Starwarhammer: Book 1 Arrival

By Shadow_trooper

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Star Wars the clone wars X Warhammer 40k More

Emperor Give me strength
Rhen Var
First Contact
The first calm
The First Storm
Battle on Raxus Prime
Thule and the Dark Reaper
[Side Story] Planet Fall
A Home World
The Spears of Diomedes
Muunalist Drop
Guard deployment
Attack on the factory
Senatorial Fear
Senators with the Sisters
Warp travel
[side story] base attack
QnA #1
Imperial Space battle
Preparing for war
Hunt for a traitor
Combat & Fear
Secret Project
The Sisters of the Divine Blades
[Side Story] Breaking the captives
The Super Weapon
Capturing the Ship
Imperial Senators
[TTS stylized] Acquisition
The Stand of the Rightous
[Side Story] The Green Tide
Q&A #2
Before the Battle
Coalition Fleet Battle
Operation: Thunder Strike
Republic attack
Operation: Honor March
The Emperor's Power
Crossroads of Destiny
[side story] Senate Review
The Imperium's Crusade
Call of the Twi'leks
Freedom of the People
Lion's Roar
Artifacts and Changes
Many Paths Ahead
Guard Command
Imperial Life
[Side Story] Rumors
[Side Story] Rogue Elements
Q&A #3
The Blades of Flame
Lions of Numidia
Hussars of Ice
The Mentors of the Imperium
The Arjent Hammer
Lords of Iron
The Spears of Diomedes
Paragon Shields
Riders Malevolent
[Side Story] Inquisitorial Dealings
Issues of Ideals
The long awaited meeting
Return to Coruscant
The Jedi Council
The Imperial Secession
The Sisters and Brides
World of 2 Suns
Interviews of Imperial Soldiers
[Side Story] The Black Ships Open
May the Fourth Special


1.2K 37 18
By Shadow_trooper

A huge hall was filled with Guardsmen, thousands of them were standing in formation, in Parade formation. They all stood ready. Space Marines stood in their Company formations. The Sisters of battle were in ceremonial outfits, their hands clasped together and bowing their heads. The Skitarii had brought to life their god machines, and they were standing outside the palace. 

Anakin, Padme, Ahsoka, who were dressed in the finest of Imperial clothing, and Rex, along with the 501st Legion, who were armored in the best of Imperial armor. They carried banners and would move down the formation, forming a lane, between the Imperial transport, that was probably more expensive than the apartment, and had more comfort than any noble could imagine. 

Anakin, Padme, and Ahsoka looked at each other.

"Master. Why do we have to wear these ridiculous clothing. This is uncomfortable." Ahsoka complained.

"Trust me, this is after I got rid of some of the clothing related laws in the Imperium's legal frame work." Padme said, chucking to herself.

"What? Couldn't wear clashing colors?" Ahsoka joked.

"Couldn't wear a wig on date fraction that have a 2, 6, 9, of 1 in them. You can't wear a silk with satin. Any red cloak, with the exception of the machine cult, can not have silver coloration on the robe. There were 3 different occasions of which that all nobility had to have their breasts out, and bare, with no exceptions, men too. And that's not even getting into how many times the "required gold ornamentation" number was changed, I swear, who ever made these laws were either drunk, senile, crazy, or all three." Padme said.

"And I don't even want to get into how many times they wanted to put me in a suit of power armor twice the size of my body. Or those tech-cultists wanted to replace my hand with one of their own cybernetic hands. Flame throwers, built in blasters, One even suggested a set of claws that was powered that retract in and out of my hands. Hey....has anyone seen R2, or 3-PO?" Anakin asked.


The Tech-Priests all were bowing down to the newly appointed Fabricator General of Imperius Mars. The Fabricator-General, had spoken and found the problems with many old systems, restoring and even reactivating once believed dead machine spirits. The Priest hood had found that the Machine brought from the Emperor's quarters was rather ingenious. The now Robed dragging Astromech, was in an oil bath, enjoying the praise.

