Breaking All The Rules (Male...

By MrC1997

76.5K 992 651

Y/N Y/L/N, a former 3 time NXT champion and 2 time North American Champion. Y/N had gone through a breakup wi... More

Info About Yourself
Draft Night
You Like Him Don't You?
What Are We?
You Have Me
Two Birds With One Stone
I Don't Wanna Change The World
Moving Day
The Plot Thickens
A Little Too Soon
Clear up the Air
Close My Eyes Forever
What a Time To Be Alive
A Fast Heartbeat
More Worthy Than A Championship
An Unexpected Surprise
I've Missed You
James's Advice

On The Road Again

1.6K 32 27
By MrC1997

*2 Months Later*

The last two months had been a wild ride for you and Rhea after having your daughters, Addie and Pearl, as many of both yours and Rhea's fans were giving all the support and love towards yours and Rhea's family. As for your friends, Wyatt and Toni got a new house in Pittsburgh and were being the best parents as much as they were to their son, Dustin. James and Shotzi were now expecting to be parents after Shotzi announced that she was pregnant and is now 3 months through it now. And for Chris and Alexa, they just got a new home together in Salem, Massachusetts all the while Chris and James were now Smackdown tag team champions for almost a year now. Sadly for Alexa, her pet pig, Larry Steve, had passed away so sudden due to a severe illness, but had started a fundraiser for animals that need help no matter what size is or what type of health issues they have as you and Rhea did your parts in the fundraiser and donated as well. You and Rhea sat next to each other as the two of you were getting haircuts for when you're both scheduled to return. James and Shotzi were at the house, babysitting Addie and Pearl. The hairstylist just finished up with your hair as she turnt your chair around and did the final touches.

Stylist: Ok Y/N, almost there.... and... done. What do you think?

The stylist handed you a mirror as you looked into it and were impressed by her work.

You: Looks amazing. Thank you.

The stylist who was cutting Rhea's hair then turnt her chair around and handed her a mirror as she was in awe of how good it looked.

Rhea: This is perfect! Thank you so much! And Y/N looks even more handsome now.

You: I just hope the girls at home don't get confused by it.

Rhea: Addie and Pearl know your face love. I'm sure they will recognize ya.

You and Rhea then got up from the chairs and pecked each other's lips and paying for the haircuts before heading back home where the kids and dogs were waiting with James and Shotzi. After a quick stop for some groceries, you and Rhea walked into the house as all the dogs ran up to the two of you and James and Shotzi greeted the both of you as you set the groceries on the counter until Shotzi and James walked over with Addie and Pearl and handed them to you and Rhea.

Rhea: Thanks for babysitting them you guys. You two are lifesavers.

Shotzi: Like we said before, we wanna get some practice before our little one arrives to the world.

Shotzi rubbed her now three month pregnant belly as James kissed her forehead.

James: See you tomorrow for the flight Y/N?

You: Yeah. I'll be waiting for ya bright and early. Chris texted .e saying that he'll be waiting with Lexi as well at their place.

James: I feel really bad that we're leaving our ladies though.

Rhea: No need to feel that way James. Ashley and I will be ok by ourselves. We'll also tag team it with Addie and Pearl while you guys are gone.

You: I think it's kind of a little too soon to be thrown back into the title picture all willy nilly after becoming a dad.

Rhea: You'll be fine Y/N. Besides, James and Chris have been tearing up the tag team division and James is still able to go home and be there for Ashley.

James: It's true. At the end of each tour, I'm home with them for as long as possible until we have to go back on tour. You'll get used to it eventually. Anyway, Chris and I will see you tomorrow Y/N. Ash and I need to go for her first ultrasound with the little one.

You: Alright man, see you tomorrow and good luck Ash.

Shotzi: Don't worry, it'll go great.

You and Shotzi hugged as did Rhea and James before they went to Shotzi's ultrasound appointment when you and Rhea were by yourselves with Addie and Pearl until they lightly cried.

Rhea: Perfect timing, it's their dinner time.

You: I'll get their food ready.

You had Pearl in one arm and maneuvered it well to get Addie's and Pearl's food before you walked over to the table and slid a bottle of baby formula across the table towards Rhea as she took it and began to feed Addie as you fed Pearl. After the girls were fed, you and Rhea set them in their little swing rockers before you started making yours and Rhea's food while she fed the dogs and they came running up to their bowls and started chowing down until you got yours and Rhea's food ready and served it.

