Don't Go Eating My Heart

By AprilRenton

175K 4.9K 1.9K

Marley Fletcher is a genetically engineered soldier that is part human and part wolf. She is the ultimate mer... More

Must Read
A Short Introduction
Blood and Bacon
Another One Bites the Dust (Soon)
Hit (On) Me Baby One More Time
Pie or Die
Silver (coins) And Gold (comebacks)
Back To the Roadhouse
Shoot Me Once Shame On You
Sarcastic Squabbles
Bark Side of the Moon
Pranks and Tricks
The Problem with Possession
Adventures In Babysitting
Paranormal Activity
Bull Crap Bobby
Locked Out of Friendship
Dead Men Tell No Tales
There Must Be An Angel
Somebody Better Call the Doctor
Witchy Witchy Voo(doo)
I Threw A Wish In A Well
A Bubbly Personality?
Snarls and Smiles
Diner Dancing
The Wings of Change
Do You Believe in Ghosts?
Tell Me Why
Dean's Dream
Dream A Little Dream of Me
The Story of Our Life
Jaded Little Love Song
Flowers For a Fool
When the Levee Breaks
Broken Brothers
The Hospital Hooligan
A Couple of Apes and an Angel
The Apology
War - It's Only A Game
War - It's Not What It Seems
War - It Can't Be Won Alone
War - It Follows You Home
Torture Time
I Didn't Shoot The Sheriff
A Whole New World
The Future is Wild
Poker Face
Grumpy Old Men
Playin' A Player
Seeing Yourself as Others Do
Cosplaying Yourself
Teaming Up With Yourselves
Be Yourself
Meeting a King
Last Night on Earth
Hell on Main Street
Speak of the Devil
State of Mind
When Gary Met Sammy
Good 'ol Gary
Don't Go Bacon My Heart
Chris P. Bacon
You're Bacon Me Crazy
Livin' On A Prayer
Grocery Games
Who Let the Hellhounds Out?
Two Worlds, One Family
Save the Alcoholics, Save the World
She Said Yes!
Goodbye Stranger
Not An Update
A Note
Another Reccomendation
Detour on the Highway to Hell
Welcome to Hell
If I Don't Come Back, Don't Come Lookin
You've Got A Friend In Me
A Pawn By Any Other Name
Second Chances
Not All Hounds Go To Heaven
Finally Free
I Love You ... Seriously? Now?
Monster Mayhem
Shoot to Kill
Hunting Things
Saving People
The Family Business
Carry on My Wayward Son

Sheriff Stabbington

834 29 5
By AprilRenton

This is an original chapter that takes place during Season 5 Episode 3-4. I am not responsible for spoilers in the comments.


And she certainly wasn't expecting the knife in her gut.

Her lips parted as a gasp left her body and her hands shot to the wound. Her eyes looked down and saw the back quarter of a knife and handle protruding from her gut. A cough came out of her mouth, and blood came along with it. Her gaze briefly lifted to look at the man before she stumbled back towards the wall and used it to slowly slide down. She winced as she went to pull out the knife. It quickly became apparent that removing it was not an option.


Marley's head rolled to the left and she almost laughed at the sight that met her eyes. The sheriff had her gun drawn and aimed at the man that had stabbed her. The man in the green plaid had managed to get to his feet, but was keeping all his weight on his right leg. His scream when she broke it must have caught the sheriff's attention.

The stabby man raised his hands slowly and spoke in a calm voice. "Evening ma'am."

Her eyes flitted over to Marley and recognition flashed through them before her gaze returned to the men. "Care to explain what you gentlemen are doing back here?"

"We're with the FBI. We were sent here to detain this violent criminal." He gestured towards Marley, lies dripping off his tongue with the ease of a Winchester. "She fought back and broke my partner's leg."

Jody looked over at Marley and frowned. "What is she accused of?"

Marley looked at them, despite dying, she was honestly curious as to what exactly she was being accused of.

"Multiple counts of theft, identity fraud, and first-degree murder."

A sarcastic comment was on the tip of her tongue but it died as pain shot through her again. She glanced down and saw that blood was thoroughly coating her hands.

"Well she needs to get to a hospital and then you can take her into custody once she's healed."

"You're right. We've got it from here."

"Jody," Marley was surprised how weak her voice sounded. "They're not real agents."

She knew if she went with them, she was a goner for sure. Her only hope was getting Jody to step in.

"You boys have a supervisor I can call? After all I can't have people killing each other in my town."

