Forever With Love

By iamtinasnow

22.6K 1.3K 160

Y/N is a well-known Realtor in Louisiana. Always working her sister convinces her to take some time off for... More

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FWL BOOK 2 Preview 1.0 (REWRITTEN)


453 26 1
By iamtinasnow


I groaned as my alarm went off. I sat up in the bed putting my back against the headboard getting my phone and turning off the alarm. 5:30 a.m. I sigh and turn on the bedside lamp. I hate waking up this early. I took the blanket off my legs and threw my feet over the side of the bed. I walked into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Once I was done I pulled the braids into a ponytail walking back into the main room. I grabbed my suitcase unzipping then it grabbed my workout clothes and start to change.

Once I was done I walked down to the kitchen to get breakfast and a bottle of water. The lights are on somebody must be up already. I walked in seeing it was Alayah at the coffee machine. " 'Morning." I said walking over to the fruit basket getting a banana. "Good morning. What are you doing up early?" asked Alayah as she sat down at the table. "I'm going on a morning run and workout a little before I have to do some house showings. What are you doing up early?"

"I've to take Mother to the airport in an hour so I need an early start." She said groaning. "Well, I'll be  back before y'all leave." I said while throwing away the banana peel. "Okay," said Alayah. I walked out of the kitchen and into the foyer. I put in my Airpods as I walked out the door closing it behind me I started my run.


I made it back to Alayah's house around 6:10. After I did a quick workout I took a shower and put on something comfortable until it was time for me to get ready for work. I sat in the living room with my feet propped up on the table, and my laptop on my lap going over one of my newest client's files when Kai calls my name. "Mama," "In here baby." I said taking my feet down and putting the laptop on the table waiting for him to walk in.

"Good morning handsome," I said walking in rubbing his eyes. " 'Morning Mama." "Are you ready to eat?" I asked as he sat down beside me. He shook his head before laying  on my lap. "What's wrong?" I asked while playing with his hair. "I don't feel good." He said. I felt his forehead and he was warm.  "Okay sit up so I can get you some medicine," I said. 

I stood from the couch and walked to the kitchen to get the Motrin. I walked back into the living room and sat back down beside him. "Okay, Kai take this." I poured some into the measuring cup and gave it to him.  I put it on something for him to watch as I finished up the rest of the files that I had to do.

Alayah just walked in the door as I was coming back downstairs from taking Kai to the guest room. "Hey," she said closing the door.  "Hey," I said as we walked into the living room and sat on the couch. "Why is Kai still sleep?" She asked getting the remote to turn the tv back on. "He wasn't feeling well, so I gave him some medicine and he went back to sleep." I replied going back to my laptop to look at Airbnb's for next week.

"We can just stay in today and watch movies. What time will you be home?" She asked as she surfed through HBOmax. "I don't know I have a couple of showings. Why?" "We are schedule for our dress fitting for today." She said waiting for Fresh Prince to load. "Okay, I'll try to be here by 1:30 max." I said.

After watching a couple of episodes with her I walked upstairs to start getting ready. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. As it was getting hot I went back to the main room to find myself something to wear. It's nice out so I wanted to wear something comfortable and breezy. I looked through different outfits and finally, I decide on a bluish-gray two-piece.

Once I laid them out I went back in the bathroom and got in the shower.

After I had got out of the shower, I brushed my teeth, did a light makeup look, and put the braids in a low bun. Walking back into the room I sat on the bed and put on some more lotion. Once I was done I stood up and put on my clothes. Since the pants are covering my feet I put on a pair of black sandals. I put on some perfume. I grabbed my clutch then turned the room light off as I walked out the door.

Going back in the living room I could hear Alayah talking, she is doing a zoom meeting with some executives for her upcoming project. I quietly walked in to let her know I'm about to leave. She looked over at me as soon as I walked through the door.

"I'm about to go." I whispered. She nodded with a smile.  I smiled back before leaving out, I closed the front door behind me then got in Alayah's car. After connecting my phone to the radio and playing Megan Thee Stallion I pulled out of the driveway and starting towards the first house.



