Her Blood Lost

By Kaylawide

39.4K 1.6K 170

Threequel/Third Installment to "Her Wolf Alpha" Began 26Oct2018 Amelia's firstborn son struggles with his pla... More

Author's Note
Her Blood Lost
Chapter 1| It's Life
Chapter 2 | Breaking
Chapter 3 | Half
Chapter 4 | Hate
Chapter 5 | Goodbye & Good Riddance
Chapter 6 | Homeward Bound
Chapter 7 | Enemies
Chapter 8 | Chaos
Chapter 9 | Unbinding Loyalties
Chapter 10 | Bloodlust
Chapter 11| A Broken Foundation
Chapter 12| Pains
Chapter 13| Gotcha
Chapter 14| Jackass
Chapter 15| Mud is Thicker Than Blood
Chapter 16 | Cruor
Chapter 17| At Night the Sun Falls Dark
Chapter 18 | Too Bright
Random Concept Art of Julius
Chapter 19| Peace
Chapter 20| How?
21| Fall
Chapter 22| You're Next
Chapter 23| Dynamic Duo
24| Concert to Take to Heart
25| Shame
26| The Cold of the Night
Chapter 27| The Heat of the Mourning
Chapter 28| Manik's Maddening Mistake
Chapter 29| Mark
Chapter 30| You, Me, Us
Chapter 31| Awakening
Chapter 32| Fear Knows No Bounds
Chapter 33| You Know You Love Me
Chapter 34| Crazy Something Normal
Chapter 36| No Help Here
Chapter 37| Which Way
Chapter 38| Panicked Pleading
Chapter 39| The Hero Must Fall
Chapter 40| So Says the Mighty One
Chapter 41| I'll Tell You Why my Heart is Dark
Chapter 42| You Still Doubt?
Chapter 43| Hell Is Here to Stay
Her Rising Glory: Sneak Peak

Chapter 35| The Death of Ravenwolf

436 21 1
By Kaylawide

Can someone tell me how to stop all this pain?

Julius's POV

I opened my eyes to see I was behind my house. I scowled and glanced back to the house and the building stood strong before my eyes, for a moment I admired it. Home. Outside was sunny and bright. I took a deep breath, taking in the sweet scent of flowers on the breeze.

When did I get outside?

The sound of laughter had me almost breaking my own neck to look ahead of me.

Alexander went sprinting just in front of me and I audibly gasped.

Alexander was a child again, looked about five years old. My heart felt a pang as he whisked in front of me and sprinted around the corner of the house, giggling musically.

"Wait up!" A yell sounded and I froze.

I could only move my eyes to the side to see me jogging after him. I was around ten. But what I didn't expect was for younger me to pull up into a halt, his eyes staring at me all wide and piercing.

His eyes were of course like mine—an electric blue—and I felt somewhat caged in his gaze. Is this why people got all weird when I stared at them?

"No way. You're me." He muttered walking up to me with caution but an air of confidence.

My mouth ran dry as he stopped a bit in front of me and I looked down at him. I finally got control of my tongue and cleared my throat.

"What is this?" I grumbled.

"So are you from the future?" Younger me asked disregarding the fact I was pretty sure I was about to either throw up or have a mental breakdown.

"No... I'm asleep... I..." I huffed and younger me looked up at me and gave a smile that quickly dropped.

"Why do you look so sad?" He asked and a sob immediately bubbled in my throat.

"I want to go back to these days." I choked out and younger me just frowned quizzically.

"Julius?" A voice asked and I jumped as Alex came back around the corner of the house. More tears poured from my eyes as he walked over.

Soon both boys stood in front of me and I looked at them through blurry eyes and forced a smile as I gripped their shoulders, holding them side by side.

"They want me to kill my brother." I gritted out and felt young Julius tense under my grasp.

"But—why?" He asked me and I felt my heart twist.

"He went down the wrong path." I grumbled. Julius immediately yanked himself out of my grasp and grabbed Alexander's hand tugging him away from me.

