If He Was Your Fan (A Henry C...

By TheRealChione

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What would you do if Henry Cavill was a fan of your fiction? More

Chapter 1: The Panel
Chapter 2: Discussions, Dagwoods, Draenei
Chapter 3: Good Night, Good Day
Chapter 4: Black Stallions & Bikes
Chapter 5: Night Out
Chapter 6: The Set Up
Chapter 7: Working Things Out
Chapter 8: Working Things Out
Chapter 9: Lines in the Sand
Chapter 11: Lightning & Rain
Chapter 12: Storm Breaking
Chapter 13: Perfect Storm
Chapter 14: Day After
Chapter 15: Sunday, Sunday
Chapter 16: Monday
Chapter 17: TGIF
Chapter 18: Off & On & Into
Chapter 19: The Cavill Challenge
Chapter 20: Games Afoot
Chapter 21: Face Off
Chapter 22: Mmmonday
Chapter 23: Week of Wooing
Chapter 24: Night & Day
Chapter 25: Lesson One
Chapter 26: Come What May
Chapter 27: Hallow's Eve
Chapter 28: Good News, Bad News
Chapter 29: Why What Who When How
Chapter 30: Scent of Daddy
Chapter 31: "L" Words
Chapter 32: Afterglow
Chapter 33: Wrapped
Chapter 34: Moving On
Chapter 35: Old York, New Spot
Chapter 36: TLC
Chapter 37: Christmas
Chapter 38: Reservations for Two
Chapter 39: Happy New Year
Chapter 40: Click, Click Boom
Chapter 41: Fortnight Falling
Chapter 42: Coffee & Cavill
Chapter 43: Captured
Chapter 44: Briefing
Chapter 45: Simple and Clean
Chapter 46: New In Town
Chapter 47: Emeralds
Chapter 48: WTH, WTF
Chapter 49: Prey
Chapter 50: Working It Out
Chapter 51: Chances
Chapter 52: Fallout
Chapter 53: Three Words
Chapter 54: Moving Forward
Part 55: Another Wrap
Chapter 56: A Perfect Day (Henry POV)
Chapter 57: Perfect Night (Henry POV)
Chapter 58: Separate But United?
Chapter 59: Prerogatives
Chapter 60: Britainization, Part 1
Chapter 61: Britainization, Part 2
Chapter 62: Britainization, Mounting Up
Chapter 63: Britainization with a T
Part 64: A Fine Match
Chapter 65: Birthday in Bed
Chapter 66: Walk, Trot, Canter, Jump
Chapter 67: Straight to The Castle
Chapter 68: Weighed & Measured
Part 69: Family, Meet Boyfriend
Part 70: Thanksgiving
Part 71: At the Library
Part 72: Found Wanting
Part 73: Tarnish
Part 74: Lost and Found
Part 75: The Unwrapping
Part 76: American Lady
Part 77: Visitor & Suitor
Part 78: Blue to Green to Blue (Henry POV)
Part 79: Eventing (Henry POV)
Part 80: Tea Time (Henry POV)
Part 81: The Second Strike
Part 82: My Lost Lady (Henry POV)
Part 83: The Clearing
Part 84: Two Words
Part 85: Sail Away
Part 86: A KISA...Finally

Chapter 10: Wind & Thunder

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By TheRealChione

10: Wind and Thunder

You are watching the weather channel everyday now, and there is no denying it: there is a storm coming in three to five days, give or take. The wind velocity over the seas change, but landfall is inevitable. You feel a bit panicked; it's one thing to face storms in your home town with family around you, but it's another when you are in a place you don't know facing a storm you've never experienced with no family around you.

The town is even getting ready, repairing shutters, and stockpiling foods. You're no slouch when it comes to preparation and you have been slowly adding supplies to your backpack, even to your cabinets. You just aren't sure where to go. The garage you are in is relatively new, so you are not sure of how much it has stood against, or if it was rebuilt after a storm. The house is a better bet, and you are afraid the garage apartment may be destroyed.

Luckily, the storm makes landfall at the end of the week, giving the movie crew a chance to film but also to secure what they can. Urgency fills everyone's steps; it is important to do whatever can be done. Even Henry is being more precise with his performances, trying to do things in one or two takes. He is terribly busy and you understand when he can't see you as much. Between trainings, new shooting schedules and just trying to get that eight to ten hours of sleep, he feels the need to lead and work harder than others, be an example and yet help everyone else.

You just try to be quietly supportive. You make sure he eats and drinks, which seems to be the first thing he throws out the window when he is in this mode. You introduce him to the twenty minute power nap and meditation in his trailer, things that saved your ass in the past when it was crunch time for you. He is a true Taurus-a true bull, trying to charge through everything, but you are more concerned for his well-being and what keeps him able to continue being that way. At first, he rejects the idea, but as he sees your concern, he relents and tries to take better care of himself.

"When we get off work tonight, I'd like you to wait for me," Henry says in his Geralt voice as you both stride toward the set.

"Sure, but—" you hesitate, still instinctively feeling a bit intimidated by the tone but not as much as before. "you are really busy, so it's okay if you don't have a lot of time—"

"I have time for this," Henry grounds out, but then touches your shoulder. "Just...wait for me?"

"Alright," you nod, responding to the purr in his voice and seeing a look in his eyes that is new to you. He looks tired of course, but he also looks a little distracted and unsure. He leaves you behind the wall of cameras and in a few breaths and a clench of his jaw, Geralt has emerged and Henry simply cannot be reached. In the blink of an eye, Gracie blinks at you, and then blinks into character herself. You turn to finish your duties, heading back toward the trailers as you open the notes app on your tablet holding all your to-do's as you stride over to have lunch with Stella.

