Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy...

By Ra1nWrites

497K 18.1K 33.4K

Hey it's me again, my 4th story!!! Here's the rundown if you're new. Female reader btw ____________ Y/n helps... More

2: Crying Lightning
3: Shit We'll Be Late!!
4: Hearing Aid
5: Trouble
6: Adrianna
7: Principal's Office
8: Mum Don't Emberrass Me
9: Child
10: Science Homework
11: Piano
12: Blankets
13: Boba
14: Fuck Rule Three
15: Hazel
16: Snacks
17: Wanda Vision
18: Truth or Dare
19: I'm Sorry
20: Sleepover
21: Midnight Talks
22: Fuck You
23: Poggers?
24: Shut Up And Kiss Me
25: Don't Baby Me Now
26: Road Trip
28: Shut Up And Let Me Sleep
29: Five Minutes
30: Braids
32: Race To Boba
33: Sunset
34: Luv
35: Say "Hi" Women
36: Go Fish
37: The Fair
38: The Necklace
39: Love You
40: Snow
41: I Like You Too
42: Burn
43: Skating Rink
44: UNO
46: Try Not To Laugh
47: Makeup
48: Secret Santa
49: Mistletoe
50: What's Wrong?
51: IMPORTANT MESSAGE (Not a chapter)
52: Editing and Cuddles
53: Secret Santa pt. 2
54: Merry Christmas
55: At Least Talk
56: Character Headcannons (not a chapter but will introduce spoilers maybe)
57: Important To Say
58: Can't Keep My Eyes Off Of You
59: Drunk
60: 6:27 am
61: Jealous
62: Last Day
63: Alone Time
64: #1 Trending
65: Forget
66: Back Home
67: Anniversary
68: "I Love You"
69: Haha Funny Number, And Book Ended Lol

1: The Girl In The Library

27.6K 612 1.1K
By Ra1nWrites

IM BACK!!!! You miss me?? Anyway here is art that I made about passerine because I'm sad after reading it last week.

Anyway here is the run down for the newbies. You veterans can skip!! Or don't, I like seeing your answers.

Y/n = your name
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color
S/c = skin color
N/n = nick name (if you don't have one just use a dumb name lol)
P/n = pet name (babe, honey, luv, etc.)
F/f = favorite flavor of _____
F/c = favorite color

You got that? If not don't worry I'll give bold parentheses under it so you get a heads up.

And TWs will be out before the chapter.

Ok now enjoy!!!
It was another day, y/n was sat on a table. By herself as usual, browsing through the soft brisk pages of a fresh book.

As her eyes skimmed she felt a tap on her shoulder, it was the librarian. She was a humble lady, one with a kind heart. It was a shame no one ever came by to visit.

Except Y/n.

"Hello." Y/n said smiling at the librarian. She smiled back with a welcoming attitude.

"Nice to see you back here again. I barely saw you all summer!!" She said gleefully, which formed a tender smile onto Y/n's face.

If was lovely to put even such a small amount of happiness onto someone's face. She put the book down slowly closing it.

"Yeah I got busy, I was tutoring the kids at the hospital again." I said, the librarian let out a grunt in admiration.

"Well, at least you did better than my sons." She said, despite her sad attempt at sounding mad, a smile formed on her face as she sorted the books.

"They just played on their phones and went outside to roll in the mud." She said with a laugh, y/n chuckled at the idea of two gleeful children having a laugh over mud pie.

"Sounds exciting." She said, the librarian laughed but was caught off guard by the rustle of the door slowly creak open.

Y/n turned to her book again, thinking about tomorrow. It would be the first day of school, Y/n hated school. Well not necessarily the learning, she found an interest in a lot of her studies. It was the people she loathed.

She turned her attention to the tall blond that walked in, he was very lean. His light blue eyes shimmered in the dim light of the library, and his gold hair which looked to be weaves by the finest of golds bounced as he walked slowly over to the counter of the librarian.

But what caught her eye was not his handsomeness but the earbud that was embedded in his ear.

She studied it as he talked to the librarian, she didn't remember what they were saying. And didn't mind to, she just admired the ear bud.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to invade. Is that a hearing aid?" Y/n asked, the boy nodded with a smile.

"Yeah I'm deaf at least partially in my left ear. My right on is completely gone though." He said pointing to the contradicting ears as he spoke.

"Do you know sign language?" She said, the boy hesitated but signed a quick yes.

Well hi my names y/n. It was nice to meet you, she quickly signed, the boy gleefully signed back with a grin on his face. Which gave the impression that it would stay like that forever if he kept at it.

Hi I'm Tommy, nice meeting you too. He signed, She nodded and waved at him goodbye as he walked out with his books. She caught a quick glance at the books he grabbed.

"Theseus?" She whispered under her breath, she didn't notice her eyes followed the boy as he slowly walked out towards the street. This boy has good taste in mythology. She chuckled to herself.

"Well that was lovely!!" Said the librarian, y/n gave a quick nod.

"Yeah it was." She said with a grin on her face before silently opening her book and skimming the book. Nothing went in, her mind was clouded by the boy. Or as he signed 'tommy'.

They boy was walking home, still with a grin on his face. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. He waited as the phone rang as he walked along the busy crowd of Nottinghamshire.

Finally the line was picked up.

"What do you want child?" The man on the other line said, he had a much deeper voice and a chill tone to him.

"Holy shit Wilbur!" Tommy beamed, the man on the other line sighed.

"What now??" He asked obviously annoyed by the disturbance caused by Tommy, Wilbur liked quiet and Tommy wasn't all so quiet despite his nimble and shy attitude when you first meet him.

Tommy wasn't as big in impressions than he was in life long conversation.

"I met this girl at the bookstore-" he was cut off by Wilbur letting out a coo of mockery.

"Mans is falling in love with stranger now, god you are a hopeless romantic." Wilbur said mocking Tommy, which brought him joy when Tommy would protest with a curse word or with an insult towards Wilbur.

But Tommy knew Wilbur cared about him.

"She knew sign language!!" Tommy said happily, Wilbur couldn't help but give a grin. Since Wilbur had moved to Brighton he was constantly worried about Tommy.

Despite how many people are deaf, not many know sign language, which sent a spark in both of the males.

"Was she deaf too?" Wilbur asked, with a hint of curiosity. Damn my brotherly instinct is cutting in, Wilbur thought with a thought of humor.

"No" he said, Wilbur gave out a sigh. He knew what he had to say despite he knew it would crush tommy.

"You'll probably never see her, but big man don't worry." He said reassuringly, Tommy sighed knowing Wilbur was right.

"Yeah mate, I was just excited." Tommy said solemnly, Wilbur was determined to make Tommy be as happy as he could. Despite them not being blood related Tommy was as much as a brother to him as if he had a biological brother.

"Well I got to go. I'll talk to you later? Or you streaming?" Wilbur added, to maybe get Tommy to have some sign of excitement in his voice again.

"Yeah I think I will stream." Tommy said with a more of a uplifting tone. Wilbur let out a chuckled before ending the call.

"See you big man Tommy." He said before handing up, which left Tommy a bitter taste in his mouth.

Ayo back as ever. And art thieves I don't even care but I hate you folk!!

Big tits

Word count: 1151


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