Mr & Mr Hitman

By TheLoreScribe

45.8K 11.6K 7.4K

Completed ✔️ Would you kill for love? The world is a cruel place. Evil eyes roam around dark alleys. Maliciou... More

The encounter
Quest for groceries
Meeting and Murder
Scooby-Doo Gang assembly
The Blood-lust client
Bread for Hitmen
Choices need to be made
A Cookie Massacre and a Killer Spider
The eve
Planned and Unplanned
He's the special one
She's a mystery
Lovely tenants
A Shift for the Hitman
The Man behind the Disguise
The plain truth
A Cocktail for the Killer
Dine with the Assassins
The Tale of Cameron
The Tale of Samuel
A talk about 'Love'
Actions before Words
Lane to the Past
Annoyance and ignorance
An adventure at the Bar
Lovestruck and Drunk
Kiss me and Kill him
Bloody & Cute Chatters
The Cost of Friendship
A Flaw in the Plan
The 'Death Zone'
A Mother's Fury
Kill her and Save him
A Deathly Duo
Affectionated Revenge
Finally by His Side
Broken Extents
The Calm
Before the Storm
New conflicts
Scooby-Doo Gang assembly not
Blood Kin
The Tiger at the Top
The Fox at the Top
A New Beginning?
Another Kitchen Incident
New Experiences
Back to work
My Soothing Turbulence
Accepting my Flaws
Our time of Bliss
My Aggressive Harmony
Accepting his Flaws
Our Little World
A Couple of Killers
Sinuous Vengeance
The End.

Tragedy of a Maiden

568 140 126
By TheLoreScribe

"Olivia?", Samuel repeated.

"Sam. I don't know if you've noticed but there's rain," the young mother chuckled.

From the looks of it, she didn't hear anything.

"Yeah, I just tripped. I'll be returning inside then," he nodded and headed for his place, with thoughts flooding his mind, before stopping abruptly, "Say, are you good with Matt?"

Olivia slowly turned to face the man, smiling gently, she answered, "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

I'm just overthinking. A little overreaction doesn't hurt anyone.

Obviously, he was wrong.

Samuel knew that those arguments were affecting both him and Cameron. Their relationship was getting worst day by day, as a result of his own anger and confusion.

Love is a strange feeling.

"No, I was just asking, your dad told me what happened," Sam smiled, "I'll see you later."

"Yeah...", Olivia nodded, turning away as she made her way to the nearest bar, namely, 'Beer Garden'. She wasn't a drinker but she had made an appointment with someone there.

She couldn't feel the guilt anymore, something else was on her mind. She looked up at the hazy sky, mumbling under her breath, "Cammy is Vixen. Samuel is a killer," she sighed. "Should I feel blessed or afflicted?"

As she crossed the road of the nearly deserted alley, two buildings away from the bar, she mentally started a dispute with herself. Her rationality fighting with her irrationality.

Drink to your heart's content and kill it.

Order a juice and keep your maternal title.

The conflict still persisting in her mind, she stared at her reflection in a puddle of water a few steps in front of the bar. Her hair was down, her golden highlights blending with the color of her zipped-up trenchcoat. Her azure eyes mirrored the bright emerald of her scarf that she matched with her boots.

Sighing, she entered 'Beer Garden', a bar open for all categories of personages. From barbarous bikers with tattoos downing scotch, while yelling profanities in a search for a fight, to a salaryman complaining about his overtime shifts at the end of his beer bottle, to the rich single man that left his house for a little company while he enjoyed his whiskey, offering cocktails and wine to random women, the pub was the most famous in the whole neighborhood.

She ignored the whistles that she received when she entered, slowly shaking her umbrella before placing it in a stand. She strode to the bar, glancing at the men dispersed around the room, trying to find the man that she called here.

Black hair with a grey shirt, that was him. She huffed and marched towards him, tapping him on the shoulder before she sat next to him.

Cameron looked up from his Martini, sat up straight and stared at Olivia with his eyebrows furrowed. "Why-"

"I'll tell you. And then it's your turn to tell me," Olivia smiled, waving at the barman to place her order, a grapefruit and ginger beverage, "One Golden Afternoon, please."

