Our happily ever after? (Rema...

By fullmoon858

16.1K 302 273

The war is over and the Lupins family is facing many changes. But are they all good or are they bad? Will the... More

Now i'm waiting for you
Let's go back to home
Something more than a Werewolf
Grown stronger
Species that do not have rights for a family
Building a new life
Lydia Lupin
Love that can only be experienced by family
Two unexpected visits
An extraordinary meeting of the Order
Forgotten children
Don't call him "Master"
Pack Always Sticks Together
Professor R.J. Lupin
A new way of life
White Swan
Welcome back, Auror Tonks
Lost in the Hogwarts
Teddy's first Christmas
Fallen Angel
Million Mistakes
Just another day at work
The beast

Lupin's farm

378 10 6
By fullmoon858

A calm silver-shining moon swam in the black-blue ocean of the sky, surrounded by thousands of stars. But behind this serenity and beauty lay one of the most difficult nights. The only one who could sleep in a small cottage was a little blue-haired boy. Tonight most of the life in this house took place behind the locked basement door, where was heard a desperate and longing wolf puppy howling and aggressive scratching of claws. In addition to the little boy in the upper floors bedroom and the three creatures who spent the night in the basement, a young woman walked around the first floor of the house, her hair rose-red, she had exhaustion on her heart-shaped face, two puppies walking next to her: a gray-haired wolf and black dog. 

She sighed as she heard another rage raging from the basement. The same thing had happened during the previous full moon, and also the full moon before that one. Every night, when the moon took its greatest shape, the little yellow-eyed child could do nothing but attack any empty area of the basement's thick stone wall with her deformed nails and Needle sharp wolf's teeth and howl like a child who has lost their parents. But this month was the worst. The child was more furious than usual, and her strength seemed so great that Tonks feared that their basement door might give up at any moment. Although they had increased the amount of Ezra's monthly Wolfsbane, it did not seem to be beneficial at all.

,,Ezra dear, please calm down. You're hurting yourself, "Tonks said against the door, but it didn't calm the wolf child raging behind it.

Tonks didn't even dare to think about what this scene on the other side of the door would look like. She was sorry for the poor child who couldn't control herself in hee rage, she was sorry for Liam, who had to watch it, and Remus, who had to deal with it when his own body was in severe pain. Tonks sat down at the basement door with his back leaning against the door, next to her was a tray with medical supplies, bandages and a large jug of steaming hot chocolate. Although there were several long hours to go before the moon fell, the nervous Tonks wanted to be ready for it early. She closed her eyes with a sigh and tried to ward off the horrible sounds behind the basement door. She could not understand why Ezra behaved in this way every full moon.

,,Nym, she's the biological daughter of Grayback. Maybe being wild is in her genes? "Sirius had once said, but Tonks just shook her head, not wanting to hear a word about it.

,,She's a good kid, she's not a monster like her father. There must be something else, "she replied.

Tonks' attention was suddenly drawn to the terrible thunder sound from the basement. She opened her eyes in fright and jumped up from the ground, she heard a wolf howling deeply in the basement, trying to catch Tonks' attention. At the speed of the wind, the frightened Tonks opened the basement door and, without any hesitation, ran a few steps down the basement stairs.

,,What was that? "She asked her husband, who looked more like a reddish-gray-haired dog than the man she had married.

The big wolf and the much smaller brown wolf next to him both turned their heads toward the narrow basement window, which Tonks had only just noticed and for which the bars covering it had been removed and now laid on the cold floor. It was clear that despite the efforts of Remus and Liam, Ezra had found a way to escape the basement. Tonks had to react quickly, she ran out of the basement, grabbed the first leading thing, their laundry basket, poured all clothes on the floor, and ran out of the house with the basket. She looked around and noticed a small wolf with gray hair and golden-yellow eyes trying to push herself through the fence of the garden. Tonks sneaked cautiously towards the wolf child, knowing full well that if she made too sudden movements, Ezra would notice her and attack her thoughtlessly. When she was close enough to the child, she made a sudden leap forward and caught the child with a basket. Ezra immediately began to rage and bite at the wicker wood basket. Although Tonks didn't want to do that, she knew there was only one way to get Ezra back into the basement without Tonks geting biten or Ezra running away. The former Auror placed her whole body weight on a basket, holding it firmly against the ground so that the child inside would not get out. With one hand, she grabbed her wand from the pocket of her robe and pushed its apex into a basket through a small hole.

