The Purple Backpack ✔️

By LyssahTraicey

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Pierra Ivy has had a crush on Andrew for the past three years. When an accidental spill aligns their paths to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Thirty Six

511 46 4
By LyssahTraicey


I turned over in Andrews arms my eyes fluttering open as the soft rays of the sun hit my exposed skin. My eyes adjusted fast to the light and my gaze immediately wandered outside the window where my view of the Eiffel Tower was clear as day. I thought I'd dreamt the previous day but it was all out there for me to feast my eyes on. I was a lucky girl in the city of my dreams accompanied by the love of my life.

"Good morning Ivy."Andrew rasped out in his deep morning voice.

He kissed my shoulder and I turned back around to face him.

"Morning Andre."I replied pecking his lips.

"Come on, you can do better than that."He grumbled adjusting himself so that he was looming over me.

He tried kissing me but I dodged his lips.

"Morning breath."I mumbled looking away.

"Yeah you're probably right, yours could make one pass out."He commented with a straight face.

I frowned pushing him off me with my whole strength.

"You're an oaf, a stupid one at that."I retorted getting out of bed and heading towards the bathroom.

Andrew got out of bed and trailed after me.

"I was joking."He apologized chuckling as he attempted to kiss me one more time.

I shoved a toothbrush in his mouth when he got close enough. He glared at me but didn't take it out, just proceeded to brush his teeth as I did the same.

Immediately I put my toothbrush back in the cup holder, Andrew turned me around, picked me up and propped me up on the sink.

"What do you think you're doing?"I asked.

I was glaring at him even though I loved the feeling of his firm hands on my body.

"Kissing you good morning."He replied.

Before I could protest he pressed his lips against mine. I tried resisting but once he trailed his arms on my bare thighs I was a goner and opened up to him like a flower in spring.

"Baby you have a meeting, we don't have time for this."I protested once he moved the kisses to my neck.

"Yes we do."He protested nipping at the sensitive skin.

When his talented artistic hands found their way under my silk pajamas to my breasts, I lost all energy to resist his charms.

We emerged out of the bathroom an hour later already showered after fucking on the sink, the toilet seat, against the bathroom glass and wall. It was an adventurous morning.

"You're insatiable."I groaned feeling my body ache from all the positions I'd just been put in.

"You weren't complaining as I gave you multiple orgasms all over that bathroom."Andrew retorted.

I tossed a bra at him which he easily caught, rolled into a ball before tossing it back at me.

"Enough playing, Pietro will be here in an hour and we need to get ready and have breakfast before then."I reminded Andrew.

"Yes ma'am."He teased spanking my bare ass.

I just rolled my eyes but didn't react knowing that's what he wanted from me. I picked out my outfit and got dressed in a white long sleeved full neck, a grey skirt, grey boots and a grey beret to match my skirt. I looked like the perfect Parisian. When I turned around to see what Andrew was wearing I found him standing in his boxers, hands on his waist as he looked at his open suitcase.

"You're supposed to be dressed."I commented.

"I know but I can't decide what to wear."He replied.

"You order breakfast, I'll pick an outfit out for you."I suggested.

"You're a life saver. What did I ever do without you?"He asked kissing my forehead as he passed by me to get to the phone.

"Survive but now you're living."I chided making him laugh.

Andrew ordered breakfast before walking back to me to see what I'd chosen for him. The meeting he was attending was a formal one but he was an artist so wearing a suit would be too weird so I chose a semi-formal outfit. Blue jeans, white button down, green pea coat and black boots.

"You look very handsome."I complimented straightening out his collar after he got dressed.

"All thanks to my talented girl. She on the other hand looks magnificent."He replied looping his hands around my waist pulling me to him for a kiss.

We kissed for a minute before we both pulled away to finish getting ready. Breakfast arrived and Andrew went to receive it as he tipped the waiter.

"Breakfast is served milady."Andrew announced from the balcony.

I chuckled as I joined him to enjoy the vast selection of delicious foods. There was coffee, juice, fruits, eggs, bacon, croissants and bread. The best view, most delicious breakfast and my man for company. I couldn't possibly ask for anything more.

"So what are you going to be doing when I go for my meeting?"Andrew asked.

"I was thinking, I'll come with you. I will just wait till you're done then we can start exploring together."I replied.

"I can't ask you to do that as I have no idea how long the meeting will take."Andrew protested.

