Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro...

By millb321

154K 4.6K 463

"I can do it!" four-year-old Raven shouted to her father as she cautiously took a step toward the ocean for t... More

New Book!!!


2.4K 81 30
By millb321


WARNING: Cringy pick-up lines ahead.

Brace yourselves

You have been warned.

Raven's pov:

Raven and Pietro had been baking cookies.

It was a little awkward at first however so Raven offered him a drink.

[Yes, alcohol even though they're both underage.

Snitches end up in ditches.

Y'all better not snitch.

Anyways back to the story.]

One drink had become two, then three, then four. Before either of them knew it there was music playing in the kitchen and they were both throwing their "best" pickup lines at each other.

"I must be in a museum because you truly are a work of art." Pietro threw an egg to her from the other side of the kitchen. She super-sped forward in order to catch it.

"Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes." Raven shouted as she cracked the egg into the cookie mixture.

"Something's wrong with my eyes because I can't take them off you." Raven looked up from her mixing to see him already staring at her. He zoomed forward, grabbed her hand, and spun her around. Raven was laughing as she gave him her next pick-up line.

"You must be tired because you've been running through my mind all night."

"It's what I do printsessa" He winked at her before speeding away to get the sugar.

"Can I follow you where you're going right now? Because my parents always told me to follow my dreams."

"Both our parents are dead Pietro" Raven reminded him and he just shrugged at her, placing himself on the counter right next to where she was mixing. There was a small awkward silence which drunk Raven was determined to break.

"I wish I were cross-eyed so I can see you twice." Pietro burst out laughing which made Raven start laughing, flour was covering both of their faces because Raven had started laughing right as she was going to pour it in the bowl"

"Did your license get suspended for driving all these guys crazy?".

"Last time Raven drove she crashed, and it was my car" both of their heads spun to the door. Standing at the doorway where all the Avengers, and all the mutant children. Austin had been the one to talk and he looked at both of them with his arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

Pietro dropped the measuring cup he was holding.

Raven nudged him in the stomach.

He frowned and nudged her back.

Obviously Raven wasn't okay with that so she nudged him back harder.

He nudged her back, of course.

"Are you drunk?" Asked Amber, although she didn't sound disappointed, more impressed.

Raven was shaking her head violently but when she looked over she saw Pietro... Nodding???

This dude-

Something suddenly clicked in Raven's brain.

"If you're all here.. Then who's with Hadeon?"

"That's where we are going, we want to negotiate a deal. Clean yourselves up and meet us at the interrogation room." Adrien turned and walked out of the kitchen, the others following behind him, leaving Raven and Pietro standing in the kitchen. Raven didn't miss the grin on Amber's face as she left.

"You're just gonna let her drink? Even though she's underage?" Asked Bruce.

"Raven's a big girl, she can take care of herself. Plus, it's not like none of us did our fair share of underage drinking" Adrien responded calmly and they all gave words of agreement.

All except Steve, who just looked confused.


A slice of pizza and a couple cups of water later, Raven and Pietro were both standing with the rest of the Avengers outside the interrogation room.

"You sure about this?" Asked Raven.

"We haven't gotten anything useful out of him, this might be the only way" responded Steve.

"Are you sure this is even the guy you want? I mean sure, he's weird but his face doesn't really scream evil to me" She admitted.

Pietro glanced away, personally, he had gotten very bad vibes from Hade.

Wanda gave him a quizzical look.

"SHIELD found evidence that Richard somehow knew about the attacks on us, Hadeon admitted to wiping Richard's memory. I'm hoping there's a way we can end this and go home without putting the entire State of New York at risk." Said Steve.

"So what are you offering him?" Raven asked

"Freedom, blood? I was kinda hoping you would tell us that" Tony said.


"You're a vampire" explained Tony and Raven raised an eyebrow at him.

"yes, I realized that"

"Well... what would a vampire want?"

Raven thought about it. There isn't much she would want if she was in his situation, maybe blood sure, but would she really give up all that valuable information?

"I guess we could just ask him what he wants?" She suggested.

"Off you go Ray" Amber pushed him slightly in the direction of the door. Raven turned back to send her a small glare before opening the door.

There were a few reasons why she was nervous. First, she was worried that Hadeon was going to start talking about her nightmares again... In front of the Avengers, that would be so awkward. Second, she was still mildly drunk, so there was a very big change she was going to somehow screw this up. And third, when she walked into the room, Hadeon was already smiling at her... oh great.

"It's sweet that you don't think I'm evil," He said.

"Are you?" she gave him the most serious look she had but he just kept grinning.

"That depends on your definition"

"Tell me what you erased from Richard's head" She demanded, well tried to, but she was feeling a bit lightheaded.

"And why would I do that?"

"Why are you even here?" She asked, suddenly remembering something. He raised an eyebrow and she continued "The first time we met, you came up to me, even though you knew I was looking for you."

"I didn't come up to you, you just happened to be there. Why were you and Mr. Wilson even there in the first place?"

Raven ignored him. "Somebody set you up to this didn't they?"

If Raven had expected to catch him off guard with this question, she was mistaken. He just grinned wider.

"Is it such a crime to approach another vampire?"

"The Avengers are being attacked. What will it take for you to tell us what they need to do to stop it?"

Hadeon seemed to be thinking hard, something that made Raven even more nervous, but she was careful not to show it.

"You can start by getting me out of these chains, then there might be something I can do." Hade was looking at her expectantly, which made Raven hesitate before she stepped forward and undid the chains with the key that was on a small chain around her neck.

Hadeon stood up and stretched, flexing the muscles in his arms which made Raven look away, she wasn't even sure why. Steve then walked into the room, Raven kept in mind that Steve could easily be compelled so she should probably stay in the interrogation room just in case.

"We want to make a deal," Steve said in his "authority-like" voice. Hadeon tilted his head to the side but didn't say anything so Steve continued "You tell us everything we need to know, we let you out, you'll be free from both the people who set you up to this and the Avengers"

Raven thought she saw Hadeon frown but she might have been imagining it because she blinked and his smile was still spread across his lips.

"I could... I suppose" Hadeon muttered.

Suddenly the part of Raven that was not sober took over, and she giggled.

"Your allegiance to your people is inspiring," she said sarcastically

"I do what I have to to stay alive"

"Technically we're both already dead so... whatever you have to say to make yourself feel better" Hade raised an eyebrow.

"You are not very nice to me" He stated.

Raven shrugged

"You know, you remind me of somebody," He said, taking in Raven's face shape along with the exact color of her eyes. 

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