,,I'm sorry, Ezra, "Tonks whispered before saying a little louder," Bewitched!"

A small bluish-silver light exploded in the basket, and the movements in the basket immediately stopped. Tonks sighed wearily and waited a few seconds before carefully lifting up the basket. A small sleeping wolf puppy was revealed from under the basket, the light gray body of the pearl had several scratch marks, and her fur had several gray concrete fragments from the basement wall and plenty of soil. Carefully, Tonks lifted the sleeping wolf into her hands and gently placed her back in the basket. Tired Tonks grabbed the basket and began to return to the house, but suddenly she heard something that made her blood clot. Somewhere in the woods, she could not guess how far away, there was a loud and angry wild howl. Tonks quickly turned around and looked at the forest, there was nothing to see and nothing to hear. She tried to listen more closely, but heard nothing more. So she went back to the house and closed the door, thankful for that it was a Mad-Eye Moody's old house and that the door had several locks. She headed back to the basement, the basement door still wide open and two wolves looking worried sitting right under the stairs, both eyes staring at Tonks and the slightly torn basket in her hand. Tonks smiled softly at them and placed the basket in front of them, the heads of both wolfs immediately moving down to see the wolf puppy sleeping at the bottom of the basket. The furry faces of both of them got a lightened look. The larger wolf raised his head back to look at Tonks. Tonks looked straight into the wolf's gray eyes, she knew her husband was trying to ask her something or say something through that look, but Tonks was too tired to understand what her worried man wanted to know. They also did not have the opportunity to change their words for a long time, as their son cried softly from the top floor.

,,He's probably hungry, "Tonks told the wolf," See you in the morning, honey. Ezra will sleep for the next few hours, so you should be nice and calm here. Try to get some rest, you two, okay?" Tonks kissed the wolf's tender brown head and then headed out of the basement, closing the door behind her.

She went to her son's room. Teddy stopped crying as soon as he saw his exhausted mother and a happy smile played on the boy's narrow lips. Tonks grabbed Teddy and offered him a bottle of warm milk she'd taken from the kitchen. After Teddy fell asleep again, the tired Tonks fell on the couch next to the cradle and fell asleep on it with a few moments.

As the morning sun began to dawn and the darkness of the night disappeared beyond sight, Tonks woke up to the terrible noise that seemed to fill the entire house. Sleepily, Tonks opened her dark brown eyes and looked around the room with a blurred look. She was laying on her son's bedroom tiny smoky silver-colored sofa.

,,Dora!" her husband's voice screamed in panic, and Tonks heard several doors open and close with loud bangs as if her husband was desperately trying to find her.

Tonks wanted to shout something to him, but before she could do that, the door to Teddy's room opened and Remus ran in, "Dora!" he rushed to the couch and knelt down in front of her, Tonks, sleepy and confused, didn't understand why her husband was in such panic, "Are you all right, Dora? Did you get hurt? Did Ezra do anything, did she hurt you, because if so then... " Suddenly a light bulb lighted up in Tonks' head, of course, her husband was worried about whether Ezra bit her or not, "Dora, please say something? Do we have to go to the hospital?"

,,Ah, "Tonks got up a little more from the couch and rubbed her tired eyes," Ou, no need, honey. I didn't get hurt last night. The situation was completely under control. "

Remus sighed with relief and pulled Tonks into a strong hug, "Thank Merlin,"

It wasn't until she hugged her worried man hard that Tonks noticed that the pants her husband was wearing were backwards and all the buttons on his shirt were loose.

,,When did the moon fall? "Tonks asked with a slight smile.

