Long Will Be Love

By cheleii

2.1K 184 53

Isn't it funny how after a long time with the guy you hate the most, you'll eventually fall in love with him... More

Chapter 1 - How It All Started
Chapter 2 - First Day With Zone
Chapter 3 - Prom Date
Chapter 4 - A New Student and Cheryl's Ex
Chapter 5 - The Start Of The Flashback
Chapter 6 - The Reason To All The Hating
Chapter 7 - Losing A Fake Prince Charming
Chapter 8 - Meaningless Day
Chapter 9 - A Fight
Chapter 10 - Prom Prom Prom
Chapter 12 - A Diary
Chapter 13 - I Saw It
Chapter 14 - I'd Given Him A Kiss On The Cheek
Chapter 15 - Birthday Adventure (Part 1)

Chapter 11 - The Past Is Not Always Just The Past

70 11 2
By cheleii

A/N : Sorry for the extremely late upload, guys... But, enjoy! Since I'm typing this in the airplane ;) Well, probably a quarter of this was typed in the airplane x) And... I changed the cast for Zone and Lucas :) Have fun reading!

Btw, here's the recap, since I haven't been uploading since forever :)


Recap :

I nudged Zone and said, “Zone, come on!”

“Nope!” What does he want? Gosh…

“What, why?” I asked him.

“Kiss me and I’ll stand up.” He said with an eye opened. 

CHAPTER 11 - The Past Is Not Always Just The Past

Wait, what did he just tell me to do? 

"Fine, then suit yourself." I stood up and turned around.

"Come on, it's just a kiss, Cheryl." 

Is he serious? Just a kiss? No... I promised myself after what happened with Reece. Though I don't
want to tell Kim and Zone about that. I ignored him and walked away. I was about to walk into the doors but a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"I'm sorry, kay?" He said apologetically.

I just nodded not wanting to speak. Zone didn't look convinced and raised an eyebrow. I shook my head at him.

"Come on, we don't want the Emerald wondering where you went."

Before we could get in again, Emerald came running out. 

"Zone! I've been looking all over for you!" She hugged Zone.

I rolled my eyes at Emerald and walked in myself while muttering, "More like you were dancing with other people's dates the whole time." 

I looked around for Lucas and saw him grabbing a drink for himself. 

"Hey Lucas." I smiled at him. 

He looked up and smiled too.  "Cheryl." 

After he got his drink, we talked for awhile until my favourite song played. I immediately pulled Lucas to the dance floor not caring about who I was pushing. When we got there, we danced and danced until most of the students were already gone. 

"Wanna go back now?" Lucas asked me, when he saw me studying my surrounding. 

"Yesh, but let me look for Zone first since we drove him here." 

Lucas nodded and said he'll be waiting by his car. I walked over to the last place I seen Zone and Emerald and luckily, they were still there, dancing. When Emerald saw me, her smile turned upside down almost immediately. I ignored her and tapped on Zone's shoulder. He turned around and smiled at me. 

"Yes?" He asked, politely. 

"Do you need a ride home? " I asked him. 

Before Zone could respond to me, Emerald jumped in between us and put one hand on her hip and said, "It's fine. I'll drive him back." and gave a fake smile. I decided to be kind to her this time, so I just smiled and nodded before walking towards the exit of our school hall. When I reached the parking lot, Lucas was leaning by his car looking towards my direction with a smile. I smiled back and got in the car.

"So, did you enjoy today?" Lucas asked me. I smiled and answered him. It was like that the whole time in the car.  Him asking questions and me answering or vice versa. 

"No, but I tripped on a rock. I didn't do it on purpose!" Lucas said while smiling.

I laughed at him. "But still... You were trying to say hi to an old lady and wink, but instead you fell?" Before he could continue, I laughed again. He just shook his head in the playful way. I continued again, "Then the old lady laughed at you? Epic fail, dude!" I laughed again and looked out of the window, but found that we were already at my apartment. 

"I guess this is it for tonight," Lucas said to me while smiling the very sweet smile I saw the very first day I met him in school.

"I guess so too," I looked at him and laughed again. I can't control imagining how he fell in front of a old lady.

"You're still not over it, are you?" 

"Nope!" I let out a sigh and turned to look at him. "Thanks, Lucas, for tonight. I had a lot of fun laughing at you and also dancing with you." I smiled at him. 

"Me too. Well, not laughing at me though." He stuck out his tongue at me. I laughed again and stopped immediately when I saw Lucas lean forward. He was looking at my lips. I started to panic. I immediately turned to look away and wait till the kiss comes, but it never did. I turned to look at Lucas and he had a sad expression on his face. I felt guilty.

"I'm sorry, Lucas. I didn't mean to tu-"

"It's not your fault. I guess that's the answer to the question I was gonna ask you if you really kissed me."

I felt curiosity build up in me. "What question?"

"I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend, but it's alright. But Cheryl, do you like someone else?" I was about to say "No", but he continued, "If you don't it means you never liked me before. But if you do, there's a possibility that you like me, but I'm not at the top of your list."

