Dr. Beast and his Inamorata

By crazy_writer_97

249K 12.7K 1.5K

#1 in Doctor series "Doctor!!" A soft, warm, and euphonic voice of Dr. Ishaan came from very behind me. I wh... More

1. An Accident
2. First Day
3.Night Duty
4. Surgery and Surgery and Surgery
5. Life or synonym of the wife...
6. Mystery
7. Respirating wall
8. Cold War
9. First Compliment
10. Argument
11. Red-Inflammed-Swollen Wrist
12. Damoiseau in distress
13. Planning
14. Ignorance
15. First kiss
16. Strangers to undefinable relation...
17. Questions
18. Fib
19. Tears
20. Messed up
21. Seduce him!
22. Goons attack
23. Hakuna Matata!
24. Love bites
27. Like girlfriend, like boyfriend.
29. Kitchen mess-A
30. Kitchen mess-B
31. Day of astounds...
32. Nasty desires...
33. Quarrels
34. Moans and groans
35. Dr. Adi...get well soon
36. Funfair
37. Well-wisher
38. Kidnap!
39. Indignation, Curiosity, and Guilty.
40. Inamorata!
41. Inamorato!
42. You are made for me...
43. Final Cliffhanger
44. Ishaan
45. Ishika
Epilogue-Men are men
New Book
Adi and Rosh
Ishaan-Before we met.
Bonus Chapter: Ishaan's silent lovers!

25. Love no! lustboy...

5.3K 269 5
By crazy_writer_97

It was not that hard...I can even be a very personal investigator...

One hand with a plastic cup of hot chocolate topped with thick cream, and the other hand with a Surgery jumbo-size textbook, I ambled straight to the secluded table situated at the sequestered spot of the library. The only work I had for that day was making ward rounds. That took hardly three-four hours then I did my ritual of the afternoon, 'doing lunch with Dr. Chaya'. I had no idea what's going on with her and why she was being amicable with me. I tried ignoring her but she called me and requested as she wants to feel light-hearted with all my jests and humorous nature. I have another amusing profession to add to my resume, as a Jester. 

After lunch, I went to all wards and took pictures of doctor's notes from case sheets written by my co-workers and senior doctors. I even went to one of the ortho wards to captured Sahil's handwriting, the primary suspect of my case. And also to O.T. for Harsh's handwriting.

I took out the first sloppy written warning letter of my well-wisher from my apron pocket.            'People don't seem like they pretend to be...Give a thought before you get close to anybody. Your Wellwisher.'

So, my task was simple, compare this letter with all the pictures I have captured on my mobile...  

I clicked on the first pic it was of Sudhir's crabbed, untidy handwriting same as his face, my second suspect...I worked for three-four minutes intermittently taking sips of my hot chocolate while scrutinizing, inspecting, and comparing each letter to that of Sudhir's handwritten doctor's note.  

After full five-minute exertion of my eyes, I concluded it was not his. Though my well-wisher has cramped, sloppy handwriting at least it was a lot better than Sudhir's. Nasty fellow!

The time kept passing, kept me occupied with my work...I was left with Dr. Gautham's, Dr. Chaya's, and Dr. Ishaan's handwriting comparison while other's handwriting didn't match. Not even Harsh's. After doing an intense eye scanning and comparing for a couple of minutes, neither Dr. Gautham nor Dr. Chaya got in the probability of my wellwisher suspicion. 

At last, only one person was left, Dr. Ishaan. For some reason, I felt the ceasing of my heartbeat for that matter of second when I kept his handwritten doctor's note and that letter side by side. I zoomed out that picture and was about to inspect... the thrilling voice of Sahil interrupted me, hastened my reflexes to crumble that letter before shoving it in my apron pocket with one hand and other to off my mobile screen my gaze held on his face. I smiled at him, opening the Surgery textbook. 

"Ishika! I thought I will never see you in my life," he taunted with a smile revealing all his teeth before making himself comfortable on an empty chair beside me.

"Oh. Quite... busy with work." 

"Yeah, I can see..." he said glancing at my book, "...you are a book leecher. You suck the knowledge from books like leeches suck the blood from the human body."

"Oh!" I chuckled, shaking my head. "Seriously...it's nothing like that. I keep myself occupied with books." 

"So occupied... that you keep forgetting the dinner dates!" he mocked, raising one brow while his face plastered with one charming smile, he always has on. 

"Sahil, I sincerely apologize for that. I am sorry."  I was keen to pry about his fiance since I had been receiving those mysterious letters. "Did you get any news about your fiance?"


"You have any suspect. I mean maybe...she might have shared about any person following her  or threatening her..."

"Nothing. She didn't share anything." All of a sudden the color drained from his face, gaze held strong on the book kept open in front of me. "Actually, she never spoke openly with me. Even working in the same hospital, we never at least had coffee together...she used to avoid me. I presume she might have loved...someone else."

"Someone else...? I thought you were in a relationship with her."

"Ishika, it was an arranged match by our parents."