,,Umm, four minutes ago maybe, "

,,You could at least have taken the time and put your pants on the right way or maybe help Liam and Ezra out of the basement. "She laughed.

,,That would be out of the question, Dora, I was too worried about you, " he said.

A few minutes later, Remus headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower and Tonks went to the basement to Liam and Ezra. Tonks helped lightly sleepy Liam and still dizzy Ezra into their room. Liam fell asleep immediately, but Ezra, who had several pretty good wounds on her body, felt too uncomfortable to sleep. Although she didn't cry, the look on her face told Tonks thet she was in pain. Very carefully and gently, Tonks cleaned all of Ezra's wounds and instilled a pain-relieving and wound-healing elixir into them. After taking care of every little scratch, Ezra closed her eyes, muttered softly, "Mama," and then fell asleep with seconds. Tonks had a look that was a mess full of confusion, surprise, and joy. Without being able to restrain herself, a smile appeared on her lips and she held out her hand to smooth out the curls of this lovely girl whose hair had already grown so thick that even Hermione's hair was thin compared to this.

,,Is she okay?" the voice called, Tonks looked behind her and saw her beloved husband standing at the door, his hair wet and his clothes now well put on.

,,She had some wounds, but I already treated them. Unfortunately, the scars still remain, "Tonks replied, getting up from the edge of the bed and walking towards the door.

,,I don't understand why she behaves like that during the full moon. She has Wolfsbane! And she's not usually violent. "

Tonks put her hands gently on her husband's shoulders and quietly pushed him out the door and closed the children's bedroom door, "I have to tell you something you don't like." she then whispered to Remus.

Remus 'eyes widened like two apples, he grabbed Tonks' hands and grabbed her anxiously, "You still got hurt last night! Dora, we have to go to the hospital! Maybe they can do something ..."

,,No, Remus, I wasn't hurt. If you want, you can check, "she sighed and whispered," I think I heard something when I was outside with Ezra. "

Remus raised an eyebrow and asked, "What you heard?"

,,The howling of a wolf, it came from somewhere in the woods, I can't tell where, but I feel like it came from quite a distance."

,,That may explain so much, "said Remus, his voice low and full of concern," Someone has come here to look for her. "

,,It may not be. Maybe another werewolf lives nearby. "

,,No, if that were the case, Liam and I would perceive it. This wolf must be bound only to Ezra. "Remus sighed heavily and rubbed his hand over his face," It must be Ezra's mother, maybe she wants Ezra back now. "

,,Let her dream on, she will never get Ezra back. She left her in the woods to die! No mother who loves their child would do such thing. This woman doesn't deserve to get her doughter back. "There was a great rage in Tonks and she had desire to run into the woods and find the wolf who wanted to take Ezra away from her," After what she did to Ezra, she's no better than Grayback!"

Remus hugged Tonks and rubbed her back with gentle hand movements, he placed a small kiss on her cheek and said, "What do you think if we went and prepared breakfast together? I'm hungry like a wolf,"

Tonks smiled, "Sure you are,"


The rest of the day was peaceful for Lupins. Tonks and Remus preparing breakfast together and after that they played with Teddy and Tonks tried to teach Teddy say the word, "Mommy", but Remus, who was sitting on the couch, reading a Daily Prophet, smiled and said, "Dora, he's only half a year old, I don't think that he's able to say "Mommy" yet "

,,Well, of course, you want his first word to be "Daddy," but you know what, this baby is going to be Mommy's little wild prince, if you want then you can get the next one...maybe, "

,,In short, you say I can get the cat, "

,,No, Junior is my baby boy, as well as Moon and ... "

Their conversation was interrupted by footsteps from the stairs, they both looked at the living room door and saw Liam stepping into the room, his gaze tired, and he was holding Ezra, who was still sleeping. He placed Ezra in an armchair and the little girl immediately pulled herself into a ball like a sleeping cat.

,,Morning, Liam, would you like breakfast, dear, "Tonks asked sweetly.