"You're not asking me, I'm offering and besides I don't want to go exploring without you. We came here together and we're going to do everything together unless you don't want my company."I said with a pout.

"How can you think that? Stop with that face, I just don't want you to get bored."He insisted.

"There's no way I'll get bored, we're in Paris where art is everywhere. I'll be okay."I assured him.

"Okay fine but if you get bored, go explore but text me the details and your location."Andrew said giving in.

"It's a deal."I replied with a grin.

We finished up on breakfast and used the rest of the time before Pietro arrived to enjoy more of the view. I was living a dream and I didn't want it to be over that's why I was going to savor each minute of it.

Pietro arrived immediately at eight just as he had said he would.

"I hope you had a good rest."He inquired after we got the morning pleasantries out of the way.

I liked Pietro, he was nice, kind and polite with a wicked fashion sense.

"Yes we did, thank you."Andrew replied.

"Good, anyway we best be going if we're going to make it on time."Pietro commented.

We gathered all our essentials before leaving the room. We used the same car we'd used the previous day to get to the hotel from the airport. My face was glued to the window the whole time as I stared at all the sights we passed. I couldn't wait to see it all in close proximity.

"Pierra the car is at your service to take you wherever you want as Andrew attends his meeting."Pietro commented.

"No need, I'm coming with you guys."I replied.

He got this confused look on his face that had me chuckling.

"Don't worry, I won't sit in on the meeting and will stay out of your way."I assured him.

"If you're sure."Pietro replied.

I nodded "I am."I assured him.

When we arrived at our destination we alighted infront of a building with a French Classical style like most of the buildings in Paris. It looked like a museum and I was right when we walked in and I saw all the works of art displayed inside.

"Definitely can't get bored."I commented looking around in awe.

"If you like art then we've got plenty of it, you'll be just fine."Pietro assured me.

"I plan on it."I replied with a smile as I turned to Andrew.

"Nervous?"I asked my hands on his chest.

"Yeah."He admitted with a chuckle.

"You'll be fine, Adre. Your talent is what got you here so go wow them with your amazing personality and charm. I'll be right here when you're done."I assured him.

"Okay. I love you."He replied pecking my lips.

"I love you more."I answered.

He grinned at me before kissing my forehead and following Pietro who was mumbling something about young love.

I resisted the urge to squeal as I looked at everything around me. I loved anything to do with history and culture so all those paintings and artifacts were calling out to me. I found myself immediately start to wander around as I took everything in. There were other people in the museum but just like they didn't pay attention to me, I ignored them too.

I hoped Andrew was doing okay in his meeting. He was reserved but had the ability to charm people so I hoped that he was was fine. It was a simple meeting anyway so he could get to meet the managers, coordinators and other winners.

I have no idea how much time had passed as I was immersed into all the beauty around me. I only came back to the land of the living when I heard my name being called out from afar. I turned around and saw Andrew walking towards me with Pietro following behind.

"Ivy, are you okay?"He asked looking at me from top to bottom.

"Yeah, why?"I asked with a chuckle.

"We've been looking for you for twenty minutes."Andrew informed me.

I looked around and realized that I had wandered off and there was no one else around but the three of us. There was a restricted sign a few meters away.

"Oops sorry, I must have been too engrossed in the art to see the sign. I'm sorry Pietro."I apologized.

"It's okay, we're just glad you're safe."He assured me.

I nodded before turning my attention back to Andrew. He had been gone for close to three hours.

"How was your meeting?"I asked him.

"Long but fun, I got to meet all the other winners. Did you know that I was the only one from Africa that won? They picked one winner per continent except from Asia where they picked two. But just imagine, I won against all other photographers from Africa."Andrew expressed with a grin.

"I don't know why you're so surprised. I have always known you are talented, it was only a matter of time until someone realized it but still, I'm so proud of you Andre. That's a huge accomplishment and I'm happy for you."I replied kissing his cheek.

"Thanks Pierra. So what do you want to do now?"He inquired.

"Probably go sightseeing. I want to hold out on seeing the big sceneries for now so maybe we can just take a stroll."I suggested.

"I love that idea."Andrew concurred.

"I don't. You two are my responsibility. I can't have you wandering around. What if you get lost or veer off to the wrong part of town."Pietro argued.

"We'll be okay Pietro, trust us. We'll stick to the main roads and call you in case of anything."I assured him.