"Of course."

The man didn't miss a beat and he reached into his back pocket for his wallet. He passed Jody a business card and she dialed the number on it.

The phone rang twice before the man picked up.

"Agent Willis speaking."

"Agent Willis, this is Sheriff Jody Mills-" She stopped short, her brow furrowing. She knew that voice. "Bobby?"

The stabby man shifted nervously on his feet, realizing that things might not be going as smoothly as he hoped. Marley couldn't stop the small smile that came onto her face.

"Is this Bobby Singer?"

"Look I don't know who this is," Bobby tried playing it off. "But this is agent Tom Willis of the FBI."

"Bull crap."

"Wait." Marley spoke up as she realized that Jody was about to hang up on him. "Tell him what's happening. Please."

Jody looked at her and swallowed, unsure of what to do, but after a moment she nodded her head.

"Alright Agent Willis," She said it in a tone that made it clear she didn't believe him. "I have two men here claiming you're their supervisor and that they have your orders to apprehend Marley by whatever means necessary."

Bobby tensed at the mention of the girl's name. "The same Marley you arrested before?"

"That's the one."

"Give one of those idjits the phone." His voice was tense.

Jody quirked an eyebrow and held out the phone to the man in front of her. "He wants to talk to you."

The man took the phone and slowly raised it to his ear. "Agent Willis?"

"Who is this?"

"It's Gregory Fields sir."

"Well you listen here you idjit. That girl Marley there is not the monster that Gordon made her out to be. She's helping hunt monsters now. Spread the word about that, you understand me?"

"I- Uh- yes sir." Gregory licked his lips nervously.

"Good." Bobby paused and nodded his head. "And one more thing. When you spread the word, make sure every hunter also knows this: Marley is under the Winchester's protection. So unless they want to deal with them, they will leave her alone."

Gregory gulped hard and glanced back at Marley, fear suddenly flashing through his eyes. "Got it."

He hung up the phone and handed it back to Jody. "She's all yours Sheriff."

He walked back to the man in the green plaid shirt and helped him walk away towards their car. Jody walked over and knelt down next to Marley.

"Do you think you can walk to my car so I can get you to the hospital?"

"No." Marley shook her head. "No hospitals."

Jody looked at her incredulously. "You have a knife in your gut!"

"Really?" Jody ignored her sarcasm and began trying to pull Marley up to her feet. "Just take me to Bobby's."

As strong as Jody was, Marley was zero help to her in moving and the sheriff realized she was gonna need help getting her into the car.

"Hey, Fields!" The man turned around and she gestured for him to come back over. "Help me get her into my car."

Gregory's face paled slightly at the thought of having to go anywhere near the monster again, but nevertheless he complied, not daring to say no to the sheriff. With Marley held up between them, the two managed to get Marley to Jody's car. Jody glanced to her right at the girl who's eyes were barely staying open and she shook her head as she unlocked the door.

"You'll bleed out before we get there. The hospital is at least 10 minutes closer. You're going to the hospital."

Marley grabbed the keys from her pocket and handed them to Jody. "There's a first aid kit in my car, in the glovebox, it has a blood clotting agent inside. It'll stop the bleeding enough to get me to Bobby's."

"Lay down here on your back while I go get it." Jody opened the back door of her SUV before turning and addressing Gregory. "Help her into the car and then get the heck outta here."

His face was contorted with distaste as he helped Marley up into the seat. As much as he wished he could finish the job and kill her here and now, he wasn't stupid enough to have the Winchesters on their tail for the rest of their short lives. So he turned and left without a word as Marley laid back with a groan. She could feel herself trying to heal, but she also knew the wound wasn't going to be able to heal on its own. Jody came back and opened the packet of the blood clotting agent before pouring it on the wound around the knife.

Marley arched her back in pain and groaned, her fingers clenching into tight fists. Her eyes flashed blue for a moment as the pain intensified before subsiding again.

"You okay?" Jody's face was filled with concern.

Marley offered a short nod, her sharp breaths slowly becoming deeper. "Yeah... yeah. There's a rag in there too. I need it wet with water and then place it over the powder."

Jody nodded and grabbed her water bottle from the front of the car, dumping its contents over the rag. With the rag damp, she carefully placed it over the wound as instructed.

"Anything else?"

Marley shook her head. "No. Just get me to Bobby's."