Tonks grabbed Liam's hand and headed to the kitchen with him, Remus, still sitting on the couch, smiled as he watched his wife leave the room with the child. He placed the newspaper on the couch, and as soon as he did, Sirius Junior jumped down from the closet directly onto the couch and sat down comfortably on the newspaper. Remus got up from the couch and sat down next to his son, who crawled around the floor and waved with various toys.

,,You know, kiddo, you have the best mom, you really should say "Mommy" as your first word, she deserves it, " he said to his son.

Teddy looked at Remus with his big eyes, which, at the moment, were the same green as their living room carpet, and pushed his dull tongue out of his mouth. Remus smiled and gently stroked his son's turquoise blue hair. Suddenly the front door opened, Remus reached a little further to see who had rushed in through their front door. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a woman with sandy hair, whose cheeks flushed and who breathed as if she had just run a maroon.

,,Remus, Dora, are you home?" she shouted as she pulled off her long light brown leather boots.

,,Yes, "shouted Remus and Tonks, who was still in the kitchen, at once.

Lydia entered the living room, a big smile on her face, her eyes shining.

,,I dare say you have good news, "Remus said, looking at his aunt's perky look.

,,I have some wonderful news! But before I talk about it, I want Dora to come here too. "

,,Give me a minute, "Tonks shouted from the kitchen.

Lydia seemed to explode with excitement, she sat down on the couch but got up a few seconds later. She waited impatiently until Tonks finally came into the living room, and as soon as Tonks' stepped in to the living room threshold, Lydia exploded, "I made one of the best decisions ever!"

Both Tonks and Remus raised eyebrows and looked at each other a little suspiciously. Lydia didn't seem to notice their insecurity, she pulled a sheet of paper out of her coat pocket, stretched it to Remus, and smiled so that all her teeth were visible. Remus took the paper from her, but before he could read it, Lydia shouted, "I bought back our family's old farm!"

,,Farm? "Tonks asked," Did your family owned a farm?" she asked, turning to Remus.

,,Oh, Remmy doesn't know anything about it, well he does but he's never been there, you'll see, dear, my father sold it when Lyall and I were teenagers. I have missed this farm for years. It was a wonderful place. We had a whole lot of different fantastic creatures there. We had one of the largest Hippogriff farms in the wizarding world. All of the fastest and strongest competition Hippogriffes came from our farm. "

,,Why did your father sold this?" Tonks asked.

,,Our farm went bankrupt after our father, who was a little foolish, decided to start raising dragons, hoping to make a big profit from it, but he had no experience with dragons, and well, our farm was burned down a little bit. A friend of our father, who was interested in rebuilding the place himself, offered father good money for it, so our father decided to sell it. But now the father's friend's son, William Bonewether, wants to move to the Netherlands with his family, he decided to sell the fard and he contacted me immediately. It cost me a pretty decent amount of Galleons, but it's worth it."

Remus, who was still reading the farm purchase agreement, said, "You paid a very decent amount of money for it, did you see what the farm looks like right now before you bought it."

,,Hmm, no, but I remember what it was like when we still owned it, and that's enough for me, "Lydia replied and Remus rolled his eyes," In short, I thought maybe you'd like to see it sometime and maybe help me make it a little more child-friendly."

,,I don't think it's necessary, Lydia, "Tonks said, sitting on the couch next to Remus," Honestly, you don't have to wrap the whole farm in bubble wrap so we can visit you from time to time. "

,,There's actually one more thing I wanted to tell you, "Lydia sat on the armchair's armrest, her gaze sank briefly to Ezra, who was sleeping in the armchair like a sleeping kitten, and then she raised her eyes and looked at her nephew and his wife," I would like to take Ezra and Take Liam with me. "

There was silence for a moment, only Ezra's quiet sleep breathing and Teddy's small laughter, which was captivated by his fascination with the toy he had grasped. Remus's eyes moved toward Tonks, and he saw his wife's gaze, which was suddenly empty of emotions but at the same time full of various painful emotions. Gently, Remus took her by the hand and squeezed it, "Dora," he whispered, "If anyone is really trying to find Ezra, it's safer to get her as far as possible from here. And ... we wanted to find a real home for those kids." Tonks didn't answer anything, and no muscle in her face moved.