"R2, this is absolutely insane, we must get back to the Republic to tell them what happened to Miss Amidala." C-3P0 said

-Back to the group-

"Knowing R2, he's keeping them safe." Anakin said.

The vehicle stopped and the door was opened, before a man spoke loudly, announcing the event.

"Now Presenting, his Great Majesty, the Leader Mankind, his most Holy of Holy beings, the Reborn Emperor of Man. Emperor Anakin Skywalker."

Anakin rolled his eyes, commenting "Lot of titles for something I am not sure myself." 

Anakin stepped out, waving his hand, as he looked around. It was silent, in terms of a crowd, there were murmurs. However, the fact that floating skulls with what looked like cameras were flying around, gave him the impression, there was a lot more people watching. Anakin would walk down the corridor of clones that held banners.

"Now Presenting, her beautiful, majestic lady, the lover of the  Emperor, The Empress of Mankind, Empress Padme Amidala." 

Padme stepped out next, she had her hands together, as she strode forward. Many people were looking at her, admiring her beauty, and her grace. She kept her eyes on the 3 sets of thrones, each slightly stagnated. 

"Now Presenting, first in line to take the throne, proclaimed child of the Emperor, the Distingished, Princess Ahsoka Tano. Escorting her will be the Emperor Chosen Captain of his personal Guard Legion, Lord General Rex." the man announced.

Rex, who was now "Lord General" would step out first, and offer his hand to Ahsoka, who struggled to step down the small foot step on the vehicle, before she stepped out, and held onto Rex's arm, as they walked.

"This is insane." Ahsoka whispered.

"You don't have to tell me. Let's just hope the General can get this all sorted." Rex whispered.

"I do like the armor, you look good in gold." Ahsoka said, smiling as they reached the end of the lane, and Ahsoka was brought up the throne to the left, the lowest of the three thrones, by maybe a foot, total.

Rex, would stand at the base of the thrones, before more people would walk down the lane. First was Mhmun, who wore robes that were monk like, surprising the Jedi, Lacedeamon, who wore a robe that exposed part of his chest, then Stroud, who wore a similar robe to Mhmun. Emely, however, wore a very fine dress, with a lion pelt on that rested on her shoulder, the teeth very much still part of the pelt.

Anakin rested his head on his hand, as he leaned to ones side. It took a few more minutes, various important people of various long named organizations, long titles and some had their family trees read back from their 8th great grand father, that was twice removed, who did some great deed in some sector 4-5 thousand years ago.

Finally, Alico, who was in a very fine dress, was brought forward, carrying a wrapped object, followed by 3 younger girls, with 3 crowns on 3 pillows.

"Now to crown his Great Majesty, Lady Alico, Oracle, and most revered of the Sisters of Battle. She bares the honor of presenting the Emperor with his Sword, and the crowns and tiara of the most glorious heirs of the Golden Throne." 

Alico climbed the steps, and knelt, slightly, as she unwrapped the object, showing, it was a sword, a rather beautiful sword. The long black metal that made the blade was almost as if it absorbed all light, leaving a void, it was also so well polished that Anakin could see his own reflection in the blade. The hilt was very finely decorated, made of gold that through looked complex, would not restrict his movement. Placing his hand on the blade, the metal seemed to glow almost, shining a blue, with the gem glowing brightly.

He placed his hand on the pommel, before resting the tip on the ground. Alico stood up, walking to the first girl, picking up the tiara, that was more like a necklace, with 3 chains. She placed the tiara on Ahsoka's head. Alico picked up the crown on the opposite side, stepping up and placing the beautiful, if simple golden band, onto Padme's head. Finally, she picked up the center crown. It was a golden band, decorated with gems, and had golden leaves move all around. Alico would set the crown on Anakin's head.

"All Hail the Emperor, crowned once more, leader of mankind. He will Unite Humanity, and Restore the Imperium to it's Golden Age. Praise the Emperor, for he has returned!" Alico annoucned.

"Praise the Emperor!" All of the Imperial soldiers, space marines, and even the Tech Priests stated, almost in unison.

If you have any questions, the next Q&A is very close.

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