I drove to the hotel Chris was staying in this morning around 6:30.  After working out I dropped him off back at the hotel and drove home to take a shower. Once I was done I got out and brushed my hair and teeth again. Then I put on a  black t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants. 

I put on some cologne, then walked downstairs, and in the living room, I turned the tv on and put it on ESPN. I sat down on the couch and wait for Chris to come. 

After about ten minutes of watching tv, he walked through the door with beer and his laptop case. He sat down on the other couch. "Beers at 10 a.m.?" I asked while laughing. "Yeah, I mean what do we have to do for the rest of the day?" He laughs taking a beer bottle from the box."When do you go back to Boston?" I asked doing the same and opened it.

"Next week. Why what's up?" He asked. "Y/N's brother invited me to his football game and signing party and I can bring some people. I'm  thinking you and Seabass."  "Yeah, I would love to go. When is it." He asks before putting the bottle up to his lips. "This weekend. We have to get suits for the dinner party." I said. "Okay, yeah tomorrow will be perfect, and Seb's flying in tomorrow morning." He said. I nodded and took out my phone to call him.

He picked up after the second ring.  "Hey man," said Sebastian as his face appears on the screen. "Hey, Chris is here," I said turning the phone in his direction. "Hey, Chris." He spoke. "Hey." He said waving. I shook my head and turned the phone back to me. "Are you down for a football game and after-party?"  "Yeah, why not. Who's hosting it?" "His new girlfriend!"  Chris yelled before laughing. "You're already a part of the family?" Seb asked smirking down in the camera.  "No, her brother invited me." I said shaking my head.

"How did the date go the other night?" He asked. "It was a friendly drink and by the way she looks I wouldn't have let that been just a friendly date." Chris interrupted. "There is no such thing as a friendly date." laughed Sebastian.  "There is, how am I the only person that knows this."   I said laughing.  "Well, what does the mystery lady look like?" He asked. "I just sent you a picture." Chris said. "Really?" I asked looking over at him. He just nodded with a smirk.

"Anthony Mackie are you out of your mind?" asked Sebastian as I  looked back at the phone. "That's what I said. Clearly, he isn't going to make a move so I will."  "Woah, who said I wasn't going to make a move. I still have to find out if she's single or not. Plus we made plans to go out this weekend." I said as Seb put his phone down, "Sebastian you're needed on set." "Okay thank you." He said. "I have to wrap up filming, I'll see you guys tomorrow." He said. "Bye Seb!" Chris yelled. "Bye Chris, and Mackie you better make a move it's now or never."  "Bye Sebastian," I said before hanging up.

"Where are you going to take her?" question Chris. "I'm not sure yet, but it has to be somewhere good." I said grabbing another beer and focusing back on the TV.


🦋 Y/N🦋

I finally can go home after a long day of showing houses. Only one out of seven clients agreed on homes which means back to the drawing board when I get back to Louisiana. I took off my shoes and threw them on the passenger side floor. After connecting my phone to the radio I pulled out of the driveway of the house.

It didn't take me long to get back to Alayah's place. Once I had finally made it I got out, got my shoes and the rest of my belongings from the passenger seat, and walking to the front door. I struggled to unlock it but I finally got it. Sighing I kicked it closed, putting everything on the side table and putting my shoes on the floor.

I got my phone and started walking towards the living room. I could hear Layah and KJ talking as I walked over to the entrance. I peered around the corner to see her and Kai wearing matching Infinity Stone Gauntlets and Endgame playing on the tv. I quickly took out my phone and started to record.

I quietly walk in a placed the phone against the lamp to record them. "Shh, he's about to snap." whisper Alayah as I walked over a grabbed the shield and standing beside her. "I am inevitable." Thanos said then Layah quickly muted the tv. " And I am Iron Man." Kai said before he snapped, then he fell to the floor. Alayah kneeled and I followed her lead. I watched as Kai laid there and wait for Alayah to end it. "And scene." Alayah said turning the tv off. I walked over to my phone and stop the recording.

