Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro...


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"I can do it!" four-year-old Raven shouted to her father as she cautiously took a step toward the ocean for t... Еще

New Book!!!


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Pietro's pov:

The jet had finally touched down in a secluded part of New York City. None of them had talked through the flight other than the small comments Sasha would make about her knowledge of New York. Raven had stayed quiet the whole time, looking lost in thought. Wanda and Pietro just sat in the back, excited about the carnival. Ever since they were young they loved going, their parents would take them every time Sokovia would have one.

The four of them were currently standing outside the entrance of the carnival, the music was loud and Sasha and Wanda were both extremely excited.

Pietro noticed Raven however, her eyes were wide and her fists were clenched.

She didn't seem like she really wanted to be there.

Raven did not want to be there.

Not one bit.

Everything inside of her was telling her to go back, just wait in the jet. But she knew Mr. Kennedy would not be very happy about that, considering he had told them all to treat the Avengers as their guests.

With a deep breath, she took her first step into a carnival in seven years.

She wasn't sure what she had been expecting. Bombs? People in masks? Guns? Something? But no, everything looked.. normal? Children were laughing, music was playing, the smell of popcorn flowing through the air


Here goes nothing...

Pietro and Wanda walked side by side, following a very excited-looking Sasha through the crowd. Behind them, Raven walked with her hood up and her hands in the pockets of her hoodie. Pietro had looked back a few times and slowed his walking so that she could walk next to them, however, she kept her face emotionless and every time Pietro slowed down, she would too.

Sasha pointed to the Ferris wheel and Wanda agreed. Pietro told them he would come too and turned around to ask Raven if she wanted to join.

But she was gone.

He looked around, although it was hard with so many people. Finally, he spotted her standing next to a food cart. She had her head down and earbuds in her ears. Pietro sighed and began walking toward her.

"You know" he took the earbuds out of her ears and she frowned at him "You could at least try to have fun."

"I could" She agreed pulled the earbuds out of his hand and placing them in her ears once more, "You guys have fun on the Ferris wheel, I'll be sitting on the benches" She pointed to the small tables that were set out for people to eat their food at and began walking in that direction.

Pietro sighed again, what kind of person listens to music at a carnival?!

And what kind of person could resist his charms?!

He didn't care what he had to do to get her to loosen up,

He was gonna do it.

Of course, he was, He was Pietro Maximoff after all.

No one could resist him.

It had been two hours.

Two freakin hours of Raven watching the other three going on different rides and playing different games. She had ordered herself a small coffee and bag of popcorn, she was going to need them if she had to do this any longer.

Raven would have never considered going to a carnival torture... but here she was, wishing she was literally anywhere else, well maybe not 'anywhere' but you get the idea.

Her eyes scanned the crowd again looking for the familiar trio. She noticed them near a basketball carnival game. Wanda and Sasha were cheering as Pietro scored. Raven rolled her eyes, how she wanted to go home and sleep.

She wasn't even exactly sure why she was here. Like sure, random weirdos were trying to kill the Avengers, but who the hell would look for them in a carnival.

And what the hell did that have to do with her.

Just a few more hours of this and then Raven could go back, watch her favorite cooking show, and pretend this day never happened.

Raven blinked, Pietro Maximoff was suddenly standing in front of her with his hands behind his back.

"Do you need something?" Raven didn't like the way he was smiling at her.

"I got you something" He admitted, bringing his hands in front of him.

He was holding a small stuffed animal, it was in the shape of a raven.

"It's you," He said, holding the wings out and flapping them. Raven raised an eyebrow.

"Is that supposed to be funny?" She was honestly confused, what was he trying to accomplish? Plus, the whole stuffed animal thing was giving her very bad Deja vu.

"It's not a joke," He said, putting the toy in her lap "just reminded me of you."

He was smiling at her expectedly as if waiting for her to do something. Was she supposed to thank him or something? The last time somebody had given her a stuffed animal at a carnival, she hadn't heard from them for five years. And seeing as it was currently her job to make sure nothing happened to them, she would have to keep an extra close watch on the speedster.

"Thanks," She said, pressing her lips together to form a half-smile. It was all she could really manage at the moment.

"You really don't like laughing, do you?" He asked

"Why would I laugh?"

"You laugh when somebody says something funny"

"I thought you said it wasn't a joke"

"It wasn't"

"Then it's not funny"

Raven turned her attention back to her music and put her head down again, leaving a very dumbstruck boy in front of her.


"I thought you said it wasn't a joke"

"It wasn't"

"Then it wasn't funny"

Pietro could tell she had moved her attention away from the conversation.

What had just happened?

Ok... so this was going to be harder than he thought.

But Pietro Maximoff wasn't one to give up, he just had to try a little harder. 

A/N: I'm in a different country so the timing for my posts might be a little weird but I'll still try and post once a day :) 

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