By tristinclark_

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A COLD WINTER NIGHT A Dark Erotic Romance Novel "When we say winter's here are brutal, we mean it. Cold, unbe... More

Chapter 1 - You Saved Me
Chapter 2 - Dead And Frozen
Chapter 3 - I Believe Her
Chapter 4 - My Angel
Chapter 5 - Royally Fucked
Chapter 6 - It Will Get Better
Chapter 7 - Wait For Me
Chapter 8 - I'm Falling For You
Chapter 9 - Yours
Chapter 10 - Searching For You
Chapter 11 - You're Getting Closer
Chapter 12 - Something's Come Up
Chapter 13 - What Do You Love?
Chapter 14 - I Give You Control
Chapter 15 - I Believe You, Edvin
Chapter 16 - What Are Draugr's?
Chapter 17 - You Are In Control
Chapter 18 - What's Next, Doctor?
Chapter 19 - Family Is Everything
Chapter 20 - Darkness
Chapter 21 - What Do You Want?
Chapter 22 - Run, Angel
Chapter 23 - It Should Have Been Me
Chapter 24 - Welcome To Sweden
Chapter 25 - Are You Ready?
Chapter 26 - I Have A Confession
Chapter 27 - This Isn't Our End
Chapter 28 - You Will Live
Chapter 29 - You're Both Alive
Chapter 31 - That Deeply Broken Thing
Chapter 32 - Here To Destroy You
Chapter 33 - Come Into The Light
Chapter 34 - Met You Before
Chapter 35 - Never Forgotten You
Chapter 36 - Time To Remember

Chapter 30 - It Was Real To Me

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By tristinclark_

Daniel's POV

Relieved does not even cover the way I feel in this very moment. In fact, I don't think I feel at all. Shock, my mind wants to think. Denial. Disassociation. I have been kept isolated and withheld from human interaction for so long and now that I am in the presence of humans, I do not know how to act. I do not know how to feel. Maybe this is another dream. A dream where I pray that I do not wake up from for I fear that if I do, I will wake back up in that dark, cold cell. Please don't be a dream. I pinch my thigh, and nothing happens. I do not wake because I already am awake. This is real. This is real...

I sit in silence, gazing around at everyone in the vehicle, with this distant illusion, as if I am watching them from afar. Charlie sits up front with the driver, staring ahead, into the darkness of the blizzard that falls thickly. To my left, sits Edvin. He stares out his window, caught in deep thought about something that worries him. Not something. Someone. Clara. My sweet sister. I'm worried for her too, but I know that if she is with Adam, then he will protect her. I know he will. He loves her. He loves her more than anything. Loves. I suddenly think of her. Sarah. I think of Sarah. In fact, I've never stopped thinking of her. Not once did I ever stop replaying our short but beautiful time together. Those sweet moments are one of the things that kept me going. They kept me alive.

I turn to dad who like the other two, stares out his side window.

"Dad," I say. His head turns and he gives me a little smile.

"Hmm?" he answers.

"Did Sarah ever look for me?" I wonder. Dad's eyes then widen, just as Charlie swings around his seat, looking back at us.

"Um," dad nervously responds. "Danny... how much did you know about her?" he asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask. Dad looks behind me, at Edvin. His eyes then return to me.

"She was not who you thought she was," he states.

"Yeah. No shit. She was a lying, manipulative, cheating bitch but that doesn't mean that I ever stopped loving her. I'm just curious, did she look for me? Did you tell her that you were coming to save me?" I ask. Dad swallows back a big gulp before his mouth opens to reply.

"Danny... I am so sorry to have to tell you this but Sarah... she... she wasn't a good person. She lied to you. She lied to us all. She worked for Gustaf. She only married you to get close to the family so that she could spy on Adam," he explains.

"What?" I mutter. "No. She loved me. She didn't use me like that. Yeah, our marriage ended in flames but in the beginning, we were in love. She loved me. It was real. I know it was," I state, remembering all the beautiful moments we had together before it ended in nothing but destruction.

"Believe what you want, Daniel but she never loved you because had she truly loved you, she would have never gotten your mother killed," he says, and I freeze, growing cold and faint. Gotten my mother killed. What...

"Danny?" dad softly calls, but I can't speak. I can't move. My eyes water, clouding my vision. My head shakes, refusing to believe what he just said.