She grunted as she scooted farther into the car so that Jody could shut the door. Marley closed her eyes for the briefest of moments before Jody's voice cut through her dreams of sleep.

"Try and stay awake, okay kiddo?"

"Not a kid." Marley muttered, her gaze now fixed on the roof of the car. "Or a kiddo."

Her eyelids began to flutter close again. The lack of sleep combined with the blood loss was becoming too much for her to stay awake. The blaring of a siren made her eyes shoot wide open. The car had started moving and Jody had taken it upon herself to turn on the siren, effectively clearing traffic out of the way, and effectively keeping Marley awake.

Marley managed to stay awake for the 15 minute drive to Bobby's house. Every little bump felt like a massive jarring pothole that sent a spike of pain through her. Jody put the car in park and hopped out. As Jody helped her out of the car she noticed how much weaker Marley was and quickly raced up to the house, leaving Marley to sit on the edge of the car, her head lolling to the side and leaning against the metal frame.

Jody banged on the door. "BOBBY! OPEN UP!"

The door opened a few moments later to reveal the old man in his wheelchair. His eyes flashed with confusion as Jody stood there in front of him, but they widened as he glanced past her and noticed Marley in the car with the giant knife protruding from her gut. Quickly he jumped into action, pushing the door open so that Jody could come in.

"There's an extra wheelchair in the closet, put her in that and bring her in to the couch. I'll grab the first aid supplies."

When Bobby came out of the bathroom from grabbing the supplies, Jody was helping Marley from the chair onto the couch. The girl was becoming paler by the minute, and it was becoming increasingly difficult for her to keep her eyes open.

Bobby spoke quickly as he wheeled himself towards the couch. "How long has she been like that?"

Jody carefully adjusted Marley on the couch. "Not sure. Almost 30 minutes would be my guess."

Bobby came to a stop next to Marley's head, Jody stood near her feet. The box of supplies was on his lap, but honestly Marley needed a hospital not some crappy first aid supplies. But Bobby wasn't going to let that stop him from patching her up.

"You've looked better kid." Bobby said trying to distract her as he removed the rag from around the knife.

"Still look better," Marley took a shaky breath. "than you do gramps."

"Tell me," Bobby wrapped his hand around the handle of the knife. "What kind of idjit can't hold her own against only 2 guys?"

"Well, in my defe-"

A roar was ripped from her throat as Bobby pulled the knife out, her eyes flashing blue in pain. And then she passed out. Bobby tilted his head at her and placed the box of supplies on the ground beside him.

"I need warm water and rags, then get a needle and thread ready."

Jody didn't argue and immediately went to get the rags and water from the kitchen. Meanwhile Bobby took the scissors from the box and cut open Marley's shirt to give him easier access to the wound. Jody placed the bucket of water along with a few rags on the end table on Bobby's left before beginning to prepare the needle and thread. Bobby used the rags and water to get off some of the blood, but it was difficult as the wound was still bleeding, although not nearly as much as before thanks to the blood clotting agent. It only took Bobby mere minutes to stitch up the wound as it was something he had had to do on more than one occasion.

Jody continued to watch on in silence as Bobby worked to finish cleaning around the wound. He grabbed a bottle of disinfectant and washed it over the stitches before grabbing some bandages from the box and wrapping Marley's abdomen in them. Only when he finished did Jody finally speak.

"She lost a lot of blood."

Bobby began to clean up the mess that had been made, not looking at the sheriff. "She'll pull through. She's tough."

Jody watched as he wheeled himself over to the kitchen sink and dumped out the bloody water. "I saw her eyes glow blue."

Bobby turned his chair around and looked at her. "It happens sometimes."

Jody rose her eyebrows when that was the only response he offered. "You really expect me to believe that."

Bobby shrugged as he continued cleaning up the medical supplies. "I really don't care what you believe."


Jody finally left after giving Bobby a stern talking to about faking being a federal agent. That had been about 15 hours ago.

Marley was still passed out on the couch, but Bobby had noticed signs of improvement in her breathing and heartbeat- she was gonna make it.

And 9 hours later she finally woke up. As soon as she moved she groaned as pain lit up her stomach like a bear clawing her insides. Her throat was unbelievably dry so she went to the kitchen to get a drink. Well at least she did in her head. In reality she spent a solid 10 minutes pushing herself up into a seated position. She sat there for a minute with her eyes closed, breathing through the pain. Her wound wasn't healed yet and it was taking a lot longer than it should have.

