Severus's Love, Harry's Prote...

By ChristinaPosey3

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This is a story of one girl, Amy Links, and how her life, along with the life of Harry Potter and Severus Sna... More

Amy's Decision
Becoming Attached
New Friends
A Surprise for Amy
Changing Times
Saving Harry
Starting Life in 1990
Christmas 1990
Finishing The School Term
The Marauders and the Future
Severus and Moony
Christmas 1973
Times Get Harder
Summer Vacation
Malfoy and Wormtail
Hermione Granger and Narcissa Malfoy
The Stone
Prank of the Year
Joining the War
Tragedy Stirkes
Working Things Out
Back To Hogwarts
Going Out With a Bang Part 2
Amy Breaks
Getting It Out
The Marauders are Back
Another Year Gone
A New Plan
Saying Goodbye
Time With Moony
Cedric and the First Task
The Yull Ball Part 1
The Yull Ball Part 2
Severus and Amy
Moldy Voldy
Molly and Amy
The Marauders Tale
The Marauders Tale part 2
The Pink Toad
Amys Revenge
Getting Married
Christmas & Voldys First Move
The Ministry
The Full Moon
The Resurrection Stone
Bringing in Allies
Voldys Wrath
Playing with Werewolves
Amys Betrayal
It Begins Again
Broken part 2
Life Goes On
Wednesday Tea
That Meddling Old Fool
A Dangerous but Brilliant Idea
Introducing the Marauders
Untold Tales
More Untold Tales
Severus's Decision
Moving On
Finally at Peace

Growing Up

683 19 5
By ChristinaPosey3

Later that night, while James, Sirius, Remus and Peter were taking the potion to the kitchens to give to the house elfs, Severus and I were once again before the Dark Lord. He was walking around, eyeing all of us. This creeped me out. I'm not sure if it's because I'm a spy or because I don't like people looking at me. He finally stopped in front of me, I was expected to bow and say 'my lord'. Of course, I wouldn't do this unless I wanted to, and I wasn't in the mood for bowing to him tonight.

"You got something to say?" I asked, after a while of silence.

"Amy, you will learn to bow down every time I approach you." Voldemort said, using the Cruciatus curse.

"You will learn, that doesn't work with me. Must we go through this every meeting? Why don't you just get to the point?" I said, getting annoyed. I was not in the mood for his games.

"Tell me Amy, if Malfoy and my other faithful followers would have left that building, would the Potters still be alive?" Voldemort asked.


"Do you miss them Amy?" Voldemort asked.

"Miss who?" I asked, realizing it was hard to keep my sarcasm up.

"That's my girl. Tell me Amy, what would you have done if they would have left?" Voldemort asked.

"I would have watched the Potters burn. Fire is tricky though, I wasn't sure if I could control it enough to keep your little snake servants alive. I planned to trap Mrs. Potter in a ring of fire and tell her just how painfully I plan to make James's death, I then planned to use the same fire on Mr. Potter and watch them struggle to put it out, watch them scream and yell my betrayal." I said, placing a twisted smile on my face.

Voldemort seemed to like this answer, he placed his hand on my shoulder, "You have made me proud. Know it is time to reward you, you will stay after the meeting tonight so we may talk."

"Severus stays as well." I said.

"Is that so?" Voldemort asked, his eyes flashing with anger. I smiled at him.

"I told you old Voldy, Severus and I are here together, you have two for one, use it wisely." I stated.

"Very well." Voldemort said, after a moment.

I knew, if Voldemort did not fear me, he would not have allowed this. I also knew he only feared me because I knew his secret. Severus and I always held hands at all meetings, so that's what we were doing, standing there, holding hands, watching Snake face walk around and order and/or torture his subjects. Sooner then I liked, everyone was gone except a select few. I noticed Malfoy senior, Bellatrix and a guy I did not know.

"Amy, Greyback tells me something interesting about you." Voldemort said, tapping his fingers on the chair he was sitting in.

"Is that so? Because Greyback knows me so well." I stated.

"Now is not the time for your jokes Amy. Why did you not tell me you are a werewolf?" Voldemort asked.