"Oh!" There was a moment of silence then another...I gave him a side glance he appeared like a Romeo whose Juliet has run off with one of his villagers. I cleared my throat... "What did the police say?" 

"Nothing...they hacked her mobile...all of her data got erased it seems, except a couple of pics."

"I guess, the person who kidnapped her is quite dangerous" He nodded, once again drove himself into silence. I kept my hand on his shoulder and patted it. "You miss her."

"Yeah! I feel regret. Actually, a day before her missing, we got in a serious fight_"

"Excuse me! Dr. Ishika, Can I have a word with you?" I rose my head and met those pair of cold, glaring eyes of my boyfriend. Intermittently glancing at the shocking face of Sahil and the angry face of Dr. Ishaan, I was about to object... "Its. Urgent." He cut off.  I nodded while he turned around directing his gait straight to the door. 

"Excuse me! Sahil. I will...catch... you later." I closed the jumbo book and followed that stiff minaret making its way to the parking lot. I feel sad for Sahil. Very very sad. I wanted to console him more than I wanted to pry about his fiance...Can't this jealousy moron, keep control over his jealousy nature. Dastard. I turned my head to the same spot where I left Sahil to find his gaze at me. I gave a sheepish, sympathetic smile and waved bye then ducked out. 

"Care to explain...What were you doing with him?" Dr. Ishaan asked when we reached the parking lot. He stood leaning against his black car. 

"Speaking!" I said, shrugging my shoulders. He suddenly jerked away and towered me, clutching my right arm he pulled me up.

And... old jerky Ishaan Sharma has come back.

"Ishika! I don't want that man to buzz around you. So, stop speaking or hanging out with him."

"Care to explain, why?" I requestioned, keeping myself calm and as cool as cucumber.

"Just obey my words?"

"I am not a five-year-old girl, Dr. Ishaan, to lower and raise my head for your every affirmation, just like that. Moreover, he is my friend. I can't avoid him, it sounds rude." 

He tightened his grip...he is born with bound to hurt me. "You have no idea about his past. He might be dangerous to you, Ishika."

"Who is dangerous to me and who is not! I knew that very well. I am twenty-three for God's sake! Forbye, Dr. Ishaan we were in public, so he has no heavy hand to kidnap or harm me among those cluster of the public." I squawked against his face, also stood on my toes to gaze into his eyes. "At present, your grip is hurting me." I acknowledged, shooting a glare at him before glancing at his hand, strapped around my arm.  

He left my arm, whirling I stepped away from his towering body and trod back to the library. More precisely to save my lips. "Ishika!" I was walking fast, as fast as I can...because the moment, he left me that ultimate romantic Ishaan took possession of him and all I was scared about that possession was his excruciating torture of biting my lip. 

Aggressive animal.

"Ishika!" He shouted I paced like a racing horse inside the library. I touched my lips which were still sore because of his early morning dispassionate, insensitive, and unsympathetic with a liter of blood loss kiss that went for I assume fifteen-twenty minutes...which sore my lips and turned them crimson. That was enlightened by Dr. Chaya while having lunch, which I reasoned as, an allergic reaction to mixed-used of three flavored lip balm, cherry, apple, and strawberry. Hearing, she giggled considering it as a jest. 

Somehow, I fought for myself and escaped from him in the morning but what should I do now. Please...can anybody teach my boyfriend how to kiss...I will gift a blank check in return for that.

A tall, broad figure imitating as a ring-tailed lemur releasing sex pheromones positioned beside me wafting his fragrance towards me. My two respirating lungs played table tennis using their ball as my timid heart.

Why did I have to sit at this secluded corner of the hall? 

I avoided and opened my book? "Can I teach you?" He offered. I shook my head and peeped at him with the corner of my eyes. That nasty smirk told he was ready to perform, round two of lips torturing.

Unnecessarily, I hasten the thought of reconciling with him. 


"Where?" He loomed closer, pulling his rolling chair near to me. I gaped at him, at least he can consider the location, right. But. Soon he pulled away. "Stop avoiding and come with me. Let's go out and eat something. I feel hungry," he said accentuating the word hungry with pressing his tongue against the hard palate for a second.

Out means car...car means kisses. Kisses mean torture to my lips. Huh! I am not a lunatic madwoman.

"No!! I will not come out with you." I whispered. Eyes fixed on the book.

"Are you frightened of something, Goblin?" he grilled. I could hear the smile in his voice. A very very naughty one. "I am just greedy for food, not for those crimson pulp of your lower jaw." He whispered with a husky and erotic voice near my ear. Then suddenly, he put his warm hand on my thigh and squeezed it. I gasped and gaped at him astonished and gave a once-over to the library. 

The advantages of those library tables were, one it was a U-shaped table and second in front of the table a big wooden plank was fixed, from top to floor. So, whatever this ring-tailed lemur does will not be visible to anybody, either sides or front. Yeah, the backside can be visible, but I opted for the last table and behind us, there was a big wall and walls have ears no eyes. 

He squeezed once again.

"Dr. Ishaan!"

"Dr. Ishika!" He teased, duplicating as exact as my tone. This man is not the one I met once upon a time on Kanpur road. And to state, I was the one to enjoy irritating and annoying him. 