Pietro debated within himself and eventually gave in to our pleading faces. We wouldn't have any fun if we had a baby sitter so we had to convince him to let us go.

"Okay fine, just take care to yourselves please."He requested and we nodded.

"We will."I replied as I took Andrew's hand following the instructions that led us back to the entrance.

"Left of right?"I asked Andrew as we stood at the door.

"Right."He answered and we took off that way.

Paris was beautiful and the more we strolled around, the more that thought were reinforced. There was a café each corner you turned, many pastry shops with the most delicious looking sweets and baked goods on display. There were many jewelry shops, high end clothing boutiques, shoes stores and perfume shops.

Andrew had his camera with him and was taking pictures every chance he got. It was nice to be with him, having fun, talking and just enjoying the sights.

"How about we go in there? I'm hungry."Andrew suggested pointing at a cute little cafe tucked away in the corner.

"Lead the way my good sir."I replied trying on a fake French accent.

"Yes milady."Andrew said trying the same thing.

We both failed miserably and ended up falling into a fit of laughter as we walked into the cafe hand in hand. When we walked in, the little bell at the door rang announcing our arrival. We found a seat by the window and picked up our menus. There were only three occupied tables but we were definitely the only people of color in there. I hoped they didn't discriminate us because of our race. I had always been afraid of travelling overseas because of racism and I hoped Andrew and I wouldn't encounter it during our trip.

"It's all in French."Andrew grumbled looking at it.

"Flip it."

I laughed at him when his face contorted into embarrassment as he realized it was a two sided menu and the other side was in English.

"I have no idea what half of these foods are even with the translation but I recognize the name duck and chicken so I'm going to have either of those."I declared putting my menu down.

Andrew looked so cute with his nose scrunched up as he tried to decide what to eat. He eventually gave up and put the menu down.

"Same."He announced with a huff.

A middle aged waitress approached us a few minutes later with a cute pink uniform, with a notepad and pen in hand.

"Hello, sorry for the wait. We're understaffed so I'm multitasking. My name is Ava and I will be you're server today. What will you two be having?"She asked saying all that in one breath.

"It's okay we don't mind the wait. We're not really sure about the food so you please tell us about the chicken or the duck?"I requested.

"Ah visitors, welcome to Paris. Where are your accents from?"She inquired.

"We're both from Kenya, it's in Africa."Andrew replied speaking for both of us.

"Wow, you two youngsters are a long way from home."She commented.

"Yeah it's for work and pleasure too."Andrew continued.

"Well you're both welcome to our beautiful city, there's much to see. I hope you two have a wonderful time. Now back to your food."She expressed.

Ava explained the menu to us and we both ended up ordering the duck. It sounded delicious when she described it. She brought us our drinks first before asking us to wait a few minutes as she readied our meals.

"She's so nice. I hope everyone we encounter is like her and Pietro."I commented once we were alone again.

"I hope so too."Andrew replied taking out his camera.

He started taking pictures of me as we waited for our food to arrive.

"Sometimes I get so jealous of that camera then I remember it can't give you orgasms like I can."I blurted out.

Andrew looked shocked for a minute before he burst out laughing.

"Only you Ivy."He said shaking his head.

"Only me what?"I asked.

"Nothing baby, camera aside. You have my undivided attention."He declared putting his camera back in the bag.

"We had three weeks apart, that's a long time as we weren't communicating. I just want us to talk it all out and make sure that we are really okay."I commented.

"You're right, I'm sorry. You said you discovered some things while we were apart, tell me about that."Andrew asked as he took a much more serious stance.

Before and after the food arrived, Andrew and I just sat and talked. I told him what I'd found out about my mother and sister. I got emotional there for a minute but he was quick to console me. Afterwards we moved to lighter topics as we enjoyed our delicious meal. Andrew and I bonded over lunch and realized that we hadn't really grown apart during our time away from each other. We were still okay and would continue to be.

After lunch at the cafe we settled our bill before leaving and visiting a pastry shop down the street for our dessert. They had multi colored macaroons that I immediately became obsessed with. Andrew had to cut me off before I ingested too many and got a stomach ache.

Before we decided to call it a night Andrew and I visited a perfumer and bought ourselves exotic sweet smelling scents.

For our first day in Paris, it was very exciting one and I couldn't wait for the rest of the month to see what it would bring.


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