screw you - fred weasley

By stories000007

63.3K 1.4K 127

a fred weasley love story. very slow burn status: ongoing warning: mature language and mature themes no sm... More

|Part i|
~Part ii.~
~twenty one.~
~twenty two.~
~twenty three.~
~twenty four.~
~twenty five.~
~twenty six.~
(Part iii.)
(twenty seven.)
(twenty eight.)
(twenty nine.)
(thirty one.)
(thirty two.)
(thirty three.)
(thirty four.)
(thirty five.)
(thirty six.)
(thirty seven.)
[Part iv.]
[thirty eight.]
[thirty nine.]
[forty one.]
[forty two.]
[forty three.]
[forty four.]
[forty five.]
[forty six.]
[forty seven.]
[forty eight.]
<Part v.>
<fifty one.>
<fifty two.>
<fifty three.>
<fifty four.>
<fifty five.>
<fifty six.>
<fifty seven.>
<fifty eight.>
<fifty nine.>
<sixty one.>
<sixty two.>
<sixty three.>
•Part vi.•

[forty nine.]

342 9 5
By stories000007

24 hours before the third task.
"WELL Cedric tomorrow's the night. How are you holding up?" Daphne asked.
"Well I'm very nervous but I reckon I'll be fine." Cedric admitted.
"Reckon? I know you'll be fine because I know you'll win!" Chase protested.
"You're too nice." Cedric smirked.
Ellie just gave a small smile.
"What's up Ellie?" Chase asked.
"I don't know, I just have a weird feeling." Ellie admitted.
"You're delusional." Daphne shot.
Ellie just shrugged.
"Well it's getting late. You guys should probably get going to your dorms." Cedric exclaimed.
"Seriously! It's so loud I can't even sleep." Justin Flinch said.
"Justin, calm down. I'll see you girls tomorrow. Good night Cedric." Chase exclaimed.
"Good night Chase." Cedric replied, then Chase started to head up to the stairs.
"Ellie, wait for a minute I need to talk to you." Cedric said.
"Fine I'll just wait over by the couch." Daphne muttered.
"What's up?" Ellie asked.
Cedric looked around and sighed.
"Ellie if I die-."
"Don't say that!" Ellie shot.
Cedric sighed again.
"Ellie if I die I want you three and Cho to pick whatever you want to keep. And my mum and dad." Cedric whispered.
"Cedric." Ellie pleaded.
"Elenor, I am being very serious right now. Another thing I want is that the only main thing I want you to keep is my quidditch uniform." Cedric explained.
"Why that?" Ellie asked.
"Mainly because it's ironic since you hate quidditch." Cedric smirked.
"And you're already joking about your death." Ellie shot.
Cedric just gave her a small smile.
"I love you. You're my little sister." said Cedric.
Ellie just gave him a smile in return.
"I love you too. You're my older brother." said Ellie.
Cedric just smiled for a moment.
"Daph let's go." Cedric shot.
"I hate it when you call me that." Daphne shot.
"It's my new favorite thing." Cedric smirked.
"Well it's my new least favorite thing." Daphne smirked.
"Your humor is amazing." Cedric stated.
"Thanks." Daphne replied.
THE morning of the third task.
"SO, mums over there and you want to avoid her?" George asked.
"Yes." Fred spoke.
"Do you have a death wish mate?" George asked.
Fred just rolled his eyes.
"I just don't want mum to hate her." Fred admitted.
"I know, but I doubt she will." George said.
Then Ron walked up to them.
"Mum wants you to go say hi." Ron told the two.
"Yeah well she can wait." Fred exclaimed.
"What'd mum ever do to you?" Ron asked.
"Give birth to you and Percy." Fred muttered and started to walk towards his mum.
"He's in a mood." George whispered.
"Fred and George, what a surprise it's not like I've been here for twenty minutes." Molly Weasley snapped.
"Sorry mum, we were busy." George lied, only to protect Fred.
"Well next time, clear your schedule. Anyways Fred, I want to know all about your girlfriend." Molly grinned.
"Fred has a girlfriend?" Ron asked.
"He's dating Ellie Smith." Harry whispered to Ron.
"Since when?" Ginny whispered.
"Well she's in her fourth year. A Ravenclaw. Has an annoying brother and she's really nice." Fred spoke.
"Okay well I'm sure Bill would love to meet her." Molly explained.
