By twinny22

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So.... This is my one shots collection from my 'Can I' series.... I will not be writing about any sexual thin... More

The First Christmas
MacKenzie Cabello-Hansen
Pranks? Pranks.
Disney Land is Pretty Fun
The Halloween One
Your Aunt Sofi
Homework's For Nerds
Ummm..... (A/N)
How to Put Kids to Bed (Ft. Lauren Jauregui)
How to Fight Demons (Ft. Ally Brook Hernandez)
How to Make Banana Smoothies (Ft. Camila Cabello)
How to Dance (Ft. Normani Kordei)
How to Get a Date (Ft. Dinah Jane Hansen)
Brooke and MacKenzie
Avery Thinks She's A Wizard
Avery... You're not a Ninja
An Aveley Proposal
Kenzie is Born
Valentine's Day
Freaky Friday Effect
Taylor Swift
Wait... WUT?
Kenzie and Her 'Friend'
That Awkward Moment When...
The Twins
The 4th of July Accedent
The Interview
Worth It
100 Truths Challege
The Story of Kat and Quinn

Forever and Always

1K 56 57
By twinny22


"She's sitting at the table, the hours get later
She was supposed to be here
She's sure she would have called
She waits a little longer, there's no one in the driveway
No one's said they've seen her
Why, is something wrong?
She looks back to the window
Suddenly the phone rings
A voice says something's happened
That she should come right now"

I nervously sit at the table, my leg shaking as I check my phone every so often.

Taylor was supposed to be her.

She was suppose to call an hour ago.

I called everyone... no one knows where she is.

I nervously run a hand through my hair thinking the worst thoughts possible...

Suddenly my phone rings in my hand, scaring me. I look at the caller and it came up as 'Unknown'. I quickly accepted the call.

"H-hello?" I said my hand shaking a little.

"Hello... Ms. Kloss I presume?" A mans voice said.

"Y-yeah... th-that's me" I said shakily.

"We are calling to tell you that unfortunately you're friend Ms. Swift is in the hospital facing life threatening injuries." He said

I dropped the phone in shock... put a shaking hand over my mouth as my worse fears came to life.

"Her mind goes to December
She thinks of when she asked her
She bent down on his knees first
And she said
'I want you forever, forever and always
Through the good and the bad and the ugly
We'll grow old together
Forever and always'"

Memories are flashing through my min so fast I can barely hear the mans voice calling out my name through the phone.

The first kiss

The first 'I love you'

The first time

When she proposed...


It was a cold, windy December day. I was out with my girlfriend of about a year. We had been keeping our relationship a secret. Our management didn't think it was a good idea to come out to anyone... so we just kept it a secret.

Me and Taylor were walking along trail in the park. There were dim lights that were illuminating Taylor's face slightly as we walked along the trail. Her hand in mine:

I felt safe.

I felt like I was home.

Suddenly Taylor stopped.

"What? What is it Taylor?" I asked looking around confused.

"Karlie... I have known you a long time, you are the love of my life... and I couldn't picture my life without you. I will love you forever... forever and always... Karlie will you marry me?"

Before I knew it I was engaged to be Mrs. Taylor Swift.

"She pulls up to the entrance
She walks right to the front desk
They lead her down a million halls, a maze that's never ending
They talk about what happened but she can barely hear them
She tries to keep a straight face as she walks into the room
She sits by her bedside, holds her hand too tight
They talk about the kids they're gonna have and the good life
The house on the hillside, where they would stay,
Stay there forever, forever and always
Through the good and the bad and the ugly
We'll grow old together, and always remember
Whether rich or for poor or for better
We'll still love each other, forever and always"

"Over here Ms. Kloss"

A nurse directed me down a million hallways that seemed like a never ending maze. We stopped at a room and a doctor came out and tried to explain her injuries to me but I couldn't focus. They let me in and I immediately go straight to Taylor's bed side and sit down in the chair next to the bed and grip her hand tightly.

"Karlie" She croaked

"My hand Karlie"

"Shit sorry" I said letting go of her hand and placing them in my lap then looking down at them.

"No Karlie... you can hold my hand, you were squeezing I to hard" Taylor said hoarsely, laughing a little. I held her hand again and immediately broke out into tears.

"Shhh... it's ok Karlie... just think about our little Jackson... and Aubrey... were going to live on a hillside with Kasey and have a wonderful rest of our lives together... Karlie please don't cry"

"Then she gets an idea and calls in the nurses
Brings up the chaplain and she says a couple verses
She borrows some rings from the couple next door
Everybody's laughing as the tears fall on the floor
She looks into her eyes, and she says
I want you forever, forever and always
Through the good and the bad and the ugly
We'll grow old together, and always remember
Whether happy or sad or whatever
We'll still love each other, forever and always
Forever and always, forever and always"

"Tay... let's get married right now" I sia and her eyes widen.

"Right now?" She says

"Yes! Right now!" I said through my tears... I got up and called the nurses in with some chaplain. I then quickly borrowed the wedding rings of the couple next door.

"Well... I guess I'm getting married now" Taylor said laughing weakly and everyone was laughing.

"Karlie... I will always love your sense of humor, I will always love your kindness, I will always love your ability to keep me safe.. and most of all I will always love your body" Taylor said her voice getting weaker by the minute.

Everyone laughed through their tears, very much aware to what was about to happen.

"Taylor... I want forever... forever and always. Through the good, the bad and the ugly. We'll go old together, and always remember whether happy or sad or whatever... we'll always love each other... Forever and always... Forever and always.... forever and always" I sobbed repeating the ending to myself a couple times and Taylor put her cold hand on my shaking ones and looked me deep in the eyes.

"She finishes the vows but the beeps are getting too slow
Her voice is almost too low
As she says, I love you forever, forever and always
Please just remember even if I'm not there
I'll always love you, forever and always"

"Karlie" she whispered her grip on my hand getting weaker and weaker each passing second.

"I will love you forever.... forever and always. Please just remember, even if I'm not there, I'll always love you... forever and always." She whispered and her grip finally went limp just as she did.

"We'll love each other, forever and always"





Q: How tall are you?
A/n: Well I say 5 ft 4inches.... but really I'm 5ft 2 1/2 inches.



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