The Purple Backpack ✔️

By LyssahTraicey

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Pierra Ivy has had a crush on Andrew for the past three years. When an accidental spill aligns their paths to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Thirty Eight

519 49 4
By LyssahTraicey


Mornings in Paris had to be my favorite way of waking up. The view, being in my man's arms in the most luxurious hotel was a dream come true. Waking up that morning I realized that everything was all wrong. The other side of the bed was empty and the curtains were drawn so there was no view. I lay still and listened for Andrew but the room was too quite and there was no sound coming out of the bathroom.

I turned around and a smile formed on my lips when I saw what was on Andrew's side of the bed. I sat up reaching out for the beautiful bouquet of red and white roses. Andrew had given me flowers before but they were always sunflowers in remembrance of our first date. I wondered why he had decided to change things up. Reaching for the cartier gift bag I found the love bracelets I had been meaning to buy. One was silver and the other one was gold. There was also a note inside the bag.

Happy birthday my love. I can't wait to celebrate this birthday with you and the many more to come. This gift is the first step of binding our souls together as one.

I love you, Andre.

Andrew was so sweet and romantic it brought tears to my eyes. I had forgotten about my birthday amongst all the excitement of being in Paris. One of the reasons Andrew had asked me to accompany him to Paris was so we could celebrate my birthday together. He was off to a good start already.

I had no idea where he had run off to but I didn't want him coming back to a disheveled me. I got out of bed, tidied up before grabbing a change of clothes and entering the bathroom. Andrew had made me move all my make up and products to the bathroom when I bought too many and littered the room.

Forty five minutes later I had showered, shaved, groomed and was dressed. I put the final touches of my make up before re-entering the bedroom.

It was like walking back to an alternate universe. There was a bigger bouquet of roses on the bed and more wrapped gifts. The coffee table was set up with breakfast and there was a beautiful vanilla and strawberry cake on it with pink macaroons as decoration. The most striking sight of all was my handsome boyfriend standing at the foot of the bed looking at me adoringly with a beautiful smile on his face.

I smiled back, walking slowly towards him. I looped my hands around his neck and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him.

"You are the best boyfriend ever."I declared once we pulled apart.

"Only for you my love."He promised swooping in to capture my lips in another kiss.

When we pulled apart, Andrew grabbed the bracelets and we put them on each other.

"Now you are locked to me."Andrew declared kissing my wrist.

"And you to me."I replied admiring how beautiful both bracelets looked together.

After I took pictures of the bracelets for my Instagram we sat down to have our breakfast. It was simple which was good as I didn't want to fill up too much and skip on the cake. There were fruits, waffles shaped into hearts, eggs, coffee and juice.

"How did you manage to arrange all this without me knowing about it?"I asked biting into my waffles.

"You're a heavy sleeper and you sing in the bathroom, it was easy."Andrew replied with a smile.

"Well thank you so much for putting all of this together, it means a lot to me."I appreciated.

"Anything for you Ivy. Happy birthday."

"Thanks love."

After breakfast Andrew surprised me once more by singing happy birthday to me as I cut the cake. He actually had a good singing voice which I was just discovering. I would definitely be making him sing for me in the future. I cut the cake and we fed each other a slice before digging in. We ended up making a mess as we played with the frosting and had to take another shower together. It led to the best birthday shower sex.

After getting redressed I sat on my bed to go through the rest of my presents. I got new boots, a leather jackets, more jewelry, a bottle of my new favorite cologne and a framed photograph of me and Andrew.

"These are all beautiful, I love them. Thank you baby."I thanked him kneeling on the bed to kiss him.

"You're welcome but I'm only getting started."He replied nipping at my neck.

I was too distracted by his lips on my skin to ask what he meant by that.
We made out for a few more minutes before Andrew let me go to discard the wrapping paper.

"I can't believe our stay here is almost over."I groaned falling back on the bed and groaning on the pillow.

"We can extend our stay."Andrew suggested.

I flipped over to face him as I watched him put all my gifts away.

"You know we can't, we have graduation to attend and my mom keeps calling me everyday asking when we're going back."I reasoned.

"Then we will come back some day."He suggested taking a seat next to me on the bed.

"But I don't want to leave now."I protested.

"Okay now you're just repeating yourself and being a big baby. Are your horny?"Andrew asked laughing.

I chucked a pillow at him which he easily dodged.

"Is sex your answer to everything?"I asked sitting up.

"Mostly yes and besides I don't want to be told that I don't satisfy my woman enough."He argued earning an eye roll from me.

"And for that, no sex for you tonight."I threatened.

"What no? We've had sex everyday since we came here. You can't cut me off now, I'm on a roll."Andrew pleaded.

"Please continue giving me more reasons as to why I shouldn't have sex with you tonight."I retorted voice dripping with sarcasm.

Andrew sat up pulling me up with him.

"I'm sorry, I was only joking. I don't want to leave either but as you said, everyone back home is getting worried and we have duties to attend to. We're also going to run low on cash soon with all the shopping you've been doing."He expressed.

I looked around the room that was filled with shoe boxes and shopping bags. Andrew was right, I had gone overboard with the whole shopping experience so we had to buy two new suitcases to hold all my purchases. They weren't all for me, I had bought something for everyone back home.

"Don't act like you don't enjoy it but you're right. We do need to go back home."I agreed burying my face into Andrews chest.

I inhaled his intoxicating new scent that I had become obsessed with over the past few weeks.

"I have an idea, we only have three more days left. Why don't we go to the tower one last time. If we leave now, we get to spend a longer time there."Andrew enticed.

"Okay."I mumbled but made no move to let him go.

We stood in place for a few more minutes before we eventually pulled apart. We shrugged on our jackets, grabbed all other essentials before leaving the room.