"Move your hand!" I whisper-commanded, pursing my lips in anger, indignation, and annoyance. 

"Up. Or. Upper!"

"Jerk it away! Shuu off! You moron."


"Son of Satan!" I muttered and flipped the papers of my book, concentrating on the book...meanwhile he continued flooring his palm around my thigh. 

"You thought, I will leave you just like that... Huh! you completely got on my nerves last evening in my Granny's shop, by making those moans.  And tortured the hell out of me." And squashed. My whole body went limp. While he sat in a casual way, drumming his free hand's finger on the table.

"So, you are implementing your revenge. Huh!" He winked with one corner of his lips twisted with a carnal smirk. His hands traveled up, slowly... slowly, something I can't appreciate by looking but can perceive that movement. "Dr. Ishaan!" I went out of saliva. I had only air to gulp...

"Yes, inamorata! Didn't you trace your fingers over my arm, in the same way," He taunted and pulled my book out of my grip and squeezed my thigh? Am I a lemon?

"What do you want?"

"A kiss."

"Why don't I cut my lips and give to you!"

"Okay. I would love to take that present. But, goblin, what about saliva, tongue_"

"Ohh! you..." I pumped my fist and banged on the table. "Shut up! Jerk away your shameless, lusty hand. And...Get lost." I yelled with gritted teeth.  

"Ahaa! Now. I can sleep comfortably by musing your cherry-red flushed cheeks..." Stupid Arrogant Moron. "Yet there is two more revenge to take. For now, I will move my hand...if and only if you come out with me!"

I turned my head away and slightly touched my lips...They are sore...I can't afford further damage...

"I will not come...first learn how to speak with me. And what you did in the parking lot, was not acceptable...you can't just hold me arrogantly, behave or talk with me rudely. You made it as your casual behavior with me. And yes if you excuse me...I have to read" I lifted my book, avoiding his gaze. I can't see his eyes, they are so captivating.  


"No! Dr. Ishaan, your behavior really...really hurts me. So, please! make your brain contained with my words before you come to me." Sametime, his phone buzzed to interrupt his heartfelt appeal. He attended the call. All he did spoke was hmm...ok...then cut the call.

"I have night duty, there is an emergency case to attend. And yes, I will consider, reconsider, and re-reconsider all your words and stop getting angry, stop behaving aggressively with you. But. You have to stay far from her. Very much far. Because you, my inamorata, is the most precious gem, which I can't afford to lose that too in front of my eyes. I have to caretake of yours." He planted a feathery kiss on the corner of my lips and wandered off. I gave once-over to the library I didn't see any curious pair of eyes at us or it can also be like I might be late in search of one.

He was being protective like my wellwisher or what if he is only my wellwisher. I did his handwritten doctor's note comparison with that wellwisher's letter...nothing matched nonetheless this moron's handwritten is a concoction of all letters, not even a single word can be read properly...Argh! I have to train and improve his handwriting, also.

That means like Dr. Ishaan there is a second man, concerned about my life. But where and how should I find him. I can't sit hand-on-hand until that kidnapper or serial killer blow out my skull. What does he want from me? My wellwisher and kidnapper should be a very known person to me...but all my known person's handwriting have didn't match. That means an outsider has kept these letters in my bag. Should I share this with Dr. Ishaan?

Just then...

"Goblin! That case was of neurologists...and the good news is we can go out!" 


Get lost! 

Just then without giving a second thought, I swirled out of my seat then the table like a flurry of leaves swirls in a gust of wind and just blew out of the library, creating an air current while bypassing other tables of the library.  

Once I was completely out I looked at his pacing body with a smirk of, 'you-can't-escape-from-me-baby'...I just barrelled as fast as a prey cheetah, when I halted and turned slightly huffing and puffing...I noticed my handsome figure of predator laughing his ass off without any care about his surroundings. A few of the girls stood smiling at him...for then I have to protect myself rather than beating up that sorceress. 

I will find out their address and poke fingers in their eyes. So that.... next time they will not dare to look at my man.

When he started proceeding towards me I took a deep breath and darted straight to my hostel.

I stepped inside of my room, shutting it behind me...I slammed my body against the door controlling my huffs and puffs. 

My phone beeped with his text, I am outside of your hostel. 

I ambled to the window and glanced at him, his eyes kept shifting one by one to all of the second-floor windows, and once those pair of exploring eyes noticed a similar figure they got stuck there...He smiled sweetly gazing at me for a long long moment.

I wanted to go back to him, hug him, cuddle him and kiss him...but my love no! lustboy... have forgotten how to kiss passionately...

I received another text, You can't escape from me...I will haunt you tomorrow...

When I lift my head...he was gone, already.

On one side my unknown kidnapper and on the other side my well-known boyfriend...both are scaring the hell out of me. 


Nothing much or less just make me happy with your stars and do share your views.

Any guesses about her well-wisher...

Can anyone train Ishaan 'How to kiss?'

And lastly do write a word about our lustboy, Ishaan Sharma...

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