,,I realize it would be a big change, "Lydia interrupted," and I know you're both attached to these children, but I swear I'll take good care of them and do everything I can to protect them. "

,,But, Aunt, are you sure you can handle two werewolves kids? Ezra is pretty furious during the full moons. "Remus asked Lydia who smiled softly in response.

,,I managed with you, "

,,It's not the same thing, "

,,But I want to do that, these children deserve the real home and family, and you deserve space and time for your own family. "

Tonks finally let her gaze start to move and on her pale heart-shaped face appered a couple of anxious wrinkles, her expression betrayed that she was calculating the news and Lydia's idea in his head, and makind the decision was realy hard. Finally, she opened her mouth and said, "If you want, I'm not going to stop you."

,,Are you sure this is okay for you, Tonks? "The older woman asked to be sure.

,,Of course, it's not like they are not my children or anything, "Tonks replied quickly, her voice thick with various emotions.

Tonks herself couldn't even figure out what emotions bothered her, she was kind of angry that Lydia dared to even ask something like that, she was sad, because the idea of ​​letting Ezra and Liam go would have been almost as proportionate as losing Teddy. At the same time, she was relieved to know that with Lydia, these children would have everything they needed to become one of the happiest and most spoiled children in the world. With Lydia, they would never be unloved. In the midst of this whole vortex of emotions, Tonks was also a little happy, but she refused to admit it.


A few hours had passed. Remus had gone with Lydia to get acquainted with the situation on the farm. Tonks was left alone with three children. During those hours, she tried to spend as much time with them as she could. Although her own mood had fallen quite low, she had decided to keep a smile on her lips in order not to make the children worry. She read a book with them, went for a walk with them, and prepared dinner with Liam's help. In the evening when Remus returned home, he told Tonks that the condition of the farm was fortunately not the worst, but that the place still needed several pretty good repairs and that Lydia did not want to take the children there until a proper there was bathroom with hot water and both children's rooms were has been ready. The news helped Tonks get a smile back on her face.

"They'll be here for a few more weeks, Tonks," she reminded herself, "You still have time, you don't have to give them up right away."

With that in mind, she decided to take the last of those days left. While Remus was at work, Tonks spent whole days focusing only on the children, reading with them, playing with them, drawing with them, and going to the park. She tried to do everything she could to keep Liam and Ezra happy and not make them worry about the move ahead. Tonks also went to the farm to help Lydia, but above all she wanted to make sure that Liam and Ezra's living conditions with Lydia were still what she had hoped for. Before Tonks noticed, time had find its way to the next stop and it ment that the farm was in order and the kids needed to move on. The evening Ezra and Liam finally had to move in with Lydia was full of tears for everyone. It was hard to say goodbye to the children they had raised for more than four months. And as soon as there was only one child in the house again, the cottage seemed abnormally quiet and surprisingly cold.


I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry, guys! I know that I haven't released a new chapter again in a very long time and that I promised to release the chapters more often. To my apology, I can say that a lot has happened and I have not had any free time to do anything.

I am currently studying in high school and theater school at the same time, I have a part-time job and all the time free time I have goes to either to prepare for university or to take care of my new dog, Luna. If you remember, I already have two cats (Nymphadora (Dora) and Hedwig (Heddy)) and two degus (Romilda and Ariana) and well, as soon as I had my b-day (I'm 18 now) I bought myself a dog. So as you can see, I spend most of the time with animals.

I try to write more often. The following chapters will also be more interesting for me to write, because finally the story will develop in the direction I have been planning for a long time. However, I cannot make any promises to you about how often new chapters will come. It may take a day or two, a week or even a month, but I promise that no matter how long it takes, this story will not be left unfinished and you will have at least 30 or 40 more chapters ahead of you.

I hope you enjoyed this short chapter and please if you did then let me know. I love reading your comments!

Have a nice day and see you soon!

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