"I've met her." Bill said.
"When?" Molly asked.
"First day of term." Fred answered, then looked around and saw Ellie walk in.
He waved over at her and she waved back and then she was quickly taken by Chase and pulled over to Cedric.
"Hey Fred Ellie's right there!" Ron pointed out.
Molly looked over and gave a look.
"Why is she with Cedric Diggory and his parents? Isn't she friends with Harry?" Molly asked.
"Well we aren't really friends, Mrs.Weasley were friendly." Harry said.
"Frederick, how could you let that girl support Harry's rival?" Molly snapped.
"Cedric isn't my rival." Harry spoke and was ignored by Molly which led to George patting him on the back.
"Mum Cedric is one of her closest friends, he's like a brother to her and like Harry said they aren't really friends." Fred explained.
"Well I think she's being disrespectful if she's friendly with Harry she would've rooted for him." Molly shot.
"Mum please calm down, she's allowed to cheer for someone who's like family to her." Bill said.
Fred just sighed.
"I'm leaving." Fred shot, then started to walk over towards Cedric and Ellie who were talking.
"Wow I'm shocked Fred Weasley walked up to me voluntarily." Cedric grinned.
"Don't be amazed Cedric, I came to see my girlfriend." Fred shot.
Cedric rolled his eyes and Fred looked at Ellie.
"Hi." He smiled.
"Hey." She replied, then Fred leaned and pecked her lips. She looked at him for a second. "What's wrong?" Ellie asked.
"Nothing much my mum's just annoying me that's all." Fred explained.
"She seems like fun." Cedric smirked.
Ellie glared at him and Cedric looked away.
"I think my mum's calling me." Cedric said, then quickly left.
"So what did your mum do to annoy you?" Ellie asked, as she fixed a hair that was in his face.
"She's mad that you're supporting Cedric and not Harry." Fred spoke.
"Oh well did you tell her that Cedric's like my family?" Ellie asked.
"I did but she's just annoying." Fred explained.
Ellie just gave him a small smile.
"I'm sorry." Ellie said suddenly.
"For what?" Fred asked.
"Your mum hates me, it's a bit obvious. In fact I think she's glaring at me right now." Ellie spoke.
Fred looked back and then turned back to Ellie.
"Ignore her." Fred whispered, then kissed her forehead.
6 hours before the third task.
"IT'S weird. I feel like she hates me." Ellie spoke.
"I think she's just being overprotective." George told her.
"I don't know. I mean your mum has been talking to Freddie for twenty minutes now." Ellie exclaimed.
"Yeah I think Ellie's right." Daphne said.
"Daph!" Cedric shot.
"Calm down lover boy. Your girlfriend's walking over." George said with a grin.
Cho walked over to them and smiled.
"Hi Cedric." Cho said with an even bigger grin than George had.
"Hey Cho." Cedric replied, then the two walked away.
"What do you think they do?" Daphne asked.
"Probably something gross." George said.
"Guys!" Ellie shot.
"Hey! We can't help it, we're both so nosy." George explained.
"I don't care if you two are both nosy; those are private things that's between the two of them." Ellie spoke.
"Whatever." George muttered.
"So what do you and Fred do when you're alone?" Daphne asked.
Ellie just gave her a glare and scoffed.
"Hey, do you have telekinetic powers? Maybe we can use them!" George said.
"No unfortunately." Daphne shot.
Ellie rolled her eyes and then turned back to where Fred was. She saw him start to walk out the great hall.
"I have to go, I'll see you later." Ellie said.
"Wait. George now!" Daphne shot.
"I got nothing." George muttered.
Ellie just scoffed and started to head to where Fred ran off too.
She looked over and saw Fred brush his hands in his hair.
"Fred, are you okay?" Ellie asked.
Fred looked over at her and softened for a moment. He really did love her.
"I'm better now." he exclaimed, then held her hand.
"Are you sure?" Ellie asked.
"Positive." Fred advised, then gave her a smile.
3 hours before the third task