"Honestly? If I was a werewolf, would your mark have worked on me? We all know you can't mark a wolf like that. They heal to fast, or how about that fun night we had when I got marked, don't you think them cuts would have a different effect had I been a werewolf?" I asked, for once thankful that I didn't get the quick healing of a wolf.

"Then why do I smell wolf on you?" A very ugly man, the one in the room I did not know, asked.

"Probably because one of my best friends is a werewolf. Her scent is permanently apart of mine because we've been together for so long. Kind of how if you're smelling me, I'm sure you smell Severus on me." I said.

At this, the wolf looked scared.  Voldemort turned to him and used the Cruciatus curse. I laughed at his screams. "Amy, must you cause more trouble." Severus whispered to me.

"Sorry Severus, it's not often you hear a werewolf scream like that. In fact, normally only when they are transforming." I said.

"I never want to be that close to a werewolf again." Severus said, with a shiver.

Finally, Voldemort stopped with the torture and turned to Severus and I again. "What are your summer plans?"

"James is pretty angry with me at the moment. I plan to spend the summer getting back in his good graces. As soon as school let's out I'm going to buy him a new house for him and Sirius to live in, furnished and all. Severus and I will probably stay with him. He's going to want to keep a close eye on me right now." I said.

"Why must Severus be there?" Voldemort asked.

"James thinks the reason I joined you is to try and save Severus. He will think it's working if Severus is with me." I said.

"I expect potions daily. You may mail them to me. If you do not show up for meetings, I better see you as soon as you can get away." Voldemort said and we both bowed and Severus said, "Yes my lord." I said, "Sure."

"One more thing Amy, I need everyone else to leave, including you Severus." Voldemort said. Severus looked scared but I squeezed his hand, letting him know I would be fine. The others left and Voldemort turned back to me. "You know my secret. I have one placed in my mother's old home. It is a ring that once belonged to my grandfather, Marvolo Gaunt."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked, suspicious.

"To show that I trust you. Another one that I have made is a necklace of grandmother from my father's side, I keep it around my neck at all times." He said, showing me the necklace. It was a beautiful, diamond necklace. (Side note. We do not know what the Horcuxe that Voldemort used when he killed the Potters was, therefore this is one of my own creation and the one that will keep him alive, therefore, it'll be destroyed the moment he hits baby Harry with the killing curse.)

"I have more objects I plan to use and hide throughout the Wizarding world. I will tell you one more object, that I have already turned into a Horcuxe and planned to hide soon. It is the locket of Slytherin." Voldemort said, pulling out a beautiful golden locket with a S on it.

"That could not have been easy to come by." I said.

"It was not. Though it is rightfully mine, I am the last hair to Slytherin." Voldemort said.

"Why are you telling me all of this?" I asked.

"I want to see how faithful you are, and how smart you are. While you are away this summer, I want you to figure out how many I have, and what they are." Voldemort said.

"If I dont?" I asked.

"The torture from the day you joined will seem like child's play." Voldemort said.

"How is this testing my loyalty?" I asked.

"You are the only one I have ever told this information. You better hope I do not hear about it from others." Voldemort said.

"As you wish. Seeing as you told me yours, I tell you mine. The necklaces Severus and I wear are mine. They are the only ones I have." I said.

"One more thing. I need someone to hold Slytherins locket for me until a time when I can hide it. This will be your task." Voldemort said, looking over my necklace.

"As you wish." I said and he placed to locket on me. I did a spell to make the locket invisible like my time turner, which Chris had returned to me.

"What did you do to it!" Voldemort cried!

"Made it so it is unseen. Watch." I said, and held the locket in my hand where it became viable again.

"Interesting magic." Voldemort said, testing it for himself.

"If you know it is there, you can take it in your hands. This way, Dumbledore does not notice I have such a rare and valuable object with me." I said.

"I am pleased with your work so far. You are dismissed." Voldemort said and I walked out.

I walked to Severus and took his hand, leading him out. I wanted to dance a happy dance but I did not. Before we could leave, Voldemort stopped us. "One more thing Amy."

Severus and I turned to him. "Yes?"

"I need this potion made." Voldemort said, handing me a scroll with a very complicated potion on it.

"Is that so? Severus is much better at potions then I am. Why not him?" I asked.

"This potion will go towards what we discussed." Voldemort said.

