Forever With Love

By iamtinasnow

22.3K 1.3K 160

Y/N is a well-known Realtor in Louisiana. Always working her sister convinces her to take some time off for... More

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FWL BOOK 2 Preview 1.0 (REWRITTEN)


375 19 2
By iamtinasnow

✨Anthony ✨

I woke up this morning with a headache. After taking some medicine I did a small workout then got in the shower then to get ready for breakfast with Y/N's family. Once I was done I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked over to the sink to brush my teeth then my hair.

Once I was done I walked back into the room of the suite and looked through my luggage for something to wear. After  I found something I put it on, then put on cologne. After I put on  my shoes and grabbed my keys and phone and walked out to the hotel room going down to Chris and Sebastian's hotel room door. I knocked on Sebastian's door first. He opens the door still in his PJs. "Why aren't you ready?" I asked.

"Terrible hangover." He spoke squinting. "Damn okay, let me see if Chris is up." I said turning around to knock on Chris' door. "Don't bother his hangover is worse than mine." He said. I sigh and shook my head. "Aight I'll see y'all later on then." I said. "Yeah. Good luck, let's us know how everything goes." Sebastian said. I nodded before he closed the door. I walked down to the elevator and going down to the lobby.

Once I stepped off the elevator I walked out to my car. I got in and started it, putting in the address that Y/N sent me in the GPS. I put on my seatbelt and started in the direction of the BnB.


I groaned turning off my alarm for the second time this morning. Ma woke me up at 5 this morning to go take down decorations from the night before. Here it is   8 in the morning and I have to get dressed for breakfast.  I sigh and lay back on the pillow closing my eyes again.

"Come in!" I said as somebody knock on the door.  "You're  in still bed." Alayah said sitting down in the bed. "I'm beyond tired." I said looking at her. "Well, you're just gonna have to be tired. Get your ass up." I groaned and pulled the covers over my head.

"Fine, I'll just tell Mackie that you're sick. And send him back home." Alayah said standing up from the bed. "Ugh, fine you're lucky I like the man," I said taking the covers off of me. I throw my legs over the side and put on my slides. I walked past Alayah rolling my eyes and going into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"So what happened with you dancing with Mack last night?" Alayah asked plopping back down on the bed. I rolled my eyes as I rinsed out my mouth then spoke. "He saw Ma crying and ask her to dance, but I'm not complaining 'cause Seb's a great slow dancer." I said. "I know Chris and I talked to her after we finished dancing." She said blushing.

"Aww, you're blushing hard." I  picked with her before opening the mouthwash. "Leave me alone, and since when did you get close to Sebastian to call him Seb?" She asked side-eyeing me. "Layah stop trying to take the topic off of your little crush. Where did y'all run off to last night after y'all finished talking to Ma?" I  question walking over to the closet.

"We sat at another table and talked for a while. He's such a gentleman."  She said throwing her head back on the pillow smiling. I rolled my eyes and smiled,  "Maybe you'll get to see him again today. That's if him and  Sebastian recovered from that shoot game last night." I laughed.

Once I found something to wear I put it on and put back on my slides. Then I put on perfume and lip gloss. "Where are you and Mackie going tonight?" Alayah asked as I grabbed my phone. "I have no idea, I'm going to find out today." I said as we both walked out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning my loving family!"  yelled Alayah before walking over to kiss Gran's and Ma's cheek. "Dang Layah it's too early for you to be that loud," said Djay rolling his eyes. "Good morning y'all," I said doing the same. "Everything smells good Granny," I said getting  a cup from the cupboard.

"Thank you. Everything will be ready in the minutes so y'all get the table ready please." I nodded taking the coffee with me to set the table.  "Hey Y/N," Amari said walking into the dining room with more cups and silverware. "Well, hi stranger," I spoke walking over helping her.  "You looked amazing last night." She complimented me. I smiled and thanked her. "Thank you, so did you. But l only saw you once last night. That's not like you." I said sitting down once I had finished.

"I wasn't feeling too hot in the first two hours, so  I just hung with Kai. By the way, he is very polite and handsome." She said sitting down. I thank her as I scrolled through my Twitter feed liking some tweets about last night. "Do you know what time Mackie's coming?' Djay asked sitting down across from me. "No, he hasn't texted or called me so I'm not sure,"  I said locking my phone.

"Y/N, come help with the food please," Layah said sticking her from behind the dining-room door. "Yeah, here I come, y'all excuse me," I  said standing taking the coffee mug with me then walking into the kitchen. I drank the rest of the coffee. Once I  was done placed it in the sink, then started to take the food to the kitchen table.

I had finally made it to the BnB, I sent Y/N a quick text to let her know I was outside. I then turned the car off and took off my seat belt. I scrolled through Instagram until she texts me back letting me know that she's about to come outside.