"ROSIE, won't stop looking at you." Ellie told Chase.
"Let her look." Chase spoke.
"Chase, are you okay?" Ellie asked.
"Just nervous for Cedric." Chase advised.
"He'll be okay." Ellie assured him.
"I hope so." Chase said then Cedric walked up to them and smiled.
"You guys okay?" Cedric asked.
"Yeah." Ellie said and Chase nodded.
Cedric looked over at Chase for a moment.
"Chase." Cedric spoke.
"I'm fine really." Chase advised.
Cedric just. gave him a smile. And then walked up to Chase and hugged him. Chase quickly hugged back.
"You know I love you right Chase?" Cedric asked.
"Yeah." Chase muttered and Ellie heard a small sob. Cedric just rubbed circles on his back for comfort.
Ellie just sighed and looked over at Cedric who looked like he could shed a tear only because Chase was sad. Not because he could die.
"Come one Ellie get in here!" Cedric said, and Ellie just smiled and joined the hug in which Cedric hugged tightly.
"I can't breath." Chase muttered.
"Just leave it." Ellie whispered.
The third task.

Cedric looked over at the maze and then back over to Ellie.
"I can do this." Cedric assured, more to himself.
"Of course you can! You're Cedric Diggory." Chase exclaimed.
"Chase is right. You're going to do great Ced." Cho told him.
"Thanks Cho." Cedric smiled and then he pecked her lips and Daphne rolled her eyes.
"Okay lovebirds calm down." Daphne said.
"You know Daphne I love you." Cedric said softly.
"What?" Daphne queried.
"I love you. You're like a really odd sister." Cedric admitted.
"Okay." Daphne spoke. Then she looked up at him. "I love you too I suppose."
It was hard to hear but Cedric smiled.
"I've grown on you!" Cedric exclaimed.
"A bit." Daphne muttered.
Ellie just smiled at him.
"I love you Ellie." Cedric spoke.
"I love you Cedric." Ellie said.
Cedric then hugged her tightly.
"Cedric I can't breathe." Ellie told him.
"Oh sorry." Cedric muttered, then Cedric turned to Chase.
Chase had tears in his eyes and everyone knew he was trying his best not to spill them.
Cedric didn't even have to say a word. He just hugged Chase. And the two hugged for a while.
"How long is this going to last?" Daphne asked in a whisper.
"Shut up." Ellie whispered.
Then the hug ended and Cedric smiled.
"I love you all so much." Cedric exclaimed, wiping a tear.
"Ced!" Amos Diggory called out.
Cedric smiled.
"Dad!" Cedric shot, and started to run towards his parents.
"Well I think it's best if we go find our seats." Ellie spoke.
"Yeah." Chase muttered.
"I'm going to go sit with Rosie. I'll see you guys later." Cho exclaimed.
As the three headed to the stands Ellie saw Fred and George waving over. Ellie smiled and then sat down next to Fred.
"Hey." Fred greeted her.
"Hey." Ellie replied, as she started biting her lip.
"Don't stress, it's going to be fine. Cedric's going to be fine. I promise" Fred assured.
"Don't make promises you can't keep Freddie." Ellie exclaimed.
Fred just looked at her and gave her hand a squeeze.
They both didn't know what was to come, and Ellie had a bad feeling about this.
ELLIE froze as she saw Harry Potter come back. She didn't know what was happening; it was all going so fast. Everything had been going so fast. The day has been going so fast. Her head was spinning. She couldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it.
Cedric Diggory was dead.
Her family was dead.
She didn't realize she was in Fred's arms until she looked up. Fred just looked down at her and knew she wanted him to let go of her so he did. Ellie quickly looked over and at her first instinct Chase. The boy was a mess.
He was being held back by George and Brandon and Ellie could hear the sobs coming out of the boy. And it killed her to hear them. She was numb.
Everything was numb.
She was still in shock.
Cedric. The boy who had been excited to have passed his apparation exam a few weeks ago was dead. Cho Chang's boyfriend was dead. Chase's brother was dead. The popular golden boy was dead.
And she didn't want to believe it.
The worst thing was Amos Diggory's sobs.
Then Ellie looked over and saw Harry Potter being dragged by Mad Eye Moody. Ellie went to say something but nothing came out.
She looked over at all the other faces.
Cho was a mess. Lee Jordan was in shock. Anthony Goldstein was running his fingers through his hair. Daphne looked like she was holding back tears.
Everything was falling apart.
Still Ellie went back into Fred's arms. Because that was where she felt safe most at the moment. With Fred.
Yet, she still couldn't get over the fact Cedric was gone.
And she most likely never will.
Last day of term

