Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro...

By millb321

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"I can do it!" four-year-old Raven shouted to her father as she cautiously took a step toward the ocean for t... More

New Book!!!


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By millb321

Avenger's pov:

Everyone was sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast. Everyone except Raven and Luca. Apparently, those two never slept although they were always tired. Amber had wanted to give Raven as much time to sleep as possible since she had finally actually fallen asleep.

"Is that her superpower? Not sleeping?" Asked Sam, Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Nah Raven's nocturnal. Girl's not even human" Austin said with a laugh. Amber shot him a glare. She had the feeling Raven didn't want the Avengers to know anything like that. Steve, however, looked interested.

"What do you mean she's not human?"


"-gonna kill you if you keep talking about her behind her back." Amber interrupted, trying her best to tell Austin to shut up without actually telling him.

However, now the rest of the Avengers seemed interested in the topic.

"Didn't she say that she had super speed?" Asked Nat, remembering their conversation in the car from the day before.

"Not only that, she can also-"
"-pass me the pancakes please," Amber said loudly, in an attempt to move the conversation elsewhere. Wanda was giving her a funny look and Amber remembered that she could read minds.

Don't think

Don't think

Don't think

"Super speed? Like me?" Asked Pietro, also remember how she had sped to him and flipped him over with impressive strength. "She also seems strong," He added and Austin nodded.

Amber loved Austin to pieces but sometimes... she wished he would just shut the hell up.

"That's what happens when you're a va-"

"-Good morning"

Everyone's head turned to the door where Raven was standing with her arms crossed. Amber let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey Raven, we were just talking about you," Austin said happily.

Raven sat down at the table and started putting food on her plate.

"I know, you're very loud"

"Sorry, we didn't mean to wake you," Said Amber, who was very thankful that Raven had gotten there when she did.

"Don't worry about it, I've been awake for a while"

Once everyone had finished eating, they gradually moved toward the training rooms. Bucky and Steve were sparring while everyone else was cheering them on.

"Punch him right up his-" Raven put a hand over Tyler's mouth to stop him from finishing that sentence, he was only ten, after all.

Pietro was looking curiously in Raven's direction. Austin's words still ringing in his ears "not even human" If she wasn't human, then what was she? She looked like a normal person to him, but then again so did everyone else in this room and they were all far from normal.

"Drop it Pietro" Wanda whispered from behind him. "She'll tell us when she's ready." Pietro glared at his sister, they had talked about privacy, she wasn't supposed to read his mind.

He looked back over to Raven but she was gone. Nobody seemed to notice that she had left. Something wasn't right. And since Pietro was nosy, he was going to figure it out.

Raven was back in her room. She liked it there, she had light gray walls, the bottoms of which were covered in different paintings that Raven had done when she was bored. She had a queen bed pushed up against the wall. At the end of the bed was a small cabinet that carried her TV. She had a small fluffy white rug on the wooden floor along with a small mess of clothes. Raven wasn't exactly the neatest person, she wasn't messy either, she just didn't like putting her clothes away. There was a door in the corner of the room that led to her bathroom. The door next to it led to her small walk-in closet.

Raven flopped onto the bed, face down.

She was hungry

Not for food however

She was hungry for blood.

It had been a few days since she had last had some and she was seriously starting to feel it. She had learned a long time ago what came with being a vampire.

She was always hungry, like ALWAYS hungry. She had sorta learned to keep it in check, however.

She couldn't go outside in the sunlight. Adrien had solved that problem when he found someone who could make little daylight bracelets. It had been hard trying to find somebody who could make them but eventually, they had. Raven now always wore a small silver ankle bracelet around her right ankle.

She couldn't age. That had probably been the worst part. Raven couldn't stand being eleven forever. They had found a solution for that issue when Adrien invented a dose of some weird liquid. She had it injected into her bloodstream once a month and it kept her cells growing.

Raven stood up from her bed. She would ask to go out tonight, she would find some blood tonight, once all the Avengers were asleep already. She would hate for them to see that.

Dinner was going pretty smoothly for the most part. Raven was worried that they would start questioning her abilities again but they seemed more interested in discussing the sparring match Steve and Bucky had. Apparently, Steve had won and Bucky swore on his life that Steve had cheated. They were eating spaghetti and meatballs.

Pietro had been sneaking looks at Raven who was peacefully eating her food. She looked normal, but looks can be deceiving.

If she wasn't human... Then how was she eating food?

Pietro sighed, for once in his life he should probably actually listen to his sister and drop the whole thing, it would be better for everyone. Pietro brought his knife down to cut the meatballs just as he had let out the sigh, not realizing that his left hand was right there.

"Черт (damn it)" he hissed as blood poured from the wound.

All the children plus Adrien turned to look worriedly at Raven, who had turned very pale. Her breathing became rapid and her eyes were fixed on the meal in front of her.

Calm down Raven

It's just a little blood

Everything is okay

Everything is okay.

She took a few deep breaths, still not looking up from her plate.

Another loud hiss made Raven's eyes shoot up before she could stop them. She caught sight of his hand.

Oh God

There was so much blood

He had wrapped a napkin around it but red was seeping through the white cloth.

"Pietro, you are so clumsy" Sighed Wanda as she reached over to hand him her own napkin.

He removed his current blood-soaked napkin to replace it with hers. Raven had a full view.

"Raven.." Said Adrien in a quiet voice

Her eyes widened and she could feel the small rush of blood from the veins that were no doubt already under her eyes.

Raven stood up quickly, mumbling something about the bathroom and she fully sprinted out of the room.

She stopped running a few hallways away. She leaned against the wall with her eyes closed and waited for her face to turn normal again.

Pietro watched as she hurried out of the room. Wanda was trying to help him wrap the wound.

"I'll just go wash it off," he said as he stood up.

He walked down a few hallways, not really sure where the bathroom was. Until a figure leaning against the wall caught his eye. It was Raven. Why was she standing here?

"Raven?" he called out to her and she looked up. He could have sworn her eyes were red. Had she been crying?

Before he could have a better look, she quickly put her head down, letting her long hair cover her face.

Oh God, she could smell it.

He was walking towards her with a bloody hand and it took every ounce of her strength not to lose control.

"Raven are you okay?" he asked, once he was standing right in front of her.

"I'm fine," She said in a whisper, more focused on the blood at the moment

"Look at me" He put his hand under her chin to try and bring her face upwards but she turned away. Her vampire face was definitely still up and she was breathing extremely heavily.

"Raven please" He put his hands on her shoulder and Raven was extremely aware of how close his hand was to her face.

She snapped her head up to try not to look at the blood but she realized her mistake when she heard Pietro intake a sharp breath. Her eyes when she realized he was looking at her face.

Oh, God.

What the actual hell?!

Pietro had been right, Raven's eyes were a bright red color but there were also what looked to be small veins under each eye. Her mouth fell open slightly to reveal... fangs????

This had to be a dream right?

"Raven..." He said in barely a whisper reaching his left hand up to touch the weird vein things, he wasn't sure why but wanted to know what they felt like.

Raven caught his hand as he moved it up to her face.

Oh great

Now she had his blood on her hand.

Raven looked him dead in the eye

"Forget you saw me here"

With that, she sped away.

She didn't stop running until she reached town. She stood in a dark alley and she took some deep breaths. She was hungry

She was so freaking hungry.

"Excuse me, miss? Are you alright?" Raven looked up at the man who had just entered the alleyway. He had been looking at Raven with worry in his eyes but when he saw her face he froze in his tracks.

She couldn't control herself any longer.

Raven sighed,

This man just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.  

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