So this potion would protect one of the Horcuxes. Good, then I could try to make a reversal. "As you wish."

"Severus will be helping you with it. I believe it will take both of you to fix and make this potion. After all, Bella tells me that is how you two met, making a potion." Voldemort said, smiling.

"She would be right. I had to fix Chris." I said, smiling as well. Voldemort thought he had me, getting information about me from Bellatrix.

"So I have heard. Tell me Amy, will you really be able to fight against those you have fought with for so long?" Voldemort asked.

"Of course.  They may be my weakness, but I can overcome such obstacles when the time is needed." I said.

"I do not think you can." Voldemort said and I did not like where this was going.

"You know old Voldy. There use to be four of us. Chris, Jessie, Eric and myself. Maybe you should ask the others what happened to my Eric."  I said.

"Your Eric?" Severus asked.

"Yes, he was my lover a long time ago." I said and pulled Severus out the door.

We made our way to Houses United in silence. Chris, Jessie, Sherry, and James were there waiting on me. Severus cornered me. "Did you ever plan to tell me about him?"

"No." I said.

"Why not?" Severus looked hurt.

"It's not something I can talk about. Ask Chris and Jessie. Though you should know one tiny detail to Voldemort was a lie." I said.

"Which part?" Severus asked.

"He was not my lover, he was Jessies." I said.

"Eric?" Jessie asked.

"Yeah. Voldemort thinks of you two as my weaknesses. I agreed with him and told him weaknesses could be overcome. He asked how and I told him to ask you two about Eric, and said he was my lover before Severus." I said.

"Amy, that wasn't your fault." Jessie said.

"I was the one that gave the orders that lead to his death. He was fighting with me when he died. It's my fault." I said.

"What happened?" James asked.

"We were fighting in a muggle war. America wasn't the only side to send Wizards in to the war. Jessie, Eric, Amy and I were sent to destroy everyone. That's how our job goes. We are the best fighters in America. Jessie and Eric had recently become engaged and we were all out celebrating when we were called in." Chris said.

"When Amy ordered us to split up, I told her to take Eric with her, because I feared our feelings would get in the way of our fighting." Jessie said, a tear rolling down her face.

"The problem with that, is my feelings got in the way. I loved Eric like a brother. I was so happy for him and Jessie. Shit Jessie has been through hell, she deserves happiness. You remember me telling you that Jessie is more then just a friend, she's my other half?" I asked and Severus nodded. "Her and Eric were getting out. This would be their last fight. They planned to settle down, have kids. I wanted nothing more then for this to happen."

"Instead of focusing on the task at hand, Amy only focused on Eric. She wouldn't let him out of her site. She kept my Eric safe. Until the end." Jessie said.

"Amy ordered us all to exit the building we were in. We did as we were ordered. Jessie and I were having the same problem Amy and Eric were having. Jessie deserves happiness, I was more focused on protecting her then the battle." Chris said.

"We were in the building to remove all Americans and other innocent people before blowing it up. We stopped short of saving everyone and I ordered the others to leave. I was going to blow it up as is." I said.

"Eric and Amy got into a huge fight over this. It was our job to save innocents, not kill them. Not being able to focus was not a good enough excuse." Jessie said.

"So I let them go back in. I set a bomb to go off in one hour. We all entered the building, knowing the bomb would go off in a hour." I said.

"Eric didn't make it out in time. He was right beside Amy, and a spell shot him in the back. Amy and I both turned back to save him, but he blasted us back and told us to run. Chris had to drag us out. We just made it before the building blew up. Eric did not." Jessie said.

"If Voldemort confronts you, I want you to say I sent him in the building, knowing he would not make it out." I said and Chris and Jessie nodded.

"So did you find anything out?" James asked.

I smiled, "Yes actually, a lot. Voldemort and I had what you would call a heart to heart. Which reminds me, Severus, Voldemort thinks the necklaces we wear are my horcuxes. Let's keep it that way." I said and Severus nodded.

"I also have one of his on me, another he wears around his neck, and one is hidden in the Gaunt Family house. However, we can't touch them yet." I said.

"Why not?" James asked.

"Because, I'm the only one who knows this information. He's set me a task to figure out what the rest are, and where they are." I said.

"How could you possibly know?" Severus asked.