ELLIE looked over the common room to see a lot of the Ravenclaws ready to leave. She sat next to her siblings and then Anthony sat next to her.
"Hey." Anthony greeted her.
"I don't want your pity." Ellie spoke and Anthony just gave her a lopsided smile.
"I just hope you're going to be okay. I mean you're my friend." Anthony exclaimed.
Ellie just gave him a smile.
"Thanks Anthony." Ellie spoke softly.
Brandon just looked over at Ellie and sighed and patted her back.
Then Rosie quickly came in and her face was red.
"You!" Rosie shot as she pointed at Ellie.
"Woah what's going on. Rosie calm down." Brandon spoke.
"No, I can't calm down!" Rosie shouted.
"Rosie what is this about?" Ellie asked, clearly just wanting everyone to calm down.
"No I'm not! Why didn't you tell me you're dating Fred?" Rosie yelled.
Brandon looked over at Ellie in shock, but he understood in a way.
"Hey Rosie you're kind of scaring me right now but I think you should just not take out all your anger on your sister." Anthony spoke.
"Shut up Anthony!" Rosie shot.
"Hey! You don't get to tell my friend to shut up!" Ellie shot.
"Oh now you're talking!" Rosie scoffed.
Then there was silence for a moment.
"Who told you?" Ellie asked.
"Theodore Nott." Rosie shot.
Ellie just sighed.
"I'm sorry." Ellie said.
"How long?" Rosie asked, ignoring Ellie's apology.
"Since the second task." Ellie mumbled.
"Since the second task! Ellie what is wrong with you! Me and Brandon deserve to know these things!" Rosie argued.
Ellie knew she had a point but she just didn't say anything.
"Rosie calm down." Brandon said.
"You're taking her side! You two always take each other's side! It's not shocking at this point, it's like I'm not even your sister anymore!" Rosie shot, and Ellie fought back a sob.
"Rosie look-." Brandon started to plead but Rosie had already started to run off.
Then a sob escaped Ellie's lips. She hated crying, especially in a crowded common room. The first thing she knew was that Anthony was comforting her in the best way he could. But he couldn't. He wasn't Fred. He was still trying, which Ellie appreciated.
Brandon looked over at Ellie again.
"It's okay." Brandon assured, "I'm going to go talk to her."
Then Ellie saw Brandon leave.
"Hey, what your sister was saying was rubbish." Anthony advised.
Ellie then let go of his grasp.
"No, she was right. I was wrong for not telling her and Brandon. They deserved to know. It's just the topic never came up." Ellie explained.
"Yeah but there's nothing wrong with you though." Anthony said.
"Anthony, thanks for being a good friend." Ellie thanked him.
"You're welcome." He replied.
FRED quickly went towards each compartment to try and find Ellie. Anthony Goldstein had told him the entire thing. And as soon as he told him Fred went looking for her. Then he opened a door and saw Daphne sitting with Chase.
"Where's Elle?" Fred asked in a rush.
"She went to go look for you." Chase said, and Fred looked at the boy.
He was no longer the same happy Chase. He looked awful. And his face was red from what Fred assumed were tears. Chase looked done. With everything and if Fred noticed then anyone could.
"Okay thanks." Fred said, then as he walked halfway towards his compartment he saw Ellie.
He quickly tapped her and she turned around and she gave him a smile. Which he knew was fake.
Fred didn't say a word and quickly hugged her.
"I'll write to you as much as I can." Fred assured.
"Good." Fred heard Ellie mutter.
FRED had finally left Ellie's compartment and Ellie turned to look at Chase and Daphne.
Chase looked up at her and didn't say a word. There wasn't much to talk about. Daphne looked at Chase for a moment.
Ellie knew Daphne cared about Chase. Maybe she cared about him even more than she cared about her sister. If only Daphne had realized.
And now the two would never realize. At least that's what Ellie thought.
Chase was done. But Ellie knew he still needed her and Daphne. Yet, she knew Chase probably wouldn't be himself for a long time. But Ellie couldn't argue.
Because she felt the exact same way.

a/n: hey guys i'm so sorry i haven't updated in so long. i wanted too believe me but i just needed to focus on my mental health first and i hope you all understand. and i missed writing about fred and ellie. and idk when my next update will be but it will be soon. i just wanted to finish fourth year before my summer ended. my mental health has gotten so much better and thank you all for being patient . <3

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