"Sarah was many things, but she wouldn't do— she couldn't have been capable of—Why?" my quiet voice speaks. "Why would she—"

"That I never got around to ask," he mentions.

"That's because papa blew a hole in her head before I consumed her dark soul," Charlie mentions. My head turns slowly towards him. Charlie smiles behind closed lips and I should hate him. I should hate them both for what they have done, but the truth is, I can't hate them, because I can't feel. I have been through so much pain already, that I have nothing left to give. I am numb. I am empty. I am broken. Broken and fucking shattered beyond repair.

I sit back in my seat, my head falling against the cushion. The subtle impact causes my heavy tears to fall, dripping down my dirty face. I wipe them away, sitting here, feeling myself retreating to that little safe place within my mind, where I have managed to hold on to the last bit of my sanity. Sarah... you betraying, beautiful bitch. I loved you. You fucking cunt. I fucking loved you and you... and you...

"She never looked for you, but your sister and I did," dad says. "We never gave up on you nor Adam," he tells me, and I should feel relieved to hear him say that but all I feel is unbearable heartbreak. Sarah and I had our differences, and we especially had our fights but even through it all, I still loved her. I loved her when she apparently did not love me and that hurts. That fucking shreds me, because now I know, it was not real. What we had was not real. It couldn't have been because if she had truly loved me, then she wouldn't have broken my heart as many times as she's done.

"It may not have been real to her, but it was real to me," I choke.

Later that night, we arrive in the city of Stockholm. The driver parks along the curb next to an old brick shopping center downtown. I stare out Edvin's window, eyeing the circle plaque that is carved into the door. On it, displays the emblem of the mafia world code in the universal language.

"If I shall die, they will know my name," I whisper after reading it in Latin. "Everyone stay in the vehicle. I need to do this alone and then I will come and get you," I tell them. Dad grabs my shoulder. I turn to face him.

"Be careful, son," he says to me. I give him a little half smile. "I've been through hell and back, dad. What more can happen to me?" I darkly joke, yet he does not smile. "I'll be careful," I assure him. I turn towards Edvin and tap his shoulder.

"Let me out," I tell him. Edvin nods and opens his door. He steps out into the cold air, allowing me to climb out behind him. I look to him.

"Get back in the vehicle and make sure you and the others do not look my way. They get spooked and either we all die, or go on without their help and trust me, we're going to need their help," I tell him.

"I will make sure we all follow your orders," Edvin tells me. I nod, and then tap his chest.

"You're a good guy, Edvin," I say before I turn and walk away, leaving Edvin to get back into the vehicle and shut the door behind him. I approach the door, knocking three times. The little square peep door opens, revealing the eyes of another man.

"Vad vill du?" he asks, questioning what I want.

"Serpens comminatus est, serpens mordens," I respond in the universal code. The man nods and then the door opens, revealing another man standing just behind it. A man that I suspect must be of importance.

"You must be Daniel, a trusted member from the American chapter. I am Lukas Andersson. The one and only mafia king of my beautiful Sweden," he greets, with a slick corner smirk.

"Pleasure to meet you, King Lukas," I say.

"Oh no, but the pleasure is all mine. I must say, I was much surprised to receive such a thrilling call from King Rhysand about your visit. It is not every day that I am gifted in hearing his ruthless voice. He seemed to take a liking to you when he talked about you over the phone, so I thought to myself. Well, if King Rhysand trusts this one, then he must be special. Welcome to my home, Daniel. I humbly welcome you and your family," he says, holding out his hand for me to shake. I grab his hand, gripping it. The king then pulls me close, so that he may speak into my ear.

"Is it true? Do you wish to bring down Gustaf Gustafsson?" he wonders, and I can hear his subtle excited tone.

"Yes," I answer. King Lukas releases my hand and then backs away, smiling brightly.

"Ohh, how I have waited for this day for quite some time," he says.

"You and me both," I mention. "If I may ask, what is your reason for wanting to see him dead?" I wonder.

"Gustaf and I... we have unfinished business and I do not care for unfinished business. A debt must be settled. One that can only be paid with his life. A life for a life, they always say, and so shall I take his, just as he took the life of someone dear and close to me," he finishes.

"I get it. You will have your revenge. We all will for what he's done to us," I tell him.

"And so, we shall. Invite your family in but do have them leave all weapons behind. You understand," the mafia king of Sweden speaks before winking.

