Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro...

By millb321

154K 4.6K 463

"I can do it!" four-year-old Raven shouted to her father as she cautiously took a step toward the ocean for t... More

New Book!!!


3.1K 92 3
By millb321


Ok, so I didn't post yesterday because I was at my cousin's house. 

But I'll post two chapters today to make up for it  :)

Raven's pov:

"What's your name?"

"Richard Thompson"

"Where are you from Richard?"

"North Carolina... I think?"

"You think?"

Raven was sitting in the interrogation room, questioning the man in the onesie who was going through a very hard hangover.

"California? Maybe?"

"You don't know where you're from?" Something about this wasn't adding up to her. Sure, he was hungover, but hungover people still remembered where they were born right?

Raven had always been able to remember things when she was drunk.

Not that she had ever been drinking....


Wasn't Raven.

"I can't remember..."

This was definitely unusual, but Raven decided to move on.

"Do you have any family Richard?"

"I- yes? No? I don't really know..." He seemed surprised by his own answer.

Raven suddenly got an idea, she was a little embarrassed that she hadn't thought of it earlier, but she just had to be sure.

"Where have you been in the past month?" 

"I- Don't know....?"

That was exactly the answer Raven was looking for. She stood up from her chair and walked out of the room. The Avengers and Adrien had all been watching from outside the room and they all turned to her as she walked out.

"He's definitely compelled," She told them.

"C- compelled?" Asked Bruce, unsure.

"His mind has been tampered with," Raven explained.

"But, how is that possible?" Asked Steve.

"Another vampire could have done it," Raven said, she directed this part to Mr. Kennedy who nodded at what she was suggesting.

"We need to find that vampire," He said and she agreed.

"Wait wait wait wait... another vampire? You mean to tell me there's more of you?" Asked Sam, Raven ignored him.

"Well, you're a vampire" Clint pointed out "can't you undo it or something?"

"It doesn't work like that. Only the vampire who did the compulsion can undo it. Think of it as a bank account. Only the person who put the money in the account would be able to take it out."

"Well that's annoying" Muttered Tony and Raven silently agreed with him.

"So how are we supposed to find this other vampire?" Asked Wanda

"Honestly... I don't know" Raven admitted. How were they supposed to find the vampire? They didn't know how they looked or what their name was.

"We can start back where we started." Said Steve "In Bulgaria"

Raven was really looking forward to going back so soon. She had told herself that the next time she came would be the time she told Olivia she was alive.

But was she ready?

Raven wasn't sure she would ever be ready.

"You can see your family again" Pietro reminded her as they entered the jet. He had noticed the Sad look in Raven's eyes and hoped this idea would cheer her up. It did the opposite, however. She gave him a small smile but then looked out the window with a frown. 


Raven and Sam were driving down the streets of Bulgaria. They had decided to split into groups and Sam had ended up being paired with Raven. They had stolen a car from a random parking lot to make the search easier, although not exactly sure what they were looking for. They were getting closer and closer to her hometown which made Raven nervous.

"Maybe we should turn here?" Raven suggested pointing to a street that would lead them away from her town.

"There's a town up ahead-" Yeah, Raven definitely knew "-We should probably check there. I think it's the same town we saw you in, last time when you were visiting family" Sam told her.

Raven stayed quiet after that, trying to think of any excuse not to enter the town they were approaching without sounding suspicious. Before she could think of a reason not to go, they were already entering.

Oh Great.

It's not that Raven didn't want to be in her hometown.

She just didn't know how to tell her sister who didn't know she existed that she had been alive for the past seven years and she hadn't told her. The guilt was overwhelming, and being so close to Olivia wasn't making things any better.

Sam drove up to the town square and then stopped. Raven got out of the car thinking they were both going to check here first but when she turned around, Sam was still in the car.

"You search around here, you can go faster with your super speed. I'll move more North and see if I can find anything"

Raven hated that plan.

"Maybe we should-"

Sam was already speeding away from her...


Raven had walked down different paths looking for anyone who seemed suspicious. She was so lost in thought trying to think of things she could say to her sister that she had subconsciously walked down Olivia's street without realizing it. She finally snapped out of her thoughts once she was standing outside Olivia's house.

She could just turn around-

But she was already here...

She could just walk away

But she was already here...

She could just-

Raven stopped herself from that thought

She was already here... might as well just do it.

Raven walked up the steps to the front door. She could hear the sound of the stove working, dog barking, TV playing, which meant that somebody was definitely home.

Raven raised a fist but stopped just as she was about to knock on the door.

"Came to capture a vampire, end up telling my sister I'm not actually dead, normal day" She muttered to herself.

Raven took a deep breath and just as she was about to knock-

"Who are you?"

Raven spun around.

Standing behind her with his hands in his pockets was a man who seemed about her age, maybe a few years older, with dark brown hair that looked almost black and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a gray T-shirt. He had a string of small tattoos going up to his right arm. Raven had to admit, he was pretty good-looking.

She was about to open her mouth and ask who the heck this person was when-

"God, I can practically smell the vampire on you," He said.

Then Raven understood, this was the vampire, the person they were trying to find.

But why the heck had he come to her?
Raven again opened her mouth to speak but he again cut her off.

"So? How can I help you?" He asked which made Raven hesitate. He was the one who came to her... what was she supposed to say?

"How did you find me?" She asked.

"Find you?"

Raven raised an eyebrow and he tilted his head to the side "I've never seen you in my life" He added with furrowed brows.

Raven then realized something. She would have to somehow get this vampire back to the tower. Hopefully, this wouldn't end in a fight... but then again, it always ended in a fight.

And she was standing right outside her sister's house...

Oh, God...

"Gotta say, it's a little weird to find another vampire out here" he admitted.

Raven didn't know if she was supposed to feel offended by that? This was her hometown after all. Who the hell even was this guy.

She was a little confused at the moment.

Ok... very confused.

Raven subtly slid her foot back, in case she would have to fight this guy, he seemed to notice however since he raised an eyebrow.

"Are you going to try and fight me? you're what? Fifteen? sixteen?-"

"How old are you?" Raven cut him off.

"A lot older than you, that's for sure," He said. "You can't fight me. I'm a lot stronger than you are-"

His face suddenly went blank and he had a hazy look in his eyes.

He then fell...

Right at Raven's feet...

Talk about awkward.

The street behind the vampire had a few cars that passed by, one of which had been Sam who had shot the vampire in the back with a tranquilizer.

He walked up to Raven and looked down at the vampire who was lying at her feet.

"I'm guessing this is the vampire?" He asked and Raven's eyes widened.

"Why would you shoot if you weren't sure?!"

"Dude looked pretty suspicious, plus you looked like you were about to kill him so I figured I had a right to assume" He shrugged as he lifted the vampire's body over his shoulder.

"We should get back to the jet before he wakes up." Sam turned and walked back to the car.

Raven felt weird though.

Why had the vampire come to her?

She had never heard of another vampire living in this area when she had come to visit.

Did he even live in this area?
Raven shook the questions out of her head and walked to the car, they had caught the vampire and that was what mattered.

She gave Olivia's house one last look before Sam sped away.

She had missed her chance... again. 

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