"One is the Gaunt Family ring, another is a muggle necklace, however I think my biggest clue is the one I'm currently wearing." I said and held up the locket for them to see.

Severus looked at me in shock, "That's Slytherins locket."

"It is. I think I need to figure out more on the founders of Hogwarts." I said.

"Lily can help you with that." James said.

"Voldemort also thinks I'll be with you all summer James. He thinks you're mad at me and I'm going to buy my way back in to the group and you'll be keeping a close eye on me this summer." I said and James nodded.

"So, what now?" Chris asked.

"Now, we wait. We will be leaving shortly after I fix James up with his surprise and make like I'm living with him." I said.

"How are you going to pull this off?" Jessie asked.

"We are going to make duplicates of ourselves. That way you can still fight, and I will still be with James. However, you two should know that are duplicates won't be as strong as we are." I said to James and Severus.

"We won't be as strong in our time either. It's splits our magic in half." Chris said.

"What if the duplicate dies?" James asked.

"Then all the memories the duplicate has will come to the original and our magic will slowly return to normal." Jessie said.

"Why don't you send the duplicates to your time and you stay here. I mean, it's peaceful in your time, so they should be safe." Severus said.

"Because Voldemort plans to kill me this summer." I stated flatly.

"What! Why?" Severus asked.

"I thought you were is most loyal." James said.

"Its another test. He thinks I have Horcuxes. He wants to see how it works if he dies. This isn't a test on my loyalty, it's a personal test to see what happens to me, so he will know." I said.

"That's why you thought of the duplicates. Once he kills your duplicate, you'll vanish for a while, until next school term." Chris said, his eyes lighting up in understanding.

"The only problem with this, is I will need to damage my necklace." I said.

"Will you still wear it?" Severus asked. I knew these necklaces meant a lot to both of us.

"Yes. I'll fix it so the words are undamaged. Just a Crack on the top should do. However, I must appear weak when I do return so expect to help me with things like we did last year when Moony attacked." I said and they both nodded in understanding.

"James, you and Sirius will need to stay close to the Evans all summer." Chris said.

"We will. Will we stay with Severus the whole time?" James asked.

"No. His dad wont like that. You'll be pretending to be Severus's new best friends for a day, then I'll have you a place ready." I said.

"Alright. See you in the morning." James said and walked out.

"Amy, what's wrong?" Sherry asked. She had been watching me closely the whole time.

"He's made three and plans to make more. There are three more houses so that means at least 3 more horcuxes. The guy we faced before only had one and it almost killed me. I don't think I'm going to servive this war." I said.

"7." Severus said. We all looked at him.

"7?" I asked.

"He's going to make 7. That's the magic number. Lucky magic number 7." Severus said.

"You said you know of one in our time. What is it?" Chris asked.

"I refuse to destroy that one." I said and Jessie looked away, she could smell it as well as I could.

"Why?" Sherry asked.

"If Voldemort makes 7 of these things, then I'm going to take a guess and say he didn't mean to make the one I know of in our time. That'll make number 8." I said.

"What's the Horcuxe Amy?" Chris demanded.

"Harry." I said, and felt a tear roll down my face.

"We will find a way." Severus said after a moment. His voice was one of determination.

"How?" Chris asked.

"I don't know, but I wont let him die." Severus said.

"You already love him. Don't you." Sherry stated.

"Yes." Severus said and walked into our room. I followed him soon after.

"Severus, are you okay?" I asked, laying down with him.

"You really don't think you'll live through this war?" Severus asked.

"I honestly don't know. I don't see it happening though. In order to win, Harry must die. I can't kill Harry." I said.

"We will find a way." Severus repeated.

"We will." I said, kissing him.

"I love you Amy."

"I love you Severus. Always."


The next morning, five minutes after breakfast, when everyone was getting ready to leave Hogwarts, the potion kicked in. My face, arms, legs and stomach were covered in mold. It itched like crazy. The Marauders couldn't help but laugh at me and Severus. It did not take the Slytherins long to realize only deatheaters had been targeted. There was even a few in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. I was the only Gryffindor. Many people stayed clear of the infected ones.

"How long will this last?" Severus asked.

"Until James says the magic word." I said.