"Kai you did so good," I said walking over to him and picking him up. "Thanks, Mama." He thanked wrapping his arms around my neck. "I told you he was good," said Layah as she put the pillows on the couch. "What time do we have to be at the dress shop?" I asked putting Kai back down. "We have to be there for 3:40, but we still have to pick a suit out for Kai." She said opening the curtains. "Okay well let me go shower and change then we can leave." I said and she nodded. I turned and walked out of the living room and going to the spare room.

Once I walked  through the door I grabbed my suitcase and put it on the bed. I grabbed a yellow sundress and laid it out along with a pair of black underwear. I grabbed my robe then walked into the bathroom to run a bath.
After I got out of the tub I dried off and put on my underwear then place my robe over me.  I took my hair down out of the bun then I grabbed my toothbrush and the toothpaste and started brushing my teeth. Once I was done I rinsed my mouth out and walked back into the main room.

I got the lotion and put some on before putting on my anklet. After snapping the anklet I put the dress on and my hat and a bracelet and necklace to match. I put on my Gucci loafers, then sprayed some perfume on before put my hat on and get my purse and shades. I walked back downstairs to see Layah and Kai waiting by the door.

"Don't say nothing let's go." I said walking out the front door with them following behind me.  "We can get Kai's suit first, then meet Cam at her shop." said Layah as she started the car. I nodded then turned my attention to Kai. "Are you ready to see uncle Djay?" I asked as he swung his feet in his booster seat.  "Yes, I haven't seen him in forever." He sighs throwing his head back causing me and Alayah to laugh.


After getting Kai's  suit and his hair cut I drove the three of us to Cam's boutique. I pulled into one of the empty parking spots and turned the car off. I took off the seat belt and got out to help Kai. Once he was out the three of us walked into the building sitting in the waiting area until Cam finished with another client. 

Once the client left Cam changed the sign from open to close then came over to us.  "Hey  Y'all," said Cam while waving. "Hi, Cam." Layah and I said standing up from the chairs and I take Kai's hand as we followed Camilla over to the fitting area.

"Okay, y'all this is what I have. after you called me Alayah with sizes and told me to whatever came in mind this is what I came up with," Cam said bringing out a mannequin. On it was a beautiful champagne sequence dress with a slit up the side.

"Camilla this is gorgeous." I said.  "Thank you," she thanked me as she took the dress off the mannequin  "Alayah you can go try this one on while I get the other one." She said giving her the dress than walking off.

It didn't take Layah long to put on the dress. "Y/N can you come lace the dress from me?" Layah asked peeking her head out of the dressing room door. "Yeah, I'll be back Kai," I said before walking into the dressing room with her. "Oh my gosh Layah you look amazing in this dress and the color looks bomb on you." I said lacing up the back. "Thank you wait until you see yours." Layah said before we both walked out so she could see herself in the mirror.  

After Camilla did some quick fixing on Alayah's dress she finally came out with mine. It's a beautiful red dress with a triangle in the middle to show a little skin and a slit at the right leg.It was just as beautiful. I walked in the dressing room and quickly put it on being careful not to mess up anything. "Layah come zip me up." I said peeking my head out of the door. "Okay, red really suits you. Anthony won't be able to keep his eyes off you." Layah said tying the dress. "Will you stop his probably going to bring his girlfriend or something." I said as we walked out of the dressing room.

"Believe that if you want to." She said rolling her eyes. I stood in the little stool thing in the middle of the floor and look at my self. I did look good and I felt pretty too. I did a little turn to get a look at the back. It showed off the back tattoo got when I was 18. Speaking of Ma never knew I got it.

"You look pretty Mommy." Kai said. "Thank you baby." I said as Cam began to make some changes to it.
After cam had finished we left the shop and went to get something to eat before heading back home. We're going to pick them up tomorrow. We just made it  home  and we're now sitting in the living. Layah is taking down my hair because the stylists will be here in less than an hour and Kai is in the game room playing Mario Kart.

After Alayah finished my hair and blow-drying it she braided it and oiled it down. Right as she was finished the stylists rang the doorbell. "Hi come in." She said walking into the living room.   Layah  introduced us then they got started on our hair. 

Once we were both done we cleaned then went upstairs to shower then sleep. Today was a long day and we have even longer days ahead of us.

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