE BUILDINGS FALLING!" Soren yelled panting having two civilians on his back in wolf form.

"I-I cant! ______! She's here somewhere!" Katsuki yelled panicking just tossing pieces of the building apart to find her.

Soren hesitated but..he couldn't stay and risk the civilians lives.

Soren just stayed to try and sniff her out but his nose was covered in smoke.

"Shit! Dynamight just....I-"

"HELP ME FIND HER!" Katsuki yelled at him blasting the large wall pieces and only finding the man Villian.

Soren took a step to help but the building shook causing them to fall.

"I'll be back! Get out of here before it's too late!" Soren yelled at Katsuki running out to save the civilians first.

Katsuki just picked up debris and tried to look for her in the pile where he was before.


But no response..

The building creaked as everything shifted to the right side of the building.

Katsuki had to dodge rods and bricks to not get hit.

But as the debris shifted he saw a glimpse of her hand.

He immediately ran to it seeing her stuck under a huge part of the fallen ceiling.

She wasn't waking up and was bleeding everywhere.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck..hey wake up!" Katsuki yelled patting her cheek but nothing.

He tried to move the ceiling off her yet nothing worked.

If I explode it, it might just hurt her even more or I might explode her...I can't do that DAMMIT WHAT THE HELL!

He tried to get under the ceiling piece to take the weight off her body but that didn't even work.

The building moved again swaying to the left this time and his eyes widen watching her go deeper under the piece.

He grabbed under her shoulders at her armpits trying to keep her up.

"FUCK- ILL GET YOU OUT HOLD ON!" He yelled using his foot to push the piece off her body but he was destroying his leg in the process.

And if that wasn't enough the ground below him started to break.

Katsuki's eyes widen and he watched as the floor broke.

He knew if he does nothing she'd be crushed under the ceiling as they fell.

He grabbed her body as they were falling down floors and held her close getting her out from under the ceiling piece.

He pushed past it as the building started to crumble and the roof fell fast.

He panicked holding her close trying to get his hand behind him to blast away but..he was too late.

The roof and ceiling fell right on top of them as the building fell apart.

Soren and River watched in horror.

They saved the civilians but at what cost?

Soren panicked.


"CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW!" River yelled at one of the men who nods.

River and Soren began to dig up the pieces trying to find them in the mess.

But..whatever they tried they couldn't find them.

The fire fighters, police officers and Ambulances came helping everyone as they all search in the mess.

River splashed Soren with water to clean his nose and he tried to sniff them out..and luckily for them he smelled Katsuki's sweat easily.

"OVER HERE!" Soren yelled.

They ran over as they all lifted the huge piece of concrete and under it they found _____ and on top of her hugging her body as protection..Katsuki.

Both passed out and bleeding out.

"Where is she!? What do you mean she's not awake yet!? Is she okay!? No move aside let me through!"

The door opened.

Katsuki looked up seeing a man run into the hospital room in panic.

When he saw _____ he ran to her side holding her shoulders and shaking her to wake up.


Katsuki just froze. It's him..he's the guy in the picture!

The man looked up seeing Katsuki Soren and River in the room with them.

"Did her dad come?!" He asked them but they shook their head.

"That damn fool I knew he wouldn't care! That's it..I'll just take her ya. I'm financially stable. Healthy job. Heal- no..I'm not okay. BITCH WAKE THE FUCK UP!" The man yelled shaking her again but Katsuki grabbed his hands pulling them off her.

"Who the fuck are you!?"

The man pulled his hands away but looked at Katsuki more seriously.

"Oh wow you're hot." He said.

Katsuki's face fell.

Soren and River look at the man totally confused.


"What's your name?? I'm Tora!" Tora said smiling wide at Katsuki.

Katsuki just stared at him completely disgusted and confused.

_____ started to wake up after being shook so many times.

"Nova's waking!!" River said standing up.

Everyone looked down at her as she opened her eyes and freaked out.

"...What the guys look so freak-...." She stared at Tora shutting up completely shocked to see him.

"HEY ABOUT TIME YOU WAKE! I just got here!! I got no place to live in the city soooo I'm staying with you! Also. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU ALMOST KILL YOURSELF!?" Tora yelled at her shaking her shoulders crazy.

The three boys just watch in horror all being confused on who the man is.

_____ rubbed her head sitting up.

"I..wait why'd you come? How did you know?" _____ asked.

"You idiot we're each other's emergency calls." Tora said to her as she sighed.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to drag you out here.."