"What's the magic word?" Sirius asked.

"Amy Links is the best Marauder to ever walk the face of earth." I said.

"That's not a word. That's a whole lot of words." Sirius said.

"Yes it is. I thought it fit nicely." I said, winking at Sirius.

"Well, looks like you will be stuck like that forever, I'm clearly the best Marauder." Sirius said.

"I think I am." James said.

"We all know I'm the best." Remus said.

"You guys are losers compared to me." Peter said.

"You're all crazy. I'm clearly the best. This was, after all, my idea." I said, scratching my arm, then stomach, then leg, then face.

"Amy, this is the worst idea you've ever had." Severus said, scratching as well.

"Shhh Severus, I'm trying to win here." I said making the other Marauders laugh.

"You know, you really did bring this on yourself." Hermione said. Her and Lily were walking behind us.

"Nows not the time to be a know it all Hermione." I said, still scratching.

"Does it not worry you on how many deatheaters are in this school?" Lily asked.

"No. Most of them only have the job of spying on Dumbledore or one another. Bellatrix is the one that has to spy on me and Severus." I said.

"What if they find a way to get to Professor Dumbledore?" Lily asked.

"They wont." The Marauders said together. This caused us all to laugh.

"It's good to hear I have such faithful students." Professor Dumbledore said, walking up to us.

"I'm riding the train with the others. Chris, Jessie and Sherry will fill you in on our next move." I told him.

"Amy, I was wondering, I could not help but notice you seem a bit darker then you did before. Is everything okay?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

"Everything is fine. Thanks for asking." I said.

"Amy, you must tell me if you find out anything on Voldemort." Dumbledore said.

"I know my job old man. Don't forget the conversation we had when I first came back this year." I said.

"I have not forgotten, and I must say, my curiosity is getting the better of me." Professor Dumbledore said.

"You'll know what you need to know now and what you want to know later. That's the way it has to be." I said.

"I do hope you will stay safe this summer." Professor Dumbledore said.

"I will, you just keep planning what I know you are planning."

"How does that go?" Dumbledore asked.

"As good as one can expect." I said.

"Sometimes I wonder if they even know what they are talking about." Frank said, coming up to us with Alice.

"Frank! I guess this is goodbye until after next year." I said, hugging him.

"Yes. I'm heading off to aurur training in a week." Frank said, returning the hug.

"I'll be on the train this time. Be sure to sat goodbye before you take off." I said.

"Amy, one more thing, I need a favor from you." Professor Dumbledore said to me.

"Old man, I think I'm already doing you the greatest favor ever, what more do you need from me?" I asked.

"This one, you will understand, it seems your head of House is a bit down lately. I was hoping you would go talk to her." Professor Dumbledore said.

"Ill go speak to her now, then I have a lot to do. Go on ahead of me guys, I'll be there as soon as I can." I said.

I took off towards Professor McGonagall office. She was sitting at her desk with a far off look on her face. She looked at me for the longest time. Finally she said, "Shouldn't you be heading to get on the train."

"What's bothering you professor?" I asked, taking a seat.

"You cant do it." Professor McGonagall said.

"Can't do what?" I asked.

"You can't trade places with Lily and James." Professor McGonagall said.

"Why can't I?" I asked. This was something that had been on my mind a while.

"For a old woman's selfish reasons." Professor McGonagall said. "I love all my students Amy, but you've touched my heart in a way none of the others have. It will be hard enough losing Lily and James, I don't think I could handle losing you."

I knew neither one of us were good at showing our emotions. I knew it took a lot for her to say this to me. I stood up and walked around the desk and hugged her. "We have a few good years before that happens. We will figure it out."

"Amy, be careful." Professor McGonagall said.

"I will. I love you Professor. Have a good summer." I said, standing up. She looked at me shocked.

"I love you Miss Links." She said and then started rearranging her desk. I chuckled to myself and took off running to catch the train.

The train ride home seemed to last forever. Frank was spending most of this time kissing Alice. I knew they would miss each other. James and Lily were sitting mighty close as well, talking. Sirius and Remus played Wizards Chess. Peter spent the whole ride watching me. I was in Severus's arms, just resting. Right before we made it to the platform, James said the words to take away the mold on all the deatheaters. We finally made it to Platform 93/4, I walked up and gave Mrs. Evans and Patunia a hug. This still bugged Patunia, however, Mrs. Evans hugged back.