"Of course," I answer. "But there is one weapon that I must keep," I say as I pull the blade slowly out of my pocket. Oskar jumps in front of me, blocking me from the King.

"Oskar. Flytta," he tells him, holding up his hand to halt him. Oskar moves aside, allowing the king to move close. He gazes down at the white glowing blade that I hold, his eyes lighting up excitedly.

"It glows," he states.

"Yeah. It does that apparently," I say.

"What a beauty of a weapon you hold in your hand," he lightly speaks. "May I?" he asks, reaching to for the blade. I nod my head, handing it over. He takes it, turning it to observe it.

"It is the weapon made to kill an immortal. It's what we're going to use to kill Gustaf with," I tell him. His eyes then look up and into mine.

"And the Draugr? Do you wish to see him dead too?" he wonders.

"He wants my brother in laws soul. I'm not going to allow him to take it so, if I've got to kill him to prevent him from taking Adam's soul, then yeah, the Draugr will die too," I say.

"So, much death that comes from this legendary Draugr. It would only be fair that he face a death so cold himself," King Lukas states. He then hands me back the blade. I take it, hiding it in my pocket.

"No one can know about this blade. He is unaware that he lost it but when he figures out that he did, I can only assume that he will go searching for it, only to come back angry that he could not find it," I tell him.

"Your secret is safe with me. For what's an element of surprise if there is no surprise?" he questions. "Unfortunately, I do have things to attend to, but you may find me after you have settled in and... bathed," he speaks while taking in my appearance. "Oskar here will show you and your family where you may settle in for the time being. Do treat yourself to a good, warm Swedish meal while you are in my home. I am sure that you can use one or two," he says, before he turns and walks on.

"Oh, and Daniel," the king looks back over his shoulder to speak. "I am excited to meet this Draugr. Tell me, is he as frightening as the folklore tells?" he asks. I shake my head.

"Not in his human flesh but when he returns without that blade, I can imagine he might be the monster you've read about," I state.

"Hmph. I imagine so," the king speaks, just as a small smirk rises at the corner of his lips. "See you soon," he says before turning. I turn back and walk out, crossing over the snow-covered sidewalk, towards the vehicle. I knock on Edvin's window, and he opens his door. Everyone within looks to me.

"We're good to go in. Leave your weapons. All of them," I order them, while zeroing in on my dad. "They catch you with one, these people will not give a warning. They will kill you without question," I tell them. I wait as they all pull out their guns and knives, dropping them on the floorboard.

"How are we supposed to defend ourselves from Gustaf then?" dad asks.

"They will supply what we need," I tell him.

"Wait," I hear Charlie mutter. He turns around quick, staring back at Edvin. "In your right pocket, Edvin. Give me the blade in your right pocket. NOW!" he impatiently shouts. Edvin reaches into his pocket but we both know that there is no blade in there.

"There's nothing in this pocket," Edvin replies. "Is it in the left one?" he asks. His other hand reaches down into the left pocket, coming out empty.

"Son of a bitch!" Charlie bangs the back of the seat and shouts. He points a finger back at Edvin, his eyes black as night and bulging. "So, help you. If you are fucking with me. Willing or not, I will rip your soul from your flesh and consume you whole," he warns him, just before vanishing into thin air. Our driver gasps, certainly not used to seeing such a paranormal thing.

"Well, and then there were three," I say.

After my dad and Edvin grab their bags from the trunk, our driver peels out, leaving us behind in a hurry. I look to my dad and Edvin.

"There's a tall, good looking, lanky blonde guy with long hair and a light grey fitted suit. He goes by King Lukas and nothing else. You both got it?" I question them. Dad and Edvin share a stare before both looking to me.

"Got it," they answer. I turn, having them follow behind. "You show him respect and we might just make it out alive to save Clara and her husband," I say as I walk back into the building. Oskar pats down, dad and Edvin, finding nothing on them. He then gives me a nod and goes to lock the door behind us. I wait for him to lead us, and he does, walking us down a long, bright hall. I squint, my sensitive eyes struggling to see through the fluorescent light. I have lived in darkness for so long, to witness light is now more of a burden than a blessing but I'll take it. I'll suffer with this than to be forced to suffer with what I had to endure before. Starvation, isolation and having to live with my own filth. From riches to rags, literally but fuck that. I can't wait to clean up. I can't wait for life to go back to how it once was before. Whatever that is.

