Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro...

By millb321

163K 5K 474

"I can do it!" four-year-old Raven shouted to her father as she cautiously took a step toward the ocean for t... More

New Book!!!


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By millb321

Raven's pov:

"Raven! Wake up, sleepyhead!"

Raven's eyes opened but closed very quickly because the light was too bright.

"Raven I swear if I come in there and you're still asleep-"

"I'm awake" Raven called to the person behind the door. She sat up slowly and rubbed her tired eyes.

Once her vision became focused again she looked around. She was no longer in her room.

Well, she was...

Not her normal room.

This was her bedroom from seven years ago.

And the person behind the door-

Was that her sister?

Raven wasn't that drunk... was she?

Slowly getting out of bed, Raven accidentally stepped on something on the floor which made her retract her foot very suddenly.

Looking down she saw that she had stepped on a small lego heart that Olivia had built her so many years ago. Next to the heart was the card that her mom had helped to write, that she was supposed to give her dad for fathers day but she had ended up just giving him a drawing instead.

She picked up the paper but just her luck, it slipped and Raven winced as the small paper cut began to bleed.

Freakin paper cuts-

She wanted for it to heal but it didn't.

Raven frowned, was she not a vampire anymore?

"Raven Hunny, are you coming?" Called her... mom?

Was her mom here?

Raven dropped the card and practically ran to the door, throwing it open. The familiar scent of her mother's cooking that she had missed so much was floating through the air and it made a smile appear on Raven's face.

"...Mom?" she called, unsure of what to expect.

"In the kitchen sweetheart."

Her mother had a very evident Bulgarian accent. Raven's and Olivia's weren't as noticeable but they were still there. Raven had been able to learn how to hide hers when she had first arrived at the Kennedy school but now, she didn't see a point in hiding it.

She walked towards the amazing smell, her fingers dragging lazily over the familiar pictures on the walls. She hadn't seen this place in years, and boy did she miss it.

Raven finally made it to the living room and froze when she saw her dad sitting on the couch, reading the morning paper.

"Finally you're awake, we thought you'd sleep the whole day away" He chuckled when he saw her.

Raven couldn't find it in herself to speak, she was too stunned.

"You okay Ravie? You look like you've seen a ghost" Her dad joked when he saw her shocked expression.

"Yeah... yeah, just tired is all" She lied casually, although her mind had just exploded.

"Well you don't get enough sleep, I've always told you-"

"Dad, can I have some money? I want to go to the ice cream store after school with Cristen" fifteen-year-old Olivia said as she walked into the room.

"Olivia?" Raven whispered quietly. Olivia's pale lifeless form popped into her head but she shook it away.

Olivia raised an eyebrow at her "Yeah... that's my name" She said.

Her father was about to answer Olivia's request when another voice sounded from the kitchen.

"Raven," her mother said in a cheery sing-song voice.

Olivia suddenly grinned and pulled Raven to the door of the kitchen.

Her mother walked out carrying a plate with a slice of cake on it. She handed the plate to Raven, who was too busy staring at her mother to notice Olivia putting in the candles and lighting it with a match.

"Aren't you going to blow out the candles?" her mother asked. Raven looked down at the cake.

If she had a wish, she would wish for this to be real. But Raven knew better than to think it was.

All she could do was have fun while it lasted.

She took a deep breath and blew out the candles. Olivia cheered happily and placed her hands on Raven's shoulders before leaning over and whispering,

"Happy Birthday Raven"

"Happy Birthday Raven!"

Raven was harshly shaken awake by two pairs of hands. She groaned as one of them slapped her.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Raven's eyes opened just in time to dodge another slap coming from Sasha who was jumping up and down excitedly.
"It's your birthday! It's your birthday! It's your birthday!" Amber and Tess were also in her room.

Raven took the pillow from under her head and placed it over her face, trying to cancel out the noise.

She had been having a really good dream.

"You're seventeen now Raven!" Amber said excitedly, pulling the pillow off her face.

Raven sighed.

Her sister had died two days ago and now she was seventeen.

What a great freakin week.


Raven followed Amber, Shasha, and Tess into the kitchen. She had never really liked when they did a lot for her birthdays so usually they would just have a nice breakfast and sometimes go shopping in the nearby town or something.

Today was different, however. Tony had managed to track down exactly where the Hydra facility was and what it looked like. Today was the day the Avengers were going to go stop them once and for all. Steve had offered to wait until tomorrow since it was Raven's birthday but she told him it was fine. She never really enjoyed her birthdays anyways, it just reminded her that her family was gone.

She had asked to come. She wanted to see the building burn to the ground. That was the only thing she wanted for her birthday. There was also the problem of Hadeon, Raven had no idea what to do about him. He must have realized that Olivia was dead by now. Raven didn't want to imagine what he was doing. Maybe he had realized it was Hydra? Maybe he thought it had been Raven. Raven couldn't understand why on earth he would think that she killed her own sister but then again, she had no idea if he even knew Raven had been Olivia's sister.

