Starwarhammer: Book 1 Arrival

By Shadow_trooper

172K 4.1K 1.3K

Star Wars the clone wars X Warhammer 40k More

Emperor Give me strength
Rhen Var
First Contact
The first calm
The First Storm
Battle on Raxus Prime
Thule and the Dark Reaper
[Side Story] Planet Fall
A Home World
The Spears of Diomedes
Muunalist Drop
Guard deployment
Attack on the factory
Senatorial Fear
Senators with the Sisters
Warp travel
[side story] base attack
QnA #1
Imperial Space battle
Preparing for war
Hunt for a traitor
Combat & Fear
Secret Project
The Sisters of the Divine Blades
[Side Story] Breaking the captives
The Super Weapon
Capturing the Ship
Imperial Senators
[TTS stylized] Acquisition
The Stand of the Rightous
[Side Story] The Green Tide
Q&A #2
Before the Battle
Coalition Fleet Battle
Operation: Thunder Strike
Republic attack
Operation: Honor March
The Emperor's Power
Crossroads of Destiny
[side story] Senate Review
The Imperium's Crusade
Call of the Twi'leks
Freedom of the People
Lion's Roar
Artifacts and Changes
Many Paths Ahead
Guard Command
[Side Story] Rumors
[Side Story] Rogue Elements
Q&A #3
The Blades of Flame
Lions of Numidia
Hussars of Ice
The Mentors of the Imperium
The Arjent Hammer
Lords of Iron
The Spears of Diomedes
Paragon Shields
Riders Malevolent
[Side Story] Inquisitorial Dealings
Issues of Ideals
The long awaited meeting
Return to Coruscant
The Jedi Council
The Imperial Secession
The Sisters and Brides
World of 2 Suns
Interviews of Imperial Soldiers
[Side Story] The Black Ships Open
May the Fourth Special

Imperial Life

945 32 15
By Shadow_trooper

Flash Back to around 15 days earlier. (during Padme's attempt to kill Anakin with Snu-Snu)

While Anakin was in the Chamber with his Hot Naboo Wife, Ahsoka was moving from various ships, and locations, this was due to the fact her room happen to be directly under Anakin and Padme's, and there was no sound proofing, so she heard everything. 

Ahsoka's first location of rest was with the Order of the Sacred Blade. In this time, she would have a few sit downs with the leader of the religious order, Canoness Margarite.

"What is the Sacred Blade that your order is based around?" Ahsoka questioned. 

"The Sacred Blade of Saint Thorn. The Story goes, that she was a Sister of the Order of the Bloody Rose, and stood against a host of daemons and heretics, those lead by a prince of the false gods. The battle was that of a great siege. The final assault had been launched on the final fortress, She lead the assault fighting through the endless horrors that hid in the fortress, before she reached the door. She would stand in the door, blocking it, funneling enemies through it. She wielded only a blade, and with it, she struck down 1000 foes, before a single strike to her heart from the Prince of the false gods struck her. It was her last act that ensured her sainthood however." the Canoness said.

"What did she do?" Ahsoka asked, curious.

"With her quickly fading strength, she placed herself in the path of the door, and ensured it could not be sealed. She held the door open, with what little life she had left, to ensure that the reinforcements could break through and ensure victory. Her blade was edged into the gear mechanisms and prevented the door from closing." Margarite explained

"Did your order....ever recover the blade?" Ahsoka asked

The Canoness stood up.

"We did, and I wish for you to see the blade of our order." She said.

Ahsoka and Canoness Margarite walked until they reached a large set of double doors. The doors had bodies embedded in them.

"What....why are these people in the door?" Ahsoka asked.

"They are security servators, they operate the locks." Margarite explained.

She approached the door, and spoke to one of the servitors.

"The Canoness of the Order seeks entry." She said.

"What is the greatest reward of life?" the servitor asked.

"It is death, in service to our God Emperor." She said.

The door hissed on the right side and released steam, before Margarite walked to the left side of the door.

"What is the ancient name of the Order?" the servitor asked.

"The Ancient name is that of the Brides Emperor." Margarite answered.

Ahsoka almost chuckled at this, if Padme heard that, she would be working extra hard to ensure that Anakin remained away from these women. The left side of the door hissed and the doors slid apart slowly. Slowly entering the room, Ahsoka saw statues, women in armor, some carried blades, other bolters, other flame throwers and other such weapons.

"What is this place?" Ahsoka asked.

"It is our inner sactum, the crypt of the order's leaders. These statues resemble those who died in battle." Margarite explained, before the reached a closed casket, made of white stone with the depiction of a woman, holding a sword in both hands.

"And this is the chamber of our first Canoness, she rests inside, but her stone visage bares the blade she used in combat, to hold the door." Margarite explained.

The blade was broken along the blade, dozens of shards. They were held on a padastal, that seemed to glow a soft light.

"Did you ever try to have it fixed?" Ahsoka asked, confused.

"That is not something we could do, it would ruin the sacred nature of the relic." Margarite explained.

Ahsoka looked at the relic, confused. She would walk down the path, returning to the hall.

"It is rather interesting to see how your doctrine will change?" Ahsoka asked.

"Well....there are those who left to......follow ancient traditions." Margarite explained.

"Does it involve body pillows and....items of unusual nature?" Ahsoka asked, not fully sure how to word it.

"Yes, I don't even know how they got their hands on those full length pillow casings of the Emperor in such enticing position." Margarite said, blushing a bit.

Ahsoka was aware of the pillows she referred to. Anakin had been a bit of a star before she was made his apprentice, and had found that on the Extranet's largest item shipping service, the body pillow of "Skywalker, Hero of the Republic" was trending.


R2-D2 was busy, he had designed an upgrade to the Kastelan Robots, one that would allow them to go from old Analog Data cards, to true intelligence s like himself. Projecting the diagram, the Tech Priests who R2 had vetted to observe this, those who were of a more.....radical nature.

They began to build the diagram, still mixing in the rituals of the cult, and normal engineering. The heart of the machines were completed, after a long day of the religious, and scientific nature, it would be inserted into the body, and activated. 

Slowly the machine would come to life, waiting. R2 gave a series of beeps and whistles, before the big robot sounded horns, and beeps.

The Kastelan robot, had it's fatal flaw fixed. 

"Observation: The Emperor's Omnisiah has fixed what generations of the Mechanicus could not." the techpreist stated.

"Statement: Observation is correct. Request: Servant of the Omnisiah, What knowledge do you seek to share with us?" another asked.

R2-D2 beeped and whistled, before showing a new blueprint. It was.....different. R2 was showing a design for an Imperial Valkyrie, with proton torpedo and repeating blaster cannons, in place of the ammunition based weaponry.


Anakin was crawling out of the bed, legs weak from not being used, body drenched in sweat from the constant attention he was giving.

"I just need a few minutes, a bit of food, and some water." He weakly protested.

The glowing red eyes illuminated the darkness of the bedchambers he was crawling from, before a hand reached out and dragged him back in.

"Just one more round, then you can eat, don't think you can hide from me Ani, your Queen demands service of her brave knight." Padme said.

Anakin clawed at the ground, not wanting to be dragged in.

"REX! R2! AHSOKA! HELP ME!" Anakin cried out, as the door was slammed shut by mysterious means.

Outside the chamber, a team was listening, both medical, and those who were.....curious.

"Time Elapsed: 376 Hours, 24 Minutes, 35 seconds" was read on a timer that continued to climb, and a board with " Empress Screams: 4,265 Emperor Screams: 8,501 Localized Warp Phenomenon: 732"

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