Rhea: You just keep getting better and better with making dinner Y/N.

You: I would hope so. I mean, I learned when I was practically on my own after I lost my parents..... I just wish they were here to meet their granddaughters.

You then felt a tear flow down from your eye until you started to sob and Rhea started to comfort you as she hugged you.

Rhea: I know. I know. You have me and the girls Y/N. I wish they would be here with them too.... but from what I know, they're up there smiling down on you no matter what. In fact, they're more than proud of you on how far you've come. I mean, as a famous pro wrestler, a champion..... the father to our twin daughters who love you to the fullest and till the end of time. Believe me Y/N, you have me, James, Ashley, Chris, Lexi, Wyatt, Toni, Colby, and Rebecca to get you through the toughest times there are. We're like a family to you and we're here to let you know that you're not alone...... you have us.

You looked up at her and at your daughters before you kissed Rhea on her lips and hugged onto her tightly after you wiped your eyes.

You: How did I ever get so lucky with you Demi?

Rhea: I ask myself the same thing Y/N. We're married and parents now, so we do all we can to support each other whether it's good times or bad.

You:........ yeah..... thank you.....

Rhea: No worries love. Come on, let's finish eating and get you ready for tomorrow morning.

You and Rhea continued eating dinner until the both of you finished before you went to pack your stuff for the tour. Once you finished packing, you set your stuff by the living room couch and helped Rhea put down Addie and Pearl for bed before you and her went to bed also.

Rhea: I'm gonna miss ya Y/N. Be safe on the tour.

You: I'll call you every night after the show and we'll face time at least twice a week.

Rhea: That's a mandatory thing for us to do.

You: I'm gonna say goodbye to the girls one more time.

Rhea nodded as you got up and went into the twins room and loghtly kissed their foreheads.

You (whispering): Goodbye girls...... I'll see you when I come home in six weeks.

You lightly kissed their foreheads one last time before you quietly left their room and joined Rhea in bed as you two made out for a little bit before you both broke the kiss and you ran your fingers through Rhea's hair.

You: I love this haircut.

Rhea: I love yours too. Can't wait to see that again when you get home.

You: Same with your beautiful eyes. I'll call you once we land in San Antonio.

Rhea: Ok. I love you. Goodnight and safe travels.

You: On the road again, oh joy...... Anyway, goodnight. I love you.

Rhea: I love you too.

You and Rhea kissed before falling asleep in each other's grasp and getting a good night sleep.

*Early the next Morning*

Your alarm went off at around 4 am when you woke up and lightly hit it before you kissed Rhea's forehead and went to get ready as you took a quick shower and got some clothes on before grabbing a couple of protein bars and some other healthy snacks for you, James, Chris, and Alexa for the flight before you grabbed your stuff and waited outside the house until Chris pulled the car up with James and you loaded up your stuff in the trunk and got in the car and sat next to Alexa in the back seat.

Chris: Goodmorning sleepy head.

You: Oh screw off. I had a bad night after waking up nonstop last night. It's hard enough I had to say goodbye to them.

Alexa: I know that feeling all too well. It's super hard for me to leave my dogs at home.

You: Are you feeling OK after everything that's happened Lex...... with Larry?

Alexa: I just feel better that he's no longer in pain and that he's smiling down on me everyday. I'm just happy I got to say my goodbyes to him and we'll see him again one day. Chris was a major help for me that day.

Chris: Me and her got a charity going in Larry's honor also. We've managed to get a lot of donations so far.

James continued to drive to the airport until you all arrived and James found a place to park before you all checked in and went through TSA and found the terminal you were all supposed to be at. Once you all found a place to sit, you opened your carry on bag and started passing around some protein bars and fruit for James and Chris as Alexa came over with coffee.

James: Thanks you guys. Glad you guys came prepared.

You: I have just enough here for all of us for when we land in San Antonio. After that, we're on the road from city to city.

Alexa: How big is the van this time?

You: Big enough for the four of us. Especially the tallest of the tall.

Chris: We call dibs on the main bedroom though.

You: Just don't hump like rabbits in there whenever you two feel frisky.

Alexa: Rabbits? More like lions.

You: Ok! Too much information.....

Chris and Lexi lightly laughed until your guy's flight number was called and the four of you all boarded the plane and the flight was set for takeoff.