"That's fine I kinda missed Tokyo." Tora said.

Katsuki and the others continued to stare blankly.

Katsuki looked at her. "_____? You're okay right?" He asked.

She looked at him and nods. "Ya but I kinda don't remember what happened after- oh my god! there was a blast the guy was shining-"

"Ya the building fell apart.. you and Dynamight got stuck under it." Soren said.

"You really scared us!" River says.

_____ looked at them confused then at Katsuki.

"Oh did you pass out too? Dammit I'm sorry I could've helped to get us out if I was awak-"

"Don't worry about that. You're fine that's all that matters." Katsuki said to her holding her hand.

She smiled at him but Tora saw their stares at eachother.

"...You two are dating aren't you? Wow getting all the hot guys I see." Tora said to _____.

_____ smacked Katsuki's hand away.


"You can't hide it from me! Ahh young love!"

"WERE THE SAME AGE YOU IDIOIT!" ____ yelled blushing.

"WAIT WHAT?! YOU GUYS ARE DATING!?" Soren yelled looking at Katsuki and _____.

"No!" ....... "Yes"

_____ and Katsuki look at eachother.

"HAHA I KNEW IT! My baby's growing up!" Tora yelled as he hugged her.

She pulled away from him in panic but Katsuki just grabbed her hand.

"It doesn't matter if they know. It's fine." Katsuki said to her making her blush even more.

"OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING!" River yelled.

Tora smiled at _____.

Katsuki looked over at him. "You still didn't tell me who you are. How do you guys know eachother??" Katsuki asked _____.

"How dare you! You never told your boyfriend about me!?" Tora asked offended.

"...I did...Ugh..Kats..this is Tora my..twin brother.." she mumbled.



Soren and River say shocked.

Katsuki looked at him. So the guy holding her waist was her brother...I'm an idiot..

"Nice to meet ya future brother in law!" Tora said smiling reaching to shake Katsuki's hand.

Katsuki shook it but pulled away quick.

"Hey.. but for real I wasn't lying when I said I have no where to stay...I took a taxi that robbed me of money to get here. Anddd since you're perfectly fine...lemme bunk with you!" Tora said to her

"No. Just go back."

"I don't wanna plus it's been so long since we've spent time together! They said your dad didn't come yet sooo does that mean you left him or still attached like a damn baby."

She glared at him.

"Ah alright got it. But I'm staying for a few days! Two maybe.. PLEASEEE I HAVE NO WHERE ELSE TO GOO" tora whined.

"Well I'm not staying home" She said to him.

Tora pouted.

"No fun. Where do you stay then??" He asked.

____ never replied not wanting him to know she stayed at Katsuki's.

"Hey..if you guys are okay we're gonna go ahead and get back to the agency to report everything to Quill okay?" River said as _____ nods.

Katsuki stayed not leaving her side as Soren and River run out.

_____ looks over at Katsuki then back at Tora.

"..can you give us a minute?" She asked him.

Tora nods but just stared at them.

Katsuki glared. "I think she meant go wait outside."

Tora sighed. "Fineeee but just a minute!" He whined walking out.

_____ rubbed her head as Katsuki took this time to lift her chin and kiss her lips.

"Never jump in-front of a bomb like that ever again." He said looking at her with serious eyes.

"I was trying to save you..did it not work?"

He sighed just hugging her tightly.

"It did but..I was so afraid I lost you..." he said.

She blushed red hearing that just hugging him back.

"I'm body still kinda hurts what even happened? I get that the building fell'd we even survive?" _____ asked curious.

He pulled away smiling softly. "I told you not to worry about that didnt I..? Listen..while we're alone what are you going to do with your brother..?" Katsuki asked.

"..I dunno..I mean I live with you technically...Would you be okay if he stayed with us for these two days?" _____ asked.

Katsuki just thought about it.

He's annoying but he's her family...she said she missed him but..he's so fucking weird...I want them to like me tho..dammit...fuck this- wait I can get more information out of him about her! I could know all their secrets and everything she likes and dislikes..

"He can stay with us." Katsuki said but before she could get a word in.

"YAY AW THANKS!" Tora yelled running in and hugging Katsuki.

"EH!? Let me go!!" Katsuki yelled pushing him away.

"This is going to be so much fun! I want to know everything about you two!" Tora said clapping his hands together.

______ smiled softly as Katsuki looked at him irritated.

What did I just get myself into...

Brother Tora!!

Yes he is gay. 👏🏻

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