"I'm so sorry, Lucas. I don't wanna believe that there's someone on top of you though, because I never liked anyone else. I like you, that's it."

"That cannot be true. Because by your reaction when I was about to kiss you, you were hesitating. If you really like me, you wouldn't have done that. But whatever that matters, that guy who's on top of me is truly lucky to be on top of your list." He said, before continuing, "It's alright, Cheryl. But, if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, tell me." He said with a wink. 

I nodded at him and thought about what he said for awhile. When I realized the car was in total silence, I decided to speak up.

"Thank you, Lucas. I will try to find that someone, and the first person I would tell would be you. Bye! Goodnight too!" I said, before kissing him on the cheek and waving goodbye again while opening the car door. He waved back before driving away. I walked into my apartment and smiled at the security guard before  going towards the lift and clicking the 'up' button. I walked in once the doors opened, and started thinking.

What does Lucas mean by there's someone that I like more than him? I don't believe there is, actually... But I'm sure that I like Lucas though, so it can't be that I don't like him, right? Or maybe it's because I never liked him? No, it can't be. So that means, there's a guy I like more than Lucas... Could the guy on top of Lucas be... Reece? It can't be, right? That's when I realized I have been stuck in the lift for almost 3 minutes. I started to click on the alarm button. 

Then a voice started talking, "Are you stuck in the lift?" 

"I think..." I said. 

"Ma'am, please check your surrounding if there's anything wrong." I checked my surrounding and when I was about to reply, that was when I realized I forgot to press the floor button. I immediately kept quite and clicked on floor "14". 

"Ma'am? Are you alright?" 

I kept my mouth shut. "Ma'am? You there?" I still kept quite. When the doors opened, I ran out of the lift and took out my keys from my purse and unlocked the door to my room. I walked in and closed the door before walking towards my bed and jumping on it.

"On top of Lucas... On top of Lucas... Who are you?" I said to no one.

I closed my eyelids, and was about to fall into my own world, when the door opened. I opened my eyes and saw Zone staring at me. 

"What?" I asked him, while sitting up.

"Nothing." He said turning towards the closet and putting his things inside. He smiled at me before walking into the bathroom leaving me there, curious.

I wanted to change but I don't want the same thing like last time to happen again when Zone saw me changing in the living room, so I took my clothes, and went into the kitchen before locking the door and started changing. After I was done, I walked out and found Zone sprawled on his bed looking up at the ceiling. I jumped onto my bed and looked up too. 

There was total silence, until Zone asked me a question. "Cheryl, do you remember the first time we met?" 

"Yes, at school, right?" I answered, remembering when I first saw him. It was when I walked into the school doors, and he was there staring at me. I raised my eyebrow at him and he just smirked. So, I walked away.

"No... It wasn't. It was when we were in a shopping mall, and I knocked into you. You got mad, took off your slippers and threw them at me. Remember?" He said sitting up and furrowing his eyebrows.

"I don't, sorry. Probably it's a different girl, you know?" I smiled.

"I guess so..." He said, his eyebrows still furrowed, like he's not convinced. He lied down again. 

After a few seconds, he sat up again. "Is there a possibility that you maybe............ Nevermind. That's not possible." He said to himself. 

I turned to look at him and he looked like he was in deep thought. 

Zone's P.O.V

Why doesn't she remember that day. I am a hundred percent sure it was her. Brown curls, big brown eyes. It can't not be her. Maybe she just forgot. But I remember her saying, 

"I'm Cheryl, and obviously, you were the one who knocked me, Zoney." She said, emphasizing my name. 

And the time she thought was the first time we met, was actually a long time after we met. That’s weird. I wanted to ask her more, but when I turned to look at her, she was already asleep. I stared at her face. She looked like she was having an awesome dream. I wonder what it is. I looked at the calendar on the wall to check on what date is the last day of high school. I scanned the calendar and what surprised me was the big circled ‘24’ of May. What date could it be? I looked at the small note written under it.

Happy Birthday To The One And Only... CHERYL LESTERR!
- Kim -

I thought so. Cheryl would never write her own birthday down. I wonder why did Kim write it down on Cheryl’s calendar. There must be a reason. Now, talking about Cheryl’s birthday, I feel like getting her a present for her birthday. Today is... the 21st of May, so I have three days left to buy her a birthday present. 


A/N : I know this is short, but I’ve been really disappointed in myself at the votes I’m getting and also the comments for the last chapter, so if you guys are reading this, can you kindly go to the previous chapter and vote, if you haven’t vote yet. And also, please vote for this chapter too :) And do write a comment if you don’t feel like voting :)

Now, do you guys feel suspicious of the first time Zone and Cheryl (Chone?) met? If you do, try and guess what is behind all this forgetting and remembering at the comments below :3 Heheh! Once again, please vote, comment! You can also fan me (I hope you do!) if you like :D

xx C.Alexsandra

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