*Time Passes*

After the plane safely landed in San Antonio and arrangements for the travel van were finalized, you, James, Chris, and Alexa all drove to the hotel you were all staying at and shortly arrived and checked into your rooms where you all found your rooms.

You: What time do we have to head to the arena tomorrow?

Chris: We're supposed to be there at like noon tomorrow, but now that we're here we could go out for a bit tonight.

Alexa: Yeah. I know a good place around here, but after a nap. That flight really tired me out.

You: Sounds like a plan, but I gotta make a call to Rhea first.

Alexa: Of course Y/N. We'll text you when we're ready.

You nodded as the four of you parted ways and went into your rooms as you unpacked your suitcase and backpack before you called Rhea for a FaceTime.


Rhea was sitting on the floor of the house with the girls as was Shotzi, who was staying with Rhea for the time you were away. Rhea then felt her phone buzz and she saw your number as she answered it instantly and you showed up on her screen.

Rhea: There he is! How was the flight?

You: Tiring as usual. These six weeks are gonna be rough without you and the girls.

Rhea: Speaking of which....

Rhea turnt her screen to Addie and Pearl as they smiled immediately when they saw your face as they tried to reach for you like in a hug.

You: Hey you two. Are you both being good for mommy and Ashley?

Addie and Pearl happily giggled until Rhea began to lightly tickle them which made you smile at this, but also a little sad that you weren't there with them. After a little while of talking with Rhea and Shotzi and virtually interacting, it was now just you and Rhea on the screen.

You: I really wish I was there with you guys.

Rhea: I know, I wish you were here too. But at least one of us has to keep our family supported in somehow and some way and I'm happy that you're doing that for us Y/N. I'm more than proud of what you're doing for us..... for Addie and Pearl.

You: Yeah..... I guess you're right, it really hurts me on the inside that I'm not there with you three. These six weeks can't go by fast enough.

Rhea: Y/N, I get what you're feeling. I can't make these next few weeks go by fast enough either, but for now, we'll keep talking to each other this way whenever we can. I'll let you go for now so you can get some sleep.

You: It's just gonna be a quick nap. The flight really tired me out.

Rhea: Ok. Have a good nap. We'll talk some more tomorrow night after Raw. The girls and I can't wait to watch you tomorrow night.

You: Just wait and see the surprise I have in store for the show.

Rhea: I can't wait! We'll talk to you soon love. I love you.

You: I love you too.

You and Rhea waved goodbye after you waved goodbye to the girls and Shotzi before the FaceTime was hung up.

Shotzi: Tomorrow night should be interesting to watch.

Rhea: Just wait until Summerslam comes to Tampa and I'll be back in that ring in no time.

*Back to You*

You: Ok..... now for a nap.

You set an alarm on your phone before you got in the bed and layed down in the bed for a little while. After an 90 minute nap, you woke up and felt recharged before you heard your phone ding and saw that it was a text from Alexa, saying that they're almost ready to go out.

You: Eh. An hour and a half nap is better than no nap.

You then got up from the bed and changed into some fresh clothes before you texted Lexi back that you'd meet them in the lobby. Once you got ready, you took the elevator down to the lobby and waited for everyone until you saw a couple of kids walk up to you that were wearing a couple of your shirts as they walked up to you as you smiled and signed their shirts and took a picture with them.

Kid's Mother: Congratulations on yours and Rhea's new baby girls Y/N.

You: Thank you. The babies have been good so far.

Little Boy: I hope we see you tomorrow night for Raw.

You: We'll see bud. we'll see.

The kids and their mother thanked you for the autographs and pictures as they walked away before James came down with Chris and Alexa.

James: Everything good down here Y/N?

You: Yeah. These kids and their mom came up and they asked for pictures and autographs. Of course I accepted.

Alexa: That's so sweet of you Y/N. I honestly thought you didn't like random encounters with fans that much.

You: If it's kids that walk up to me, then I'll sign and take pictures with them if they ask nicely, but if it's rude fans that rush me or even beg, forget it.

Chris: Understandable. Reminds me of a time when a couple of guys rushed us when Lex and I were out on a date one night.

You: And what did you do?

Chris: I shoved one guy down so hard that he landed on his ass and the other one took off running. The guy I shoved didn't waste any time getting up and join the other guy after he squirmed off the ground.

Alexa: And I was laughing so hard when they ran into a street light pole at the same time.

