Tales of the Wasteland


857 52 8

Living in a world 230 years after a world wide nuclear war Join the 4 characters epic fight for survival. In... More

Sabina Digby- Part 1
Miles Charmant- Part 1
Miles charmant- Part 2
Sabina Digby- Part 2
Dex Ayers- Part 1
Miles Charmant- part 3
Sabina Digby- Part 3
Sabina Digby- Part 4
Miles Charmant- Part 4
Sabina Digby- Part 5
Miles Charmant- Part 6
Sabina Digby- Part 6
Miles Charmant- Part 7
Dex Ayers- Part 2
Miles Charmant- Part 8
Sabina Digby- Part 7
Miles Charmant- Part 9
Miles Charmant- Part 10
Miles Charmant- Part 11
Sabina Digby- Part 8
Miles Charmant- Part 11

Miles Charmant- Part 5

23 2 0

When we get to Sabina's cell I'm frozen.
I hear her say "I don't need to go to the bathroom!" The man then slaps her. She falls to the ground and screams in pain. She turns her head, and her eyes light up with recognition. She knows it's me.
Tyler and Honey go inside and attack the man I should be helping but I can't break eye contact with Sabina. If I didn't know her as well as I do I would hardly recognise her. Her face is swollen so much she can barley keep her eyes open, and she has cuts in everywhere. Each of them deep. She turns her head away from me, I begin to move inside. I let this happen to her, I let her be hurt, I slept with Honey while Sabina was being tortured.
As I get to the door way Honey tilts her head up and looks at me, her hands are covered in blood, she's deathly pale, and she looks as though she going to be sick. I crouch down and help her shaking body stand. Tyler is in the cell helping Sabina. I leave Honey to stand on her own. When I move closer I see that Tyler has Sabina in his arms, and she is sobbing, I make my way over to her she looks up and whispers.
"Miles?" I nod my head and take a closer look at her. She is hurt, really, really, badly. She smells like death. Her hair is slicked back on her head from blood. I go for her hand and she winces, her hands are bound, and just bellow her wrist is a cut in the shape of a star. The same star I saw on Missy. I begin to untie the rope that's binding her.
"Miles." Tyler says, I forgot he was still standing there. "You have to leave them on, we won't get out other wise." Sabina gives me a small smile. And guilt, so, so, much guilt builds up in my stomach.
"Sabina?" I ask "Can you walk?" she nods and tries to stand, her knees buckle and she falls. When she hits the ground she begins to sob. I cant watch her like this, I hate it. She is in so much pain. And I can't fight the felling that it's my fault. I look away as Tyler helps Sabina up. She screams as if she getting murdered, I can feel my insides squirming. She groans when she gets to her feet. I face her. "Let's get out of here." as soon as I say it I look back at Honey she is staring blankly out the door. I wonder if she feels as guilty as I do? If she too wishes we didn't sleep together? I look towards Tyler, he points to the door, I nod.
I get ahold of Sabina's lead rope and pull her towards the exit.
"Thanks dimool." she says smiling. I can't smile back, I did this to her. We should have gone looking for her the second I woke up. But I didn't I let her get tortured, I did it. We get to the exit.
"Why are you taking the prisoner." The man guarding the gates asks.
"Umm, Leaders orders." Tyler says.
"Oh yeah." The man says. "Let me rough her up a little before you go." He says taking a step towards Sabina. My face goes red with anger. Tyler steps in front of her.
"Don't touch her." he says in a cruel tone. The man steps back.
"Ok." he says "On your way then." And with that we all walk out the gates. I can't get over the state of Sabina, and the smell is horrific. It's like she hasn't washed in three weeks, also like she's pissed her pants.

When we get far enough away from the encampment we take Sabina's binds off. She sighs and I notice she has cuts from the rope.
"Thanks Miles." she says. And she faints. I catch her. I am so sorry Sabi. I say in my head. Honey looks at me. I smile and she instantly turns away. If I was Sabina I would hate me and Honey right now. I am dreading the day when we have to tell her.
I scoop Sabina's light weight body into my arms. Tyler reassures me that we can take it in turns carrying her. And together we start the long journey back to the hut.
Don't forget the next chapter is on megzy19 account.
also feel free to give our other books a read.
Mine- Love is the question?
Meg's- When yesterday ends: teenagers of the apocalypse.
*Chloe and Meg*

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