Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro...

By millb321

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"I can do it!" four-year-old Raven shouted to her father as she cautiously took a step toward the ocean for t... More

New Book!!!


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By millb321

Raven's pov:

The vampire was handcuffed and chained to a seat in a different interrogation room and Raven was sitting across from him, waiting for him to wake up.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the vampire in front of her decided to stir awake. His eyes opened and looked around. His gaze landed on Raven and he raised his eyebrows, looking down at the handcuffs.

"Our relationship is moving a little fast, don't you think-" 

"What's your name?" Raven cut him off but he didn't seem fazed.

"Hadeon, but you can call me Hade"

Raven nodded and Hade raised an eyebrow at her.

"I think it's only fair if you tell me your name now" He suggested.

Raven knew she had to play nice, the more information they got out of him, the better.

"Raven" She shrugged and he nodded.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Raven?" He seemed unsure which was understandable since they had kinda kidnapped him.

"Did you compel Richard into forgetting Hydra?" Raven asked, getting straight to the point.

"Richard? Do you mean the weird dude with the onesie? Yeah, I remember him, dude's a total cheater at ping pong"

"So you did compel him?"

"I might've... erased a few things." Hadeon admitted and Raven nodded. It was a few moments of awkward silence until Hadeon chuckled.

"You're not very good at this are you?" He asked, clearly amused.

In Raven's defense, she had never actually interrogated somebody like this before.

"Bite me" she muttered under her breath, forgetting that he had super hearing.

"Is that an offer?" he raised an eyebrow and Raven narrowed her eyes.

"Not even in your wildest dreams"

"I wouldn't count on it sweetheart, my dreams get pretty wild."

Raven leaned her head back on the back of the chair and sighed.

This was going to be a long night.

"I feel kinda bad for her"

Amber, Pietro, and Wanda were standing outside the interrogation room watching as Raven attempted to get information out of Hadeon. It seemed every time Raven tried to ask him something, he would retaliate with a joke.

"Don't feel sorry for her, Hadeon's hot," Amber reassured. Wanda nodded in agreement

"He is pretty good looking" She agreed, Pietro crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head which caught both girl's attention.

"Don't you think he's attractive Pietro?" Asked Wanda teasingly, she was very amused by what was going on inside his head. Pietro glared at her and she put her hands up in defense.

"He is not my type," Pietro said in a low voice with his eyes fixed on Hadeon through the small window. Wanda and Amber exchanged a look.

Raven was getting very annoyed. At least she thinks annoyance is the emotion she is feeling, sometimes she couldn't really tell. So far all she's gotten was Hadeon's name and the fact that he wasn't working alone, he had been joking with her ever since. Raven was completely done with everything and decided that it was enough for one day. She stood up and walked to the door.

"Sweet dreams Raven" Hade called after her, Raven didn't turn back as she left the room.

Amber, Pietro, and Wanda were all standing outside the room waiting for her. Wanda gave her a sympathetic smile but Amber just grinned at her, Pietro looked like he didn't want to be there anymore.

"I'm hungry" Pietro wined and Raven agreed with him.

"We should go get dinner"

For some weird reason, this just made Wanda and Amber grin even more. Raven didn't like it when she did that, it always gave her a weird feeling that Amber was planning something.

"Wand and I aren't hungry. You two go, we'll meet up with you guys later" Said Amber innocently but Raven saw right through her.

"But I'm hungry-" Wanda was cut off by Amber grabbing her and pulling her away from them.

"Your friend is weird," Pietro observed and Raven laughed lightly. 

"Yeah, she is."

Dinner was pretty awkward, to be honest.

The others had already eaten so it was just Pietro and Raven. Ever since the time Raven told him about the vampire thing, they hadn't really spoken. More because Raven was a little scared he would want to talk about it. But as they sat in the kitchen, eating pizza, he didn't ask, which made Raven very thankful although now it was awkward.

"Good job finding Hadeon," Pietro finally said.

"Thanks but I didn't really find him, he kinda found me" Raven admitted. Pietro raised his eyebrows as if asking, what do you mean.

"Said he could smell the vampire on me" Raven added.

There were another few minutes of silence and Raven was about to say something but Pietro beat her to it.

"How's your family?"

This caught Raven completely off guard.

"W- what?"

"Your family? The ones you were visiting in Bulgaria?" He raised an eyebrow and Raven immediately averted her eyes.

"Their... fine" Pietro nodded although he didn't look convinced, he didn't press the topic.

"What about your's?" asked Raven. She was a little curious about how his family felt about him and Wanda having powers.

"My parents are dead, it's just Wanda," He said.

Well, now Raven felt like an asshole.

"I'm sorry," She said, and she really was, both for the death of his parents and for the fact that she even asked.

"It was a long time ago" Pietro shrugged it off but Raven was stuck.

She had also lost her parents a long time ago but it still affected her to this day.

And now Raven felt bad, she should probably say something to him to even out the playing field.

"My parents are also dead. It's only my sister left in Bulgaria"

Pietro looked up from his slice of pizza to catch Raven's eyes. Raven bit down on her tongue inside her mouth, she had never realized how blue those eyes were.

"Sorry" he almost whispered.

Raven gave him a soft smile "It was a long time ago."

"How's your sister?" He asked.

Usually Raven wouldn't answer this question but at this moment, she wanted to.

"She uh..." Raven laughed a little even though it wasn't funny "she doesn't know I exist"

Raven smiled at the taken aback look on Pietro's face.

"I'm.... sorry?" He said although it sounded more like a question. "How does that work?"

"A couple of years ago, I compelled her to forget me. It was after I became a vampire and I had no idea what I was doing. She started bleeding and I kinda freaked out. I haven't been able to bring myself to talk to her ever since."

Pietro listened intently to her story.

He had a feeling this was her first time telling it and he wanted her to know he was paying attention. He did feel bad at the fact that her sister didn't know her. Pietro wouldn't know what to do if his sister didn't know who he was.

When dinner was done and they both finished eating, they walked together until the hallway that led to Raven's room, since Pietro's room was down a different hallway he decided this would be a good place to stop.

He stopped walking and so did Raven.

He turned to face her

She turned to face him

They weren't too close but still close enough so that he could count every soft freckle on her nose.

"Goodnight Pietro"

Pietro tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, his hand lingered there for a moment longer than normal. He smiled down at her.

"Good night ворон (Raven)"

Raven watched as he walked away, towards his own room.

What the hell just happened?!


This was going to be a problem...

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