Raven sat down at the table. The cooks had made pancakes and fruit salad, Raven tried to get as many strawberries as she could.

A few hours later, the Avengers plus Raven and Adrien were sitting in the jet, on the way to Bulgaria. Adrien had wanted to come and deal with his brother, nobody had bothered to stop him, it was a family problem after all.

Raven was looking out the window. So much for telling herself she would never go back there. Their plan was for her to stay in the jet until the fight was over. Raven was only coming for two reasons.

One: she wanted to try and convince Hadeon that Hydra were the bad guys. He was her only family left, although they were not blood-related. If Olivia had loved him then that was enough for Raven.

Two: She wanted to see the Hydra facility burn to the ground.

"Seventeen hm? That's fun"

Raven looked away from the window at Nat who had just sat down next to her.

Nat had been watching Raven through the flight. She seemed calm, too calm. If somebody had killed Nat's last living relative... she would've done a lot more than kill them.

But here was Raven, not even wanting to engage in the fight.

Nat had eventually just decided to ask her.

"Yeah, I guess so," Raven said with a small shrug.

"Well happy birthday"

"Thanks" Raven gave her a smile but Nat was a Russian spy, she saw right through it. She decided against mentioning it though, Raven had every right to be upset.

"How do you do it?" Asked Nat.

Raven looked at her, clearly confused.

"Those people killed your sister. How are you so calm about this?" Nat was trying not to sound insensitive but it didn't make sense to her.

Raven should've honestly expected this question when Nat had first sat next to her.
"They also killed my parents," Raven added, looking back out the window.

Natasha was silent for a few moments before she asked again.

"Then why don't you want to kill them? Why don't you want to rip their heads off?"

Raven did want to do both these things actually. She just didn't want to go inside that building. Something in her mind was telling her that if she went back inside she wouldn't leave. With the luck she's had in the past few days, Raven wasn't willing to risk it.

Raven also knew that with everything those people had done to her, by the time she had finished with them, she'd be a bigger monster than she already was.

Instead, she looked at Nat and sighed.

"I guess I just want to forget it ever happened."

The jet touched down in the woods a little away from the facility. Raven could see the cliff she had fallen off in the distance. She glared at it, not that it would do anything but she hated that freakin cliff.

"I'll go ahead and do a scan of the place, just so we know what we're dealing with" Said Tony before flying off in his IronMan suit.

Raven stood up and stretched, grabbing a water bottle from one of the storage cabinets. She was hungry for blood. She hadn't had some in days, she couldn't bring herself too, not after Olvia. She would have to go out again soon, she wasn't going to last on water and strawberries for the rest of her life.

A few minutes later Tony returned.

"There seems to be a whole army in there... and-" He looked directly at Raven "Hadeon's in there"

Raven was surprised by this. Didn't he know what these people had done to her sister? To his wife?

If he was fighting with Hydra-

The Avengers were going to kill him if he got in their way.

Raven didn't like him much but she couldn't lose him too.

Especially not when he was with the people who had taken everything from her.

"Why is he with them? Doesn't he know what they did?" Asked Pietro.

Tony frowned, it seemed he had just thought of something.

"Didn't you think he had done it at first because of the fake vampire bites?" He asked Raven, who nodded.

"Well if he saw the body, which we can guess that he did. He would've thought it was a vampire as well"

Raven understood what he was saying. Hydra had framed the murder on a vampire. She had thought it was Hadeon. He would've thought it was her.

How fun...

"If he's fighting with them then-" Steve started but Raven stood up and he stopped talking.

"You guys aren't going to hurt him. He wants me dead, I can lead him away from the fight" she said, silently cursing herself for getting herself involved.

"Are you sure Raven? We can-"

"You guys take care of your problem. I'll take care of mine" She said, walking out of the jet.

They all glanced at each other before following her.

Raven wasn't sure how she was going to explain to Hadeon that it hadn't been her but she would make it up as she went. All that mattered was that the Avengers were able to destroy Hydra.

They walked right up to the entrance of the facility. The guards outside immediately started shooting but with a flick of Wanda's wrist, they were all sent flying.

Hadeon, accompanied by a man Raven didn't recognize, walked out of the building. Hade was looking at her with such hatred it almost made Raven regret her decision of even coming.

Yep... he definitely thought she was the murderer.

So far, Raven's birthday was not off to a great start...

"We've been waiting for you," Said the man next to Hadeon, Raven assumed this was Mason based on the similarities between him and Adrien.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" Said Tony sarcastically.

Raven and Hadeon seemed to be having some kind of staring contest, both refused to look away.

Hadeon bared his fangs at her, veins running under his eyes. This was obviously an attempt to intimidate her but instead Raven just let her own vampire face out.

Then she sped away, as fast as she could. Hadeon wasted no time following her.

Pietro watched as the two simply disappeared in a gust of wind.

Part of him wanted to go after them and help her somehow. But his main focus had to be on the mission. Defeat Hydra, and then go help, Raven. That was his plan.

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