I locked the phone putting it in my pocket as I stepped out of the car. I grabbed my keys and walked up to the front door. She opened the door and walked outside with a black two-piece jumpsuit. I wouldn't lie and say she didn't look good without makeup, she looks even better without.

"Good morning," I said finally making my way up to her. "Good morning." She said pulling me into a hug. "Seb and Chris couldn't make it they have hangovers," I said letting go of her.When I tell you that she smells amazing. "Amateurs." laughs Y/N as we walked through the door.

The aroma of the coming from the kitchen smells so good. It's been a while since I've had a home-cooked breakfast, I usually just go out every morning. "Everyone is already in the dining room," Y/N said as we continued walking into the dining room.

"Good morning y'all." I greeted as Y/N went to sit down. "Good morning." They all spoke. "Sit down baby so we can eat." Her grandma said with a welcoming smile. There was only one seat open and it was by Y/N. Smiling I walked over and sat down.

"Okay let's eat," Layah said reaching for the pancake with a fork. "Layah if you pick that flapjack up. Your ass is mine," Her grandma said and she moved the fork back as Y/N snickers. "Don't laugh hoe." She said under her breath. "Let's pray. Everyone join hands and bow your heads." Alice continues.

Y/N smiled at me and held out her hand. I returned the smile as took it then closed my eyes.


After breakfast and talking about football. I helped clear the table and do the dishes. "So where are we going tonight?" Y/N asked handing me another plate. "I'm taking you to Cidercade it's an arcade-type restaurant," I said drying it off and putting it in the cabinet. "Ooh, sounds like fun." She said smiling. I couldn't help but admire all of her features. 

She's gorgeous, so much as changed about her from back in the day. Where was this confident high school? Not like she wasn't gorgeous back then, it's just something about her now. "Did you hear anything I just said?" She asked laughing.

"No, I'm sorry I zoned out. What did you say?" I asked as she giving me the last dish. "What time are you picking me up?" She asked shaking her head with a smile. "At 6:30," I said drying off my hands then folding the dish towel.

"Do you want to join everyone outside or do you have to leave?" She asked leaning against the counter. "I would love to but I better leave, so I can take care of those sick idiots," I said shaking my head. As much as I wanted to stay I knew had to get those ass hats better before we had to leave later.

"I totally understand let me walk you out." She said leading us both out of the kitchen and outside. "I'll see you later." I said hugging her again before leaving. "See you later." She said. I let her go and walked out to my car. Once I got in and started it. She waved as I pulled out of the driveway. I waved back then started to back to the hotel.


Once Anthony had left I walked to the backyard and talked with everyone, I didn't stay out there long cause I was still tired from that 5 am cleaning. I walked upstairs and took off my slides and jewelry putting them on the side table. Moving the cover back and got in bed. I turned on the tv and turned it down.

Before laying down I put turned on my alarm setting it for 4:30. Because I still need to find something to wear. Before laying down Layah walked into the room. "Okay, I know you and Mack ain't dating, but the man is part of the family at thia point if you don't know it." She sitting at the foot of the bed. "What are you talking about Layah?" I asked laying my head on the pillow.

"Granny and all the uncles have approved him. And Ma said he wouldn't stop talking about you last night. Let's not forget that once somebody tasted Gran Alice's food they not leaving." She said  smiling back at me. "Y'all really got my dating life together for me," I said rolling my eyes.

"Yep, you won't do it so we have to, anyway where is he taking you tonight?" "He's taking me to some type of arcade restaurant. So there's no need to get dressy." I said looking at her. "Okay well, I'll be in here later to help you find something to wear." She said standing up from the bed. "Okay,"  I  said nodding as she walked out of the room.

Once she had left I turned the tv down then went to sleep.


I would be lying to you if I didn't say I wanted to punch Layah in her face when she burst through the door at 3:30 yelling for me to get up before I was late for the date. First off it isn't a date and secondly, I have three hours before Mackie comes.

"Okay you want to be casual, but you want to be cute." She taking out different outfits. "Layah please we have three hours." I groaned rolling my eyes. "Three hours isn't enough time. You'll be late to your own wedding if I ain't  there to  help. Now go get showered so I can do your hair." She said giving me something to put on before I get ready.

I went to the bathroom and turn on the shower and let the water heat up as I took off my clothes. Once I was done I stepped inside letting the water heat my body.

I stayed in there for a while to kill some time. Once I had got out it was around 4:20. I dried myself the put on my bra and underwear set then put on the tank and shorts set. I walked into the room and sat in the chair where Layah has the flat irons plugged in.

Once she was done with my hair I did my make-up, then put on my clothes, shoes, and perfume. By the time I was done it was almost 5:45. I walked downstairs and sat in the living room with Kai. As he is watching tv I play on my phone  as someone knocks on the door.  Who could that be? I thought locking my phone as I stand up.

I walked out of the living room I went into the foyer and opened the door. See that's gonna get me killed. There he is Anthony Mackie standing there with a smirk on his face. "You're early," I said opening the door for him to come in.