"Mrs. Evans, I need permission to cast a extenchen charm on your car, and was hoping you would give us all a ride to your house. We can walk to our destination from there." I asked.

"What will this charm do?"

"It will make it so there is room for all of us to fit comfortably." Lily explained.

"Where are you all heading to? I could drop you off."

"We are heading to Severus's house first. Then I have some things to take care of that I would like Hermione and Lily to help me with." I said.

"Go ahead." Mrs. Evans said. I expanded the trunk and loaded our luggage in it, then expanded the back seat. Once we were all loaded in the car, Mrs. Evans started with her questions again. "How long will Hermione be staying?"

"One night." I said.

"What about these boys?"

"They will be staying the night with Severus. By tomorrow I will have them a home ready." I said.

"Where are their parents? Isn't it the job of parents to make a home for their children?"

"My mom disowned me. I live with the Potters." Sirius said.

"My parents recently died, it's just Sirius and myself now." James said, his voice sad.

"Oh dear. I am so sorry. If you need anything, anything at all, you let me know."

"My parents are out looking for a good home close to here as we speak. We want them close to friends incase they need anything." I said.

"I'm glad they have friends like you three to help them in their time of need." Mrs. Evans said.

We finally arrived at Severus's house. I promised to come pick the girls up when I was done getting things settled at Severus's. James and Sirius were both glad to be away from Mrs. Evans. Though she meant well, it was still to fresh to talk about the Potters deaths. Severus hesitated before opening the door, I readied myself for another fight with his father. We walked inside to see Mrs. Snape cleaning.

"Oh Severus, you're home! Amy, so good to see you again." Mrs. Snape said, hugging us both.

"Hello mom, I'd like to introduce you to two of my newest best friends, Sirius and James." Severus said, and I could tell he was not liking this one bit.

"Hello dears." Mrs. Snape said, hugging them.

"I need them to stay the night here. I will be staying as well. Of course I will take us all out for dinner again. We all just need a place to sleep until tomorrow." I said.

"I don't think Tobise will allow that Amy. You know how he is." Mrs. Snape said.

"Yes I do, I don't expect him to like it, however, he will have to deal with it." I said.

"Make sure you are here when he comes home. If not, I fear trouble." Mrs. Snape said.

"Not to worry, I will be. We have a few hours before that happens, I'll be taking all the boys out to show them how to get to Lily's house, we will return before he gets home." I said, and motioned for the boys to follow me out.

"Amy, what are you two not telling me about Severus's father?" James asked.

"He's the muggle version of Sirius's mom." I said.

"Meaning?" Sirius asked.

"He hates everything magic." Severus said in a low voice.

James and Sirius chose wisely and did not comment on this fact. I took them to the small park in town and left the three boys there while I went to get Lily and Hermione. Lily was waiting outside for me.

"What do you need from us?" Lily asked.

"I want you and Hermione to go shopping for simple furniture. Hermione, you're not yet born in this time, so you can use magic. Shrink the objects and I'll pick them up tomorrow." I said.

"Why not tonight?" Lily asked.

"You know how Tobise is Lily. I'm going to buy the house now, I'll just make it back before he returns from work. It's a very bad idea for me to return after he does. He won't expect two more wizards in his home and he will not like it." I said and Lily looked down sadly.

"I wish there was a way we could help Sev." Lily said.

"I have, and will continue to. Like I said Lily, things will get worse before they get better. I'll be right there beside him the whole way." I said.

"What if it becomes to much for you? Like it did me?" Lily asked.

"It already has, but I forced myself to push through it anyway. I won't leave Severus's side." I said.

"What do you mean it already has?" Lily asked.

"Who do you think killed the Potters?" I asked and Hermione and Lily gasped.

"No!" Lily said, her eyes tearing up.

"Does James know?" Hermione asked.

"Yes. He's the one who knows, at his own wishes." I said.

"Amy, why?" Lily asked in a whisper.

"Because I had to. In order to stay alive and continue to be a deatheater, I had to kill them. I really can't talk about this, it's still to painful." I said.