After a short walk, Oskar leads us to a door at the end of the hallway. He opens it, revealing a large, fancy but empty lobby. My head tilts back and I gaze up and around, admiring the fine décor and rustic atmosphere.

"Reminds me of the lake house," I tell dad. Dad comes up beside me, gazing up with me.

"I do miss those warm, sunny days in that place," he says. His head then turns, looking to me. "Your mom used to love taking you and Clara there when you two were little," he tells me.

"I know. I remember how happy she used to be just by watching us splash on the shore," I recall, smiling lightly at the memory of my mom. We all three go on to follow Oskar as he leads us up the grand staircase. We then head up another flight of stairs before turning down a hall. Two doors down, Oskar stops in front of one and then opens the door, holding it open to allow me to enter. I move passed him, entering the big room, stopping to stand before the window that takes the place of a wall that overlooks the city of Stockholm. I hear Edvin and my dad drop their bags behind me, and I turn, now looking back at them.

"I'm going to take me a hot shower and then we're going to meet with King Lukas and talk about how to get my sister and Adam back," I say. Edvin then comes forward, leaving one suitcase behind and rolling another towards me.

"I forgot to pack for you in our rush to fly here, but your sister said that you can just share Adam's clothes," he tells me, and I smile.

"Of course, she would say that. Clara knows that I hate sharing. Well, except with you. You're the exception, Edvin," I say, lightly smiling. I take the suitcase from him and then look to Oskar after he clears his throat.

"Jag ska fråga om ni alla vill ätta innan ni träffar kung Lukas," Oskar asks, as he stands in the doorway.

"After barely eating. Yeah. I can definitely fucking eat," I tell him.

"I know the feeling," Edvin replies from behind me. I turn back to stare.

"Then let's eat, brother," I tell him. "But after I wash every inch of that place off my body."

Later, I come out of the bathroom, feeling close to my old self. Not entirely but damn better than what I had looked like before this. I walk into the living room and stop, looking to my dad who stands, staring out the window. I then look to Edvin who sits on the sofa. Dad turns to face me just as Edvin stands, both staring at this new, cleaned up me.

"Adam's style may be shit but at least he knows how to dress warm," I say, pulling at his old grandpa sweaters that he likes to wear. Dad approaches me, pulling me in to hug me strongly.

"The clothes are a little big but after eating, I'm sure I'll put on some weight," I humor. Dad pulls back to face me, now holding my bony and shaven face between his hands.

"You look good, Daniel. You look like you. Don't worry, baby boy. We'll get you healthy again," he says, and I nod, my bottom lip quivering slightly. We go on to eat and I enjoy every bit of it, consuming as much I can before I must stop myself from getting sick. After I've had enough and then some, I sit back, relaxing and near ready to fall into a deep food coma.

A knock on the door then has my head turning back. Oskar opens the door, allowing King Lukas to enter. We all immediately stand from our seats. King Lukas enters, stopping to stand at a distance.

"I do not know about you three, but I know that I am quite anxious to see the fall of Gustaf Gustafson. I am also an impatient man. So, rather wait for you all, I come to you with great news. My people have notified me of the whereabouts of the one we all wish to see dead," he says.

"Where?" Edvin comes forward to urgently ask. King Lukas's eyes roll to Edvin.

"And you must be Edvin. Gustaf's... eldest son," he states with distaste.

"I am. King Lukas," Edvin respectfully replies.

"Skarhult Castle in Eslöv Municipality, Scania. That's where he lives now," he informs.

"But that is over a six-hour drive from here," Edvin mutters.

"Then we better get moving," he responds.

"What about Charlie?" dad wonders. I look to him. "Will he know where to find us?"

"Don't worry," Edvin looks back at dad to speak. "I'm sure he'll find us. He always somehow does," he adds.

"Gentlemen," King Lukas calls. We all look to him. "We have a long, cold drive ahead of us. Shall we?" he asks, holding his hand out towards the door. I give my dad then Edvin a nod as they walk past me and out the door. I follow behind, stopping beside the king when he slaps my chest. I glance down at his hand and then up at him.

"I want to be the one to end his immortal life," King Lukas states.

"Well, get in line, buddy, because we all do," I say.


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Copyright © 2021 Tristin Clark

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