"People are talking," Stella whispers.

"About what?"

She looks around and then answers, "About you."


"Well you've been in Henry's trailer a lot—"

You roll your eyes. "I stay and wait for him to finish eating, Stella."


"You know they are trying to get more done before the storm," you remind. "He's not eating or drinking, I can see it in his color. So, I stay and wait for him to eat."

"And he does it?"

"Yes, it's quiet persistence," you shrug. "I told him what I'm doing and why I'm doing it."

"Is that why you've been taking a shorter lunch?" Stella began putting two and two together.

"Yes, my waiting is part of my lunch hour and then when he starts I start, or when he finishes I start," you shrug. "It's a guilt trip, my waiting for him to eat, but it pushes him to do what he should be doing in the first place, the bullheaded boy."

"Stop it!" Stella laughs, rocking backward and losing balance of her lunch on her lap, almost spilling it on the ground but catching it just in time. "Did you like the minestrone?"

"That was really good—"

"I made it!" Stella beamed. "They let me do it! Have you heard anything else?"

"I don't think there is any left, Stella."

She gasps and gets up to check. She squeals in delight and you laugh at her giddiness.

"Happy day!" Stella sighs. "Oh, times like this I know I was meant to work with food—"

"Hey, guys!" Stuart greets. Archer is with him.

"Hey!" Stella smiles widely. "Did you have some of my minestrone?"

"That was you?" Stuart's eyes widened. "You have to make that at the house!"

You smile and rise to your feet. "Well guys, I'll catch you later, okay?"

"Leaving again, are you?" Archer asks, raising an eyebrow at you.

"Yes, I have to get back to work—"

"You haven't been around much, helping Mr. Cavill and all," Archer says accusingly, almost spitting Henry's surname.

"I am doing what I can for all the cast members and their assistants, Archer," you say evenly, hoping you come off as dismissive instead of defensive. "See you guys later."

The day goes on in flurry of changed orders and last minute things to do. There's only a day or two left before the storm hits and your mind swims with what needs to be done. You overhear Stuart ask Stella to stay at his place during the storm and she agrees happily. You hope that Archer doesn't ask; that would be awful and awkward. You realize during the course of the day that some people partner up on occasions like these-be it as friends or more.

At the end of the day, you sit by the catering trailer with Stella as she wraps for the day. You keep checking your texts to see if anything last minute pops up for you to do before you leave. You feel like Cinderella this particular day, dealing with Gracie's demands of tea for her throat, cleaning her trailer, and walking actors' pets, the latter of which you don't mind. You just want to be sure you are done and ready to go when Henry is.

"Ready to go?"

You look up to see Archer and Stuart approaching. Stuart is particularly happy and relaxed now that he knows Stella is staying over for the storm. Archer, however, looks like the prelude to the event of the storm itself.

"Yeah!" Stella nods quickly, gathering her things.

You don't move. You look around to see so many people gone, but Henry's truck is still there, not far from you. You didn't want to look like a puppy on a doorstep but you certainly feel like one now.

Stella looks at you questioningly. "Hey, you're not coming?"

"I have plans," you say quickly.

"Do you?" Stuart asks, nudging his older brother.

"Speaking of plans," Archer asks. "I was wondering where you would be staying during the storm."

You swallow hard. "I haven't given it much thought." That was true. You have been so busy with preparation for the thing, you missed this detail.

"Well, if you have nowhere to go—"

"She does."

Your eyes fly up to see Henry approaching. His look is calm, but his body is rigid as he strides toward the group. "Hi."

"Hi," Henry nods. "ready to go?"

Your eyes lower as three pairs of eyes fly toward you. "Yeah, pretty much."

He offers his hand and you take it. He effortlessly pulls you to your feet, and sees your tablet open. "Colin's gone already. I don't think he'll have anything else for you—" he smiles. "Well, not today."

"Oh, okay, thanks." You fold the tablet case shut and slip it into your cargo pocket.

"See you tomorrow," Henry nods with a polite smile to everyone, his eyes lingering on Archer for more than a second. He shifts his hand so that he is holding yours and leads you off.

"Later, guys," you call back softly as you follow him. He walks you to the passenger's side of his truck.

"Well, I guess you know what I wanted to talk to you about," Henry says softly, your bodies inches apart as you lean against the vehicle.

"Not sure," you say slowly. You refuse to assume, after all, what does Mom say? To assume makes an ass out of you and me....?

"I was hoping," he paused, his eyes dropping as if getting up the nerve, but rise with intensity as he says his next words. "I was hoping you'd ride out the storm with me. They say it will be fronts rolling in and out all weekend, but the first hit will be the worst."

"Yeah," you smile breathlessly. "sounds like fun."

"We should shop for some things we might need, you know?" he said softly. "I mean, safety, snacks, stuff like that."

"Agreed." You nod. "I'll be honest, I've been getting ready all week, you know, little by little."

"Great." He nods. "So, let's see what we've got, alright?"

"Yeah," you nod.

He opens the door for you, and slide into the passenger's seat. He closes the door and as he walks around the car to get into the drivers' side, you realize it may be time. The makeout sessions and massages, the kisses and caresses...it was all building into the point where something was going to give. He slides in next to you and stretches over to give you a quick kiss. "I've been wanting to do that all day."

"I've been wanting you to," you say softly. 

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