"Okay, we will go shop. Come on Lily." Hermione said. I handed them muggle cash and walked to the bank.

There was a house in between the Snapes and Evans for sale and I bought it. I went inside and looked around, making sure no work was needed on it. It was a 3 bedroom, two bath home. After looking around, I used my mental link potion to show Hermione and then canceled the potion and headed back to the park. Sirius and James were sitting on the grass talking, and Severus was sitting under a tree reading. When he saw me approach, he stood and met me half way.

"We need to hurry." Severus said and I nodded. James and Sirius noticed us and followed.

When we got back to Severus's house, I made James and Sirius change into muggle clothes and Severus and I changed next. After we were all changed we took a seat in the sitting room, awaiting Severus's father. A few moments later, he stumbled in, clearly drunk. He saw us all sitting there and yelled, "OUT OF MY HOUSE FREAKS!"

I stood and walked over to him, "What did I tell you the last time I was here?"


"The only freak in this house is you. We will be staying tonight only. Trust me, none of us want to be around you either." I said, in a low calm voice.

"THIS IS MY HOUSE YOUR WHORE!" Mr. Snape yelled and slapped me. Severus, James and Sirius jumped up and started towards me.

"Stop boys. I'll take care of him." I said and once again pinned him to the wall. "Now you listen to me, and you listen closely. I can be your worst nightmare, and you really don't want that. I think it's time you went to bed." I said. I saw the fear in his eyes.

"I haven't had supper yet." Mr. Snape said, trying to sound like he was still in control if the situation.

"Bad boys go to bed without supper. Isn't that your rule? You've been a very bad boy. I said bed." I stated in a cold and heartless tone.

I backed away and Mr. Snape stumbled upstairs as fast as he could. James, Sirius and Severus were standing there, staring at me. "Amy are you okay?" Severus asked.

"I'm fine." I said.

"Amy, your eyes flashed red." James said, he looked scared.

"Red? Are you sure?" I asked and the three boys nodded.

"The Horcuxe." I said, realization downing on me.

"The what?" Sirius asked.

"Don't worry about it right now Sirius. Severus come here and hold the necklace for me." I said and took the necklace off handing it to him.

Sirius looked at it I  awe as I cast wards around it, as if I was warding a house. After three spells I could no longer smell nor feel the Dark Lord coming from the necklace, I took it and put it back on. "That should help, though my temper still may be shorter then usual."

"You already have a sort temper though." Sirius said.

"Which is why this necklace is going to be a bigger pain in my ass then I thought it would be." I said.

"So I'm starving, let's get some food." Sirius said and I watched him for a moment, "What? I'm hungry."

"Really? You're not going to question why I have Slytherins necklace or what a horcuxe is?" I asked, shocked.

"If I needed to know, you would tell me." Sirius said, shrugging.

"Thank you Sirius." I said, and hugged him.

"Uh, yeah, it's no problem." Sirius said, looking around as if embarrassed.

"You're embarrassed over a hug? Since when?" I asked.

"It's not that, it's just, it's time to grow up. I don't want to, but if we are going to fight along side you in this war, we have no choice but to." Sirius said, rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm so proud of you two boys. Severus, get your mom, we will bring your dad something when we return." I said and Severus nodded and walked into the kitchen.

Supper was a very quite affair, each of us lost in our own thoughts. Afterwards, we all went up to Severus's room. Severus was embarrassed to show James and Sirius his room, but neither boy reacted to it. I told them to take Severus's bed and I turned his old blanket into a bed for us and pulled blankets from my bag for us to use. I didn't sleep that night, I spent my time watching the boys. They looked so peaceful when they slept, and I wished it was that peaceful for them during the day.

The next morning, I cooked breakfast for everyone. After eating and cleaning up we met Lily and Hermione at the new house. James, Sirius and Severus helped us move everything in and set the house up. We only took a quick lunch break and went right back to fixing the house, including buying personal things like food and bath stuff. Lily, Hermione and I sat down going over things that belonged to the Hogwarts Founders later that night. I realized that the Sword of Gryffindor was a possibility, as well as the Goblet that belonged to Hufflepuff. It took longer to find something from Ravenclaw, though I didn't think it likely Voldemort found the lost Diadem. Though Hermione and Lily had no idea why I was doing the research, they were both exited to help.