It had been a wonderful one month in Paris and it was going to be hard to leave. That's why it was called a vacation though. I had enjoyed each day I had spent with Andrew making the best of memories that we would get to relive for the rest of our lives. Pietro had even arranged for us to attend a few fashion shows after he'd heard of my love for fashion. It was an amazing experience and even though I could never be a model, that line of work had grown on me.

Using the same car assigned to us all month we got to the tower. It was our third trip there. The first time we hadn't been able to get to the top as there was a long line so we just enjoyed ourselves on the second level. The second time there was still a line but we got there early so Andrew and I waited in line for hours but the view had been so worth it.

When arrived, Andrew helped me out of the car before taking my hand and leading me to the entrance.

"I was thinking we should walk around first buying souvenirs, go to the top enjoy the view, come down for dinner later then call it a day."Andrew suggested laying out his whole plan for the day.

"I thought you said, no more shopping."I teased.

"Don't try me woman and there's only so much you can buy here."Andrew retorted.

"Is that a dare?"I asked with an eyebrow raised in question.

Andrew looked at the look on my face and immediately conceded.

"Not at all, I apologize."He pouted and I chuckled.

As we walked around I realized that I would never get tired of being in Paris. I would definitely have to visit again in the future. Maybe I'd even get to bring my kids there with Andrew by my side. It didn't scare me that I was thinking that far into my future with Andrew. I loved him and would not love another so he was going to be my husband someday and later the father to my kids. I would let destiny decide at what pace we moved as long as we did it together.

"Ready to go up?"Andrew asked.

We had just finished purchasing personalized engraved bracelets and a few more souvenirs.

"Yes please."I requested taking Andrew's hand.

We walked to the elevator and thankfully there was no long queue.

A twenty minute wait and we were ascending to the top of the tower. When we got off the elevator I made my way to the glass to admire the view outside. You could see the beautiful city below us from all angles.

"Beautiful right?"I whispered out feeling Andrews breath on my neck.

"Definitely is."He replied.

"Are you doing that thing where I'm talking about the city but you're talking about me."I asked with a chuckle.

"I can't help if you're more captivating that a view we've seen a few times."Andrew retorted.

"You see me everyday all the time. This is something we have to treasure as it's our last visit."I argued.

"I will never tire of seeing you or stop thinking that you are the most gorgeous of God's creation."Andrew complimented making me blush.

I didn't reply as I would probably speak gibberish so I relaxed into his arms and continued enjoying the view.

A few minutes later we heard a ruckus by the elevator as a rowdy group of people alighted. They were quieted by the staff and it was back to blissful peaceful silence. Andrew's phone vibrated in his pocket three times but he didn't retrieve it to check who was texting him.

"Pierra I want to ask you something."Andrew spoke up and I turned around to look at him.

"What's up?"I asked looking at the crease on his brow.

Whatever he wanted to ask me must have been a big deal considering the look on his face. I gave him my full attention hoping to ease his worry from whatever he wanted to ask me.

He took my hands in his, looked at our conjoined fingers before meeting my gaze.

"Pierra from the first day that I met you, I was in love. People don't believe in love at first sight but for me it came true the day I laid my eyes on you. It took me three years to get the courage to ask you out and when I did I beat myself up for waiting too long. It doesn't matter though as this past few months have been the best of my life. I know we've not been dating long but I can't imagine having anyone else in my life but you. I love you Pierra and will love you till the day I breath my last. So with that in mind, will you please do me the honor of marrying me?"Andrew asked going down on one knee.

He retrieved a box from his pocket, holding it open to reveal a beautiful round diamond ring. My hand was clasped over my mouth in shock. Andrew had given no clues that he was going to propose and I was definitely caught off guard.

"Pierra."Andrew called out grabbing my attention.

"Mmh?"I replied softly my gaze alternating between his face and the ring.

It was a beautiful ring, not too big, not too small and the diamond itself looked real meaning Andrew had spent a small fortune acquiring it.

"What do you say? Will you share the rest of your life with me as my wife?"He asked again.

"Say yes or I will! "Someone yelled a few meters away and we both laughed.

I didn't have any doubt in mind whatsoever about what my future looked like. Anytime I thought about it, Andrew was in it so with that I nodded and held my left hand out.

"Yes I will marry you."I chocked out as Andrew slid the ring into my finger. He stood up, pulled me into his arms and kissed me the crowd around us going wild.

A familiar voice yelling congratulations made me pull away and for the nth time that day I was shocked again. All my friends and family were there clapping and cheering for us. My parents, brothers, Whitney, Andrew's mom, his sister Alice, the three musketeers and Ned were all there grinning at us as they took photos and videos.

"What? How?"I asked looking at Andrew.

"After buying the ring, I had money left over from the prize money so I called everyone up and had them arrange to come here. It took a lot of work and secrecy but I knew you'd want them here when I proposed so I made it happen."Andrew replied wiping the tears off my face.

"You're perfect, I love you."I sobbed hugging him.

Andrew had gone out of his way to make my birthday special, think of what I'd need and make my dreams come true.

"You deserve the best and I shall always give you that."Andrew responded with a smile.

I kissed him once more before running towards my family and friends to hug them. I was so happy to have all of them there with me sharing my special moment and it was all thanks to Andrew, the man I was going to marry. After I had been passed around everyone admiring the ring and congratulating us, I found myself back in Andrews arms.

"I can't wait to be your wife."I said gazing at the man who made all my dreams come true and my future look brighter than ever.

"And I can't wait to call you mine forever. I love you Ivy."Andrew confessed.

"I love you more Andre. To forever."I smiled.

"And always."He responded before swooping in to kiss my lips.

My crush was now my fiancé and would be my husband. I had gotten my happy ever after all.

THE END!!!!!! 


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