The Boy: Play With Me

By BrightBloodMoon101

16.6K 403 23

After hearing the story of the boy from a friend, Razi wants to go back to her home country, her home town. S... More

Chapter 1 Home Sweet Home
Chapter 2 Back in Time
Chapter 3 Strange Things
Chapter 4 Follow the Rules
Chapter 5 Music
Chapter 6 Everything is Wrong?
Chapter 7 Everything goes down
Chapter 8 Brahms
Chapter 9 After all these years
Chapter 10 Silence
Chapter 11 Feelings
Chapter 12 Holiday
Chapter 13 Parents
Chapter 14 The Boy
Chapter 15 Siblings
Chapter 16 Death
Chapter 17 Recovery
Chapter 18 New Soul Changes All
Chapter 19 Bloody Love
Chapter 20 1 Wife 1 Husband
Chapter 21 What Makes us Weak Makes us Stronger
Chapter 22 Young One
Chapter 23 New Form of Happiness
Chapter 24 My Son
Chapter 25 The Future Beholds
Explaining by the author
Revised story
Chapter 2 (revised)
Chapter 3 (revised)
Chapter 4 (revised)
Chapter 5 (revised)
Chapter 6 (revised)
Chapter 7 (revised)

Chapter 1 (revised)

129 1 0
By BrightBloodMoon101

         The rain fell from the sky. The sky was grey and filled with clouds. The rain hit the roof of the car loudly. The woods surrounded the road. The way things were outside made it spooky to drive this way. Woods surrounding the road, raining, and it's grey. Horror material. The soothing sound of classical and opera music played on the radio. Good to clear the mind. Good to forget everything.

          It was a was a long drive from London. But with the great view of the English country side made it worth it. Soon a gate emerged out from the woods. The car pulled to a halt. The driver took a moment and analyzed the gate. Soon the car moved again and turned towards the gate. The driver got out and walked over to the gate.

       They looked at the gate carefully, analyzing it some more. They put their hand on the gate to feel the texture. Bumpy then smooth. After quickly examining the gate, the driver opened the gate so they could get through. The gate was slightly heavy. It squeaked open. The driver went back to the car and got in. They drove through the gate entrance. The driver had to get out and close the gate again. The creaking sound of the gate made it even more eerie. The road was kind of long. You couldn't really see the house yet from the gate.

          The car approached the house. It looked like a castle. It might as well be one. The car slowed down and then parked in front of the house. It looked like no one has been there for awhile. The gardens in the front were unkept. Vines were starting to grow on the side of the house. A window was broken. That would need to get fixed.

The driver looked in awe for a moment. But that moment of beauty and wonder was short lived. A frown grew upon their face. The driver went to the trunk of their car. A crow cawed loudly as it flew just overhead. The driver looked up. After a moment the driver shut the trunk and locked the car. 

The front door creaked open. Letting the empty house know it's new owner was home. The driver set their things down by the front door. The driver looked around for a moment. Taking it all in. Shortly after the driver turned around and looked outside. The driver grabbed the door and let out a sigh as they closed the door and locking it.

The light coming in through the windows showed the specs of dust floating around in the air. The driver walked over to a small table against the wall and ran their finger on it. They looked at their finger, it was covered in dust.

"Good thing housekeeper Razi is here to look after ya." The driver whispered.

Razi was a beautiful young woman. Her light chocolate coloured hair was nice and neat in a ponytail. Her emerald green eyes shined brightly but were full of sadness and pain. A nice grey long sleeve shirt rested underneath her black vest.

"I should get to work right away then." She faintly smiled.

Razi went into a room which appeared to be the study. There was an old record player in the room and she noticed it. She walked over and examined it, hoping it would still work. After a moment she grabbed a vinyl record and placed it onto the player. After setting everything up, opera music began playing. Very loudly too. After getting startled from how loud the music was, Razi went back out to go look for cleaning supplies.

The cleaning of the first floor took all day. Razi cleaned each room not only once, but twice. She wanted it to be perfectly clean. It was about midnight once she had finished. The last place she was working on was the kitchen. She threw out old rotten food that had been left there. Classical music blared from the other room as she looked in the fridge.

"Shopping." She sighed.

She closed the fridge door and stood up yawing. Razi headed back towards the foyer. She grabbed her things and headed into the study. The upstairs was not cleaned therefore she couldn't sleep up there just yet. Razi turned off the music. She stood there watching the record spin and slowly come to a complete stop. It was like she was in a trance. Soon she blinked and got out of her thoughts. 

Razi proceeded to go to the pool room. There was a couch in there that she could rest on. Razi sat down on the couch, her head tilted down looking at the floor.

"Get it together Razi. You just got here..." Razi said to herself.

Soon morning came and the birds chirped. Razi went to the local store to get groceries and anything she might need. The shop used to belong to a friend of Razi's. She placed carrots into the basket she was carrying. She then walked slightly over to the lettuce. She grabbed a head of lettuce and looked at it, making sure it was ok to take home and eat. Rotten leaf.

"Finding everything ok?" A guy asked.

"Just looking for fresh produce." Razi answered.

"Everything here is fresh from a farm just outside of town." The guy said.

"Got a rotting head of lettuce." Razi said holding up the lettuce.

