Tales of the Wasteland


857 52 8

Living in a world 230 years after a world wide nuclear war Join the 4 characters epic fight for survival. In... More

Sabina Digby- Part 1
Miles Charmant- Part 1
Miles charmant- Part 2
Sabina Digby- Part 2
Dex Ayers- Part 1
Miles Charmant- part 3
Sabina Digby- Part 3
Sabina Digby- Part 4
Miles Charmant- Part 4
Sabina Digby- Part 5
Miles Charmant- Part 5
Miles Charmant- Part 6
Sabina Digby- Part 6
Miles Charmant- Part 7
Dex Ayers- Part 2
Miles Charmant- Part 8
Sabina Digby- Part 7
Miles Charmant- Part 9
Miles Charmant- Part 10
Sabina Digby- Part 8
Miles Charmant- Part 11

Miles Charmant- Part 11

64 3 0

We made it. We made it to Apple tree settlement. I don't know how but we did. Sitting in the waiting room right now I feel as though I'm going to be sick. The doctor just told us about Honey. She is in a coma.
"Excuse me?" Tyler says in an evil tone. I snap back into reality.
"Well." he says. "Where you aware that your friend was pregnant?" He says.
Pregnant. What I oh. Shit.
"What happened to the baby?" I ask hopeful.
"We could. Save your friend unfortunately, not the baby." He says.
I feel like I'm going to faint. I push up against the wall to steady myself. I could have been a Dad. Dad. Hayden killed my baby. I can't help it I sob.
"Miles. Out side." Tyler says. I brush past a gobsmacked Sabina.
I follow Tyler down a hall way.
"I could have been a dad. You were nearly an uncle." I look at him and he pins me against a wall.
"Don't ever touch my sister again. EVER." He evilly spits.
I scratch at his arm with my fingers.
"Listen to me Miles. Honey and I are heading for Vegas once she's better and once Hayden's dead. You and Sabina are not coming. Once we are gone I don't ever want to see your face again. Sabina will pay."
"Don't you dare threaten her." I bark.
"Cut your shit Miles that's what's happening and you can't do anything about it. Leave us alone." he says letting me breathe again.
"Tyler you care for Sabi and I care for Honey."
"No you don't get it do you? You love her and she loves you. that's why it's not going to be hard to let us go." he says walking away. "Oh and Miles. If you tell Sabina about this little conversation, I will kill you myself." he says and I shudder.

Tyler, Sabina and I all have to take a blood test to see who needs to give Honey the transplant. They have spare blood it's just, they would like to use one of us before they use precious blood.
"Now kids your going to feel a little poke." says some old lady. I personally have no clue who she is. She pokes the needle into my upper arm and I wince.
"It's ok love it's only a bit of blood to test who is compatible." She says confidently. I rapidly nod.

Once the testing is done we will be told who's the lucky donee. We all sit on the floor in the hospital waiting. Sabina gives me a confused looks and every impulse in my body tells me to kiss her. I'm dying to feel her lips on mine. To taste her. The silence is broken by an opening door. Out comes the old lady clip board in hand, ready for the news.
"Ok. The lucky donee is Sab-Sabina." she says. I freeze.

Just giving a heads up to you guys our book is almost finished. And we need your confirmation letting us know hat you guys would want another book. Please let us know as we are coming to our final chapters.
The next chapter is on Megzy19 account.
*Chloe and Meg*

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