"Don't touch us. You're not me! C'mon Alex." The young but older boy snapped and tugged his little brother away.

"I won't become you! I'd never hurt Alex! You're a fake! A monster!" Younger Julius yelled at me.

I awoke with a strangled gasp and bolted upright, accidentally knocking into Ian as I did so.

"Julius?" Ian muttered sleepily and laid a hand on my shoulder. I moved away from the contact and tried to focus on my breathing. But everything was happening too fast. I couldn't—I couldn't...

"Julius; what happened?" Ian asked as I scrambled out of bed.

"Bad dream." I muttered through my panting breath. My eyes burned and I rubbed them furiously.

Ravenwolf's are monsters.

My feet stumbled towards the door. My heart was pounding painfully in my chest and tears blurred my vision.

I needed it gone.

"Julius? Wait—" Ian said but I ignored him as I exited the room, the door flying open and slamming against the wall.

I was at the room before I knew it and inside even quicker. I eyed the glass casing hidden under that damned cloth and I strode over to the window, prying it open and was immediately met with the gentle breeze of the outside air.

My body lurched to the casing and my hands ripped away the cloth. Dust flew around me but I didn't care as I began grabbing items from the shelves and tossing them aside. All of this needed to go. Why was it still here anyway?

I flung the documents and papers towards the open door, some made it out of the room where I had aimed while others lay strewn just beside the doorway. But that didn't matter, instead I began throwing the nicknacks and trinkets along with it. Something slammed and broke against the hallway wall.

I growled as I grabbed a skull and out the window it went along with the rest of the bones and skeleton pieces. Finally the glass case was empty and I grappled at it, pushing it towards the window, not caring when I pushed to hard and it shattered as I heaved it out the window the brokenness slicing my hands and arms as the casing fell to obliterate against the ground below. My breath was tattered as I looked down at the bones that seemed to be surrounded by little crystals now.

I turned back inside the room and started picking up all the papers I'd not gotten into the hallway. Blood dripped from my hands as I scooped them up, staining portions crimson. Once out into the hallway, I realized I had an audience. Numerous eyes watched me, glittered with sleepy concern and confusion.

Ian appeared next to me and gripped my face in his warm hands.

"Hey—look at me idiot." He huffed and upon meeting his fierce eyes I felt myself calming a bit.

"I've got to finish." I said and gripped the remaining things from the hallway and made my way downstairs and outside.

It didn't take long for me to make it to the pile of broken glass and bones and I stared at it for a moment before tossing the papers down and my nails turned into claws as I began digging into the ground. I stopped once I had about a two foot by three foot, four foot deep hole and with a grimace I placed the trinkets and jewelry in it then the bones on top and finally began packing the papers on top of them.

Shit. I didn't have a lighter.

"Son?" A voice said and I glanced over to see my father standing beside me with a concerned look.

"Light this for me." I said holding up a letter. He frowned but held up a hand and flames flickers from his fingers, catching the paper. I sighed and set it down into the hole and watched as it set ablaze.

For a moment we stood there in silence, then he finally spoke.

"Ian said you had a bad dream...? I saw what you did to the office." He said and I shrugged and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Its not that big of a deal." I muttered.


"Did you ever read any of this shit?" I hissed as I tossed the last remaining paper into the flames.

I took my father's unresponsiveness as a 'no'.

"I did. The Ravenwolf name is sick and borne out of madness. And maybe it was because we were cursed, but it's better to start over again, right?" I growled glancing into the flames.

"I'm changing the name back to Cruor. Ravenwolf is dead."

"Alright... but Julius... I—don't lose yourself. You still have us. Me, your mom, Ian; everyone. You're not alone." Dad said gently and laid his hand on my shoulder. I moved my gaze from the fire and met his eyes.

"Thanks Dad. But don't kid yourself... I know I'm not alone."

Next update will be coming soon!

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