"Not a fan of alcohol?", Cameron smiled, finally getting comfortable with the woman. He took his glass of Vodka in his hand and toasted to the woman before gulping down the component, requesting a refill.

"I have my reasons," Olivia cleared her throat. "Anyway, I don't know how I should say this... I mean, I don't know how to talk about such a sensitive topic in such a crowded place.."

"You don't have to-", the young man was interrupted.

"I'm not going to mock him immediately because he once was a nice guy. At least I'd like to think so.."

The woman brought Cameron back with her to her past, notably a few years back, before Nathaniel was even born. A period of her life that she always thought would be the end of her, but was in fact, the beginning of a fate worse than death.

She had moved in with Matthew Field, the love of her life that was some years older than her, but also unemployed. Because of that, twenty-four-year-old Olivia had to work at a convenience store.

Violence. Drugs. Infidelity. Red flags that she ignored, or didn't even pay attention to because she was blindfolded by emotions.

It was a shocker to her when she survived her pregnancy. The blues, scars, and clotted blood all around her body started to grow a lot in number as the weeks went by, as a result of Matt's unquenchable addiction. To him, Olivia was a punching bag.

"Complete trash, I should've just killed him," Cameron mumbled as he sipped on a Manhattan, a cherry-flavored whiskey offered by the barman.

Olivia chuckled, "Despite all that, I stayed with him, but then, I realized that we were nothing to him."

It was because of Nathaniel that Olivia's motherly instincts awoke, ready to sacrifice everything for her son, she didn't want anything, or anyone to hurt him. So, ignoring the heartache, she would send her son to her parents when Matthew was having his tantrums.

But now, for a reason that everybody would understand, she had decided that enough was enough. Olivia knew that Matthew wouldn't leave her alone, he had way too many connections and ways to get to her. So her only option?

Kill him.

Put an end to his life, so that his mistakes aren't replicated and passed on to other people. He needed guidance, but, right now she wasn't helping her lover, or ex-lover, she was protecting her child.

"You're absolutely right," the younger assassin nodded his head enthusiastically, "It'll be more than my pleasure to end him for you," he smiled at the barman, who was obviously flirting with him, except Cameron was completely oblivious.

"You're absolutely wasted," Olivia sighed, "Won't you even ask how I even got contacts to employ you?"

"The internet is a very vast place, Olive," Cam anticipated his next move, swaying slightly as he stared at a new peachy, orange cranberry vodka drink that was in front of him.

"A Sex on the Beach," the bartender winked, "On the house," he smirked before tending to other customers.

"I'm over here pouring my heart out and you're the one drinking?", 'Olive' chuckled.

"That guy Samuel is a big fucking idiot," Cameron slurred, "He thinks I like you while I'm over here having weird-ass dreams about him."

An "oh" escaped the woman's lips, checking her watch, she sighed, placing a note on the counter, "It's nearly nine, you should get home."

"I'll have a couple more drinks. Night Olive," Cameron giggled, completely lost in his drunk state.

"Goodnight Cammy," she let out a chortle.

Making her way outside, she grabbed her umbrella, looking up at the ominous dense sky as rain poured profoundly outside. Peering back at the drunkard, she breathed, taking out her phone, to dial a number.

"Hello?", Samuel responded on the other line.

"Hey Sam, I suggest you quickly make your way to Beer Garden," she informed, opening her parasol, as she marched back home.

"Why what happened there?", the hitman stared at his TV, a warning of heavy rain displayed on each channel.

"Cammy is so wasted."

The young man sat up, "And what am I supposed to do?", he chewed on the inside of his lips, debating on what he should do, but the next statements, especially the last one, made him run out of his apartment, with no umbrella.

"Come on now. He has neither a jacket nor an umbrella. On top of that, the barman is hitting on him. Sprint if you don't want him to be taken away."


Props to Olivia, our favorite cupid.


Dear Sam,

Fuck you.


The umbrella.

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