After a week of living with James and Sirius, it was finally time to go to the right time. I duplicated myself, as Chris, Sherry, and Jessie did to themselves earlier that day. James, Sirius, Severus, Lily and Hermione watched in fascination. After, I gave James, Lily and Sirius bye hugs and kissed Severus. While hugging him close I whispered. "I love you Severus. Remember, she is me. You can be with her like you are with me, and remember, she will die some time this summer."

"I love you Amy." Severus whispered back, giving me a tight squeeze.

I backed away from Severus, and Jessie, Chris, Sherry and I left to our right time. I took Hermione home and the rest of us to Hogwarts and made my way to Houses United where I knew Severus was waiting for me. I sent Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore a pratronus asking them to meet me there. When I made it to the room, everyone was there waiting. I quickly hugged and kissed Severus and took a seat next to him.

"Amy, glad to see you and your family back here and safe." Professor Dumbledore said.

"Its good to be back. It seems we have some things to discuss." I said.

"It seems we do." Professor Dumbledore said, nodding for me to began.

"Do you know what a Horcuxe is?" I asked him.

Professor Dumbledores eyes grew big, no twinkle in them, "Yes I do. That is very dark magic Amy. Please tell me that's not it."

"Im afraid so. I currently have one of them in my possession as a test. I need your help on some things though, the one I have is Slytherins locket, I know of two more, but I do not know where they are in this time. He plans to make 7 total. Slytherins locket is my clue to what the others will be. Hermione, Lily and I did some research, granted they had no idea what I was doing it for, and I figured Gryffindor Sword, Hufflepuff Goblet, and Ravenclaw Diadem." I said.

"I know it's not the Sword of Gryffindor, the Lost Diadem is lost and has been for 1000s of years. We will have to track down the Goblet of Hufflepuff." Professor Dumbledore said.

"Alright, do you know of anything else that he might use?" I asked.

"No I do not, however, I will see what I can find." Professor Dumbledore said.

"Now tell me the full prophecy." I said.

Dumbledore took a deep breath and recited, "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches....born to those  who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other servives..the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies.." (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phinex)

"So Harry has to fight him." Severus said.

"I like how the prophecy even states what I already know." I said, not actually liking this fact.

"What is that?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

"In order for Voldemort to die, Harry must die." I said and once again felt tears fall down my face. Professor McGonagall turned a pale color and her eyes watered up.


"Severus, have you found any way to save him? I told you about this year's ago." I said, hoping with all I had that Severus had found a way.

"I've searched everything and haven't found a way. There is no way to destroy the Horcuxe without killing him." Severus said, his eyes betraying his sadness.

"What do we do now?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"We raise him. We train him. We make sure he has one hell of a childhood, then, when the time comes, we tell him. We tell him what has to be done to destroy Voldemort once and for all and we give him a option." I said.

"What's the option?" Severus asked.

"He dies, or I take him and hide him in America and defeat Voldemort the best I can while he lives his life." I said.

"That's not a choice he should have to make. That's a lot to put on someone's shoulders." Professor McGonagall said.

"That's why people like Amy and myself are around, we have to make decisions that others could never do. I'll take this one Amy, I'll tell him when the time is right." Professor Dumbledore said.

"See why I don't like us?" I asked him and he nodded, no twinkle in his eyes.

"We need to destroy the Horcuxe you know about now." Chris said.

"We can't, Voldemort will look to make sure they are all safe when he returns. We need them to be there when that happens." I said.

"Amy, how can you sit there and let this happen to Harry? Your his mother." Professor McGonagall said.

"I'm his Aunt, Lily is his mother. The same way James is my best friend and yet, I just killed his parents. Remember?" I asked, my tone hateful. I didn't mean to be that way towards her, but she was acting like I wanted to just let these things happen, and help them to happen.

"Amy, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." Professor McGonagall said, tearing up again.

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm still dealing with the pain of that. Come on, I need a vacation. Harry has a week with Sirius, so let's go on our own vacation, just you and me Severus." I said, standing up and pulling him up with me.

"Sounds like a plan, where do you want to go?" Severus asked.

"Let's go to France. I've never been to France before." I said and he chuckled.

"Let's go."

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