Bobby wheeled his way into the room and raised his eyebrows as he saw her sitting up on the couch. "It's about time you woke up. You've been squashing my couch for over a day now."

"I told you I was tired." Her voice was scratchy and Bobby wheeled over to his desk where he grabbed a water bottle and tossed it on the couch next to her. "Thanks."

He stared at her while she gulped down the entire bottle in seconds and noticed how she winced whenever she moved her body. "You're not healed yet."

Marley shook her head but had no explanation to offer him. They sat there in silence for a moment before Marley spoke again. "Thanks for patching me up... and telling the hunters not to kill me."

"Well Jody assisted me, so don't go blaming me when the stitches pop open."

Marley chuckled softly. "You got it gramps."

"Quit calling me gramps." Bobby muttered as he wheeled out of the room.

Marley decided that it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to take another quick nap and allow herself more time to heal. So she did for a good 5 hours. When she woke up again she felt a lot better than before, and the burning fire in her stomach had been reduced to a few smoldering coals.

Slowly she eased herself up on the couch and winced as she got to her feet. It took her about 3 times longer than normal as she shuffled to the kitchen. She gritted her teeth in pain as she bent into the fridge to grab a bottle of water. Pain lit up her stomach as she bent over, having to get past rows of beer to reach the water. When she stood back up she closed the fridge and leaned heavily against the counter with her eyes closed. Only when her breathing was back to normal did she finally open her eyes. When she did, her gaze landed on Bobby who was sitting under the left entryway to the kitchen. There was something that flashed through his eyes, but Marley couldn't quite place it. Ignoring him for the moment she cracked open the water bottle and once again gulped down the whole thing. When she finished she let out a sigh of relief, her thirst quenched.

A few more moments of silence passed and Bobby's eyes were still on her. Marley took a deep breath and turned her head to him with a raised brow.

"What's goin' on in the empty space between your ears Bobby?"

He rolled his eyes. "Just surprised to see you up and walking is all."

Marley's head cocked slightly to the side. She swore she heard anger in his voice. But that didn't make any sense, why would he be angry?

"Did I do something?"

Bobby let out a huff of air and wheeled towards the study. "No."


Marley made to follow him, but immediately gritted her teeth and grunted. She had moved too fast and once again her wound screamed in protest. After counting to 10 she moved to go after him again, but this time a lot slower. She leaned against the doorframe between the two rooms and stared at Bobby's back as he made himself busy at his desk.

"Look I know you don't like talking about feelings-"

"You're right, I don't. So just drop it."

"No." Marley glared at the back of his head. "You've been looking at me like I murdered your dog."

"Rumsfeld was killed by demons a few years ago."

"Then help me understand what I could have possibly done. I have done everything you've asked over these past 2 weeks with hunting demons." Her voice raised slightly. "Heck I got stabbed in the process!"

"Really? You got stabbed?" Bobby whirled around and glared at her. "Cause ya sure wouldn't know by looking at you, walking around like nothing happened!"

Marley's nostrils flared. "Well it sure doesn't feel like nothing happened." She pushed off the doorway and stepped into the room, annoyance and sarcasm blending together as she spoke. "Dunno if you're aware but stab wounds feel like someone's tearing you in two."

"Actually I do know." Bobby's jaw twitched and he slammed a book onto his desk.

A jolt went through Marley and this time it wasn't from the wound. Guilt inflated in her chest and her throat tightened as she looked at Bobby- the man in a wheelchair. The man who very similarly to her, had taken a knife to the gut. But unlike her, he didn't have any special healing powers.

"I'm sor-"

"Don't." Bobby cut her off. "Just don't."

He wheeled out of the room in a huff, leaving Marley standing there all alone. She sighed heavily, everyone in her life was seriously messed up right now. Sam was drowning in guilt, Bobby was in an angry phase of depression, and Dean was struggling with PTSD. And Marley? Well she had no idea how to help any of them.

A knock sounded on the door. Marley slowly stood up straight from her position leaning against the door frame, and made her way towards the door. After Bobby's huffy exit, she highly doubted he would be the welcome wagon for the visitor. The door squeaked open, removing the barrier between her and the green eyed man on the other side.

Thank you so much to everyone for commenting on my last chapter, it feels so good to be back ❤️

I hope y'all enjoyed this like original chapter set. I felt like Marley hadn't been in peril in awhile and I needed to spice it up a little 😂

I cannot tell y'all how excited I am for y'all to read the coming chapters. We get into some STUFF!

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