You and James started busting up laughing at that story before the four of you went out to the place where Alexa suggested in San Antonio.

*The Next Night*

You got your eye makeup on and put on your cloak before putting up your hood until you found Wyatt and Toni with a bunch of the women's roster who were all just now meeting their now 5 month old son, Dustin, as you tapped Wyatt's shoulder as he turned to see that your back.

Wyatt: There he is! Y/N's back!

Wyatt hugged you as you gladly hugged him back before you also hugged Toni and you picked up Dustin as he hugged you and smiled at you.

Toni: Sorry we couldn't make it to the hospital for the girl's arrival Y/N. Wyatt and I had to rush to the hospital to get his knee checked after that brutal chair shot from Wrestlemania.

You: It's all good. Once we get to the final stop in Tampa, Demi will stop by Raw with Addie and Pearl.

Toni: She better. We need our chance to meet them too.

You chuckled and interacted with Dustin before you and Wyatt were called for the match before you gave Dustin to Toni and went with Wyatt to the guerrilla where Chris and James came back after winning an open challenge from AJ Styles and Omos who were the Raw tag team champions as Chris and James came back with the Smackdown tag titles.

Chris: Have fun you guys.

James: Don't beat each other up too hard.

Wyatt: We don't plan to.

You: Just after he does his promo.

James and Chris smirked under their masks and headed over to find Alexa until Wyatt's theme played and he walked out to where Edge was standing.

*Near the end of the Promo*

Edge: I would say be careful what you wish for kid! Because the Universal title is here with the ultimate opportunist and this Sunday.... I will retain the Universal championship!

Wyatt: That's what you think Mr. Rated R Superstar...... I have fought tooth and nail... I damaged my knee at Wrestlemania and fight with this damaged knee to win this opportunity two weeks ago when I beat Roman Reigns here on Raw! Wrestlemania may've been your reawakening..... but at No Mercy..... be ready for your taste... of... danger.....

Wyatt and Edge had an intense staredown until a crow's caw was heard when the lights went out and they suddenly came back on to show you with your hood up as the crowd went crazy to see you back as you stood in the ring and looked at both Wyatt and Edge until you looked at both of them and blasted a fireball at Wyatt's face and he went down instantly until Edge was about to spear you as he ran at you, but the lights went out again and they came back on to show Edge doused in black bile as the medic checked on Wyatt.


After you cleared off your eye makeup and took off your cloak, you were now in your street clothes until you called Rhea for a FaceTime session when her face showed up on the screen.

Rhea: Good evening Mr Mysterious.

You: And a good evening to you too Ms Nightmare.

Rhea: Addie and Pearl just went down. That's why I'm talking so quietly as I let the dogs out.

You: Bummer. I was hoping I could see them before they went to sleep.

Rhea: You will when they wake up in the morning. Ashley's been a big help with everything here so far. Anyway... what a return!

You: I was hoping you'd love it. I don't know if you saw, but I had your patch on my cloak.

Rhea: I did. That was so sweet of you.

You and Rhea talked for a while until you arrived to the van that you were traveling in with James, Chris, and Alexa. After everyone got their chance to talk to Rhea, you climbed into your bunk as James drove and found a park to stop for the night as he too climbed into his bunk and Chris and Alexa went to the room in the back of the van.

Rhea: I see it's almost lights out. Sleeping arrangements good?

You: Would be better if you were here Demi. Chris and Lexi are lucky they're here together during this tour.

Rhea: Awww Y/N. I wish I was there too. Anyway, I'm gonna go snuggle up with Luna, Sydney, and the other dogs and head to sleep.

You: I should too. Road life should be fun for these next few weeks.

Rhea: It'll only get better when you all arrive to Tampa for your last stop.

You: Hell yeah, it will. Anyway, I'll talk to you and Ashley tomorrow.

Rhea: Alright. I'll let ya get some shuteye. Have a safe drive to Lafayette.

You: Will do Dem. Goodnight and goodnight to the girls and dogs. Love you.

Rhea: We love you too.. They really miss you. Goodnight.

The call was hungup until you looked at a picture of you and Rhea with the kids and dogs that hung on the wall that was eye level by your bunk.

You: Goodnight everyone. I can't wait to see you after this tour. Especially when I see you competing again Demi....

You smiled and turned off the light before closing your eyes and falling asleep.......................................

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