She gave the head of lettuce to the guy and began walking away to look for something else. The guy looked at the lettuce then back at Razi who was still walking away. He jogged back up to her.

"Sorry. You're new here and I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. Not the friendly grocery man I though I was." He said.

"I'm new? How could you tell?" She asked sarcastically. 

"I've never seen you here before. Which means you're new around here." He smiled.

Razi looked down at the guys hands, he was still holding the lettuce. She let out a slight sigh.

"I'm not exactly new around here. I grew up here until I was seven." Razi said.

Razi began to walk again. The guy followed her, interested and curious as to what she meant.

"So what made you return here? Not really an interesting town now is it?" The guy asked.

"I was offered a housekeeping job and I took it." Razi replied.

"You're housekeeping at the Heelshire estate?! People say that place is evil." The guy said.

Razi stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at the guy, "Look I don't get why you are bugging me about all of this. I just got there yesterday. Don't tell me that the place is evil. It's just stories people like to make up to scare you. Now if you excuse me I'd like to return to my shopping so I can get back to cleaning that house."

There was a moment of silence that fell the two. Razi was annoyed while on the other hand the guy seemed timid but curious.

"My apologies miss. Sorry to bother you. I'll see you at check out, after I throw away this head of lettuce of course." He chuckles slightly.

The guy walked away. Razi let out another sigh. She put her hand on her forehead. Shortly after she continued shopping.

After awhile Razi approached the check out. The guy was doing the usual cashier work. One person was in front of her. Soon the person grabbed the bag of stuff they had bought and walked away. The guy and the customer waved bye to each other.

"Ah hello again." He smiled as he saw Razi.

Razi set her basket full of groceries on the counter, "Sorry for coming off rude back there. Being back isn't easy for me."

"Oh no worries. I understand." He said as he began scanning the items.

"Thank you." Razi said.

"Since you're staying all the way at the Heelshire estate, I could drop off the groceries from now on." he offered.

"That would be nice." She chuckled.

"I'll let you think about the offer. Sometimes people would rather do it themselves." He smiled.

"I'll think about it." Razi said.

"The total will come to 21.54."  He said.

Razi reached into her pocket and took out her wallet. She grabbed a twenty pound and a five pound. The guy took it and began getting her change out. He counted the change as he grabbed it. He then gave Razi her change back.

"Here's a little something from America." Razi took out an American quarter and put it on the counter.

"Thanks. It's kind of useless here." He smiles.

"It's a novelty." Razi grabs her bags of groceries, "So what's your name?"

"The name's Sean. I'd like to know yours in return." Sean said.

"It's Razi." She answered.

"Beautiful name. Well I'll see you around then aye?" He said.

"Yes you will." Razi gave a soft smile.

After getting home Razi put the groceries away. Once that was over and done with, Razi began to continue her cleaning work. The second floor was the new target to be cleaned. Razi had put on more classical music using the record player. She headed up the stairs after having to go back down because she had forgotten something. She noticed something out of the corner of her eye. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned her body. She faced a large painting hanging on the wall in front of her. It was a family portrait. A father, a mother and a son. Razi slowly approached the painting. Reaching her hand out slightly as she did. She gently placed her hand on the boy's cheek. With her other hand she gently touched her cheek. Razi gasps. She then takes a step back. Razi quickly ran back up the stairs.

The second floor didn't take much time to clean. Not much was on that floor anyways. After finishing the second floor, Razi went downstairs to make herself a dinner. She made herself tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. Razi sat down at the tiny table that was in the kitchen. She took out her phone to check it. There was no signal.

"Of course.." Razi sighed setting her phone down.

Razi ate her food and cleaned up after herself. After that was finished Razi went to start the third floor. She looked around as she headed up the stairs. She got a sense of unease. Razi had reached the top of the stairs. The third floor looked sadder than the rest. This floor actually felt alone, abandoned. Razi walked the hall, checking out what cleaning needs to be done. She noticed a door that was open. It was strange. Every door in the hall was closed but not this one.

As the open door grew closer, a sense of dread fell upon her. Once she could see into the room Razi stopped. Her eyes widened with fear. Her heart raced. Sitting on the bed was a porcelain doll. It's hair was black and it's skin was pale. It wore a very nice suit. But that's not what it looked like to Razi. After seeing the doll it looked like it's appearance changed into this small little boy who looked like the doll. The boy had an expressionless face. Razi backed up slowly. Tears began to form in her eyes. Razi quickly ran away and down the stairs. The tears ran down her cheek slowly.

Razi stopped as she got to the front door. She took a moment to think before taking a deep breath. Razi wiped the tears off her face. She rested her head gently on the front door.

"You just got here, Razi.. This is ridiculous..." She whispered to herself.

((The long wait is over! Here's Chapter 1 revised. I hope you enjoyed it. I tend to get writers block a lot with each story I make. Hopefully it doesn't start right back up again for this one. I think my favorite thing I changed in chapter 1 has to be the fact that Razi is annoyed with Sean at the beginning and not already friendly to him lmao. There's more to come. I'm rewriting the entire story. Why? Cause I honestly wasn't satisfied with how it originally went. Some things in future chapters might get scrapped entirely that were in the original chapters. Well I hope you all enjoy the new revised chapters once they come out!))

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