"And your dress, so let's go." He said. "Fine, let me get my purse." I said, I went back into the living room and grabbed my purse. "Kai, I'll be back later. I love you." I said making sure I had everything. "Okay, mama.Kisses?" He asked looking over at me. "You're not too old for them are you?" I joked and he shook his head. "Okay come on," I said smiling. I kissed his forehead and gave him a quick hug before walking out.

Walking back into the foyer I see Mackie and Layah talking. "I will." He said before laughing. "What are y'all talking about?" I asked walking up to them.  "Nothing. Y'all have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.  No actually do something I would do." said Alayah before running off to the living. "You ready?" Anthony asked and I nodded my head as we walked out the door and out to his car.

✨Anthony ✨

By the time we made it to Cidercade, it was after 6:30, the traffic here is terrible. The parking lot was nearly full. After finding somewhere to park, I got out and helped Y/N out. Then we walked inside. The place was packed, after paying both of our entrance fees we sat at a table in the back.

After  putting our things at the table Y/N and I walked over to the hoop machine. "Ready get your ass kicked in basketball?" Y/N asked grabbing a basketball. "Is that a challenge?" I asked while pressing the start button.

"Yep, losers has to pay for dinner." She said picking up a basketball. "Let's do this," I said grabbing a ball. If she thinks I'm going to eat her pay she's dead wrong. 

After playing  basketball which I purposely lost, we played a couple of other games then I went to order food. After getting the food I walked back to the table where
Y/N  sitting on her phone.

"Here you go," I said giving her the food, then sitting down with my own. "Thank you," She thanked locking her phone and putting it in her purse. "Oh and thanks for meeting Kai night." She said before putting a fry in her mouth.

"Don't mention it. When did you have him?" I asked. "September 6 of 2016." She replied picking up the drink. Now's my chance to ask if she is still single. "Are you and his dad still together?" I asked before biting into the burger. Her facial expression changed as soon as the words came from my mouth. Y/n shifted in her seat, she is clearly uncomfortable with that being brought up.

"I'm sorry you, you don't have to answer that," I said wiping my mouth with the napkin. "No, it's okay. No, I haven't seen or spoken to him since 2015." He said while picking up the cold drink. "I'm sorry I brought it up." I apologized again. "No, it's fine." She said smiling showing her dimples.



I wasn't surprised that Anthony brought up Myles, It was way too obvious that I was uncomfortable when the question left Mackie's mouth. After he had apologized for the second time we finished our food talking about a few things here and there, we went to play air hockey. "You know I let you win at basketball right. This time I'm not going easy on you." I stated getting the blue pusher. "I won that game fair and square." He said smirking. I swear this man knows something that nobody else knows.

"Say what you want," I said jumping my shoulders. "Fine let's make a bet. If I win this game I get to take you on a real date." He said. "And if win?" I questioned side-eyeing him. "I get to take you on two." He said. What did I tell you, always up to something. "That's not right, but fine since you want to take me out so bad." I said rolling my eyes playfully.

Once I had started the game and put the puck on the table we started the game. The first have I started off strong, but what was the point of playing a hard game if we made a deal like that. "Did you just lose?" He asked as the game ended. "Win or lose you 're still taking me on a date." I said rolling my eyes. "Don't act like you don't want to go on a date with me." Mackie laughed as we walked back to the table an grabbed our things.

"I don't, you're forcing me to go with you." I said getting my purse. "Woah, forcing? As I can recall we shook on it. You know you can't get enough of me." He said as held the door open for me and we walked out to his car and got in.


The ride back to the house wasn't long. We sat out in front of hiuse for awhile talking. We finally had got out and he walked me up to the front door. "Look , I want to apologize again." He said looking at me. "Don't worry about Mackie. I enjoyed myself tonight." I said smiling shyly. "I did too, even though I had to pay for everything." He laughed. "Here you go, you lost the bet." I said laughing.

"You don't have to rub it in," He said still laughing. I smiled a him, I can not be catching feelings for this man. "I should get I have to be up early tomrrow," He said rubbing his the beck of his neck. I stepped down from the steps, "Good night Dewane." I said kissing his cheek. "Good night Y/N." He said smiling. I waved at him before walking in the house.

"Spill the tea. Why are you smiling like that?" Alayah asked making me jump. "What the hell Layah and let me get changed then come in the room in like 30 minutes." I said and she nodded I walked up to my room.

I wento into the closet and grabbed something to wear. Once I got something I walked into the bathroom and showered. Once I done I got out and put on my clothes and did my skin car routine. Once I was done I walked out of the bathroom to see Alayah laying in bed watching tv. I walking around and got in on the other side.

"Are you going to give me the dets?" "Yeah." I said getting the remote pausing the tv.

After telling Alayah about our little "date" and her gushing about every little detail, we finished watching the movie that she had started. After it went of we bidded good night she went to her room and I went to sleep getting ready for the long drive tomorrow.

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